Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject append

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject append


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject append.


public BasicDBObject append(final String key, final Object val) 

Source Link


Add a key/value pair to this object


From source file:com.cognitive.cds.invocation.mongo.WorkProductDao.java

License:Apache License

public DeleteResult deleteWorkProduct(String id) throws JsonProcessingException {

    MongoClient mongo = mongoDbDao.getMongoClient();
    MongoDatabase db = mongo.getDatabase("work");
    MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("work");

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.append("_id", new ObjectId(id));

    DeleteResult result = collection.deleteOne(query);
    return result;

From source file:com.cognitive.cds.invocation.mongo.WorkProductSubscriptionDao.java

License:Apache License

public String deleteWorkProductSubscription(WorkProductSubscription wps) throws JsonProcessingException {

    MongoClient mongo = mongoDbDao.getMongoClient();
    MongoDatabase db = mongo.getDatabase("work");
    MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("subscriptions");

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.append("user", wps.getUser());

    DeleteResult result = collection.deleteOne(query);

    return result.toString();

From source file:com.crosstreelabs.cognitio.service.mongo.MongoCatalogueService.java

License:Apache License

protected DBObject toMongoObject(final CatalogueEntry entry) {
    if (entry == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entry cannot be null");
    }//ww w  . j  a v  a2  s. c om
    if (entry.host == null || StringUtils.isBlank(entry.host.id)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot persist catalogue entry without host ref");
    BasicDBObject obj = new BasicDBObject(/*"_id", entry.id*/).append("status", entry.status.toString())
            .append("status_reason", StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(entry.status_reason, ""))
            .append("location", entry.location).append("location_hash", DigestUtils.md5(entry.location))
            .append("host", new ObjectId(entry.host.id))
            .append("path", StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(entry.path, ""))
            .append("relocated", entry.relocated.toString())
            .append("new_location", StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(entry.newLocation, ""))
            .append("initial_parent", StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(entry.initialParent, ""))
            .append("initial_depth", entry.initialDepth)
            .append("initial_parent_title", StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(entry.initialParentTitle, ""));
    if (entry.firstSeen != null) {
        obj.append("first_seen", entry.firstSeen.toDate());
    if (entry.lastVisit != null) {
        obj.append("last_visit", entry.lastVisit.toDate());
    return obj;

From source file:com.crosstreelabs.cognitio.service.mongo.MongoHostService.java

License:Apache License

protected DBObject toMongoObject(final Host host) {
    BasicDBObject result = new BasicDBObject();
    result.append("host", host.host);
    if (host.lastRequest != null) {
        result.append("last_request", host.lastRequest.toDate());
    }//from  w  ww .j  ava2  s.  c o m
    result.append("robots_txt", host.robotsTxt);
    return result;

From source file:com.datatorrent.contrib.mongodb.MongoDBPOJOOutputOperator.java

License:Apache License

public void processTuple(Object tuple) {
    tableToDocument.clear();// w  w w .j  a  v  a 2  s .  com
    BasicDBObject doc;
    BasicDBObject nestedDoc = null;

    if (getterValues.isEmpty()) {

    for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
        String key = keys.get(i);
        String table = tablenames.get(i);
        //nested object are stored in a new document in mongo db.
        if (key.contains(".")) {
            String[] subKeys = nestedKeys.get(key);
            if (nestedDoc == null) {
                nestedDoc = new BasicDBObject();
            nestedDoc.put(subKeys[1], (getterValues.get(i)).get(tuple));
            if ((doc = tableToDocument.get(table)) == null) {
                doc = new BasicDBObject();
            if (doc.containsField(subKeys[0])) {
                doc.append(subKeys[0], nestedDoc);
            } else {
                doc.put(subKeys[0], nestedDoc);
        } else {
            if ((doc = tableToDocument.get(table)) == null) {
                doc = new BasicDBObject();
            doc.put(key, (getterValues.get(i)).get(tuple));
        tableToDocument.put(table, doc);


From source file:com.davidsalter.cappedcollection.JavaDriverCappedCollection.java

