List of usage examples for io.vertx.core.json JsonArray size
public int size()
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License:Open Source License
@Get("/lastNotifications") @SecuredAction(value = "", type = ActionType.AUTHENTICATED) public void lastEvents(final HttpServerRequest request) { final boolean mine = request.params().contains("mine"); UserUtils.getUserInfos(eb, request, new Handler<UserInfos>() { @Override/*from ww w. j a va 2 s. c o m*/ public void handle(final UserInfos user) { if (user != null) { getExternalNotifications(new Handler<Either<String, JsonObject>>() { public void handle(Either<String, JsonObject> notifs) { if (notifs.isLeft()) { badRequest(request, notifs.left().getValue()); return; } String page = request.params().get("page"); List<String> types = request.params().getAll("type"); int offset = 0; try { offset = 25 * Integer.parseInt(page); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } store.get(user, types, offset, 25, notifs.right().getValue(), mine, new Handler<JsonObject>() { public void handle(final JsonObject res) { if (res != null && "ok".equals(res.getString("status"))) { JsonArray results = res.getJsonArray("results", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray()); final JsonArray compiledResults = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); final AtomicInteger countdown = new AtomicInteger(results.size()); final Handler<Void> endHandler = new Handler<Void>() { public void handle(Void v) { if (countdown.decrementAndGet() <= 0) { res.put("results", compiledResults); renderJson(request, res); } } }; if (results.size() == 0) endHandler.handle(null); for (Object notifObj : results) { final JsonObject notif = (JsonObject) notifObj; if (!notif.getString("message", "").isEmpty()) { compiledResults.add(notif); endHandler.handle(null); continue; } String key = notif.getString("type", "").toLowerCase() + "." + notif.getString("event-type", "").toLowerCase(); String stringifiedRegisteredNotif = registeredNotifications .get(key); if (stringifiedRegisteredNotif == null) { log.error( "Failed to retrieve registered from the shared map notification with key : " + key); endHandler.handle(null); continue; } JsonObject registeredNotif = new JsonObject( stringifiedRegisteredNotif); StringReader reader = new StringReader( registeredNotif.getString("template", "")); processTemplate(request, notif.getJsonObject("params", new JsonObject()), key, reader, new Handler<Writer>() { public void handle(Writer writer) { notif.put("message", writer.toString()); compiledResults.add(notif); endHandler.handle(null); } }); } } else { renderError(request, res); } } }); } }); } else { unauthorized(request); } } }); }
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License:Open Source License
@Get("/reported") @SecuredAction(type = ActionType.RESOURCE, value = "") @ResourceFilter(AdmlOfStructures.class) public void listReportedNotifications(final HttpServerRequest request) { final String structure = request.params().get("structure"); final boolean pending = Boolean.parseBoolean(request.params().get("pending")); int page = 0; if (request.params().contains("page")) { try {/*from w ww .ja v a2 s . c om*/ page = Integer.parseInt(request.params().get("page")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //silent } } store.listReported(structure, pending, PAGELIMIT * page, PAGELIMIT, new Handler<Either<String, JsonArray>>() { public void handle(Either<String, JsonArray> event) { if (event.isLeft()) { renderError(request); return; } final JsonArray results = event.right().getValue(); final JsonArray compiledResults = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); final AtomicInteger countdown = new AtomicInteger(results.size()); final Handler<Void> endHandler = new Handler<Void>() { public void handle(Void v) { if (countdown.decrementAndGet() <= 0) { renderJson(request, compiledResults); } } }; if (results.size() == 0) endHandler.handle(null); for (Object notifObj : results) { final JsonObject notif = (JsonObject) notifObj; if (!notif.getString("message", "").isEmpty()) { compiledResults.add(notif); endHandler.handle(null); continue; } String key = notif.getString("type", "").toLowerCase() + "." + notif.getString("event-type", "").toLowerCase(); String stringifiedRegisteredNotif = registeredNotifications.get(key); if (stringifiedRegisteredNotif == null) { log.error( "Failed to retrieve registered from the shared map notification with