Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBList BasicDBList

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBList BasicDBList


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBList BasicDBList.



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From source file:com.ebay.cloud.cms.dal.persistence.flatten.impl.embed.EmbedFieldModifyCommand.java

License:Apache License

@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
void buildArrayBody(BasicDBObject embedObject, MetaField field) {
    BasicDBObject enityObject = (BasicDBObject) getEntity().getNode();
    List<?> fieldObject = (List<?>) enityObject.get(field.getFlattenValueDbName());

    if (fieldObject != null) {
        List givenValue = fieldObject;
        if (givenValue != null) {
            List targetFieldList = new ArrayList();
            BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList) embedObject.get(field.getFlattenValueDbName());
            if (list != null) {
            }//w ww  . j ava2  s  .com

            BasicDBList valueList = new BasicDBList();
            // field value
            embedObject.put(field.getFlattenValueDbName(), valueList);
            // field property
            embedObject.put(field.getFlattenPropertyValueDbName(FieldProperty.LENGTH), targetFieldList.size());
            embedObject.put(field.getFlattenPropertyValueDbName(FieldProperty.TIMESTAMP), new Date());

From source file:com.ebay.cloud.cms.dal.persistence.impl.embed.EmbedCreateCommand.java

License:Apache License

public DBObject buildCreateBody(MetaRelationship lastField, String parentPath, BsonEntity entity,
        int newVersion, MetaClass rootMetaClass, DBObject rootObject, String parentId) {
    BasicDBObject embedParentObject = (BasicDBObject) EmbedDBObjectFilter.filter(parentId, rootObject,
            rootMetaClass, null, helper);
    if (embedParentObject == null) {
        throw new CmsDalException(DalErrCodeEnum.ENTITY_NOT_FOUND,
                "Create, can not find embed field with Id: " + parentId);
    }/*  ww  w .  j  a v a  2  s.  c  om*/


    if (lastField.getCardinality() == CardinalityEnum.Many) {
        BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) embedParentObject.get(lastField.getDbName());
        BasicDBList valueList = null;
        if (obj != null) {
            valueList = (BasicDBList) obj.get(MetaField.VALUE_KEY);

        if (valueList == null) {
            if (obj == null) {
                obj = new BasicDBObject();
                embedParentObject.put(lastField.getDbName(), obj);
            valueList = new BasicDBList();
            obj.put(FieldProperty.LENGTH.getDbName(), 1);
            obj.put(FieldProperty.TIMESTAMP.getDbName(), new Date());
            obj.put(MetaField.VALUE_KEY, valueList);
        } else {
            int size = valueList.size();
            obj.put(FieldProperty.LENGTH.getDbName(), size + 1);
            obj.put(FieldProperty.TIMESTAMP.getDbName(), new Date());
            obj.put(MetaField.VALUE_KEY, valueList);
    } else {
        DBObject vObj = new BasicDBObject();
        vObj.put(MetaField.VALUE_KEY, entity.getNode());
        embedParentObject.put(lastField.getDbName(), vObj);

    BasicDBObject setModifyObject = new BasicDBObject();
    BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) rootObject.get(embedFieldName);
    if (obj == null) {
        throw new CmsDalException(DalErrCodeEnum.ENTITY_NOT_FOUND,
                "Create, can not find embed field with Id: " + this.entity.getId());

    setModifyObject.put(embedFieldName, obj);
    BasicDBObject modifyBody = new BasicDBObject();
    modifyBody.put("$set", setModifyObject);

    // increase version on root document
    BasicDBObject versionObject = new BasicDBObject();
    versionObject.put(InternalFieldEnum.VERSION.getDbName(), 1);
    modifyBody.put("$inc", versionObject);

    buildRootUpdateObject(entity, null, modifyBody, rootMetaClass);

    return modifyBody;

From source file:com.ebay.cloud.cms.dal.persistence.impl.embed.EmbedFieldModifyCommand.java

License:Apache License

@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
protected DBObject buildModifyBody(BitSet arrayBits, DBObject rootObject, MetaClass rootMetaClass) {
    BasicDBObject embedObject = (BasicDBObject) EmbedDBObjectFilter.filter(entity.getId(), rootObject,
            rootMetaClass, null, helper);

