List of usage examples for io.vertx.core.json JsonArray size
public int size()
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private JsonArray formatSearchResult(final JsonArray results, final JsonArray columnsHeader, final List<String> words, final String locale, final String userId, final Map<String, Map<String, String>> mapOwnerMapNameFolderId) { final List<String> aHeader = columnsHeader.getList(); final JsonArray traity = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { final JsonObject j = results.getJsonObject(i); final JsonObject jr = new JsonObject(); if (j != null) { final String folder = j.getString("folder", ""); Date modified = new Date(); try { modified = DateUtils.parse(j.getString("modified"), PATTERN); } catch (ParseException e) { log.error("Can't parse date from modified", e); }/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ final String owner = j.getString("owner", ""); final Map<String, Object> map = formatDescription( j.getJsonArray("comments", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray()), words, modified, locale); jr.put(aHeader.get(0), j.getString("name")); jr.put(aHeader.get(1), map.get("description").toString()); jr.put(aHeader.get(2), new JsonObject().put("$date", ((Date) map.get("modified")).getTime())); jr.put(aHeader.get(3), j.getString("ownerName", "")); jr.put(aHeader.get(4), owner); //default front route (no folder and the file belongs to the owner) String resourceURI = "/workspace/workspace"; if (userId.equals(owner)) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(folder)) { resourceURI += "#/folder/" + mapOwnerMapNameFolderId.get(owner).get(folder); } } else { //if there is a folder on entry file and this folder is shared if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(folder) && mapOwnerMapNameFolderId.containsKey(owner) && mapOwnerMapNameFolderId.get(owner).containsKey(folder)) { resourceURI += "#/shared/folder/" + mapOwnerMapNameFolderId.get(owner).get(folder); } else { //only the file is shared resourceURI += "#/shared"; } } jr.put(aHeader.get(5), resourceURI); traity.add(jr); } } return traity; }
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License:Open Source License
private Map<String, Object> formatDescription(JsonArray ja, final List<String> words, Date defaultDate, String locale) {/*w w w . ja v a 2 s .co m*/ final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); Integer countMatchComment = 0; Date modifiedRes = null; Date modifiedMarker = null; String comment = ""; final List<String> unaccentWords = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String word : words) { unaccentWords.add(StringUtils.stripAccentsToLowerCase(word)); } //get the last modified comment that match with searched words for create the description for (int i = 0; i < ja.size(); i++) { final JsonObject jO = ja.getJsonObject(i); final String commentTmp = jO.getString("comment", ""); Date currentDate = null; try { currentDate = DateUtils.parse(jO.getString("posted"), PATTERN); } catch (ParseException e) { log.error("Can't parse date from posted", e); } int match = unaccentWords.size(); for (final String word : unaccentWords) { if (StringUtils.stripAccentsToLowerCase(commentTmp).contains(word)) { match--; } } if (countMatchComment == 0 && match == 0) { modifiedRes = currentDate; } else if (countMatchComment > 0 && match == 0 && currentDate != null && modifiedMarker != null && modifiedMarker.before(currentDate)) { modifiedMarker = currentDate; modifiedRes = currentDate; } if (match == 0) { comment = commentTmp; if (currentDate != null) { modifiedMarker = currentDate; } countMatchComment++; } } if (countMatchComment == 0) { map.put("modified", defaultDate); map.put("description", ""); } else if (countMatchComment == 1) { map.put("modified", modifiedRes); map.put("description", i18n.translate("", I18n.DEFAULT_DOMAIN, locale, comment)); } else { map.put("modified", modifiedRes); map.put("description", i18n.translate("", I18n.DEFAULT_DOMAIN, locale, countMatchComment.toString(), comment)); } return map; }
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License:Open Source License
private void notifyShare(final HttpServerRequest request, final String resource, final UserInfos user, JsonArray sharedArray, final boolean isFolder) { final List<String> recipients = new ArrayList<>(); final AtomicInteger remaining = new AtomicInteger(sharedArray.size()); for (Object j : sharedArray) { JsonObject json = (JsonObject) j; String userId = json.getString("userId"); if (userId != null) { recipients.add(userId);/*from ww w . ja v a2 s . co m*/ remaining.getAndDecrement(); } else { String groupId = json.getString("groupId"); if (groupId != null) { UserUtils.findUsersInProfilsGroups(groupId, eb, user.getUserId(), false, new Handler<JsonArray>() { @Override public void handle(JsonArray event) { if (event != null) { for (Object o : event) { if (!(o instanceof JsonObject)) continue; JsonObject j = (JsonObject) o; String id = j.getString("id"); log.debug(id); recipients.add(id); } } if (remaining.decrementAndGet() < 1) { sendNotify(request, resource, user, recipients, isFolder); } } }); } } } if (remaining.get() < 1) { sendNotify(request, resource, user, recipients, isFolder); } }
