Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Cyanogen Inc. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.cyngn.vertx.opentsdb.service; import com.cyngn.vertx.opentsdb.OpenTsDbOptions; import com.cyngn.vertx.opentsdb.service.client.MetricsSender; import com.cyngn.vertx.opentsdb.service.client.OpenTsDbClient; import; import io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle; import io.vertx.core.Future; import io.vertx.core.Handler; import io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus; import io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject; import io.vertx.core.logging.Logger; import io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory; import io.vertx.core.shareddata.LocalMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.function.Consumer; /** * Handles consuming metrics over the message bus, translating them into OpenTsDb metrics and queueing them up for send * to the OpenTsDb cluster. * * @author (Jeremy Truelove) 11/7/14 */ public class OpenTsDbService extends AbstractVerticle implements Handler<Message<JsonObject>> { public final static String ERROR_MESSAGE_ADDRESS = "vertx-opentsdb-errors"; private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OpenTsDbClient.class); public static final String ADD_COMMAND = "add"; public static final String ADD_ALL_COMMAND = "add_all"; public static final String ACTION_FIELD = "action"; private static int FIVE_MINUTES_MILLI = 1000 * 60 * 5; private static final String OK_REPLY = "ok"; private LinkedBlockingQueue<String> metrics; private Map<String, Consumer<Message<JsonObject>>> handlers; private List<MetricsSender> workers; private MetricsParser metricsParser; private EventBus eventBus; private long flushTimerId = -1; private MetricsProcessor processor; private long reportingTimerId = -1; private OpenTsDbOptions options; private String SINGLETON_GUARD_TOPIC = "startup_guard"; private String THREAD_KEY = "thread_id"; @Override public void start(final Future<Void> startedResult) { boolean hasLock = obtainLock(); if (!hasLock) { logger.warn( "It appears someone has already deployed the verticle you only need one instance initialized");"Multiple instances should not be started of the service"); return; } JsonObject config = context.config(); options = new OpenTsDbOptions(config); eventBus = vertx.eventBus(); metricsParser = new MetricsParser(options.getPrefix(), options.getDefaultTags(), this::sendError); // create the list of workers workers = new ArrayList<>(options.getHosts().size()); metrics = Queues.newLinkedBlockingQueue(); initializeWorkers(startedResult); createMessageHandlers(); eventBus.consumer(options.getAddress(), this); } private boolean obtainLock() { synchronized (vertx) { LocalMap<String, Long> map = vertx.sharedData().getLocalMap(SINGLETON_GUARD_TOPIC); Long result = map.putIfAbsent(THREAD_KEY, Thread.currentThread().getId()); // if put was null then that means we succeeded in getting the lock, if it isn't then it means either // someone else beat us there or it has already been initialized by this thread return result == null; } } private void initializeWorkers(Future<Void> startedResult) { final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(); processor = new MetricsProcessor(workers, options.getMaxBufferBytes(), vertx.eventBus()); JsonArray hosts = options.getHosts(); for (int i = 0; i < hosts.size(); i++) { JsonObject jsonHost = hosts.getJsonObject(i); // we setup one worker dedicated to each endpoint, the same worker always rights to the same outbound socket OpenTsDbClient worker = new OpenTsDbClient(jsonHost.getString("host"), jsonHost.getInteger("port"), vertx, success -> { if (!success) { String error = String.format("Failed to connect to host: %s", jsonHost.encode()); logger.error(error); vertx.close();; return; } count.incrementAndGet(); if (count.get() == hosts.size()) { flushTimerId = vertx.setPeriodic(options.getFlushInterval(), timerId -> processor.processMetrics(metrics));; startReporter(); startedResult.complete(); } }); workers.add(worker); } } private void startReporter() { reportingTimerId = vertx.setPeriodic(FIVE_MINUTES_MILLI, timerId -> workers.forEach(MetricsSender::dumpStats)); } @Override public void stop() {"Shutting down vertx-opentsdb..."); if (flushTimerId != -1) { vertx.cancelTimer(flushTimerId); } if (reportingTimerId != -1) { vertx.cancelTimer(reportingTimerId); } if (metrics.size() > 0) { processor.processMetrics(metrics); } workers.forEach(MetricsSender::close); } private void createMessageHandlers() { handlers = new HashMap<>(); handlers.put(ADD_COMMAND, this::processMetric); handlers.put(ADD_ALL_COMMAND, this::processMetricBatch); } private void processMetricBatch(Message<JsonObject> message) { JsonArray metricsObjects = message.body().getJsonArray(MetricsParser.METRICS_FIELD); if (metricsObjects == null) { String errMsg = String.format("invalid batch message request no 'metrics' field supplied, msg: %s", message.body()); logger.warn(errMsg); sendError(message, errMsg); } // roll through and add all the metrics for (int i = 0; i < metricsObjects.size(); i++) { String metric = metricsParser.createMetricString(message, metricsObjects.getJsonObject(i)); if (metric != null) { if (!addMetric(null, metric)) { reportFullBacklog(message); break; } } else { // something is bad in the batch, the parsers error handler will reply to the message as failed return; } } message.reply(OK_REPLY); } private void processMetric(Message<JsonObject> message) { final JsonObject tags = message.body().getJsonObject(MetricsParser.TAGS_FIELD); if (hasInvalidTags(tags)) { // the metric will be rejected by TSD, so don't even send it sendError(message, "You specified too many tags"); return; } String metricStr = metricsParser.createMetricString(message, message.body()); if (metricStr != null) { addMetric(message, metricStr); } } private boolean addMetric(Message message, String metric) { boolean added = true; if (isNotFull()) { // put the metric in the work queue metrics.add(metric); if (message != null) { message.reply(OK_REPLY); } } else { if (message != null) { reportFullBacklog(message); } added = false; } return added; } private void reportFullBacklog(Message message) { String errMsg = String.format("Backlog is at max defined capacity of %d, discarding metric", metrics.size()); logger.warn(errMsg); sendError(message, errMsg); } private boolean hasInvalidTags(JsonObject tags) { return tags != null && options.getDefaultTagCount() + tags.size() > options.getMaxTags(); } private boolean isNotFull() { return options.getMaxBacklog() == Integer.MIN_VALUE || metrics.size() < options.getMaxBacklog(); } /** * Handles processing metric requests off the event bus * * @param message the metrics message */ @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> message) { String action = message.body().getString(ACTION_FIELD); if (action == null) { sendError(message, "You must specify an action"); } Consumer<Message<JsonObject>> handler = handlers.get(action); if (handler != null) { handler.accept(message); } else { sendError(message, "Invalid action: " + action + " specified."); } } private void sendError(Message message, String error) {, error); } }