Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject append

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject append


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject append.


public BasicDBObject append(final String key, final Object val) 

Source Link


Add a key/value pair to this object


From source file:com.opengamma.livedata.server.MongoDBPersistentSubscriptionManager.java

License:Open Source License

public void saveToStorage(Set<PersistentSubscription> newState) {
    clean();/*  w  w  w.  j  a  v a  2  s.co m*/
    FudgeSerializer serializer = new FudgeSerializer(OpenGammaFudgeContext.getInstance());
    FudgeDeserializer deserializer = new FudgeDeserializer(OpenGammaFudgeContext.getInstance());
    List<DBObject> objects = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
    for (PersistentSubscription sub : newState) {
        FudgeMsg msg = LiveDataSpecificationFudgeBuilder.toFudgeMsg(serializer, sub.getFullyQualifiedSpec());
        DBObject fieldData = deserializer.fudgeMsgToObject(DBObject.class, msg);
        BasicDBObject mainObject = new BasicDBObject();
        mainObject.append("fieldData", fieldData);

From source file:com.querydsl.mongodb.MongodbSerializer.java

License:Apache License

@Override/*from  w ww .  j  a v a2 s  .  c  om*/
public Object visit(Operation<?> expr, Void context) {
    Operator op = expr.getOperator();
    if (op == Ops.EQ) {
        if (expr.getArg(0) instanceof Operation) {
            Operation<?> lhs = (Operation<?>) expr.getArg(0);
            if (lhs.getOperator() == Ops.COL_SIZE || lhs.getOperator() == Ops.ARRAY_SIZE) {
                return asDBObject(asDBKey(lhs, 0), asDBObject("$size", asDBValue(expr, 1)));
            } else {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Illegal operation " + expr);
        } else if (expr.getArg(0) instanceof Path) {
            Path<?> path = (Path<?>) expr.getArg(0);
            Constant<?> constant = (Constant<?>) expr.getArg(1);
            return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), convert(path, constant));
    } else if (op == Ops.STRING_IS_EMPTY) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), "");

    } else if (op == Ops.AND) {
        BSONObject lhs = (BSONObject) handle(expr.getArg(0));
        BSONObject rhs = (BSONObject) handle(expr.getArg(1));
        if (Sets.intersection(lhs.keySet(), rhs.keySet()).isEmpty()) {
            return lhs;
        } else {
            BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
            return asDBObject("$and", list);

    } else if (op == Ops.NOT) {
        //Handle the not's child
        Operation<?> subOperation = (Operation<?>) expr.getArg(0);
        Operator subOp = subOperation.getOperator();
        if (subOp == Ops.IN) {
            return visit(ExpressionUtils.operation(Boolean.class, Ops.NOT_IN, subOperation.getArg(0),
                    subOperation.getArg(1)), context);
        } else {
            BasicDBObject arg = (BasicDBObject) handle(expr.getArg(0));
            return negate(arg);

    } else if (op == Ops.OR) {
        BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
        return asDBObject("$or", list);

    } else if (op == Ops.NE) {
        Path<?> path = (Path<?>) expr.getArg(0);
        Constant<?> constant = (Constant<?>) expr.getArg(1);
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$ne", convert(path, constant)));

    } else if (op == Ops.STARTS_WITH) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), Pattern.compile("^" + regexValue(expr, 1)));

    } else if (op == Ops.STARTS_WITH_IC) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0),
                Pattern.compile("^" + regexValue(expr, 1), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE));

    } else if (op == Ops.ENDS_WITH) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), Pattern.compile(regexValue(expr, 1) + "$"));

    } else if (op == Ops.ENDS_WITH_IC) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0),
                Pattern.compile(regexValue(expr, 1) + "$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE));

    } else if (op == Ops.EQ_IGNORE_CASE) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0),
                Pattern.compile("^" + regexValue(expr, 1) + "$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE));

    } else if (op == Ops.STRING_CONTAINS) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), Pattern.compile(".*" + regexValue(expr, 1) + ".*"));

    } else if (op == Ops.STRING_CONTAINS_IC) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0),
                Pattern.compile(".*" + regexValue(expr, 1) + ".*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE));

    } else if (op == Ops.MATCHES) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), Pattern.compile(asDBValue(expr, 1).toString()));

    } else if (op == Ops.MATCHES_IC) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0),
                Pattern.compile(asDBValue(expr, 1).toString(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE));

    } else if (op == Ops.LIKE) {
        String regex = ExpressionUtils.likeToRegex((Expression) expr.getArg(1)).toString();
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), Pattern.compile(regex));

    } else if (op == Ops.BETWEEN) {
        BasicDBObject value = new BasicDBObject("$gte", asDBValue(expr, 1));
        value.append("$lte", asDBValue(expr, 2));
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), value);