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License:Open Source License
private void createThumbnails(List<String> thumbs, JsonObject srcFile, final String collection, final String documentId, final Handler<Message<JsonObject>> callback) { Pattern size = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)"); JsonArray outputs = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); for (String thumb : thumbs) { Matcher m = size.matcher(thumb); if (m.matches()) { try { int width = Integer.parseInt(; int height = Integer.parseInt(; if (width == 0 && height == 0) continue; JsonObject j = new JsonObject().put("dest", storage.getProtocol() + "://" + storage.getBucket()); if (width != 0) { j.put("width", width); }//from w w w . ja v a 2s .c om if (height != 0) { j.put("height", height); } outputs.add(j); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("Invalid thumbnail size.", e); } } } if (outputs.size() > 0) { JsonObject json = new JsonObject().put("action", "resizeMultiple") .put("src", storage.getProtocol() + "://" + storage.getBucket() + ":" + srcFile.getString("_id")) .put("destinations", outputs); eb.send(imageResizerAddress, json, handlerToAsyncHandler(new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> event) { JsonObject thumbnails = event.body().getJsonObject("outputs"); if ("ok".equals(event.body().getString("status")) && thumbnails != null) { mongo.update(collection, new JsonObject().put("_id", documentId), new JsonObject().put("$set", new JsonObject().put("thumbnails", thumbnails)), callback); } } })); } else if (callback != null) { callback.handle(null); } }
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License:Open Source License
private void copyFiles(final HttpServerRequest request, final String collection, final String owner, final UserInfos user) { String ids = request.params().get("ids"); // TODO refactor with json in request body String folder2 = getOrElse(request.params().get("folder"), ""); try {//from w ww . ja v a2 s .c o m folder2 = URLDecoder.decode(folder2, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } final String folder = folder2; if (ids != null && !ids.trim().isEmpty()) { JsonArray idsArray = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(Arrays.asList(ids.split(","))); String criteria = "{ \"_id\" : { \"$in\" : " + idsArray.encode() + "}"; if (owner != null) { criteria += ", \"to\" : \"" + owner + "\""; } criteria += "}"; mongo.find(collection, new JsonObject(criteria), new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> r) { JsonObject src = r.body(); if ("ok".equals(src.getString("status")) && src.getJsonArray("results") != null) { final JsonArray origs = src.getJsonArray("results"); final JsonArray insert = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); final AtomicInteger number = new AtomicInteger(origs.size()); emptySize(user, new Handler<Long>() { @Override public void handle(Long emptySize) { long size = 0; for (Object o : origs) { if (!(o instanceof JsonObject)) continue; JsonObject metadata = ((JsonObject) o).getJsonObject("metadata"); if (metadata != null) { size += metadata.getLong("size", 0l); } } if (size > emptySize) { badRequest(request, "files.too.large"); return; } for (Object o : origs) { JsonObject orig = (JsonObject) o; final JsonObject dest = orig.copy(); String now = MongoDb.formatDate(new Date()); dest.remove("_id"); dest.remove("protected"); dest.remove("comments"); dest.put("application", WORKSPACE_NAME); if (owner != null) { dest.put("owner", owner); dest.put("ownerName", dest.getString("toName")); dest.remove("to"); dest.remove("from"); dest.remove("toName"); dest.remove("fromName"); } else if (user != null) { dest.put("owner", user.getUserId()); dest.put("ownerName", user.getUsername()); dest.put("shared", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray()); } dest.put("_id", UUID.randomUUID().toString()); dest.put("created", now); dest.put("modified", now); if (folder != null && !folder.trim().isEmpty()) { dest.put("folder", folder); } else { dest.remove("folder"); } insert.add(dest); final String filePath = orig.getString("file"); if ((owner != null || user != null) && folder != null && !folder.trim().isEmpty()) { //If the document has a new parent folder, replicate sharing rights String parentName, parentFolder; if (folder.lastIndexOf('_') < 0) { parentName = folder; parentFolder = folder; } else if (filePath != null) { String[] splittedPath = folder.split("_"); parentName = splittedPath[splittedPath.length - 1]; parentFolder = folder; } else { String[] splittedPath = folder.split("_"); parentName = splittedPath[splittedPath.length - 2]; parentFolder = folder.substring(0, folder.lastIndexOf("_")); } folderService.getParentRights(parentName, parentFolder, owner, new Handler<Either<String, JsonArray>>() { public