Example usage for java.lang Boolean getBoolean

List of usage examples for java.lang Boolean getBoolean


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Boolean getBoolean.


public static boolean getBoolean(String name) 

Source Link


Returns true if and only if the system property named by the argument exists and is equal to, ignoring case, the string "true" .


From source file:com.adeptj.runtime.server.Server.java

private int handlePortAvailability(Config httpConf) {
    Integer port = Integer.getInteger(Constants.SYS_PROP_SERVER_PORT);
    if (port == null) {
        LOGGER.warn("No port specified via system property: [{}], using default port: [{}]",
                Constants.SYS_PROP_SERVER_PORT, httpConf.getInt(Constants.KEY_PORT));
        port = httpConf.getInt(Constants.KEY_PORT);
    }//  w  ww  . ja v a  2  s. c om
    // Note: Shall we do it ourselves or let server do it later? Problem may arise in OSGi Framework provisioning
    // as it is being started already and another server start(from same location) will again start new OSGi
    // Framework which may interfere with already started OSGi Framework as the bundle deployment, heap dump,
    // OSGi configurations directory is common, this is unknown at this moment but just to be on safer side doing this.
    if (Boolean.getBoolean(ServerConstants.SYS_PROP_CHECK_PORT) && !isPortAvailable(port)) {
        LOGGER.error("Port: [{}] already used, shutting down JVM!!", port);
        // Let the LOGBACK cleans up it's state.
        System.exit(-1); // NOSONAR
    return port;

From source file:org.talend.rcp.intro.Application.java

 * Return <code>true</code> if the lock could be acquired.
 * //from   w  w  w.  j  av a  2 s .c  om
 * @param shell
 * @return null if lock was aquired or some exit status else
 * @throws IOException if lock acquisition fails somehow
private Object acquireWorkspaceLock(Shell shell) throws IOException {
    // -data @none was specified but an ide requires workspace
    Location instanceLoc = Platform.getInstanceLocation();
    if (instanceLoc == null) {
        MessageDialog.openError(shell, Messages.getString("Application_workspaceMandatoryTitle"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                Messages.getString("Application.Application_workspaceMandatoryMessage")); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return EXIT_OK;
    // -data "/valid/path", workspace already set
    if (instanceLoc.isSet()) {
        // at this point its valid, so try to lock it and update the
        // metadata version information if successful
        try {
            if (instanceLoc.lock()) {
                return null;

            // we failed to create the directory.
            // Two possibilities:
            // 1. directory is already in use
            // 2. directory could not be created
            File workspaceDirectory = new File(instanceLoc.getURL().getFile());
            if (workspaceDirectory.exists()) {
                MessageDialog.openError(shell, Messages.getString("Application.WorkspaceInuseTitle"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                        Messages.getString("Application.WorkspaceInuseMessage", workspaceDirectory)); //$NON-NLS-1$
            } else {
                MessageDialog.openError(shell, Messages.getString("Application.WorkspaceCannotBeSetTitle"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                        Messages.getString("Application.WorkspaceCannotBeSetMessage")); //$NON-NLS-1$
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Could not obtain lock for workspace location", //$NON-NLS-1$
            MessageDialog.openError(shell, "internal error", e.getMessage());
        return EXIT_OK;

    // -data @noDefault or -data not specified, prompt and set
    ChooseWorkspaceData launchData = new ChooseWorkspaceData(instanceLoc.getDefault());
    boolean force = false;
    while (true) {
        // check if it is first launch and the workspace is forced to be shown, otherwise do not display the prompt
        Preferences node = new ConfigurationScope().getNode(ChooseWorkspaceData.ORG_TALEND_WORKSPACE_PREF_NODE);
        boolean workspaceAlreadyShown = node.getBoolean(INITIAL_WORKSPACE_SHOWN, false);
        URL workspaceUrl = null;
        if (!workspaceAlreadyShown && !Boolean.getBoolean(TALEND_FORCE_INITIAL_WORKSPACE_PROMPT_SYS_PROP)) {
            workspaceUrl = instanceLoc.getDefault();
            launchData.setShowDialog(false);// prevent the prompt to be shown next restart
            node.putBoolean(INITIAL_WORKSPACE_SHOWN, true);
            try {
            } catch (BackingStoreException e) {
                log.error("failed to store workspace location in preferences :", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
            // keep going to force the promp to appear
        } else {

            workspaceUrl = promptForWorkspace(shell, launchData, force);
            if (workspaceUrl == null) {
                return EXIT_OK;
        // if there is an error with the first selection, then force the
        // dialog to open to give the user a chance to correct
        force = true;

        try {
            // the operation will fail if the url is not a valid
            // instance data area, so other checking is unneeded
            if (instanceLoc.setURL(workspaceUrl, true)) {
                return null;
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            MessageDialog.openError(shell, Messages.getString("Application.WorkspaceCannotBeSetTitle"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                    Messages.getString("Application.WorkspaceCannotBeSetMessage", workspaceUrl.getFile()));
            return EXIT_OK;

