Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject append

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject append


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject append.


public BasicDBObject append(final String key, final Object val) 

Source Link


Add a key/value pair to this object


From source file:dsll.pinterest.crawler.Reduce.java

private static Text updateBoardContent(String url, DBCollection baordsCollection)
        throws JSONException, IOException {
    String id = url.split("/")[4];
    DBCursor c = baordsCollection.find(new BasicDBObject("ID", id));
    DBObject oldPin = c.next();//from  ww w . j  av a  2 s.  c  o  m
    JSONArray oldPins = new JSONArray(oldPin.get("pins").toString());

    Elements pinsCont = Jsoup.connect(url).get().select("div[class=pinWrapper]");
    // new pins
    JSONArray pins = new JSONArray();
    for (Element pinCont : pinsCont) {
        JSONObject pin = new JSONObject();
        pin.append("src", pinCont.select("div[class=pinHolder]>a").first().attr("href"));

    List<String> oldPinURL = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (int i = 0; i < oldPins.length(); i++) {

    for (int i = 0; i < pins.length(); i++) {
        if (oldPinURL.contains(pins.getJSONObject(i).getString("src"))) {

    BasicDBObject newAttr = new BasicDBObject();
    newAttr.append("pins", oldPins);
    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject().append("$set", newAttr);

    baordsCollection.update(new BasicDBObject("ID", id), update);
    return new Text("baord " + id + " updated...");

From source file:edu.emory.bmi.datacafe.mongo.MongoUtil.java

License:Open Source License

 * Gets a BasicDBObject with a few attributes added or removed.
 * @param preferredAttributes the attributes to be added.
 * @param removedAttributes   the attributes to be removed.
 * @return the BasicDBObject.//from   w  ww .  j  a  v a  2s. c o  m
public static BasicDBObject getDBObjFromAttributes(String[] preferredAttributes, String[] removedAttributes) {
    BasicDBObject basicDBObject = new BasicDBObject();
    if (preferredAttributes != null) {
        for (String preferredAttribute : preferredAttributes) {
            basicDBObject.append(preferredAttribute, 1);
    if (removedAttributes != null) {
        for (String removedAttribute : removedAttributes) {
            basicDBObject.append(removedAttribute, 0);
    return basicDBObject;

From source file:edu.slu.action.ObjectAction.java

 * Internal helper method to update the history.next property of an object.  This will occur because updateObject will create a new object from a given object, and that
 * given object will have a new next value of the new object.  Watch out for missing __rerum or malformed __rerum.history
 * /*  w ww  . j  a va 2s  .com*/
 * @param idForUpdate the @id of the object whose history.next needs to be updated
 * @param newNextID the @id of the newly created object to be placed in the history.next array.
 * @return Boolean altered true on success, false on fail
private boolean alterHistoryNext(String idForUpdate, String newNextID) {
    //TODO @theHabes As long as we trust the objects we send to this, we can take out the lookup and pass in objects as parameters
    System.out.println("Trying to alter history...");
    Boolean altered = false;
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.append("@id", idForUpdate);
    DBObject myAnno = mongoDBService.findOneByExample(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, query);
    DBObject myAnnoWithHistoryUpdate;
    JSONObject annoToUpdate = JSONObject.fromObject(myAnno);
    if (null != myAnno) {
        try {
            annoToUpdate.getJSONObject("__rerum").getJSONObject("history").getJSONArray("next").add(newNextID); //write back to the anno from mongo
            myAnnoWithHistoryUpdate = (DBObject) JSON.parse(annoToUpdate.toString()); //make the JSONObject a DB object
            System.out.println("Update in Mongo");
            mongoDBService.update(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, myAnno, myAnnoWithHistoryUpdate); //update in mongo
            altered = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //@cubap @theHabes #44.  What if obj does not have __rerum or __rerum.history
            System.out.println("This object did not have a propery history...");
                    "This object does not contain the proper history property.  It may not be from RERUM, the update failed.",
    } else { //THIS IS A 404
        System.out.println("Couldnt find the object to alter history...");
        writeErrorResponse("Object for update not found...", HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND);
    return altered;