key : " + key); endHandler.handle(null); continue; } JsonObject registeredNotif = new JsonObject(stringifiedRegisteredNotif); StringReader reader = new StringReader(registeredNotif.getString("template", "")); processTemplate(request, notif.getJsonObject("params", new JsonObject()), key, reader, new Handler<Writer>() { public void handle(Writer writer) { notif.put("message", writer.toString()); compiledResults.add(notif); endHandler.handle(null); } }); } } }); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void sendImmediateMails(HttpServerRequest request, String notificationName, JsonObject notification, JsonObject templateParameters, JsonArray userList, JsonObject notificationProperties) { final Map<String, Map<String, String>> processedTemplates = new HashMap<>(); templateParameters.put("innerTemplate", notification.getString("template", "")); final Map<String, Map<String, List<Object>>> toByDomainLang = new HashMap<>(); final AtomicInteger userCount = new AtomicInteger(userList.size()); final Handler<Void> templatesHandler = new Handler<Void>() { public void handle(Void v) { if (userCount.decrementAndGet() == 0) { if (toByDomainLang.size() > 0) { //On completion : log final Handler<AsyncResult<Message<JsonObject>>> completionHandler = event -> { if (event.failed() || "error".equals(event.result().body().getString("status", "error"))) { log.error("[Timeline immediate emails] Error while sending mails : ", event.cause()); } else { log.debug("[Timeline immediate emails] Immediate mails sent."); }//from w w w . ja v a 2 s . c om }; JsonArray keys = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray() .add("timeline.immediate.mail.subject.header").add(notificationName.toLowerCase()); for (final String domain : toByDomainLang.keySet()) { for (final String lang : toByDomainLang.get(domain).keySet()) { translateTimeline(keys, domain, lang, new Handler<JsonArray>() { public void handle(JsonArray translations) { //Send mail containing the "immediate" notification emailSender.sendEmail(request, toByDomainLang.get(domain).get(lang), null, null, translations.getString(0) + translations.getString(1), processedTemplates.get(domain).get(lang), null, false, completionHandler); } }); } } } } } }; for (Object userObj : userList) { final JsonObject userPref = ((JsonObject) userObj); final String userDomain = userPref.getString("lastDomain", I18n.DEFAULT_DOMAIN); final String userScheme = userPref.getString("lastScheme", "http"); String mutableLanguage = "fr"; try { mutableLanguage = getOrElse(new JsonObject(getOrElse(userPref.getString("language"), "{}", false)) .getString("default-domain"), "fr", false); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("UserId [" + userPref.getString("userId", "") + "] - Bad language preferences format"); } final String userLanguage = mutableLanguage; if (!processedTemplates.containsKey(userDomain)) processedTemplates.put(userDomain, new HashMap<String, String>()); JsonObject notificationPreference = userPref.getJsonObject("preferences", new JsonObject()) .getJsonObject("config", new JsonObject()).getJsonObject(notificationName, new JsonObject()); // If the frequency is IMMEDIATE // and the restriction is not INTERNAL (timeline only) // and if the user has provided an email if ( .equals(notificationPreference.getString("defaultFrequency", notificationProperties.getString("defaultFrequency"))) && ! .equals(notificationPreference.getString("restriction", notificationProperties.getString("restriction"))) && ! .equals(notificationPreference.getString("restriction", notificationProperties.getString("restriction"))) && userPref.getString("userMail") != null && !userPref.getString("userMail").trim().isEmpty()) { if (!toByDomainLang.containsKey(userDomain)) { toByDomainLang.put(userDomain, new HashMap<String, List<Object>>()); } if (!toByDomainLang.get(userDomain).containsKey(userLanguage)) { toByDomainLang.get(userDomain).put(userLanguage, new ArrayList<Object>()); } toByDomainLang.get(userDomain).get(userLanguage).add(userPref.getString("userMail")); } if (!processedTemplates.get(userDomain).containsKey(userLanguage)) { processTimelineTemplate(templateParameters, "", "notifications/immediate-mail.html", userDomain, userScheme, userLanguage, false, new Handler<String>() { public void handle(String processedTemplate) { processedTemplates.get(userDomain).put(userLanguage, processedTemplate); templatesHandler.handle(null); } }); } else { templatesHandler.handle(null); } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void sendDailyMails(int dayDelta, final Handler<Either<String, JsonObject>> handler) { final HttpServerRequest request = new JsonHttpServerRequest(new JsonObject()); final AtomicInteger userPagination = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicInteger endPage = new AtomicInteger(0); final Calendar dayDate = Calendar.getInstance(); dayDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, dayDelta); dayDate.