        // by this point it has been determined that the workspace is
        // already in use -- force the user to choose again
        MessageDialog.openError(shell, Messages.getString("Application.WorkspaceInuseTitle"), //$NON-NLS-1$

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.analytics.dataservice.core.AnalyticsDataServiceImpl.java

private void initDataPurging(AnalyticsDataServiceConfiguration config) {
    boolean dataPurgingEnable = !Boolean.getBoolean(Constants.DISABLE_ANALYTICS_DATA_PURGING_JVM_OPTION);
    logger.info("Data purging is " + (dataPurgingEnable ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " in this node");
    if (dataPurgingEnable) {
        TaskService taskService = AnalyticsServiceHolder.getTaskService();
        if (taskService != null) {
            // Registering task type for CApp based purging operations
            try {
            } catch (TaskException e) {
                logger.error(/*from w  ww .j  a v a  2s  . c  om*/
                        "Unable to registry task type for CApp based purging operations: " + e.getMessage(), e);
            if (config.getAnalyticsDataPurgingConfiguration() != null) {
                final AnalyticsDataPurgingConfiguration analyticsDataPurgingConfiguration = config
                if (analyticsDataPurgingConfiguration.isEnable()) {
                    try {
                        TaskManager dataPurgingTaskManager = taskService
                        if (dataPurgingTaskManager.isTaskScheduled(GLOBAL_DATA_PURGING)) {
                    } catch (TaskException e) {
                        logger.error("Unable to schedule global data purging task: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                } else {
                    Set<String> registeredTaskTypes = taskService.getRegisteredTaskTypes();
                    if (registeredTaskTypes != null
                            && registeredTaskTypes.contains(ANALYTICS_DATA_PURGING_GLOBAL)) {
                        try {
                            TaskManager dataPurgingTaskManager = taskService
                            if (dataPurgingTaskManager.isTaskScheduled(GLOBAL_DATA_PURGING)) {
                                logger.info("Global data purging task removed.");
                        } catch (TaskException e) {
                            logger.error("Unable to get purging task related information: " + e.getMessage(),
            } else {
                logger.warn("Ignoring the data purging related operation,"
                        + " since the task service is not registered in this context.");

From source file:org.apache.qpid.client.ssl.SSLTest.java

private boolean shouldPerformTest() {
    // We run the SSL tests on all the Java broker profiles
    if (isJavaBroker()) {
        setTestClientSystemProperty(PROFILE_USE_SSL, "true");
    }//from w ww  . j  ava  2 s.  c  o m

    return Boolean.getBoolean(PROFILE_USE_SSL);

From source file:org.lockss.config.HTTPConfigFile.java

protected InputStream openHttpInputStream() throws IOException {
    InputStream in = null;//from   w w  w.  j ava  2 s .  c om
    m_IOException = null;

    // KLUDGE: Part of the XML config file transition.  If this is
    // an HTTP URL and we have never loaded the file before, see if an
    // XML version of the file is available first.  If none can be
    // found, try the original URL.
    // This logic can and should go away when we're no longer in a
    // transition period, and the platform knows about XML config
    // files.
    if (!Boolean.getBoolean("org.lockss.config.noXmlHack") && m_config == null
            && m_fileType == PROPERTIES_FILE) {
        String xmlUrl = makeXmlUrl(m_fileUrl);

        try {
            log.debug2("First pass: Trying to load XML-ized URL: " + xmlUrl);
            in = getUrlInputStream(xmlUrl);
            if (in == null) {
                throw new FileNotFoundException("No XML file: " + xmlUrl);
            // This is really an XML file, deceitfully set the URL and
            // file type for when we reload.
            m_fileType = XML_FILE;
            m_fileUrl = xmlUrl;
        } catch (Exception dontCare) {
            // Couldn't load it as an XML file, try to load the real URL name.
            log.debug2("Second pass: That didn't work, trying to " + "load original URL: " + m_fileUrl);
            in = getUrlInputStream(m_fileUrl);
    } else {
        in = getUrlInputStream(m_fileUrl);
    if (in != null) {
        m_loadedUrl = null; // we're no longer loaded from failover, if we were.
        File tmpCacheFile;
        // If so configured, save the contents of the remote file in a locally
        // cached copy.
        if (m_cfgMgr != null && (tmpCacheFile = m_cfgMgr.getRemoteConfigFailoverTempFile(m_fileUrl)) != null) {
            try {
                log.log((m_cfgMgr.haveConfig() ? Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG : Logger.LEVEL_INFO),
                        "Copying remote config: " + m_fileUrl);
                OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpCacheFile));
                out = makeHashedOutputStream(out);
                out = new GZIPOutputStream(out, true);
                InputStream wrapped = new TeeInputStream(in, out, true);
                return wrapped;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                log.error("Error opening remote config failover temp file: " + tmpCacheFile, e);
                return in;
    return in;

