Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject append

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject append


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject append.


public BasicDBObject append(final String key, final Object val) 

Source Link


Add a key/value pair to this object


From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.core.mapreduce.HadoopJobRunner.java

License:Open Source License

 * Attempt to shard the output collection.  If the collection
 * is already sharded it will just spit back an error which
 * is fine.//from  ww  w  .  j a v a2  s.  c  om
 * @param outputCollection
private void shardOutputCollection(CustomMapReduceJobPojo job) {
    //enable sharding for the custommr db incase it hasn't been
    DbManager.getDB("admin").command(new BasicDBObject("enablesharding", job.getOutputDatabase()));
    //enable sharding for the output collection
    if (job.outputCollection != null) {
        BasicDBObject command = new BasicDBObject("shardcollection",
                job.getOutputDatabase() + "." + job.outputCollection);
        command.append("key", new BasicDBObject("_id", 1));
    //enable sharding on temp output collection
    if (job.outputCollectionTemp != null) {
        BasicDBObject command1 = new BasicDBObject("shardcollection",
                job.getOutputDatabase() + "." + job.outputCollection);
        command1.append("key", new BasicDBObject("_id", 1));

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.core.mapreduce.HadoopJobRunner.java

License:Open Source License

private void updateJobPojo(ObjectId _id, String jobids, int jobidn, String xmlLocation, String jarLocation) {
    try {/*from w  w w .  j  a  v  a 2  s . c  o m*/
        BasicDBObject set = new BasicDBObject();
        set.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.jobidS_, jobids);
        set.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.jobidN_, jobidn);
        set.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.tempConfigXMLLocation_, xmlLocation);
        set.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.tempJarLocation_, jarLocation);
        set.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.errorMessage_, null);
        BasicDBObject updateObject = new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.set_, set);
        DbManager.getCustom().getLookup().update(new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo._id_, _id),
    } catch (Exception ex) {

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.core.mapreduce.HadoopJobRunner.java

License:Open Source License

 * Queries mongo to see if any jobs need to be ran now (if their nextRunTime is
 * less than current time).//from   ww w  .  j  ava 2  s  .  c o  m
 * 5/23/2012 Burch - Updated to only return 1 job atomically, sets that jobs jobidS to
 * a blank so other core servers won't attempt to run it.
 * @return a list of jobs that need ran
private CustomMapReduceJobPojo getJobsToRun() {
    try {
        // First off, check the number of running jobs - don't exceed the max
        // (see to run into memory problems if this isn't limited?)
        int nMaxConcurrent = prop_custom.getHadoopMaxConcurrent();
        if (Integer.MAX_VALUE != nMaxConcurrent) {
            BasicDBObject maxQuery = new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.jobidS_,
                    new BasicDBObject(DbManager.ne_, null));
            int nCurrRunningJobs = (int) DbManager.getCustom().getLookup().count(maxQuery);
            if (nCurrRunningJobs >= nMaxConcurrent) {
                return null;

        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.jobidS_, null);
        query.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.waitingOn_, new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.size_, 0));
                new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.lt_, new Date().getTime()));
        if (!bHadoopEnabled && !bLocalMode) {
            // Can only get shared queries:
            query.append("jarURL", null);
        BasicDBObject updates = new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.jobidS_, "");
        updates.append("lastRunTime", new Date());
        BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.set_, updates);
        DBObject dbo = DbManager.getCustom().getLookup().findAndModify(query, null, null, false, update, true,

        if (dbo != null) {
            return CustomMapReduceJobPojo.fromDb(dbo, CustomMapReduceJobPojo.class);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        //oh noes!

    return null;

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.core.mapreduce.HadoopJobRunner.java

License:Open Source License

private CustomMapReduceJobPojo getJobsToMakeComplete() {
    try {/*  www . j a  v  a2 s  .  c o  m*/
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        BasicDBObject nors[] = new BasicDBObject[3];
        nors[0] = new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.jobidS_, null);
        nors[1] = new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.jobidS_, "CHECKING_COMPLETION");
        nors[2] = new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.jobidS_, "");
        query.put(MongoDbManager.nor_, Arrays.asList(nors));
        BasicDBObject updates = new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.jobidS_, "CHECKING_COMPLETION");
        BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.set_, updates);
        if (!bHadoopEnabled) {
            // Can only get shared queries:
            query.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.jarURL_, null);
        DBObject dbo = DbManager.getCustom().getLookup().findAndModify(query, update);

        if (dbo != null) {
            return CustomMapReduceJobPojo.fromDb(dbo, CustomMapReduceJobPojo.class);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        //oh noes!