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); dayDate.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); dayDate.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); dayDate.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); final JsonObject results = new JsonObject().put("mails.sent", 0).put("users.ko", 0); final JsonObject notificationsDefaults = new JsonObject(); final List<String> notifiedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); final Handler<Boolean> userContinuationHandler = new Handler<Boolean>() { private final Handler<Boolean> continuation = this; private final Handler<JsonArray> usersHandler = new Handler<JsonArray>() { public void handle(final JsonArray users) { final int nbUsers = users.size(); if (nbUsers == 0) {"[DailyMails] Page0 : " + userPagination.get() + "/" + endPage.get()); continuation.handle(userPagination.get() != endPage.get()); return; }/*from w w w . j a v a 2s . com*/ final AtomicInteger usersCountdown = new AtomicInteger(nbUsers); final Handler<Void> usersEndHandler = new Handler<Void>() { public void handle(Void v) { if (usersCountdown.decrementAndGet() <= 0) {"[DailyMails] Page : " + userPagination.get() + "/" + endPage.get()); continuation.handle(userPagination.get() != endPage.get()); } } }; final JsonArray userIds = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); for (Object userObj : users) userIds.add(((JsonObject) userObj).getString("id", "")); NotificationUtils.getUsersPreferences(eb, userIds, "language: uac.language", new Handler<JsonArray>() { public void handle(JsonArray preferences) { for (Object userObj : preferences) { final JsonObject userPrefs = (JsonObject) userObj; final String userDomain = userPrefs.getString("lastDomain", I18n.DEFAULT_DOMAIN); final String userScheme = userPrefs.getString("lastScheme", "http"); String mutableUserLanguage = "fr"; try { mutableUserLanguage = getOrElse(new JsonObject( getOrElse(userPrefs.getString("language"), "{}", false)) .getString("default-domain"), "fr", false); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("UserId [" + userPrefs.getString("userId", "") + "] - Bad language preferences format"); } final String userLanguage = mutableUserLanguage; getUserNotifications(userPrefs.getString("userId", ""), dayDate.getTime(), new Handler<JsonArray>() { public void handle(JsonArray notifications) { if (notifications.size() == 0) { usersEndHandler.handle(null); return; } SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat( "EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", Locale.forLanguageTag(userLanguage)); final JsonArray dates = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); final JsonArray templates = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); for (Object notificationObj : notifications) { JsonObject notification = (JsonObject) notificationObj; final String notificationName = notification .getString("type", "").toLowerCase() + "." + notification.getString("event-type", "") .toLowerCase(); if (notificationsDefaults .getJsonObject(notificationName) == null) continue; JsonObject notificationPreference = userPrefs .getJsonObject("preferences", new JsonObject()) .getJsonObject("config", new JsonObject()) .getJsonObject(notificationName, new JsonObject()); if ( .equals(notificationPrefsMixin( "defaultFrequency", notificationPreference, notificationsDefaults.getJsonObject( notificationName))) && !TimelineNotificationsLoader.Restrictions.INTERNAL .name() .equals(notificationPrefsMixin( "restriction", notificationPreference, notificationsDefaults .getJsonObject( notificationName))) && !TimelineNotificationsLoader.Restrictions.HIDDEN .name() .equals(notificationPrefsMixin( "restriction", notificationPreference, notificationsDefaults .getJsonObject( notificationName)))) { templates.add(new JsonObject() .put("template", notificationsDefaults .getJsonObject(notificationName, new JsonObject()) .getString("template", "")) .put("params", notification.getJsonObject( "params", new