From source file:edu.slu.action.ObjectAction.java

 * Public facing servlet action to find all upstream versions of an object.  This is the action the user hits with the API.
 * If this object is `prime`, it will be the only object in the array.
 * @param oid variable assigned by urlrewrite rule for /id in urlrewrite.xml
 * @respond JSONArray to the response out for parsing by the client application.
 * @throws Exception /*  w  w  w. jav  a  2  s .  c om*/
public void getAllAncestors() throws Exception {
    if (null != oid && methodApproval(request, "get")) {
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.append("_id", oid);
        BasicDBObject mongo_obj = (BasicDBObject) mongoDBService
                .findOneByExample(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, query);
        if (null != mongo_obj) {
            JSONObject safe_received = JSONObject.fromObject(mongo_obj); //We can trust this is the object as it exists in mongo
            List<DBObject> ls_versions = getAllVersions(safe_received);
            JSONArray ancestors = getAllAncestors(ls_versions, safe_received, new JSONArray());
            try {
                //@cubap @theHabes TODO how can we make this Web Annotation compliant?
                //addWebAnnotationHeaders(oid, isContainerType(ancestors), isLD(ancestors));
                response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
                out = response.getWriter();
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(ObjectAction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } else {
            writeErrorResponse("No object found with provided id '" + oid + "'.",

From source file:edu.slu.action.ObjectAction.java

 * Public facing servlet to gather for all versions downstream from a provided `key object`.
 * @param oid variable assigned by urlrewrite rule for /id in urlrewrite.xml
 * @throws java.lang.Exception//from  w w w.ja v a2  s.c  o  m
 * @respond JSONArray to the response out for parsing by the client application.
public void getAllDescendents() throws Exception {
    if (null != oid && methodApproval(request, "get")) {
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.append("_id", oid);
        BasicDBObject mongo_obj = (BasicDBObject) mongoDBService
                .findOneByExample(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, query);
        if (null != mongo_obj) {
            JSONObject safe_received = JSONObject.fromObject(mongo_obj); //We can trust this is the object as it exists in mongo
            List<DBObject> ls_versions = getAllVersions(safe_received);
            JSONArray descendents = getAllDescendents(ls_versions, safe_received, new JSONArray());
            try {
                //@cubap @theHabes TODO how can we make this Web Annotation compliant?
                //addWebAnnotationHeaders(oid, isContainerType(descendents), isLD(descendents));
                response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
                out = response.getWriter();
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(ObjectAction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } else {
            writeErrorResponse("No object found with provided id '" + oid + "'.",

From source file:edu.slu.action.ObjectAction.java

 * Internal private method to loads all derivative versions from the `root` object. It should always receive a reliable object, not one from the user.
 * Used to resolve the history tree for storing into memory.
 * @param  obj A JSONObject to find all versions of.  If it is root, make sure to prepend it to the result.  If it isn't root, query for root from the ID
 * found in prime using that result as a reliable root object. 
 * @return All versions from the store of the object in the request
 * @throws Exception /*from  w  w w  . j a v a2 s  . c o m*/
private List<DBObject> getAllVersions(JSONObject obj) throws Exception {
    List<DBObject> ls_versions = null;
    BasicDBObject rootObj;
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    BasicDBObject queryForRoot = new BasicDBObject();
    String primeID;
    //@cubap @theHabes #44.  What if obj does not have __rerum or __rerum.history
    if (obj.getJSONObject("__rerum").getJSONObject("history").getString("prime").equals("root")) {
        primeID = obj.getString("@id");
        //Get all objects whose prime is this things @id
        query.append("__rerum.history.prime", primeID);
        ls_versions = mongoDBService.findByExample(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, query);
        for (int i = 0; i < ls_versions.size(); i++) {
            BasicDBObject version = (BasicDBObject) ls_versions.get(i);
            ls_versions.set(i, version);
        rootObj = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(obj.toString());
        //Prepend the rootObj we know about
        ls_versions.add(0, rootObj);
    } else {
        primeID = obj.getJSONObject("__rerum").getJSONObject("history").getString("prime");
        //Get all objects whose prime is equal to this ID
        query.append("__rerum.history.prime", primeID);
        ls_versions = mongoDBService.findByExample(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, query);
        for (int i = 0; i < ls_versions.size(); i++) {
            BasicDBObject version = (BasicDBObject) ls_versions.get(i);
            ls_versions.set(i, version);
        queryForRoot.append("@id", primeID);
        rootObj = (BasicDBObject) mongoDBService.findOneByExample(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, queryForRoot);
        //Prepend the rootObj whose ID we knew and we queried for
        ls_versions.add(0, rootObj);
    return ls_versions;

