List of usage examples for io.vertx.core.json JsonArray size
public int size()
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License:Apache License
@Override public void start(final Future<Void> startedResult) { try {/* ww w .jav a2 s. com*/ bus = vertx.eventBus(); running = new AtomicBoolean(true); verticleConfig = config(); Properties kafkaConfig = populateKafkaConfig(verticleConfig); JsonArray topicConfig = verticleConfig.getJsonArray(ConfigConstants.TOPICS); busAddress = verticleConfig.getString(ConfigConstants.EVENTBUS_ADDRESS, EVENTBUS_DEFAULT_ADDRESS); pollIntervalMs = verticleConfig.getInteger(ConfigConstants.CONSUMER_POLL_INTERVAL_MS, DEFAULT_POLL_MS); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { // try to disconnect from ZK as gracefully as possible public void run() { shutdown(); } }); backgroundConsumer = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); backgroundConsumer.submit(() -> { try { consumer = new KafkaConsumer(kafkaConfig); topics = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < topicConfig.size(); i++) { topics.add(topicConfig.getString(i));"Subscribing to topic "); } // signal success before we enter read loop startedResult.complete(); consume(); } catch (Exception ex) { String error = "Failed to startup"; logger.error(error, ex); bus.send(ConfigConstants.CONSUMER_ERROR_TOPIC, getErrorString(error, ex.getMessage()));; } }); } catch (Exception ex) { String error = "Failed to startup"; logger.error(error, ex); bus.send(ConfigConstants.CONSUMER_ERROR_TOPIC, getErrorString("Failed to startup", ex.getMessage()));; } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void start(final Future<Void> startedResult) { try {//from ww w. java 2 s. c o m consumerConfig = config().getJsonObject("consumer"); Properties consumerProperties = populateKafkaConfig(consumerConfig); busAddress = consumerConfig.getString(ConfigConstants.EVENTBUS_ADDRESS, EVENTBUS_DEFAULT_ADDRESS); int workersPerTopic = consumerConfig.getInteger(ConfigConstants.WORKERS_PER_TOPIC, 1); JsonArray topics = consumerConfig.getJsonArray(ConfigConstants.TOPICS); int totalTopics = topics.size() * workersPerTopic; consumer = Consumer.createJavaConsumerConnector(new ConsumerConfig(consumerProperties)); String topicList = getTopicFilter(topics); TopicFilter sourceTopicFilter = new Whitelist(topicList); List<KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]>> streams = consumer.createMessageStreamsByFilter(sourceTopicFilter, totalTopics); threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(streams.size());"Starting to consume messages group: " + consumerConfig.getString(ConfigConstants.GROUP_ID) + " topic(s): " + topicList); for (final KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]> stream : streams) { threadPool.submit(() -> startConsumer(stream)); } Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { // try to disconnect from ZK as gracefully as possible public void run() { shutdown(); } }); startedResult.complete(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Message consumer initialization failed with ex: {}", ex);; } }
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License:Apache License
private void initializeWorkers(Future<Void> startedResult) { final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(); processor = new MetricsProcessor(workers, options.getMaxBufferBytes(), vertx.eventBus()); JsonArray hosts = options.getHosts(); for (int i = 0; i < hosts.size(); i++) { JsonObject jsonHost = hosts.getJsonObject(i); // we setup one worker dedicated to each endpoint, the same worker always rights to the same outbound socket OpenTsDbClient worker = new OpenTsDbClient(jsonHost.getString("host"), jsonHost.getInteger("port"), vertx, success -> {//from w w w . j a va 2 s .com if (!success) { String error = String.format("Failed to connect to host: %s", jsonHost.encode()); logger.error(error); vertx.close();; return; } count.incrementAndGet(); if (count.get() == hosts.size()) { flushTimerId = vertx.setPeriodic(options.getFlushInterval(), timerId -> processor.processMetrics(metrics));; startReporter(); startedResult.complete(); } }); workers.add(worker); } }