JsonObject()))); dates.add(formatter.format(MongoDb.parseIsoDate( notification.getJsonObject("date")))); } } if (templates.size() > 0) { JsonObject templateParams = new JsonObject() .put("nestedTemplatesArray", templates) .put("notificationDates", dates); processTimelineTemplate(templateParams, "", "notifications/daily-mail.html", userDomain, userScheme, userLanguage, false, new Handler<String>() { public void handle( final String processedTemplate) { //On completion : log final Handler<AsyncResult<Message<JsonObject>>> completionHandler = event -> { if (event.failed() || "error".equals(event .result().body() .getString("status", "error"))) { log.error( "[Timeline daily emails] Error while sending mail : ", event.cause()); results.put("users.ko", results.getInteger( "users.ko") + 1); } else { results.put("mails.sent", results.getInteger( "mails.sent") + 1); } usersEndHandler.handle(null); }; //Translate mail title JsonArray keys = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray() .add("timeline.daily.mail.subject.header"); translateTimeline(keys, userDomain, userLanguage, new Handler<JsonArray>() { public void handle( JsonArray translations) { //Send mail containing the "daily" notifications emailSender.sendEmail( request, userPrefs .getString( "userMail", ""), null, null, translations .getString( 0), processedTemplate, null, false, completionHandler); } }); } }); } else { usersEndHandler.handle(null); } } }); } } }); } }; public void handle(Boolean continuation) { if (continuation) { getImpactedUsers(notifiedUsers, userPagination.getAndIncrement(), new Handler<Either<String, JsonArray>>() { public void handle(Either<String, JsonArray> event) { if (event.isLeft()) { log.error("[sendDailyMails] Error while retrieving impacted users : " + event.left().getValue()); handler.handle( new Either.Left<String, JsonObject>(event.left().getValue())); } else { JsonArray users = event.right().getValue(); usersHandler.handle(users); } } }); } else { handler.handle(new Either.Right<String, JsonObject>(results)); } } }; getRecipientsUsers(dayDate.getTime(), new Handler<JsonArray>() { @Override public void handle(JsonArray event) { if (event != null && event.size() > 0) { notifiedUsers.addAll(event.getList()); endPage.set((event.size() / USERS_LIMIT) + (event.size() % USERS_LIMIT != 0 ? 1 : 0)); } else { handler.handle(new Either.Right<String, JsonObject>(results)); return; } getNotificationsDefaults(new Handler<JsonArray>() { public void handle(final JsonArray notifications) { if (notifications == null) { log.error("[sendDailyMails] Error while retrieving notifications defaults."); } else { for (Object notifObj : notifications) { final JsonObject notif = (JsonObject) notifObj; notificationsDefaults.put(notif.getString("key", ""), notif); } userContinuationHandler.handle(true); } } }); } }); }
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License:Open Source License
public void sendWeeklyMails(int dayDelta, final Handler<Either<String, JsonObject>> handler) { final HttpServerRequest request = new JsonHttpServerRequest(new JsonObject()); final AtomicInteger userPagination = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicInteger endPage = new AtomicInteger(0); final Calendar weekDate = Calendar.getInstance(); weekDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, dayDelta - 6); weekDate.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); weekDate.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); weekDate.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); weekDate.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); final JsonObject results = new JsonObject().put("mails.sent", 0).put("users.ko", 0); final JsonObject notificationsDefaults = new JsonObject(); final List<String> notifiedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); final Handler<Boolean> userContinuationHandler = new Handler<Boolean>() { private final Handler<Boolean> continuation = this; private final Handler<JsonArray> usersHandler = new Handler<JsonArray>() { public void handle(final JsonArray users) { final int nbUsers = users.size(); if (nbUsers == 0) {"[WeeklyMails] Page0 : " + userPagination.get() + "/" + endPage.get()); continuation.handle(userPagination.get() != endPage.get()); return; }/*from w ww . j a va 2s .com*/ final AtomicInteger usersCountdown = new AtomicInteger(nbUsers); final Handler<Void> usersEndHandler = new Handler<Void>() { public void