    MetaField field = getField();//  w  ww  .j a  v a  2  s  . c o m
    if (field.getCardinality() == CardinalityEnum.Many) {
        BasicDBObject enityObject = (BasicDBObject) getEntity().getNode();
        BasicDBObject fieldObject = (BasicDBObject) enityObject.get(field.getDbName());

        if (fieldObject != null) {
            List givenValue = (List) fieldObject.get(V);
            if (givenValue != null) {
                // merge with exsiting fields FIXME:: keep the same with RootFieldModifyCommand of using delta
                List targetFilterList = new ArrayList();
                BasicDBObject existingFieldObject = (BasicDBObject) embedObject.get(field.getDbName());
                if (existingFieldObject != null) {
                    BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList) existingFieldObject.get(V);
                    if (list != null) {

                BasicDBList valueList = new BasicDBList();

                DBObject obj = (DBObject) embedObject.get(field.getDbName());
                if (obj == null) {
                    obj = new BasicDBObject();
                    embedObject.put(field.getDbName(), obj);

                obj.put(V, valueList);
                obj.put(FieldProperty.LENGTH.getDbName(), targetFilterList.size());
                obj.put(FieldProperty.TIMESTAMP.getDbName(), new Date());
    } else if (field.getDataType().equals(DataTypeEnum.JSON)) {
        // incremental $set
        // buildJsonBody(parentPath, modifyBody);
        BasicDBObject enityObject = (BasicDBObject) getEntity().getNode();
        BasicDBObject fieldObject = (BasicDBObject) enityObject.get(field.getDbName());
        if (fieldObject != null) {
            DBObject obj = (DBObject) embedObject.get(field.getDbName());
            if (obj == null) {
                obj = new BasicDBObject();
                embedObject.put(field.getDbName(), obj);
            DBObject valueObj = (DBObject) obj.get(V);
            if (valueObj == null) {
                valueObj = new BasicDBObject();
                obj.put(V, valueObj);

            BasicDBObject givenValue = (BasicDBObject) (fieldObject).get(V);
            if (givenValue != null) {
                for (String key : givenValue.keySet()) {
                    valueObj.put(key, givenValue.get(key));

    } else {
        // non-array: replace the whole field
        BasicDBObject enityObject = (BasicDBObject) getEntity().getNode();
        BasicDBObject fieldObject = (BasicDBObject) enityObject.get(field.getDbName());
        embedObject.put(field.getDbName(), fieldObject);
        // buildSetFieldBody(parentPath, modifyBody);

    embedObject.put(InternalFieldEnum.MODIFIER.getDbName(), entity.getModifier());
    embedObject.put(InternalFieldEnum.LASTMODIFIED.getDbName(), entity.getLastModified());

    return buildSetBody(rootObject);

From source file:com.ebay.cloud.cms.lock.mongo.MongoMutex.java

License:Apache License

public synchronized boolean tryAcquire() {
    if (ownerThread == null) {
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.put(LOCK_NAME, lockName);/*from  ww w  . j a v  a2s. c o  m*/

        //owner == null || owner == self || (now - updateTime) > expireTime
        //owner logs the clientName who already acquired this lock
        BasicDBObject q1 = new BasicDBObject();
        q1.put(OWNER, null);
        BasicDBObject q2 = new BasicDBObject();
        q2.put(OWNER, clientName);
        BasicDBObject q3 = new BasicDBObject();
        BasicDBObject qq = new BasicDBObject();
        qq.put(MongoOperand.lt, new Date((new Date().getTime() - expireTime)));
        q3.put(UPDATE_TIME, qq);

        BasicDBList or = new BasicDBList();

        query.put(MongoOperand.or, or);

        BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
        update.put(OWNER, clientName);
        update.put(UPDATE_TIME, new Date());
        BasicDBObject u = new BasicDBObject();
        u.put(MongoOperand.set, update);

        try {
            boolean success = MongoUtils.wrapperUpdate(coll, query, u);
            if (success) {
                ownerThread = Thread.currentThread();
                renewThread = new RenewThread(this);
                logger.debug("{} acquired by {}, thread is {}",
                        new Object[] { lockName, clientName, Thread.currentThread().getName() });
            } else {
                logger.debug("tryacquir failed, {}, {}", query, u);
            return success;
        } catch (MongoException e) {
            logger.error("mongo exception while trying acquire mongo lock: " + lockName + ", " + clientName, e);
            throw e;
    } else if (ownerThread == Thread.currentThread()) {
        if (lockCount <= 0) {
            logger.error("Current thread own this lock but the lockCount <= 0");
            throw new RuntimeException("Current thread own this lock but the lockCount <= 0");
        if (getLockState().equals(State.LOCKED)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        logger.error("lock already acquired by thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
        throw new RuntimeException("lock already acquired by thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName());