License:Apache License

 * @param args the command line arguments
 *//*from  w  ww  .j av a  2  s. c o m*/
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException {
    MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(new MongoClientURI("mongodb://localhost"));
    DB db = mongoClient.getDB("test");

    DBCollection collection;
    if (!db.collectionExists("cappedLogsJavaDriver")) {
        BasicDBObject options = new BasicDBObject("capped", true);
        options.append("size", 4096);
        options.append("max", 5);
        collection = db.createCollection("cappedLogsJavaDriver", options);
    } else {
        collection = db.getCollection("cappedLogsJavaDriver");

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        BasicDBObject logEntry = new BasicDBObject("logId", i);

From source file:com.deliveronthego.DbConnection.java

public String customerSignup(String firstName, String lastName, String emailId, String password,
        int phoneNumber, String regId) {
    mongoclient = getConnection();//www  .  ja v  a  2  s  .co  m
    DB database = mongoclient.getDB("deliveronthego");
    DBCollection customerSignUpInfo = database.getCollection("login");
    if (emailId.contains("@") && (password.length() <= 8) && (String.valueOf(phoneNumber).length() == 10)) {
        BasicDBObject customerSignUpInfoObj = new BasicDBObject("emailId", emailId).append("password",

        DBCursor customerSignUpInfoCur = customerSignUpInfo.find(customerSignUpInfoObj);
        if (customerSignUpInfoCur.hasNext()) {
            return "Customer Sign Up Info Already Exists";
        } else {
            customerSignUpInfoObj.append("firstName", firstName).append("lastName", lastName)
                    .append("phoneNumber", phoneNumber).append("userType", "User").append("regId", regId);
            return "Customer Signup Info inserted successfully";
    } else {
        return "Customer SignUp Info failed to insert";

From source file:com.deliveronthego.DbConnection.java

public String driverSignup(String firstName, String lastName, String driverLicense, String emailId,
        String password, int phoneNumber, String regId) {
    mongoclient = getConnection();/* www  .j a v  a 2 s .c om*/
    DB db = mongoclient.getDB("deliveronthego");
    DBCollection driverSignUpInfo = db.getCollection("login");
    if (emailId.contains("@") && (password.length() <= 8) && (String.valueOf(phoneNumber).length() == 10)
            && !driverLicense.isEmpty()) {
        BasicDBObject driverSignUpInfoObj = new BasicDBObject("driverLicense", driverLicense)
                .append("emailId", emailId).append("password", password);

        DBCursor driverSignUpInfoCur = driverSignUpInfo.find(driverSignUpInfoObj);
        if (driverSignUpInfoCur.hasNext()) {
            return "Driver Sign Up Info Already Exists";
        } else {
            driverSignUpInfoObj.append("firstName", firstName).append("lastName", lastName)
                    .append("phoneNumber", phoneNumber).append("userType", "Driver").append("regId", regId);
            return "Driver Sign Up Info Inserted Successfully";
    } else {
        return "Driver SignUp Info failed to insert";

From source file:com.deliveronthego.DbConnection.java

public String transcationNotification(String driverID, Boolean pickedUp, Boolean delivered) {
    mongoclient = getConnection();//from   w  w w.j  av  a 2  s .  c o  m
    DB db = mongoclient.getDB("deliveronthego");
    DBCollection notification = db.getCollection("notification");

    BasicDBObject notificationObj = new BasicDBObject();
    notificationObj.append("driverID", driverID);
    Date date = new Date();
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

    DBCursor notificationCursor = notification.find(notificationObj);

    if (pickedUp && !delivered) {
        notificationObj.append("pickedUp", pickedUp.toString()).append("delivered", delivered.toString())
                .append("date", cal.toString());

        return "New Transaction Data inserted";
    } else {
        if (notificationCursor.hasNext()) {
            DBObject notifyObj = notificationCursor.curr();
            Date currentDateInDatabase = (Date) notifyObj.get("date");
            if (!(boolean) notifyObj.get("delivered") && currentDateInDatabase.before(date)) {
                notification.update(new BasicDBObject("driverID", driverID),
                        new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject("delivered", delivered.toString())));
                return "Transaction Completed";
            } else {
                return "Transaction failed to update";
        } else {
            return "Transaction failed";