    return null;

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.core.mapreduce.HadoopJobRunner.java

License:Open Source License

 * Sets the custom mr pojo to be complete for the
 * current job.  Currently this is done by removing the
 * jobid and updating the next runtime, increments the
 * amount of timeRan counter as well so we can calculate nextRunTime
 * //  w  w w.j  a  va  2s  . c om
 * Also set lastCompletion time to now (best we can approx)
 * @param cmr
private void setJobComplete(CustomMapReduceJobPojo cmr, boolean isComplete, boolean isError, float mapProgress,
        float reduceProgress, String errorMessage) {
    BasicDBObject updates = new BasicDBObject();
    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
    try {
        long nNew = 0;
        long nTotal = 0;
        if (isComplete) {
            updates.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.jobidS_, null);
            updates.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.jobidN_, 0);
            try {
                long nextRunTime = getNextRunTime(cmr.scheduleFreq, cmr.firstSchedule, cmr.nextRunTime,
                        cmr.timesRan + 1);
                //if next run time reschedules to run before now, keep rescheduling until its later
                //the server could have been turned off for days and would try to rerun all jobs once a day
                while (nextRunTime < new Date().getTime()) {
                    Date firstSchedule = new Date(nextRunTime);
                    cmr.firstSchedule = firstSchedule;
                    updates.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.firstSchedule_, firstSchedule);
                    nextRunTime = getNextRunTime(cmr.scheduleFreq, cmr.firstSchedule, cmr.nextRunTime,
                            cmr.timesRan + 1);
                updates.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.nextRunTime_, nextRunTime);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            } // just carry on, we'll live...

            updates.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.lastCompletionTime_, new Date());
            updates.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.tempConfigXMLLocation_, null);
            updates.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.tempJarLocation_, null);
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                _logger.info("job_error_removing_tempfiles=" + HarvestExceptionUtils.createExceptionMessage(e));

            BasicDBObject incs = new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.timesRan_, 1);
            //copy depencies to waitingOn
            updates.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.waitingOn_, cmr.jobDependencies);
            if (!isError) {
                nNew = DbManager.getCollection(cmr.getOutputDatabase(), cmr.outputCollectionTemp).count();

                updates.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.errorMessage_, errorMessage); // (will often be null)
                //if job was successfully, mark off dependencies

                nTotal = DbManager.getCollection(cmr.getOutputDatabase(), cmr.outputCollection).count();
            } else {
                //failed, just append error message                              
                updates.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.errorMessage_, errorMessage);
                incs.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.timesFailed_, 1);
            update.append(MongoDbManager.inc_, incs);
            long runtime = new Date().getTime() - cmr.lastRunTime.getTime();
            long timeFromSchedule = cmr.lastRunTime.getTime() - cmr.nextRunTime;

            if (null != cmr.jobidS) {
                _logger.info("job_completion_title=" + cmr.jobtitle + " job_completion_id=" + cmr._id.toString()
                        + " job_completion_time=" + runtime + " job_schedule_delta=" + timeFromSchedule
                        + " job_completion_success=" + !isError + " job_hadoop_id=" + cmr.jobidS + "_"
                        + cmr.jobidN + " job_new_records=" + nNew + " job_total_records=" + nTotal);
            } else {
                _logger.info("job_completion_title=" + cmr.jobtitle + " job_completion_id=" + cmr._id.toString()
                        + " job_completion_time=" + runtime + " job_schedule_delta=" + timeFromSchedule
                        + " job_completion_success=" + !isError + " job_new_records=" + nNew
                        + " job_total_records=" + nTotal);
        updates.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.mapProgress_, mapProgress);
        updates.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.reduceProgress_, reduceProgress);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        _logger.info("job_error_updating_status_title=" + cmr.jobtitle + " job_error_updating_status_id="
                + cmr._id.toString() + " job_error_updating_status_message="
                + HarvestExceptionUtils.createExceptionMessage(ex));
    } finally { // It's really bad if this doesn't happen, so do it here so that it always gets called
        if (!updates.isEmpty()) {
            update.append(MongoDbManager.set_, updates);
            // (if isComplete, should always include resetting jobidS and jobidN)
            DbManager.getCustom().getLookup().update(new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo._id_, cmr._id),