handle(Void v) { if (usersCountdown.decrementAndGet() <= 0) {"[WeeklyMails] Page : " + userPagination.get() + "/" + endPage.get()); continuation.handle(userPagination.get() != endPage.get()); } } }; final JsonArray userIds = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); for (Object userObj : users) userIds.add(((JsonObject) userObj).getString("id", "")); NotificationUtils.getUsersPreferences(eb, userIds, "language: uac.language", new Handler<JsonArray>() { public void handle(JsonArray preferences) { for (Object userObj : preferences) { final JsonObject userPrefs = (JsonObject) userObj; final String userDomain = userPrefs.getString("lastDomain", I18n.DEFAULT_DOMAIN); final String userScheme = userPrefs.getString("lastScheme", "http"); String mutableUserLanguage = "fr"; try { mutableUserLanguage = getOrElse(new JsonObject( getOrElse(userPrefs.getString("language"), "{}", false)) .getString("default-domain"), "fr", false); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("UserId [" + userPrefs.getString("userId", "") + "] - Bad language preferences format"); } final String userLanguage = mutableUserLanguage; getAggregatedUserNotifications(userPrefs.getString("userId", ""), weekDate.getTime(), new Handler<JsonArray>() { public void handle(JsonArray notifications) { if (notifications.size() == 0) { usersEndHandler.handle(null); return; } final JsonArray weeklyNotifications = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); for (Object notificationObj : notifications) { JsonObject notification = (JsonObject) notificationObj; final String notificationName = notification .getString("type", "").toLowerCase() + "." + notification.getString("event-type", "") .toLowerCase(); if (notificationsDefaults .getJsonObject(notificationName) == null) continue; JsonObject notificationPreference = userPrefs .getJsonObject("preferences", new JsonObject()) .getJsonObject("config", new JsonObject()) .getJsonObject(notificationName, new JsonObject()); if (TimelineNotificationsLoader.Frequencies.WEEKLY .name() .equals(notificationPrefsMixin( "defaultFrequency", notificationPreference, notificationsDefaults.getJsonObject( notificationName))) && !TimelineNotificationsLoader.Restrictions.INTERNAL .name() .equals(notificationPrefsMixin( "restriction", notificationPreference, notificationsDefaults .getJsonObject( notificationName))) && !TimelineNotificationsLoader.Restrictions.HIDDEN .name() .equals(notificationPrefsMixin( "restriction", notificationPreference, notificationsDefaults .getJsonObject( notificationName)))) { notification.put("notificationName", notificationName); weeklyNotifications.add(notification); } } final JsonObject weeklyNotificationsObj = new JsonObject(); final JsonArray weeklyNotificationsGroupedArray = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); for (Object notif : weeklyNotifications) { JsonObject notification = (JsonObject) notif; if (!weeklyNotificationsObj.containsKey( notification.getString("type").toLowerCase())) weeklyNotificationsObj.put( notification.getString("type") .toLowerCase(), new JsonObject().put("link", notificationsDefaults.getJsonObject( notification.getString( "notificationName")) .getString("app-address", "")) .put("event-types", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray())); weeklyNotificationsObj .getJsonObject(notification.getString("type") .toLowerCase()) .getJsonArray(("event-types"), new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray()) .add(notification); } for (String key : weeklyNotificationsObj.getMap() .keySet()) { weeklyNotificationsGroupedArray.add(new JsonObject() .put("type", key) .put("link", weeklyNotificationsObj .getJsonObject(key) .getString("link", "")) .put("event-types", weeklyNotificationsObj .getJsonObject(key) .getJsonArray("event-types"))); } if (weeklyNotifications.size() > 0) { JsonObject templateParams = new JsonObject().put( "notifications", weeklyNotificationsGroupedArray); processTimelineTemplate(templateParams, "", "notifications/weekly-mail.html", userDomain, userScheme, userLanguage, false, new Handler<String>() { public void handle( final String processedTemplate) { //On completion : log final Handler<AsyncResult<Message<JsonObject>>> completionHandler = event -> { if (event.failed() || "error".equals(event .result().body() .getString("status", "error"))) { log.error( "[Timeline weekly emails] Error while sending mail : ", event.cause()); results.put("users.ko", results.getInteger( "users.ko") + 