From source file:edu.slu.action.ObjectAction.java

 * Get annotation by objectiD.  Strip all unnecessary key:value pairs before returning.
 * @param oid variable assigned by urlrewrite rule for /id in urlrewrite.xml
 * @rspond with the new annotation ID in the Location header and the new object created in the body.
 * @throws java.io.IOException//from w  w w  .j  av  a2 s  .co  m
 * @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
public void getByID() throws IOException, ServletException, Exception {
    if (null != oid && methodApproval(request, "get")) {
        //find one version by objectID
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.append("_id", oid);
        DBObject myAnno = mongoDBService.findOneByExample(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, query);
        if (null != myAnno) {
            BasicDBObject bdbo = (BasicDBObject) myAnno;
            JSONObject jo = JSONObject.fromObject(myAnno.toMap());
            //String idForHeader = jo.getString("_id");
            //The following are rerum properties that should be stripped.  They should be in __rerum.
            jo.remove("forkFromID"); // retained for legacy v0 objects
            // @context may not be here and shall not be added, but the response
            // will not be ld+json without it.
            try {
                addWebAnnotationHeaders(oid, isContainerType(jo), isLD(jo));
                response.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
                response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
                out = response.getWriter();
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(ObjectAction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } else {
            writeErrorResponse("No object found with provided id '" + oid + "'.",

From source file:edu.slu.action.ObjectAction.java

 * Get annotations by given properties. 
 * @param Object with key:value pairs with conditions to match against.
 * @reutrn list of annotations that match the given conditions.  DO NOT RETURN DELETED OBJECTS
 *///from  w  w w. j a  va 2  s  .co m
// This is not Web Annotation standard as the specifications states you respond with a single object, not a list.  Not sure what to do with these.
// @cubap answer: I asked on oac-discuss and was told Web Annotation hasn't handled lists yet, so just be nice.
public void getByProperties() throws IOException, ServletException, Exception {
    //System.out.println("v1 getByProperties");
    //want to use methodApproval(request, "get"), but these have body so...post
    if (null != processRequestBody(request, false) && methodApproval(request, "getProps")) {
        JSONObject received = JSONObject.fromObject(content);
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        Set<String> set_received = received.keySet();
        for (String key : set_received) {
            query.append(key, received.get(key));
        //Ignore deleted annotations! https://docs.mongodb.com/v2.6/reference/operator/query/exists/
        JSONObject existsFlag = new JSONObject();
        existsFlag.element("$exists", false);
        query.append("__deleted", existsFlag);
        List<DBObject> ls_result = mongoDBService.findByExample(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, query);
        JSONArray ja = new JSONArray();
        for (DBObject dbo : ls_result) {
            BasicDBObject itemToAdd = (BasicDBObject) dbo;
            itemToAdd.remove("addedTime"); // retained for legacy v0 objects
            itemToAdd.remove("originalAnnoID");// retained for legacy v0 objects
            itemToAdd.remove("version");// retained for legacy v0 objects
            itemToAdd.remove("permission");// retained for legacy v0 objects
            itemToAdd.remove("forkFromID"); // retained for legacy v0 objects
            itemToAdd.remove("serverName");// retained for legacy v0 objects
            itemToAdd.remove("serverIP");// retained for legacy v0 objects
            ja.add((BasicDBObject) itemToAdd);
        try {
            response.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); // not ld+json because it is an array
            response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
            out = response.getWriter();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(ObjectAction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        if(ls_result.size() > 0){
        try {
            response.addHeader("Content-Type","application/json"); // not ld+json because it is an array
            response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
            out = response.getWriter();
        catch (IOException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(ObjectAction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        writeErrorResponse("Object(s) not found using provided properties '"+received+"'.", HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND);