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.core.mapreduce.HadoopJobRunner.java

License:Open Source License

 * Moves the output of a job from output_tmp to output and deletes
 * the tmp collection.//from w w  w.j a v  a  2 s  .  c o  m
 * @param cmr
 * @throws IOException 
 * @throws ParserConfigurationException 
 * @throws SAXException 
private void moveTempOutput(CustomMapReduceJobPojo cmr)
        throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException {
    // If we are an export job then move files:
    // (the rest of this will just do nothing) 

     * Atomic plan:
     * If not append, move customlookup pointer to tmp collection, drop old collection.
     * If append, set sync flag (find/mod), move results from tmp to old, unset sync flag.
    //step1 build out any of the post proc arguments
    DBObject postProcObject = null;
    boolean limitAllData = true;
    boolean hasSort = false;
    int limit = 0;
    BasicDBObject sort = new BasicDBObject();
    try {
        postProcObject = (DBObject) com.mongodb.util.JSON
                .parse(getQueryOrProcessing(cmr.query, QuerySpec.POSTPROC));
        if (postProcObject != null) {
            if (postProcObject.containsField("limitAllData")) {
                limitAllData = (Boolean) postProcObject.get("limitAllData");
            if (postProcObject.containsField("limit")) {
                limit = (Integer) postProcObject.get("limit");
                if (postProcObject.containsField("sortField")) {
                    String sfield = (String) postProcObject.get("sortField");
                    int sortDir = 1;
                    if (postProcObject.containsField("sortDirection")) {
                        sortDir = (Integer) postProcObject.get("sortDirection");
                    sort.put(sfield, sortDir);
                    hasSort = true;
                } else if (limit > 0) {
                    //set a default sort because the user posted a limit
                    sort.put("_id", -1);
                    hasSort = true;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
                "job_error_post_proc_title=" + cmr.jobtitle + " job_error_post_proc_id=" + cmr._id.toString()
                        + " job_error_post_proc_message=" + HarvestExceptionUtils.createExceptionMessage(ex));

    //step 2a if not appending results then work on temp collection and swap to main
    if ((null == cmr.appendResults) || !cmr.appendResults) //format temp then change lookup pointer to temp collection
        //transform all the results into necessary format:         
        DBCursor dbc_tmp = DbManager.getCollection(cmr.getOutputDatabase(), cmr.outputCollectionTemp)
                .find(new BasicDBObject("key", null)).sort(sort).limit(limit);
        while (dbc_tmp.hasNext()) {
            DBObject dbo = dbc_tmp.next();
            Object key = dbo.get("_id");
            dbo.put("key", key);
            DbManager.getCollection(cmr.getOutputDatabase(), cmr.outputCollectionTemp).insert(dbo);
        DbManager.getCollection(cmr.getOutputDatabase(), cmr.outputCollectionTemp)
                .remove(new BasicDBObject("key", null));

