List of usage examples for java.awt.geom GeneralPath lineTo
public abstract void lineTo(double x, double y);
From source
protected void drawRadar(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D plotArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, int pieIndex, PieDataset data) {//w w w . j a va 2 s.c om // adjust the plot area by the interior spacing value double gapHorizontal = plotArea.getWidth() * this.interiorGap; double gapVertical = plotArea.getHeight() * this.interiorGap; double radarX = plotArea.getX() + gapHorizontal / 2; double radarY = plotArea.getY() + gapVertical / 2; double radarW = plotArea.getWidth() - gapHorizontal; double radarH = plotArea.getHeight() - gapVertical; // make the radar area a square if the radar chart is to be circular... // NOTE that non-circular radar charts are not currently supported. if (true) { //circular) { double min = Math.min(radarW, radarH) / 2; radarX = (radarX + radarX + radarW) / 2 - min; radarY = (radarY + radarY + radarH) / 2 - min; radarW = 2 * min; radarH = 2 * min; } double radius = radarW / 2; double centerX = radarX + radarW / 2; double centerY = radarY + radarH / 2; Rectangle2D radarArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(radarX, radarY, radarW, radarH); // plot the data (unless the dataset is null)... if ((data != null) && (data.getKeys().size() > 0)) { // get a list of categories... List keys = data.getKeys(); int numAxes = keys.size(); // draw each of the axes on the radar chart, and register // the shape of the radar line. double multiplier = 1.0; GeneralPath lineShape = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO, numAxes + 1); GeneralPath gridShape = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO, numAxes + 1); int axisNumber = -1; Iterator iterator = keys.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Comparable currentKey = (Comparable); axisNumber++; Number dataValue = data.getValue(currentKey); double value = (dataValue != null ? dataValue.doubleValue() : 0); if (value > 1 || Double.isNaN(value) || Double.isInfinite(value)) value = 1.0; if (value < 0) value = 0.0; multiplier *= value; double angle = 2 * Math.PI * axisNumber / numAxes; double deltaX = Math.sin(angle) * radius; double deltaY = -Math.cos(angle) * radius; // draw the spoke g2.setPaint(axisPaint); g2.setStroke(axisStroke); Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(centerX, centerY, centerX + deltaX, centerY + deltaY); g2.draw(line); // register the grid line and the shape line if (axisNumber == 0) { gridShape.moveTo((float) deltaX, (float) deltaY); lineShape.moveTo((float) (deltaX * value), (float) (deltaY * value)); } else { gridShape.lineTo((float) deltaX, (float) deltaY); lineShape.lineTo((float) (deltaX * value), (float) (deltaY * value)); } if (showAxisLabels) { // draw the label double labelX = centerX + deltaX * (1 + axisLabelGap); double labelY = centerY + deltaY * (1 + axisLabelGap); String label = currentKey.toString(); drawLabel(g2, radarArea, label, axisNumber, labelX, labelY); } } gridShape.closePath(); lineShape.closePath(); // draw five gray concentric gridlines g2.translate(centerX, centerY); g2.setPaint(gridLinePaint); g2.setStroke(gridLineStroke); for (int i = 5; i > 0; i--) { Shape scaledGrid = gridShape .createTransformedShape(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(i / 5.0, i / 5.0)); g2.draw(scaledGrid); } // get the color for the plot shape. Paint dataPaint = plotLinePaint; if (dataPaint == ADAPTIVE_COLORING) { //multiplier = Math.exp(Math.log(multiplier) * 2 / numAxes); dataPaint = getMultiplierColor((float) multiplier); } // compute a slightly transparent version of the plot color for // the fill. Paint dataFill = null; if (dataPaint instanceof Color && getForegroundAlpha() != 1.0) dataFill = new Color(((Color) dataPaint).getRed() / 255f, ((Color) dataPaint).getGreen() / 255f, ((Color) dataPaint).getBlue() / 255f, getForegroundAlpha()); else dataFill = dataPaint; // draw the plot shape. First fill with a parially // transparent color, then stroke with the opaque color. g2.setPaint(dataFill); g2.fill(lineShape); g2.setPaint(dataPaint); g2.setStroke(plotLineStroke); g2.draw(lineShape); // cleanup the graphics context. g2.translate(-centerX, -centerY); } }