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License:Apache License
private void processMetricBatch(Message<JsonObject> message) { JsonArray metricsObjects = message.body().getJsonArray(MetricsParser.METRICS_FIELD); if (metricsObjects == null) { String errMsg = String.format("invalid batch message request no 'metrics' field supplied, msg: %s", message.body());//from www . j a va 2 s. c o m logger.warn(errMsg); sendError(message, errMsg); } // roll through and add all the metrics for (int i = 0; i < metricsObjects.size(); i++) { String metric = metricsParser.createMetricString(message, metricsObjects.getJsonObject(i)); if (metric != null) { if (!addMetric(null, metric)) { reportFullBacklog(message); break; } } else { // something is bad in the batch, the parsers error handler will reply to the message as failed return; } } message.reply(OK_REPLY); }
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License:Open Source License
private Verticle createRealVerticle(Class<?> clazz) throws Exception { JsonObject config = context.config(); Object field = config.getValue(CONFIG_BOOTSTRAP_BINDER_NAME); JsonArray bootstrapNames; List<Module> bootstraps = new ArrayList<>(); if (field instanceof JsonArray) { bootstrapNames = (JsonArray) field; } else {//from w w w .j av a2s . com bootstrapNames = new JsonArray().add((field == null ? BOOTSTRAP_BINDER_NAME : field)); } for (int i = 0; i < bootstrapNames.size(); i++) { String bootstrapName = bootstrapNames.getString(i); try { Class bootstrapClass = classLoader.loadClass(bootstrapName); Object obj = bootstrapClass.newInstance(); if (obj instanceof Module) { bootstraps.add((Module) obj); } else { logger.error("Class " + bootstrapName + " does not implement Module."); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Guice bootstrap binder class " + bootstrapName + " was not found. Are you missing injection bindings?"); } } // Add vert.x binder bootstraps.add(new GuiceVertxBinder(vertx)); // Each verticle factory will have it's own injector instance Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(bootstraps); return (Verticle) injector.getInstance(clazz); }
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License:Open Source License
private Verticle createRealVerticle(Class<?> clazz) throws Exception { JsonObject config = config();/*from w ww . j a va2 s. c o m*/ Object field = config.getValue(CONFIG_BOOTSTRAP_BINDER_NAME); JsonArray bootstrapNames; List<Binder> bootstraps = new ArrayList<>(); if (field instanceof JsonArray) { bootstrapNames = (JsonArray) field; } else { bootstrapNames = new JsonArray().add((field == null ? BOOTSTRAP_BINDER_NAME : field)); } for (int i = 0; i < bootstrapNames.size(); i++) { String bootstrapName = bootstrapNames.getString(i); try { Class bootstrapClass = classLoader.loadClass(bootstrapName); Object obj = bootstrapClass.newInstance(); if (obj instanceof Binder) { bootstraps.add((Binder) obj); } else { logger.error("Class " + bootstrapName + " does not implement Binder."); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.error("HK2 bootstrap binder class " + bootstrapName + " was not found. Are you missing injection bindings?"); } } // Each verticle factory will have it's own service locator instance // Passing a null name will not cache the locator in the factory locator = ServiceLocatorFactory.getInstance().create(null, parent); bootstraps.add(0, new HK2VertxBinder(vertx)); ServiceLocatorUtilities.bind(locator, bootstraps.toArray(new Binder[bootstraps.size()])); return (Verticle) locator.createAndInitialize(clazz); }
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License:Open Source License