        //swap the output collections
        BasicDBObject notappendupdates = new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.outputCollection_,
        notappendupdates.append(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.outputCollectionTemp_, cmr.outputCollection);
        DbManager.getCustom().getLookup().findAndModify(new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo._id_, cmr._id),
                new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.set_, notappendupdates));
        String temp = cmr.outputCollectionTemp;
        cmr.outputCollectionTemp = cmr.outputCollection;
        cmr.outputCollection = temp;
    } else //step 2b if appending results then drop modified results in output collection
        DbManager.getCustom().getLookup().findAndModify(new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo._id_, cmr._id),
                new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.set_, new BasicDBObject("isUpdatingOutput", true)));
        //remove any aged out results
        if ((null != cmr.appendAgeOutInDays) && cmr.appendAgeOutInDays > 0) {
            //remove any results that have aged out
            long ageOutMS = (long) (cmr.appendAgeOutInDays * MS_IN_DAY);
            Date lastAgeOut = new Date(((new Date()).getTime() - ageOutMS));
            DbManager.getCollection(cmr.getOutputDatabase(), cmr.outputCollection).remove(
                    new BasicDBObject("_id", new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.lt_, new ObjectId(lastAgeOut))));
        DBCursor dbc_tmp;
        if (!limitAllData) {
            //sort and limit the temp data set because we only want to process it
            dbc_tmp = DbManager.getCollection(cmr.getOutputDatabase(), cmr.outputCollectionTemp)
                    .find(new BasicDBObject("key", null)).sort(sort).limit(limit);
            limit = 0; //reset limit so we get everything in a few steps (we only want to limit the new data)
        } else {
            dbc_tmp = DbManager.getCollection(cmr.getOutputDatabase(), cmr.outputCollectionTemp)
                    .find(new BasicDBObject("key", null));

        DBCollection dbc = DbManager.getCollection(cmr.getOutputDatabase(), cmr.outputCollection);
        //transform temp results and dump into output collection
        while (dbc_tmp.hasNext()) {
            DBObject dbo = dbc_tmp.next();
            //transform the dbo to format {_id:ObjectId, key:(prev_id), value:value}
            Object key = dbo.get("_id");
            dbo.put("key", key);
            //_id field should be automatically set to objectid when inserting now
        //if there is a sort, we need to apply it to all the data now
        if (hasSort) {
            ObjectId OID = new ObjectId();
            BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("_id", new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.lt_, OID));
            //find everything inserted before now and sort/limit the data
            DBCursor dbc_sort = dbc.find(query).sort(sort).limit(limit);
            while (dbc_sort.hasNext()) {
                //reinsert the data into db (it should be in sorted order naturally now)
                DBObject dbo = dbc_sort.next();
            //remove everything inserted before we reorganized everything (should leave only the new results in natural order)
        DbManager.getCustom().getLookup().findAndModify(new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo._id_, cmr._id),
                new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.set_, new BasicDBObject("isUpdatingOutput", false)));
    //step3 clean up temp output collection so we can use it again
    // (drop it, removing chunks)
    try {
        DbManager.getCollection(cmr.getOutputDatabase(), cmr.outputCollectionTemp).drop();
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } // That's fine, it probably just doesn't exist yet...

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.core.utils.SourceUtils.java

License:Open Source License

private static void addSearchCycleClause(BasicDBObject currQuery, Date now) {
    BasicDBObject subclause1 = new BasicDBObject(SourcePojo.searchCycle_secs_,
            new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.exists_, false));
    StringBuffer js = new StringBuffer();
    js.append(//from ww  w  .  j av  a2 s .  c  om
            "(null == this.harvest) || ('success_iteration'== this.harvest.harvest_status) || (null == this.harvest.harvested) || (null == this.searchCycle_secs) || ((this.searchCycle_secs >= 0) && ((this.harvest.harvested.getTime() + 1000*this.searchCycle_secs) <= ");
    BasicDBObject subclause2 = new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.where_, js.toString());
    currQuery.append(MongoDbManager.or_, Arrays.asList(subclause1, subclause2));

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.core.utils.SourceUtils.java

License:Open Source License

private static int pruneSource(SourcePojo source, int nToPrune, int ttl_days) {
    int nTotalDocsDeleted = 0;
    int nDocsDeleted = 0;

    // (code taken mostly from SourceHandler.deleteSource)
    if (null != source.getKey()) { // or may delete everything!
        BasicDBObject docQuery = new BasicDBObject(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_,
        if (ttl_days > 0) {
            Date ageOut = new Date(new Date().getTime() - ttl_days * 24L * 3600L * 1000L);
            ObjectId oldestAllowedId = new ObjectId(ageOut);
            docQuery.put(DocumentPojo._id_, new BasicDBObject(DbManager.lt_, oldestAllowedId));
        } //TODO: TOTEST
        docQuery.put(DocumentPojo.index_, new BasicDBObject(DbManager.ne_, "?DEL?")); // (robustness)
        BasicDBObject sortField = new BasicDBObject(DocumentPojo._id_, 1);
        BasicDBObject docFields = new BasicDBObject();
        docFields.append(DocumentPojo.url_, 1);
        docFields.append(DocumentPojo.sourceUrl_, 1);
        docFields.append(DocumentPojo.index_, 1);
        docFields.append(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_, 1);