    } else if (op == Ops.IN) {
        int constIndex = 0;
        int exprIndex = 1;
        if (expr.getArg(1) instanceof Constant<?>) {
            constIndex = 1;
            exprIndex = 0;
        if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(expr.getArg(constIndex).getType())) {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //guarded by previous check
            Collection<?> values = ((Constant<? extends Collection<?>>) expr.getArg(constIndex)).getConstant();
            return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, exprIndex), asDBObject("$in", values.toArray()));
        } else {
            Path<?> path = (Path<?>) expr.getArg(exprIndex);
            Constant<?> constant = (Constant<?>) expr.getArg(constIndex);
            return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, exprIndex), convert(path, constant));

    } else if (op == Ops.NOT_IN) {
        int constIndex = 0;
        int exprIndex = 1;
        if (expr.getArg(1) instanceof Constant<?>) {
            constIndex = 1;
            exprIndex = 0;
        if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(expr.getArg(constIndex).getType())) {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //guarded by previous check
            Collection<?> values = ((Constant<? extends Collection<?>>) expr.getArg(constIndex)).getConstant();
            return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, exprIndex), asDBObject("$nin", values.toArray()));
        } else {
            Path<?> path = (Path<?>) expr.getArg(exprIndex);
            Constant<?> constant = (Constant<?>) expr.getArg(constIndex);
            return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, exprIndex), asDBObject("$ne", convert(path, constant)));

    } else if (op == Ops.COL_IS_EMPTY) {
        BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
        list.add(asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), new BasicDBList()));
        list.add(asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$exists", false)));
        return asDBObject("$or", list);

    } else if (op == Ops.LT) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$lt", asDBValue(expr, 1)));

    } else if (op == Ops.GT) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$gt", asDBValue(expr, 1)));

    } else if (op == Ops.LOE) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$lte", asDBValue(expr, 1)));

    } else if (op == Ops.GOE) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$gte", asDBValue(expr, 1)));

    } else if (op == Ops.IS_NULL) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$exists", false));

    } else if (op == Ops.IS_NOT_NULL) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$exists", true));

    } else if (op == Ops.CONTAINS_KEY) {
        Path<?> path = (Path<?>) expr.getArg(0);
        Expression<?> key = expr.getArg(1);
        return asDBObject(visit(path, context) + "." + key.toString(), asDBObject("$exists", true));

    } else if (op == MongodbOps.NEAR) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$near", asDBValue(expr, 1)));

    } else if (op == MongodbOps.NEAR_SPHERE) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$nearSphere", asDBValue(expr, 1)));

    } else if (op == MongodbOps.ELEM_MATCH) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$elemMatch", asDBValue(expr, 1)));

    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Illegal operation " + expr);

From source file:com.redhat.jielicious.storage.mongo.handler.MongoStorageHandler.java

License:Open Source License

private Bson createSortObject(String sort) {
    BasicDBObject sortObject = new BasicDBObject();
    if (sort != null) {
        String[] items = sort.split(",");
        for (String item : items) {
            if (item.charAt(0) == '+') {
                sortObject.append("obj." + item.substring(1), 1);
            } else if (item.charAt(0) == '-') {
                sortObject.append("obj." + item.substring(1), -1);
            }/*from  w w w .  j a  v  a 2s  . c o m*/
    return sortObject;

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.crud.mongo.MongoLocking.java

License:Open Source License

public void ping(String callerId, String resourceId) {
    Date now = new Date();
    BasicDBObject q = new BasicDBObject().append(CALLERID, callerId).append(RESOURCEID, resourceId)
            .append(EXPIRATION, new BasicDBObject("$gt", now)).append(COUNT, new BasicDBObject("$gt", 0));
    DBObject lock = coll.findOne(q);/*w  ww.j  a v  a  2s  .c  om*/
    if (lock != null) {
        Date expiration = new Date(now.getTime() + ((Number) lock.get(TTL)).longValue());
        int ver = ((Number) lock.get(VERSION)).intValue();
        BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject()
                .append("$set", new BasicDBObject(TIMESTAMP, now).append(EXPIRATION, expiration))
                .append("$inc", new BasicDBObject(VERSION, 1));
        q = q.append(VERSION, ver);
        WriteResult wr = coll.update(q, update, false, false, WriteConcern.SAFE);
        if (wr.getN() != 1)
            throw new InvalidLockException(resourceId);
        LOGGER.debug("{}/{} pinged", callerId, resourceId);
    } else
        throw new InvalidLockException(resourceId);

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.crud.mongo.Translator.java

License:Open Source License

private DBObject translateRegexMatchExpression(RegexMatchExpression expr) {
    StringBuilder options = new StringBuilder();
    BasicDBObject regex = new BasicDBObject("$regex", expr.getRegex());
    if (expr.isCaseInsensitive()) {
    }// w  w  w  . j  av  a  2  s.c  om
    if (expr.isMultiline()) {
    if (expr.isExtended()) {
    if (expr.isDotAll()) {
    String opStr = options.toString();
    if (opStr.length() > 0) {
        regex.append("$options", opStr);
    return new BasicDBObject(translatePath(expr.getField()), regex);