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/** * Draws a sequence of connected lines defined by arrays of <i>x</i> and <i>y</i> * coordinates. Each pair of (<i>x</i>, <i>y</i>) coordinates defines * a point. The figure is not closed if the first point differs from the last * point.//from ww w . j a v a 2s . co m * * @param xPoints * an array of <i>x</i> points * @param yPoints * an array of <i>y</i> points * @param nPoints * the total number of points * @see java.awt.Graphics#drawPolygon(int[], int[], int) * @since JDK1.1 */ public void drawPolyline(int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int nPoints) { if (nPoints > 0) { GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); path.moveTo(xPoints[0], yPoints[0]); for (int i = 1; i < nPoints; i++) path.lineTo(xPoints[i], yPoints[i]); draw(path); } }
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protected void drawTitledMessageBox(Graphics2D g2d, String title, String message, int x, int y, int w, int h) { /* Do some calculations and init variables. */ g2d.setFont(KBConfiguration.OHD_messageBoxFont); FontMetrics fm = g2d.getFontMetrics(); int labelHeight = KBConfiguration.OHD_messageBoxFont.getSize() + (KBConfiguration.OHD_padding * 2); int angling = labelHeight; Rectangle2D testRectangle = fm.getStringBounds(title, g2d); int labelWidth = (int) testRectangle.getWidth(); if (w < labelWidth + (2 * angling)) { w = labelWidth + (2 * angling);//from w ww . j a v a2s. co m } y += labelHeight; /* Now draw the box... */ drawMessageBox(g2d, message, x, y, w, h); /* Draw the label background */ g2d.setColor(KBConfiguration.OHD_labelBoxColor); GeneralPath label = new GeneralPath(); label.moveTo(x, y); label.lineTo(x + angling, y - labelHeight); label.lineTo(x + angling + labelWidth, y - labelHeight); label.lineTo(x + (angling * 2) + labelWidth, y); label.closePath(); g2d.fill(label); /* Draw the label Lines.. */ g2d.setColor(KBConfiguration.OHD_borderBoxTopLeft); g2d.drawLine(x, y, x + angling, y - labelHeight); g2d.drawLine(x + angling, y - labelHeight, x + angling + labelWidth, y - labelHeight); g2d.setColor(KBConfiguration.OHD_borderBoxBottomRight); g2d.drawLine(x + angling + labelWidth, y - labelHeight, x + (angling * 2) + labelWidth, y); g2d.setColor(KBConfiguration.OHD_borderBoxBackground); g2d.drawLine(x + (angling * 2) + labelWidth, y, x, y); /*Then add the title... */ g2d.setColor(KBConfiguration.OHD_labelFontBoxColor); g2d.drawString(title, x + angling, y - KBConfiguration.OHD_padding); }
From source
private void lineTo(GeneralPath path, Point point) { path.lineTo(point.x, point.y); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.trace("lineTo: " + String.format("%d,%d", point.x, point.y)); }//from w ww. ja v a2 s . co m }
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private void lineTo(GeneralPath path, Point point) { path.lineTo(point.x, point.y); LOG.debug("lineTo: " + String.format("%d,%d", point.x, point.y)); }
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@Override public void drawArc(ArcRenderEvent are) throws ChartException { if (iv != null) { iv.modifyEvent(are);//from w ww . jav a 2 s. c o m } // CHECK IF THE LINE ATTRIBUTES ARE CORRECTLY DEFINED final LineAttributes lia = are.getOutline(); if (!validateLineAttributes(are.getSource(), lia)) { return; } // SETUP THE FOREGROUND COLOR (DARKER BACKGROUND IF DEFINED AS NULL) final Color cFG = (Color) validateEdgeColor(lia.getColor(), are.getBackground(), _ids); if (cFG == null || cFG.getAlpha() == 0) { return; } // DRAW THE ARC Stroke sPrevious = null; Stroke sCurrent = getCachedStroke(lia); if (sCurrent != null) // SOME STROKE DEFINED? { sPrevious = _g2d.getStroke(); _g2d.setStroke(sCurrent); } _g2d.setColor(cFG); if ((are.getInnerRadius() >= 0 && are.getOuterRadius() > 0 && are.getInnerRadius() < are.getOuterRadius()) || (are.getInnerRadius() > 0 && are.getOuterRadius() <= 0)) { Bounds rctOuter = getOuterRectangle(are); Bounds rctInner = getInnerRectangle(are); Shape outerArc = new Arc2D.Double(rctOuter.getLeft(), rctOuter.getTop(), rctOuter.getWidth(), rctOuter.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle(), are.getAngleExtent(), Arc2D.OPEN); Shape innerArc = new Arc2D.Double(rctInner.getLeft(), rctInner.getTop(), rctInner.getWidth(), rctInner.