1); } else { results.put("mails.sent", results.getInteger( "mails.sent") + 1); } usersEndHandler.handle(null); }; //Translate mail title JsonArray keys = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray() .add("timeline.weekly.mail.subject.header"); translateTimeline(keys, userDomain, userLanguage, new Handler<JsonArray>() { public void handle( JsonArray translations) { //Send mail containing the "weekly" notifications emailSender.sendEmail( request, userPrefs .getString( "userMail", ""), null, null, translations .getString( 0), processedTemplate, null, false, completionHandler); } }); } }); } else { usersEndHandler.handle(null); } } }); } } }); } }; public void handle(Boolean continuation) { if (continuation) { getImpactedUsers(notifiedUsers, userPagination.getAndIncrement(), new Handler<Either<String, JsonArray>>() { public void handle(Either<String, JsonArray> event) { if (event.isLeft()) { log.error("[sendWeeklyMails] Error while retrieving impacted users : " + event.left().getValue()); handler.handle( new Either.Left<String, JsonObject>(event.left().getValue())); } else { JsonArray users = event.right().getValue(); usersHandler.handle(users); } } }); } else { handler.handle(new Either.Right<String, JsonObject>(results)); } } }; getRecipientsUsers(weekDate.getTime(), new Handler<JsonArray>() { @Override public void handle(JsonArray event) { if (event != null && event.size() > 0) { notifiedUsers.addAll(event.getList()); endPage.set((event.size() / USERS_LIMIT) + (event.size() % USERS_LIMIT != 0 ? 1 : 0)); } else { handler.handle(new Either.Right<String, JsonObject>(results)); return; } getNotificationsDefaults(new Handler<JsonArray>() { public void handle(final JsonArray notifications) { if (notifications == null) { log.error("[sendWeeklyMails] Error while retrieving notifications defaults."); } else { for (Object notifObj : notifications) { final JsonObject notif = (JsonObject) notifObj; notificationsDefaults.put(notif.getString("key", ""), notif); } userContinuationHandler.handle(true); } } }); } }); }
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License:Open Source License
private void getRecipientsUsers(Date from, final Handler<JsonArray> handler) { final JsonObject aggregation = new JsonObject(); JsonArray pipeline = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(); aggregation.put("aggregate", "timeline").put("allowDiskUse", true).put("pipeline", pipeline); JsonObject matcher ="date").greaterThanEquals(from)); JsonObject grouper = new JsonObject( "{ \"_id\" : \"notifiedUsers\", \"recipients\" : {\"$addToSet\" : \"$recipients.userId\"}}"); pipeline.add(new JsonObject().put("$match", matcher)); pipeline.add(new JsonObject().put("$unwind", "$recipients")); pipeline.add(new JsonObject().put("$group", grouper)); mongo.command(aggregation.toString(), new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override/*from w w w . j a va 2 s. c om*/ public void handle(Message<JsonObject> event) { if ("error".equals(event.body().getString("status", "error"))) { handler.handle(new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray()); } else { JsonArray r = event.body().getJsonObject("result", new JsonObject()).getJsonArray("result"); if (r != null && r.size() > 0) { handler.handle(r.getJsonObject(0).getJsonArray("recipients", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray())); } else { handler.handle(new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray()); } } } }); }
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License:Open Source License
private void isUserOrAdmin(HttpServerRequest request, UserInfos user, final Handler<Boolean> handler) { final String userId = request.params().get("userId"); if (user.getUserId().equals(userId)) { handler.handle(true);/*from w ww .j av a2s.c om*/ return; } final UserInfos.Function adminLocal = getFunction(user, handler); if (adminLocal == null) return; String query = "MATCH (s:Structure)<-[:DEPENDS]-(:ProfileGroup)<-[:IN]-(u:User {id : {userId}}) " + "WHERE IN {structures} " + "RETURN count(*) > 0 as exists "; JsonObject params = new JsonObject() .put("structures", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(adminLocal.getScope())) .put("userId", userId); Neo4j.getInstance().execute(query, params, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> message) { JsonArray res = message.body().getJsonArray("result"); handler.handle("ok".equals(message.body().getString("status")) && res != null && res.size() == 1 && res.getJsonObject(0).getBoolean("exists", false)); } }); }