From source file:com.dilmus.dilshad.scabi.deprecated.DBackFileOld.java

License:Open Source License

public int updateMetaData(String fileName, ObjectId fileID, String type, String contentType)
        throws IOException, DScabiException, ParseException {
    int n = 0;//from www. j a va 2 s.  c  o m
    String uploadDate = null;
    Date datefromDB = null;

    BasicDBObject documentWhere = new BasicDBObject();
    documentWhere.put("_id", fileID);

    DBCursor cursorExist = m_table.find(documentWhere);
    n = cursorExist.count();
    if (1 == n) {
        log.debug("updateMetaData() Inside 1 == n");
        while (cursorExist.hasNext()) {
            DBObject ob = cursorExist.next();
            log.debug("updateMetaData() result from ob {}", ob.toString());
            //datefromDB = (String) ((BasicBSONObject) ob).getString("uploadDate");
            datefromDB = ((BasicBSONObject) ob).getDate("uploadDate");
            if (null == datefromDB) {
                throw new DScabiException("updateMetaData() Unable to get uploadDate for file : " + fileName
                        + " fileID : " + fileID.toHexString(), "DBF.UMD.1");
            log.debug("datefromDB : {}", datefromDB);


    } else if (0 == n) {
        log.debug("updateMetaData() No matches for file : " + fileName + " fileID : " + fileID.toHexString());
        throw new DScabiException(
                "updateMetaData() No matches for file : " + fileName + " fileID : " + fileID.toHexString(),
    } else {
        log.debug("updateMetaData() Multiple matches for file : " + fileName + " fileID : "
                + fileID.toHexString());
        throw new DScabiException("updateMetaData() Multiple matches for file : " + fileName + " fileID : "
                + fileID.toHexString(), "DBF.UMD.3");

    Date date = new Date();
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS");
    String putClientDateTime = dateFormat.format(date);
    // To parse from string : Date date2 = dateFormat.parse(putDateTime);
    // Uses java.time java 8 : ZonedDateTime now = ZonedDateTime.now( ZoneOffset.UTC );           
    String millisTime = "" + System.currentTimeMillis();
    String nanoTime = "" + System.nanoTime();

    /* If datefromDB is String
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormatFromDB = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");
    CharSequence cs1 = "T";
    CharSequence cs2 = "Z";
    String s1 = datefromDB.replace(cs1, " ");
    String s2 = s1.replace(cs2, "");
    Date date2 = dateFormatFromDB.parse(s2);
    uploadDate = dateFormat.format(date2);

    uploadDate = dateFormat.format(datefromDB);
    log.debug("uploadDate : {}", uploadDate);

    BasicDBObject documentUpdate = new BasicDBObject();
    documentUpdate.append("PutFileName", fileName);
    documentUpdate.append("PutServerFileID", fileID.toHexString());
    documentUpdate.append("PutServerUploadDateTime", uploadDate);
    documentUpdate.append("PutType", type);
    documentUpdate.append("PutContentType", contentType);
    documentUpdate.append("PutClientDateTime", putClientDateTime);
    documentUpdate.append("PutClientDateTimeInMillis", millisTime);
    documentUpdate.append("PutClientDateTimeInNano", nanoTime);
    documentUpdate.append("PutStatus", "Completed");
    documentUpdate.append("PutLatestNumber", "1");

    BasicDBObject updateObj = new BasicDBObject();
    updateObj.put("$set", documentUpdate);

    WriteResult result = m_table.update(documentWhere, updateObj);
    if (1 != result.getN())
        throw new DScabiException(
                "Update meta data failed for file : " + fileName + " fileID : " + fileID.toHexString(),

    handlePreviousVersions(fileName, fileID.toHexString(), uploadDate);

    return result.getN();