From source file:edu.slu.action.ObjectAction.java

 * Public facing servlet to PATCH set values of an existing RERUM object.
 * @respond with state of new object in the body
 * @throws java.io.IOException/* w  ww .j  ava  2  s  . c  o m*/
 * @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
public void patchSetUpdate() throws IOException, ServletException, Exception {
    Boolean historyNextUpdatePassed = false;
    System.out.println("patch set update");
    if (null != processRequestBody(request, true) && methodApproval(request, "set")) {
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        JSONObject received = JSONObject.fromObject(content);
        if (received.containsKey("@id")) {
            String updateHistoryNextID = received.getString("@id");
            query.append("@id", updateHistoryNextID);
            BasicDBObject originalObject = (BasicDBObject) mongoDBService
                    .findOneByExample(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, query); //The originalObject DB object
            BasicDBObject updatedObject = (BasicDBObject) originalObject.copy(); //A copy of the original, this will be saved as a new object.  Make all edits to this variable.
            boolean alreadyDeleted = checkIfDeleted(JSONObject.fromObject(originalObject));
            boolean isReleased = checkIfReleased(JSONObject.fromObject(originalObject));
            if (alreadyDeleted) {
                writeErrorResponse("The object you are trying to update is deleted.",
            } else if (isReleased) {
                writeErrorResponse("The object you are trying to update is released. Fork to make changes.",
            } else {
                if (null != originalObject) {
                    Set<String> update_anno_keys = received.keySet();
                    int updateCount = 0;
                    //If the object already in the database contains the key found from the object recieved from the user...
                    for (String key : update_anno_keys) {
                        if (originalObject.containsKey(key)) { //Keys matched.  Ignore it, set only works for new keys.
                            //@cubap @theHabes do we want to build that this happened into the response at all?
                        } else { //this is a new key, this is a set. Allow null values.
                            updatedObject.append(key, received.get(key));
                            updateCount += 1;
                    if (updateCount > 0) {
                        JSONObject newObject = JSONObject.fromObject(updatedObject);//The edited original object meant to be saved as a new object (versioning)
                        newObject = configureRerumOptions(newObject, true); //__rerum for the new object being created because of the update action
                        newObject.remove("@id"); //This is being saved as a new object, so remove this @id for the new one to be set.
                        //Since we ignore changes to __rerum for existing objects, we do no configureRerumOptions(updatedObject);
                        DBObject dbo = (DBObject) JSON.parse(newObject.toString());
                        String newNextID = mongoDBService.save(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, dbo);
                        String newNextAtID = Constant.RERUM_ID_PREFIX + newNextID;
                        BasicDBObject dboWithObjectID = new BasicDBObject((BasicDBObject) dbo);
                        dboWithObjectID.append("@id", newNextAtID);
                        newObject.element("@id", newNextAtID);
                        mongoDBService.update(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, dbo, dboWithObjectID);
                        historyNextUpdatePassed = alterHistoryNext(updateHistoryNextID, newNextAtID); //update history.next or original object to include the newObject @id
                        if (historyNextUpdatePassed) {
                            System.out.println("object patch set updated: " + newNextAtID);
                            JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
                            JSONObject iiif_validation_response = checkIIIFCompliance(newNextAtID, "2.1");
                            jo.element("code", HttpServletResponse.SC_OK);
                            jo.element("original_object_id", updateHistoryNextID);
                            jo.element("new_obj_state", newObject); //FIXME: @webanno standards say this should be the response.
                            jo.element("iiif_validation", iiif_validation_response);
                            try {
                                addWebAnnotationHeaders(newNextID, isContainerType(newObject), isLD(newObject));
                                response.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
                                response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
                                out = response.getWriter();
                            } catch (IOException ex) {
                                Logger.getLogger(ObjectAction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                        } else {
                            //The error is already written to response.out, do nothing.
                    } else {
                        // Nothing could be patched
                        writeErrorResponse("Nothing could be PATCHed", HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT);
                } else {
                    //This could means it was an external object, but those fail for PATCH updates.
                    writeErrorResponse("Object " + received.getString("@id")
                            + " not found in RERUM, could not update.  PUT update to make this object a part of RERUM.",
        } else {
            writeErrorResponse("Object did not contain an @id, could not update.",