From source file:com.ejisto.util.IOUtils.java

private static String getActualLibDirectory() {
    return Boolean.getBoolean(StringConstants.DEV_MODE.getValue()) ? "" : "lib";

From source file:org.mili.core.logging.DefaultLogger.java

private void logThrowableIfNeeded(Throwable throwable) {
    if (Boolean.getBoolean(PROP_LOGTHROWABLES)) {
        if (this.throwableLogger == null) {
            String name = null;/*from  w w w.  j  a  v a  2 s.co m*/
            if (!System.getProperties().containsKey(PROP_LOGTHROWABLESDIR)) {
                name = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
            } else {
                name = System.getProperty(PROP_LOGTHROWABLESDIR);
            File dir = new File(name);
            this.throwableLogger = new DefaultThrowableLogger(this.cls, dir);
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

From source file:org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLSchema.java

 * Set the value of a metadata.//ww w .j a v a2  s. c o m
 * @param name name of the metadata, e.g. "Customer".
 * @param sqlExpr SQL value of the metadata, e.g. "'ACME, inc'".
 * @param createTable whether the metadata table should be automatically created if necessary.
 * @return <code>true</code> if the value was set, <code>false</code> otherwise ; the new value
 *         (<code>null</code> if the value wasn't set, i.e. if the value cannot be
 *         <code>null</code> the boolean isn't needed).
 * @throws SQLException if an error occurs while setting the value.
Tuple2<Boolean, String> setFwkMetadata(String name, String sqlExpr, boolean createTable) throws SQLException {
    if (Boolean.getBoolean(NOAUTO_CREATE_METADATA))
        return Tuple2.create(false, null);

    final SQLSystem sys = getServer().getSQLSystem();
    final SQLSyntax syntax = sys.getSyntax();
    final SQLDataSource ds = this.getDBSystemRoot().getDataSource();
    synchronized (this.getTreeMutex()) {
        // don't refresh until after the insert, that way if the refresh triggers an access to
        // the metadata name will already be set to value.
        final boolean shouldRefresh;
        if (createTable && !this.contains(METADATA_TABLENAME)) {
            final SQLCreateMoveableTable create = getCreateMetadata(syntax);
            shouldRefresh = true;
        } else {
            shouldRefresh = false;

        final Tuple2<Boolean, String> res;
        if (createTable || this.contains(METADATA_TABLENAME)) {
            // don't use SQLRowValues, cause it means getting the SQLTable and thus calling
            // fetchTables(), but setFwkMetadata() might itself be called by fetchTables()
            // furthermore SQLRowValues support only rowable tables

            final List<String> queries = new ArrayList<String>();

            final SQLName tableName = new SQLName(this.getBase().getName(), this.getName(), METADATA_TABLENAME);
            final String where = " WHERE " + SQLBase.quoteIdentifier("NAME") + " = "
                    + getBase().quoteString(name);
            queries.add("DELETE FROM " + tableName.quote() + where);

            final String returning = sys == SQLSystem.POSTGRESQL
                    ? " RETURNING " + SQLBase.quoteIdentifier("VALUE")
                    : "";
            final String ins = syntax.getInsertOne(tableName, Arrays.asList("NAME", "VALUE"),
                    getBase().quoteString(name), sqlExpr) + returning;

            final List<? extends ResultSetHandler> handlers;
            if (returning.length() == 0) {
                        "SELECT " + SQLBase.quoteIdentifier("VALUE") + " FROM " + tableName.quote() + where);
                handlers = Arrays.asList(null, null, SQLDataSource.SCALAR_HANDLER);
            } else {
                handlers = Arrays.asList(null, SQLDataSource.SCALAR_HANDLER);

            final List<?> ress = SQLUtils.executeMultiple(getDBSystemRoot(), queries, handlers);
            res = Tuple2.create(true, (String) ress.get(ress.size() - 1));
        } else {
            res = Tuple2.create(false, null);
        if (shouldRefresh)
        return res;

From source file:org.opennms.upgrade.implementations.SnmpInterfaceRrdMigratorOnline.java

 * Gets the node directory.// w  w  w  .  j a  va  2 s  . c  o  m
 * @param nodeId the node id
 * @param foreignSource the foreign source
 * @param foreignId the foreign id
 * @return the node directory
protected File getNodeDirectory(int nodeId, String foreignSource, String foreignId) {
    File dir = new File(DataCollectionConfigFactory.getInstance().getRrdPath(), String.valueOf(nodeId));
    if (Boolean.getBoolean("org.opennms.rrd.storeByForeignSource") && !(foreignSource == null)
            && !(foreignId == null)) {
        File fsDir = new File(DataCollectionConfigFactory.getInstance().getRrdPath(),
                "fs" + File.separatorChar + foreignSource);
        dir = new File(fsDir, foreignId);
    return dir;