void handle(Either<String, JsonArray> event) { final JsonArray parentSharedRights = event.right() == null || event.isLeft() ? null : event.right().getValue(); if (parentSharedRights != null && parentSharedRights.size() > 0) dest.put("shared", parentSharedRights); if (filePath != null) { storage.copyFile(filePath, new Handler<JsonObject>() { @Override public void handle(JsonObject event) { if (event != null && "ok" .equals(event.getString("status"))) { dest.put("file", event.getString("_id")); persist(insert, number.decrementAndGet()); } } }); } else { persist(insert, number.decrementAndGet()); } } }); } else if (filePath != null) { storage.copyFile(filePath, new Handler<JsonObject>() { @Override public void handle(JsonObject event) { if (event != null && "ok".equals(event.getString("status"))) { dest.put("file", event.getString("_id")); persist(insert, number.decrementAndGet()); } } }); } else { persist(insert, number.decrementAndGet()); } } } }); } else { renderJson(request, src, 404); } } private void persist(final JsonArray insert, int remains) { if (remains == 0) { mongo.insert(DocumentDao.DOCUMENTS_COLLECTION, insert, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> inserted) { if ("ok".equals(inserted.body().getString("status"))) { incrementStorage(insert); for (Object obj : insert) { JsonObject json = (JsonObject) obj; createRevision(json.getString("_id"), json.getString("file"), json.getString("name"), json.getString("owner"), json.getString("owner"), json.getString("ownerName"), json.getJsonObject("metadata")); } renderJson(request, inserted.body()); } else { renderError(request, inserted.body()); } } }); } } }); } else { badRequest(request); } }
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License:Open Source License
private void flattenShareIds(final JsonArray sharedArray, final UserInfos user, final Handler<List<String>> resultHandler) { final List<String> recipients = new ArrayList<>(); final AtomicInteger remaining = new AtomicInteger(sharedArray.size()); for (Object j : sharedArray) { JsonObject json = (JsonObject) j; String userId = json.getString("userId"); if (userId != null) { if (!userId.equals(user.getUserId())) recipients.add(userId);/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ remaining.getAndDecrement(); } else { String groupId = json.getString("groupId"); if (groupId != null) { UserUtils.findUsersInProfilsGroups(groupId, eb, user.getUserId(), false, new Handler<JsonArray>() { public void handle(JsonArray event) { if (event != null) { for (Object o : event) { if (!(o instanceof JsonObject)) continue; JsonObject j = (JsonObject) o; String id = j.getString("id"); if (!id.equals(user.getUserId())) recipients.add(id); } } if (remaining.decrementAndGet() < 1) { resultHandler.handle(recipients); } } }); } } } if (remaining.get() < 1) { resultHandler.handle(recipients); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Put("/documents/move/:ids/:folder") @SecuredAction(value = "workspace.manager", type = ActionType.RESOURCE) public void moveDocuments(final HttpServerRequest request) { final String ids = request.params().get("ids"); // TODO refactor with json in request body String tempFolder = getOrElse(request.params().get("folder"), ""); try {// w w w .java 2s .c om tempFolder = URLDecoder.decode(tempFolder, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } final String folder = tempFolder; final String cleanedFolder = folder.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("\\"), Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\\")) .replaceAll(Pattern.quote("\""), Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\"")); UserUtils.getUserInfos(eb, request, new Handler<UserInfos>() { @Override public void handle(UserInfos user) { if (user != null && user.getUserId() != null) { if (ids != null && !ids.trim().isEmpty()) { JsonArray idsArray = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray( Arrays.asList(ids.split(","))); final String criteria = "{ \"_id\" : { \"$in\" : " + idsArray.encode() + "}}"; if (folder != null && !folder.trim().isEmpty()) { //If the document has a parent folder, replicate sharing rights String parentName, parentFolder; if (folder.lastIndexOf('_') < 0) { parentName = folder; parentFolder = folder; } else { String[] splittedPath = folder.split("_"); parentName = splittedPath[splittedPath.length - 1]; parentFolder = folder; } folderService.getParentRights(parentName, parentFolder, user, new Handler<Either<String, JsonArray>>() { public void handle(Either<String, JsonArray> event) { final JsonArray parentSharedRights = event.right() == null || event.isLeft() ? null : event.right().getValue(); String obj = "{ \"$set\" : { \"folder\": \"" + cleanedFolder + "\", \"modified\" : \"" + MongoDb.formatDate(new Date()) + "\""; if (parentSharedRights != null && parentSharedRights.size() > 0) obj += ", \"shared\" : " + parentSharedRights.toString() + " }}"; else obj += "}, \"$unset\" : { \"shared\": 1 }}"; mongo.update(DocumentDao.DOCUMENTS_COLLECTION, new