        StoreAndIndexManager dataStore = new StoreAndIndexManager();
        ObjectId nextId = null;/*from  www .j a va2  s .com*/
        while (nToPrune > 0) {
            int nToDelete = nToPrune;
            if (nToDelete > 10000) {
                nToDelete = 10000;
            if (null != nextId) {
                docQuery.put(DocumentPojo._id_, new BasicDBObject(DbManager.gt_, nextId));
            } //TESTED (by hand)

            DBCursor dbc = DbManager.getDocument().getMetadata().find(docQuery, docFields).sort(sortField)
            // (ie batches of 10K, ascending ordered by _id)

            nToPrune -= nToDelete;
            if (0 == nDocsDeleted) {
                nDocsDeleted = dbc.count();
                nTotalDocsDeleted += nDocsDeleted;
            if (0 == dbc.size()) {
            List<DocumentPojo> docs = DocumentPojo.listFromDb(dbc, DocumentPojo.listType());

            nextId = dataStore.removeFromDatastore_byURL(docs, source);
    // No need to do anything related to soft deletion, this is all handled when the harvest ends 
    return nTotalDocsDeleted;

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.store.document.CompressedFullTextPojo.java

License:Apache License

public BasicDBObject getUpdate() {
    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
    update.append(url_, url);
    update.append(sourceKey_, sourceKey);
    update.append(communityId_, communityId);

    update.append(gzip_content_, gzip_content);
    update.append(gzip_len_, gzip_len);// w ww. j  ava 2 s  . co m
    if (null != gzip_raw_content) {
        update.append(gzip_raw_content_, gzip_raw_content);
        update.append(gzip_raw_len_, gzip_raw_len);
    if (null != gzip_md_content) {
        update.append(gzip_md_content_, gzip_md_content);
        update.append(gzip_md_len_, gzip_md_len);
    return update;


From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.store.MongoDbManager.java

License:Apache License

public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException {
    MongoClient mc = new MongoClient(args[0]);
    long tnow = 0;
    DB db = mc.getDB("test");
    DBCollection test = db.getCollection("test123");
    BasicDBObject outObj = new BasicDBObject();
    int ITS = 1000;
    test.drop();/*from   www  .  j  a  v a  2s  . com*/

    boolean checkPerformance = false;
    boolean checkFunctionality = false;
    boolean checkErrors = false;

    // 1] Performance

    if (checkPerformance) {

        // ack'd
        tnow = new Date().getTime();
        for (int i = 0; i < ITS; ++i) {
            outObj.put("val", i);
        tnow = new Date().getTime() - tnow;
        System.out.println("1: Ack'd: " + tnow);

        // un ack'd
        tnow = new Date().getTime();
        outObj = new BasicDBObject();
        for (int i = 0; i < ITS; ++i) {
            outObj.put("val", i);
        tnow = new Date().getTime() - tnow;
        System.out.println("2: unAck'd: " + tnow);

        // un ack'd but call getLastError
        tnow = new Date().getTime();
        outObj = new BasicDBObject();
        for (int i = 0; i < ITS; ++i) {
            outObj.put("val", i);
        tnow = new Date().getTime() - tnow;
        System.out.println("3: unAck'd but GLEd: " + tnow);

        // ack'd override
        tnow = new Date().getTime();
        outObj = new BasicDBObject();
        for (int i = 0; i < ITS; ++i) {
            outObj.put("val", i);
            test.save(outObj, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);
        tnow = new Date().getTime() - tnow;
        System.out.println("4: unAck'd but ACKd: " + tnow);

        // Performance Results:
        // 2.6) (unack'd 100ms ... ack'd 27000)
        // 2.4) (same)