protected ResourceConfig getResourceConfig() { checkState();/*from w w w . j a v a2 s. c o m*/ JsonArray resources = config.getJsonArray(CONFIG_RESOURCES, null); if (resources == null || resources.size() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException( "At least one resource package name must be specified in the config " + CONFIG_RESOURCES); } String[] resourceArr = new String[resources.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < resources.size(); i++) { resourceArr[i] = resources.getString(i); } ResourceConfig rc = new ResourceConfig(); rc.packages(resourceArr); ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); JsonArray features = config.getJsonArray(CONFIG_FEATURES, null); if (features != null && features.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++) { try { Class<?> clazz = cl.loadClass(features.getString(i)); rc.register(clazz); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } // Always register the InternalVertxJerseyBinder rc.register(new InternalVertxJerseyBinder(vertx)); // Register configured binders JsonArray binders = config.getJsonArray(CONFIG_BINDERS, null); if (binders != null && binders.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < binders.size(); i++) { try { Class<?> clazz = cl.loadClass(binders.getString(i)); rc.register(clazz.newInstance()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } final JsonObject resourceConfigAdditions = config.getJsonObject(CONFIG_RESOURCE_CONFIG); if (resourceConfigAdditions != null) { for (final String fieldName : resourceConfigAdditions.fieldNames()) {, resourceConfigAdditions.getValue(fieldName)); } } return rc; }
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@Override public Future<JsonObject> getAll(JsonObject params) { Future<JsonObject> result = Future.future(); StringBuffer sqlCount = new StringBuffer(SQL_QUERY_COUNT); StringBuffer sqlQuery = new StringBuffer(SQL_QUERY_ALL); StringBuffer order = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer where = new StringBuffer(); JsonArray queryparams = new JsonArray(); JsonArray countparams = new JsonArray(); params.forEach(r -> {//from w w w. j av a 2 s.c om String key = r.getKey(); if (key.equals("orderby")) { order.append(" order by ").append(r.getValue()); } else if (key.equals("page")) { } else if (key.equals("page_size")) { } else { if (where.length() == 0) where.append(" where "); else where.append(" and "); where.append(key).append(" like ? "); queryparams.add("%" + r.getValue() + "%"); countparams.add("%" + r.getValue() + "%"); } }); if (where.length() > 0) { sqlCount.append(where); sqlQuery.append(where); } JsonObject jrs = new JsonObject(); client.getConnection(connHandler(result, connection -> {; if (countparams.size() == 0) connection.query(sqlCount.toString(), r -> { if (r.failed()) {; } else { int count = r.result().getRows().get(0).getInteger("count"); jrs.put("total", count); } }); else connection.queryWithParams(sqlCount.toString(), countparams, r -> { if (r.failed()) {; } else { int count = r.result().getRows().get(0).getInteger("count"); jrs.put("total", count); } }); if (order.length() > 0) { sqlQuery.append(order); queryparams.add(params.getString("orderby")); } if (params.getValue("page") == null) { params.put("page", "0"); params.put("page_size", "" + Integer.MAX_VALUE); } sqlQuery.append(" limit ?,? ");; int page = Integer.parseInt(params.getString("page")); int limit = Integer.parseInt(params.getString("page_size")); queryparams.add(Utils.calcPage(page, limit)).add(limit); connection.queryWithParams(sqlQuery.toString(), queryparams, r -> { if (r.failed()) {; } else { jrs.put("data", r.result().getRows().stream().map(Driver::new).collect(Collectors.toList())); jrs.put("per_page", limit); jrs.put("current_page", page); } result.complete(new JsonObject().put("status", 200).put("data", new JsonObject().put("list", jrs))); }); connection.close(); })); return result; }