JsonObject(criteria), new JsonObject(obj), false, true, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> r) { JsonObject res = r.body(); if ("ok".equals(res.getString("status"))) { renderJson(request, res); } else { renderJson(request, res, 404); } } }); } }); } else { String obj = "{ \"$set\" : { \"modified\" : \"" + MongoDb.formatDate(new Date()) + "\" }, " + " \"$unset\" : { \"folder\" : 1, \"shared\": 1 }}"; mongo.update(DocumentDao.DOCUMENTS_COLLECTION, new JsonObject(criteria), new JsonObject(obj), false, true, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> r) { JsonObject res = r.body(); if ("ok".equals(res.getString("status"))) { renderJson(request, res); } else { renderJson(request, res, 404); } } }); } } else { badRequest(request); } } else { unauthorized(request); } } }); }
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License:Open Source License
private void addDocument(final Message<JsonObject> message) { JsonObject uploaded = message.body().getJsonObject("uploaded"); JsonObject doc = message.body().getJsonObject("document"); if (doc == null || uploaded == null) { message.reply(new JsonObject().put("status", "error").put("message", "missing.attribute")); return;/* w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ } String name = message.body().getString("name"); String application = message.body().getString("application"); JsonArray t = message.body().getJsonArray("thumbs", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray()); List<String> thumbs = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) { thumbs.add(t.getString(i)); } addAfterUpload(uploaded, doc, name, application, thumbs, DocumentDao.DOCUMENTS_COLLECTION, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> m) { if (m != null) { message.reply(m.body()); } } }); }
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License:Open Source License
private void updateDocument(final Message<JsonObject> message) { JsonObject uploaded = message.body().getJsonObject("uploaded"); String id = message.body().getString("id"); if (uploaded == null || id == null || id.trim().isEmpty()) { message.reply(new JsonObject().put("status", "error").put("message", "missing.attribute")); return;/*from w ww . j a v a2s . co m*/ } String name = message.body().getString("name"); JsonArray t = message.body().getJsonArray("thumbs", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray()); List<String> thumbs = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) { thumbs.add(t.getString(i)); } updateAfterUpload(id, name, uploaded, thumbs, null, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> m) { if (m != null) { message.reply(m.body()); } } }); }
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@Override public Future<JsonArray> getExpandedPermissions(String permission, String tenant) { //System.out.println("Permissions> Expanding permission '"+ permission + "' on tenant '"+ // tenant + "'"); JsonObject query = new JsonObject().put("permission_name", permission).put("tenant", tenant); JsonArray permList = new JsonArray(); Future<JsonArray> future = Future.future(); mongoClient.find("permissions", query, res -> { if (res.succeeded() && res.result().size() > 0) { //System.out.println("Permissions> Successfully queried mongo for '"+ permission + "' on tenant '"+ // tenant + "'"); /*/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s .co m*/ If there are no subpermissions, go ahead and complete the future with the given value of the JsonArray If there are subpermissions, create a list of new futures, by calling walkPerms for each sub permission, then create a composite future from these new futures, with a handler that completes the original future when they return */ JsonObject permObj = res.result().get(0); permList.add(permission); JsonArray subPerms = permObj.getJsonArray("sub_permissions"); LinkedList<Future> futureList = new LinkedList<>(); if (subPerms != null && !subPerms.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("Permissions> " + subPerms.size() + " subs to process for '" + permission + "'"); for (Object o : subPerms) { String sub = (String) o; Future<JsonArray> newFuture = getExpandedPermissions(sub, tenant); futureList.add(newFuture); } logger.debug("Permissions> Creating CompositeFuture to expand " + permission + " into " + futureList.size() + " subs: " + subPerms.encode()); CompositeFuture compositeFuture = CompositeFuture.all(futureList); compositeFuture.setHandler(res2 -> { if (res2.succeeded()) { //Get output of contained futures and complete the future here for (Future f : futureList) { JsonArray arr = (JsonArray) f.result(); for (Object o : arr) { permList.add(o); } } future.complete(permList); } else {"Unable to populate permissions: " + res2.cause().getMessage()); } }); } else { //System.out.println("Permissions> No sub-permissions found for '" + permission + "'"); future.complete(permList); } } else {"No permission '" + permission + "' found for tenant '" + tenant + "'"); } }); return future; }