From source file:edu.slu.action.ObjectAction.java

 * Public facing servlet to PATCH unset values of an existing RERUM object.
 * @respond with state of new object in the body
 * @throws java.io.IOException/*from   w w  w.jav  a  2s. c o  m*/
 * @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
public void patchUnsetUpdate() throws IOException, ServletException, Exception {
    Boolean historyNextUpdatePassed = false;
    System.out.println("Patch unset update");
    if (null != processRequestBody(request, true) && methodApproval(request, "unset")) {
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        JSONObject received = JSONObject.fromObject(content);
        if (received.containsKey("@id")) {
            String updateHistoryNextID = received.getString("@id");
            query.append("@id", updateHistoryNextID);
            BasicDBObject originalObject = (BasicDBObject) mongoDBService
                    .findOneByExample(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, query); //The originalObject DB object
            BasicDBObject updatedObject = (BasicDBObject) originalObject.copy(); //A copy of the original, this will be saved as a new object.  Make all edits to this variable.
            boolean alreadyDeleted = checkIfDeleted(JSONObject.fromObject(originalObject));
            boolean isReleased = checkIfReleased(JSONObject.fromObject(originalObject));
            if (alreadyDeleted) {
                writeErrorResponse("The object you are trying to update is deleted.",
            } else if (isReleased) {
                writeErrorResponse("The object you are trying to update is released.  Fork to make changes.",
            } else {
                if (null != originalObject) {
                    Set<String> update_anno_keys = received.keySet();
                    int updateCount = 0;
                    //If the object already in the database contains the key found from the object recieved from the user...
                    for (String key : update_anno_keys) {
                        if (originalObject.containsKey(key)) {
                            if (key.equals("@id") || key.equals("__rerum") || key.equals("objectID")
                                    || key.equals("_id")) {
                                // Ignore these in a PATCH.  DO NOT update, DO NOT count as an attempt to update
                            } else {
                                if (null != received.get(key)) { //Found matching keys and value is not null.  Ignore these.
                                    //@cubap @theHabes do we want to build that this happened into the response at all?
                                } else { //Found matching keys and value is null, this is an unset
                                    updateCount += 1;
                        } else { //Original object does not contain this key, perhaps the user meant set.
                                 //@cubap @theHabes do we want to build that this happened into the response at all?
                    if (updateCount > 0) {
                        JSONObject newObject = JSONObject.fromObject(updatedObject);//The edited original object meant to be saved as a new object (versioning)
                        newObject = configureRerumOptions(newObject, true); //__rerum for the new object being created because of the update action
                        newObject.remove("@id"); //This is being saved as a new object, so remove this @id for the new one to be set.
                        //Since we ignore changes to __rerum for existing objects, we do no configureRerumOptions(updatedObject);
                        DBObject dbo = (DBObject) JSON.parse(newObject.toString());
                        String newNextID = mongoDBService.save(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, dbo);
                        String newNextAtID = Constant.RERUM_ID_PREFIX + newNextID;
                        BasicDBObject dboWithObjectID = new BasicDBObject((BasicDBObject) dbo);
                        dboWithObjectID.append("@id", newNextAtID);
                        newObject.element("@id", newNextAtID);
                        mongoDBService.update(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, dbo, dboWithObjectID);
                        historyNextUpdatePassed = alterHistoryNext(updateHistoryNextID, newNextAtID); //update history.next or original object to include the newObject @id
                        if (historyNextUpdatePassed) {
                            System.out.println("Patch unset updated: " + newNextAtID);
                            JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
                            JSONObject iiif_validation_response = checkIIIFCompliance(newNextAtID, "2.1");
                            jo.element("code", HttpServletResponse.SC_OK);
                            jo.element("original_object_id", updateHistoryNextID);
                            jo.element("new_obj_state", newObject); //FIXME: @webanno standards say this should be the response.
                            jo.element("iiif_validation", iiif_validation_response);
                            try {
                                addWebAnnotationHeaders(newNextID, isContainerType(newObject), isLD(newObject));
                                response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
                                response.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
                                out = response.getWriter();
                            } catch (IOException ex) {
                                Logger.getLogger(ObjectAction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                        } else {
                            //The error is already written to response.out, do nothing.
                    } else {
                        // Nothing could be patched
                        writeErrorResponse("Nothing could be PATCHed", HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT);
                } else {
                    //This could means it was an external object, but those fail for PATCH updates.
                    writeErrorResponse("Object " + received.getString("@id")
                            + " not found in RERUM, could not update.  PUT update to make this object a part of RERUM.",
        } else {
            writeErrorResponse("Object did not contain an @id, could not update.",