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle() + are.getAngleExtent(), -are.getAngleExtent(), Arc2D.OPEN); double startAngle = Math.toRadians(-are.getStartAngle()); double stopAngle = Math.toRadians(-are.getStartAngle() - are.getAngleExtent()); double xsOuter = (rctOuter.getLeft() + (Math.cos(startAngle) * 0.5 + 0.5) * rctOuter.getWidth()); double ysOuter = (rctOuter.getTop() + (Math.sin(startAngle) * 0.5 + 0.5) * rctOuter.getHeight()); double xeInner = (rctInner.getLeft() + (Math.cos(stopAngle) * 0.5 + 0.5) * rctInner.getWidth()); double yeInner = (rctInner.getTop() + (Math.sin(stopAngle) * 0.5 + 0.5) * rctInner.getHeight()); GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); gp.append(outerArc, false); gp.lineTo((float) xeInner, (float) yeInner); gp.append(innerArc, false); gp.lineTo((float) xsOuter, (float) ysOuter); Area area = new Area(gp); Shape prevClip = _g2d.getClip(); Area ar2 = new Area(area); if (prevClip != null) { Area ar1 = new Area(prevClip); ar2.intersect(ar1); } _g2d.setClip(ar2); _g2d.draw(area); _g2d.setClip(prevClip); } else { _g2d.draw(new Arc2D.Double(are.getTopLeft().getX(), are.getTopLeft().getY(), are.getWidth(), are.getHeight(), are.getStartAngle(), are.getAngleExtent(), toG2dArcType(are.getStyle()))); } if (sPrevious != null) // RESTORE PREVIOUS STROKE { _g2d.setStroke(sPrevious); } }
From source
public static ArrayList<GeneralPath> assemblePathList(GeoPos[] geoPoints) { final GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO, geoPoints.length + 8); final ArrayList<GeneralPath> pathList = new ArrayList<>(16); if (geoPoints.length > 1) { double lon, lat; double minLon = 0, maxLon = 0; boolean first = true; for (GeoPos gp : geoPoints) { lon = gp.getLon();// w w w. ja v a2 s .c om lat = gp.getLat(); if (first) { minLon = lon; maxLon = lon; path.moveTo(lon, lat); first = false; } if (lon < minLon) { minLon = lon; } if (lon > maxLon) { maxLon = lon; } path.lineTo(lon, lat); } path.closePath(); int runIndexMin = (int) Math.floor((minLon + 180) / 360); int runIndexMax = (int) Math.floor((maxLon + 180) / 360); if (runIndexMin == 0 && runIndexMax == 0) { // the path is completely within [-180, 180] longitude pathList.add(path); return pathList; } final Area pathArea = new Area(path); final GeneralPath pixelPath = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO); for (int k = runIndexMin; k <= runIndexMax; k++) { final Area currentArea = new Area( new Rectangle2D.Float(k * 360.0f - 180.0f, -90.0f, 360.0f, 180.0f)); currentArea.intersect(pathArea); if (!currentArea.isEmpty()) { pathList.add(areaToPath(currentArea, -k * 360.0, pixelPath)); } } } return pathList; }
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public static GeneralPath areaToPath(final Area negativeArea, final double deltaX, final GeneralPath pixelPath) { final float[] floats = new float[6]; // move to correct rectangle final AffineTransform transform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(deltaX, 0.0); final PathIterator iterator = negativeArea.getPathIterator(transform); while (!iterator.isDone()) { final int segmentType = iterator.currentSegment(floats); if (segmentType == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO) { pixelPath.lineTo(floats[0], floats[1]); } else if (segmentType == PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO) { pixelPath.moveTo(floats[0], floats[1]); } else if (segmentType == PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE) { pixelPath.closePath();//from w w w. j a v a 2 s .c o m }; } return pixelPath; }
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public static Shape approximateLinear(final CurveGhost c, final double[] sections) throws FunctionEvaluationException { final double[] x_1 = { c.getC(0, 0, sections[0]), c.getC(1, 0, sections[0]) }; final double[] x_2 = { 0, 0 }; final GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO, sections.length + 1); gp.moveTo((float) x_1[0], (float) x_1[1]); for (int i = 1; i < sections.length; i++) { x_2[0] = c.getC(0, 0, sections[i]); x_2[1] = c.getC(1, 0, sections[i]); gp.lineTo((float) x_2[0], (float) x_2[1]); x_1[0] = x_2[0];//from w w w.j a v a2 s. co m x_1[1] = x_2[1]; } return gp; }
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/** * Add one <a href="">Linear * Bezier Curve</a> to a {@link GeneralPath}. Does <b>no</b> initial * {@link GeneralPath#moveTo(float, float)}. * /*from w ww .j a va2s. com*/ * <h3>Approximation algorithm</h3> * <p> * Just connect start- and endpoint. * <p> * TODO maybe re-use endpoint location and velocity. This can cause pain at * C1 discontinuous t's (collissions). * </p> */ static final void lineTo(final R1RNFunction f, final double tmax, final GeneralPath gp, final float zoom) { final float x = (float), 0, 0); final float y = (float), 0, 1); gp.lineTo(zoom * x, zoom * y); }