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.crud.mongo.Translator.java

License:Open Source License

private void toBson(BasicDBObject dest, SimpleField fieldMd, Path path, JsonNode node) {
    Object value = toValue(fieldMd.getType(), node);
    // Should we add fields with null values to the bson doc? 
    if (value != null) {
        LOGGER.debug("{} = {}", path, value);
        if (path.equals(ID_PATH)) {
            value = new ObjectId(value.toString());
        }/*  w  w  w.  j  a va  2  s.c  o  m*/
        // Store big values as string. Mongo does not support big values
        if (value instanceof BigDecimal || value instanceof BigInteger) {
            value = value.toString();

        dest.append(path.tail(0), value);

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.crud.mongo.Translator.java

License:Open Source License

private void convertObjectFieldToBson(JsonNode node, JsonNodeCursor cursor, BasicDBObject ret, Path path,
        EntityMetadata md) {//  w  w w.  ja  va2 s. co  m
    if (node != null) {
        if (node instanceof ObjectNode) {
            if (cursor.firstChild()) {
                ret.append(path.tail(0), objectToBson(cursor, md));
        } else {
            throw Error.get(ERR_INVALID_FIELD, path.toString());

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.crud.mongo.Translator.java

License:Open Source License

private void convertArrayFieldToBson(JsonNode node, JsonNodeCursor cursor, BasicDBObject ret,
        FieldTreeNode fieldMdNode, Path path, EntityMetadata md) {
    if (node != null) {
        if (node instanceof ArrayNode) {
            if (cursor.firstChild()) {
                ret.append(path.tail(0), arrayToBson(cursor, ((ArrayField) fieldMdNode).getElement(), md));
                cursor.parent();/*from   www.  j a  v  a 2s  .  c  o m*/
        } else {
            throw Error.get(ERR_INVALID_FIELD, path.toString());

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.metadata.mongo.MongoMetadata.java

License:Open Source License

private void createUpdateEntityInfoIndexes(EntityInfo ei) {
    LOGGER.debug("createUpdateEntityInfoIndexes: begin");

    Indexes indexes = ei.getIndexes();/*from   w ww . j  a v a  2  s  .  com*/

    MongoDataStore ds = (MongoDataStore) ei.getDataStore();
    DB entityDB = dbResolver.get(ds);
    DBCollection entityCollection = entityDB.getCollection(ds.getCollectionName());
    try {
        List<DBObject> existingIndexes = entityCollection.getIndexInfo();
        LOGGER.debug("Existing indexes: {}", existingIndexes);
        for (Index index : indexes.getIndexes()) {
            boolean createIx = true;
            LOGGER.debug("Processing index {}", index);

            for (DBObject existingIndex : existingIndexes) {
                if (indexFieldsMatch(index, existingIndex) && indexOptionsMatch(index, existingIndex)) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Same index exists, not creating");
                    createIx = false;

            if (createIx) {
                for (DBObject existingIndex : existingIndexes) {
                    if (indexFieldsMatch(index, existingIndex) && !indexOptionsMatch(index, existingIndex)) {
                        LOGGER.debug("Same index exists with different options, dropping index:{}",
                        // Changing index options, drop the index using its name, recreate with new options

            if (createIx) {
                DBObject newIndex = new BasicDBObject();
                for (SortKey p : index.getFields()) {
                    newIndex.put(p.getField().toString(), p.isDesc() ? -1 : 1);
                BasicDBObject options = new BasicDBObject("unique", index.isUnique());
                if (index.getName() != null && index.getName().trim().length() > 0) {
                    options.append(LITERAL_NAME, index.getName().trim());
                LOGGER.debug("Creating index {} with options {}", newIndex, options);
                entityCollection.createIndex(newIndex, options);
    } catch (MongoException me) {
        LOGGER.error("createUpdateEntityInfoIndexes: {}", ei);
        throw Error.get(MongoMetadataConstants.ERR_ENTITY_INDEX_NOT_CREATED, me.getMessage());
    } finally {

    LOGGER.debug("createUpdateEntityInfoIndexes: end");

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.mongo.crud.BatchUpdate.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns the set of document ids that were not updated with docver
 * @param docver The current document version
 * @param documentIds The document ids to scan
 * @return The set of document ids that were not updated with docver
 *//*ww  w  .  j a v a 2s  .c  o m*/
public static Set<Object> getFailedUpdates(DBCollection collection, ObjectId docver, List<Object> documentIds) {
    Set<Object> failedIds = new HashSet<>();
    if (!documentIds.isEmpty()) {
        // documents with the given _ids and whose docver contains our docVer are the ones we managed to update
        // others are failures
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(DOCVER_FLD, new BasicDBObject("$ne", docver));
        query.append("_id", new BasicDBObject("$in", documentIds));
        try (DBCursor cursor = collection.find(query, new BasicDBObject("_id", 1))
                .setReadPreference(ReadPreference.primary())) {
            while (cursor.hasNext()) {
    return failedIds;