    // 2] Functionality

    if (checkFunctionality) {

        // Unack:
        WriteResult wr = test.update(new BasicDBObject(),
                new BasicDBObject(DbManager.set_, new BasicDBObject("val2", "x")), false, true);
        CommandResult cr = db.getLastError();
        System.out.println("UNACK: wr: " + wr);
        System.out.println("UNACK: cr: " + cr);

        // bonus, check that we get N==0 when insert dup object
        WriteResult wr2 = test.insert(outObj);
        System.out.println("ACK wr2 = " + wr2.getN() + " all = " + wr2);
        CommandResult cr2 = db.getLastError();
        System.out.println("ACK cr2 = " + cr2);

        // Ack1:
        wr = test.update(new BasicDBObject(), new BasicDBObject(DbManager.set_, new BasicDBObject("val3", "x")),
                false, true);
        cr = db.getLastError();
        System.out.println("ACK1: wr: " + wr);
        System.out.println("ACK1: cr: " + cr);

        // Ack2:
        wr = test.update(new BasicDBObject(), new BasicDBObject(DbManager.set_, new BasicDBObject("val4", "x")),
                false, true, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);
        cr = db.getLastError();
        System.out.println("ACK2: wr: " + wr);
        System.out.println("ACK2: cr: " + cr);

        // bonus, check that we get N==0 when insert dup object
        wr2 = test.insert(outObj);
        System.out.println("ACK wr2 = " + wr2.getN() + " all = " + wr2);

        // Functionality results:
        // 2.6: unack wr == N/A, otherwise both have "n", "ok"
        // 2.4: unack wr == N/A all other wrs + crs identical 

    if (checkErrors) {

        //set up sharding
        DbManager.getDB("admin").command(new BasicDBObject("enablesharding", "test"));
        // Ack:
        try {
            test.createIndex(new BasicDBObject("key", 1));
            BasicDBObject command1 = new BasicDBObject("shardcollection", "test.test123");
            command1.append("key", new BasicDBObject("key", 1));

            outObj = new BasicDBObject("key", "test");
            WriteResult wr = test.update(new BasicDBObject(),
                    new BasicDBObject(DbManager.set_, new BasicDBObject("key", "test2")));
            System.out.println("ACK wr = " + wr);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("ACK err = " + e.toString());

        // UnAck:
        try {
            test.createIndex(new BasicDBObject("key", 1));
            BasicDBObject command1 = new BasicDBObject("shardcollection", "test.test123");
            command1.append("key", new BasicDBObject("key", 1));

            outObj = new BasicDBObject("key", "test");
            WriteResult wr = test.update(new BasicDBObject(),
                    new BasicDBObject(DbManager.set_, new BasicDBObject("key", "test2")), false, false,
            System.out.println("ACK override wr = " + wr);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("ACK override  err = " + e.toString());

        // UnAck:
        try {
            test.createIndex(new BasicDBObject("key", 1));
            BasicDBObject command1 = new BasicDBObject("shardcollection", "test.test123");
            command1.append("key", new BasicDBObject("key", 1));

            outObj = new BasicDBObject("key", "test");
            WriteResult wr = test.update(new BasicDBObject(),
                    new BasicDBObject(DbManager.set_, new BasicDBObject("key", "test2")));
            System.out.println("UNACK wr = " + wr);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("UNACK err = " + e.toString());

        // UnAck + GLE:
        try {
            test.createIndex(new BasicDBObject("key", 1));
            BasicDBObject command1 = new BasicDBObject("shardcollection", "test.test123");
            command1.append("key", new BasicDBObject("key", 1));

            outObj = new BasicDBObject("key", "test");
            WriteResult wr = test.update(new BasicDBObject(),
                    new BasicDBObject(DbManager.set_, new BasicDBObject("key", "test2")));
            CommandResult cr = db.getLastError();
            System.out.println("UNACK GLE wr = " + wr);
            System.out.println("UNACK GLE cr = " + cr);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("UNACK GLE err = " + e.toString());

        // Error handling:

        // 2.6:
        // Ack - exception
        // Ack override - exception
        // UnAck - no error given
        // UnAck + GLE  - gle error

        // 2.4:
        // Ack - exception
        // Ack override - exception
        // UnAck - no error given
        // UnAck + GLE  - gle error