From source
License:Open Source License
private void isAdminFromUsers(HttpServerRequest request, UserInfos user, final Handler<Boolean> handler) { final UserInfos.Function adminLocal = getFunction(user, handler); if (adminLocal == null) return;/*w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ RequestUtils.bodyToJson(request, new Handler<JsonObject>() { @Override public void handle(JsonObject object) { String query = "MATCH (s:Structure)<-[:DEPENDS]-(:ProfileGroup)<-[:IN]-(u:User) " + "WHERE IN {structures} AND IN {users} " + "RETURN count(distinct u) as nb "; final JsonArray users = object.getJsonArray("users", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray()); JsonObject params = new JsonObject() .put("structures", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(adminLocal.getScope())) .put("users", users); Neo4j.getInstance().execute(query, params, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> message) { JsonArray res = message.body().getJsonArray("result"); handler.handle( "ok".equals(message.body().getString("status")) && res != null && res.size() == 1 && res.getJsonObject(0).getInteger("nb", -1).equals(users.size())); } }); } }); }
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License:Open Source License
private void authorizeDocuments(HttpServerRequest request, UserInfos user, String serviceMethod, Handler<Boolean> handler) { String ids = request.params().get("ids"); if (ids != null && !ids.trim().isEmpty()) { JsonArray idsArray = new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray(Arrays.asList(ids.split(","))); String query = "{ \"_id\": { \"$in\" : " + idsArray.encode() + "}, " + "\"$or\" : [{ \"owner\": \"" + user.getUserId() + "\"}, {\"shared\" : { \"$elemMatch\" : " + orSharedElementMatch(user, serviceMethod) + "}}]}"; executeCountQuery(request, DocumentDao.DOCUMENTS_COLLECTION, new JsonObject(query), idsArray.size(), handler);//from www . j a v a 2 s. c om } else { handler.handle(false); } }
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License:Open Source License
private void recursiveMove(final String folder, final String name, final String owner, final String path, final Handler<Either<String, JsonObject>> result) { final String folderAttr = "Trash".equals(path) ? "old-folder" : "folder"; final QueryBuilder q = QueryBuilder.start("owner").is(owner).put(folderAttr) .regex(Pattern.compile("^" + Pattern.quote(folder) + "($|_)")); //If the folder has a parent folder, replicate sharing rights String[] splittedPath = path.split("_"); String parentName = splittedPath[splittedPath.length - 1]; String parentFolder = path;//from w w w . j av a 2s . co m getParentRights(parentName, parentFolder, owner, new Handler<Either<String, JsonArray>>() { public void handle(Either<String, JsonArray> event) { final JsonArray parentSharedRights = event.right() == null || event.isLeft() ? null : event.right().getValue(); mongo.distinct(DOCUMENTS_COLLECTION, folderAttr,, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> d) { JsonArray directories = d.body().getJsonArray("values", new fr.wseduc.webutils.collections.JsonArray()); if ("ok".equals(d.body().getString("status")) && directories.size() > 0) { final AtomicInteger remaining = new AtomicInteger(directories.size()); final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0); String dest; if (path != null && !path.trim().isEmpty()) { dest = path + "_" + name; } else { dest = name; } for (Object o : directories) { if (!(o instanceof String)) continue; String dir = (String) o; QueryBuilder qf = QueryBuilder.start("owner").is(owner).put(folderAttr) .is(dir); MongoUpdateBuilder modifier = new MongoUpdateBuilder(); modifier.set("folder", dir.replaceFirst("^" + Pattern.quote(folder), Matcher.quoteReplacement(dest))); if ("Trash".equals(path) || parentSharedRights == null) modifier.unset("shared"); else modifier.set("shared", parentSharedRights); mongo.update(DOCUMENTS_COLLECTION,,, false, true, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() { @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> res) { count.getAndAdd(res.body().getInteger("number", 0)); if (remaining.decrementAndGet() == 0) { res.body().put("number", count.get()); result.handle(Utils.validResult(res)); } } }); } } else { result.handle( new Either.Left<String, JsonObject>("workspace.folder.not.found")); } } }); } }); }