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@Override public Future<JsonObject> getAll(JsonObject params) { Future<JsonObject> result = Future.future(); StringBuffer sqlCount = new StringBuffer(SQL_QUERY_COUNT); StringBuffer sqlQuery = new StringBuffer(SQL_QUERY_ALL); StringBuffer order = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer where = new StringBuffer(); JsonArray queryparams = new JsonArray(); JsonArray countparams = new JsonArray(); params.forEach(r -> {/* w w w . j av a2 s . c o m*/ String key = r.getKey(); if (key.equals("orderby")) { order.append(" order by ").append(r.getValue()); } else if (key.equals("page")) { } else if (key.equals("page_size")) { } else { if (where.length() == 0) where.append(" where "); else where.append(" and "); where.append(key).append(" like ? "); queryparams.add("%" + r.getValue() + "%"); countparams.add("%" + r.getValue() + "%"); } }); if (where.length() > 0) { sqlCount.append(where); sqlQuery.append(where); } JsonObject jrs = new JsonObject(); client.getConnection(connHandler(result, connection -> {; if (countparams.size() == 0) connection.query(sqlCount.toString(), r -> { if (r.failed()) {; } else { int count = r.result().getRows().get(0).getInteger("count"); jrs.put("total", count); } }); else connection.queryWithParams(sqlCount.toString(), countparams, r -> { if (r.failed()) {; } else { int count = r.result().getRows().get(0).getInteger("count"); jrs.put("total", count); } }); if (order.length() > 0) { sqlQuery.append(order); queryparams.add(params.getString("orderby")); } if (params.getValue("page") == null) { params.put("page", "0"); params.put("page_size", "" + Integer.MAX_VALUE); } sqlQuery.append(" limit ?,? ");; int page = Integer.parseInt(params.getString("page")); int limit = Integer.parseInt(params.getString("page_size")); queryparams.add(Utils.calcPage(page, limit)).add(limit); connection.queryWithParams(sqlQuery.toString(), queryparams, r -> { if (r.failed()) {; } else {; jrs.put("data", r.result().getRows().stream().map(Line::new).collect(Collectors.toList())); jrs.put("per_page", limit); jrs.put("current_page", page); } result.complete(new JsonObject().put("status", 200).put("data", new JsonObject().put("list", jrs))); }); connection.close(); })); return result; }
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@Override public Future<JsonObject> getAll(JsonObject params) { Future<JsonObject> result = Future.future(); StringBuffer sqlCount = new StringBuffer(SQL_QUERY_COUNT); StringBuffer sqlQuery = new StringBuffer(SQL_QUERY_ALL); StringBuffer order = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer where = new StringBuffer(); JsonArray queryparams = new JsonArray(); JsonArray countparams = new JsonArray(); params.forEach(r -> {//from w w w . ja v a 2s. c o m String key = r.getKey(); if (key.equals("orderby")) { order.append(" order by ").append(r.getValue()); } else if (key.equals("page")) { } else if (key.equals("page_size")) { } else { if (where.length() == 0) where.append(" where "); else where.append(" and "); where.append(key).append(" like ? "); queryparams.add("%" + r.getValue() + "%"); countparams.add("%" + r.getValue() + "%"); } }); if (where.length() > 0) { sqlCount.append(where); sqlQuery.append(where); } JsonObject jrs = new JsonObject(); client.getConnection(connHandler(result, connection -> {; if (countparams.size() == 0) connection.query(sqlCount.toString(), r -> { if (r.failed()) {; } else { int count = r.result().getRows().get(0).getInteger("count"); jrs.put("total", count); } }); else connection.queryWithParams(sqlCount.toString(), countparams, r -> { if (r.failed()) {; } else { int count = r.result().getRows().get(0).getInteger("count"); jrs.put("total", count); } }); if (order.length() > 0) { sqlQuery.append(order); queryparams.add(params.getString("orderby")); } if (params.getValue("page") == null) { params.put("page", "0"); params.put("page_size", "" + Integer.MAX_VALUE); } sqlQuery.append(" limit ?,? ");; int page = Integer.parseInt(params.getString("page")); int limit = Integer.parseInt(params.getString("page_size")); queryparams.add(Utils.calcPage(page, limit)).add(limit); connection.queryWithParams(sqlQuery.toString(), queryparams, r -> { if (r.failed()) {; } else { jrs.put("data", r.result().getRows().stream().map(Truck::new).collect(Collectors.toList())); jrs.put("per_page", limit); jrs.put("current_page", page); } result.complete(new JsonObject().put("status", 200).put("data", new JsonObject().put("list", jrs))); }); connection.close(); })); return result; }