From source file:com.ebay.cloud.cms.metadata.dataloader.MetadataDataLoader.java

License:Apache License

private void loadMetaClassesFromPath(String pathName) {
    try {/*  w  w w  .  j av a 2  s.  c o m*/

        URL url = MetadataDataLoader.class.getResource(pathName);
        URI uri = url.toURI();
        BasicDBList metas = new BasicDBList();

        if (uri.isOpaque()) {
            JarURLConnection connection = (JarURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            JarFile jar = connection.getJarFile();
            Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jar.entries();

            while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
                if (entry.getName().startsWith(pathName.substring(1)) && entry.getName().endsWith(".json")) {
                    InputStream is = jar.getInputStream(entry);
                    readMetaClass(is, metas);

        } else {
            File dir = new File(url.toURI());
            Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(dir, new String[] { "json" }, true);
            for (File f : files) {
                InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);
                readMetaClass(is, metas);


    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("error in loading metadata: ", e);

From source file:com.ebay.cloud.cms.metadata.dataloader.MetadataDataLoader.java

License:Apache License

public void loadMetaClassesFromResource(String fileName) {
    InputStream is = null;/*from  w w w.  j  a  v a  2  s.c  o  m*/
    try {
        is = MetadataDataLoader.class.getResourceAsStream(fileName);
        BasicDBList metas = new BasicDBList();
        readMetaClasses(is, metas);
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error("error in closing stream: ", e);

From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.AggregateDialog.java

License:Apache License

BasicDBObject getAggregateCommand(String collection) {
    BasicDBObject cmd = new BasicDBObject("aggregate", collection);
    BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
    cmd.put("pipeline", list);
    for (BasicDBObject op : operationList) {
        list.add(op);/*from ww w.  ja  v  a  2 s  .com*/
    return cmd;

From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.CollectionPanel.java

License:Apache License

public void shardingDistribution(ButtonBase button) {
    final DB config = getCollectionNode().getCollection().getDB().getSisterDB("config");

    new DbJob() {
        @Override/*from w  w w .jav a  2s  .  co  m*/
        public Object doRun() throws Exception {
            BasicDBObject result = new BasicDBObject();
            BasicDBList shardList = new BasicDBList();
            BasicDBObject stats = getStats();
            BasicDBObject shards = (BasicDBObject) stats.get("shards");
            if (shards == null || shards.isEmpty())
                return null;

            long totalChunks = 0;
            long totalSize = stats.getLong("size");
            long totalCount = stats.getLong("count");

            for (Entry shard : shards.entrySet()) {
                String shardName = (String) shard.getKey();
                BasicDBObject shardStats = (BasicDBObject) shard.getValue();

                BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("ns",
                query.put("shard", shardName);
                long numChunks = config.getCollection("chunks").count(query);
                totalChunks += numChunks;

                double estChunkData = numChunks <= 0 ? 0 : shardStats.getLong("size") / numChunks;
                long estChunkCount = numChunks <= 0 ? 0
                        : (long) Math.floor(shardStats.getLong("count") / numChunks);

                BasicDBObject shardDetails = new BasicDBObject("shard", shardName);
                shardDetails.put("data", shardStats.getLong("size"));
                        totalSize <= 0 ? 0 : (shardStats.getLong("size") * 100.0) / totalSize);
                shardDetails.put("docs", shardStats.getLong("count"));
                        totalCount <= 0 ? 0 : (shardStats.getLong("count") * 100.0) / totalCount);
                shardDetails.put("chunks", numChunks);
                if (shardStats.containsField("avgObjSize"))
                    shardDetails.put("avgDocSize", shardStats.getDouble("avgObjSize"));
                shardDetails.put("estimatedDataPerChunk", estChunkData);
                shardDetails.put("estimatedDocsPerChunk", estChunkCount);
            result.put("shards", shardList);

            BasicDBObject total = new BasicDBObject();
            total.put("data", totalSize);
            total.put("docs", totalCount);
            total.put("chunks", totalChunks);
            total.put("avgDocSize", stats.getDouble("avgObjSize"));
            result.put("total", total);
            return result;

        public String getNS() {
            return getCollectionNode().getCollection().getFullName();

        public String getShortName() {
            return "Sharding Distribution";

From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.DocFieldArray.java

License:Apache License

protected DBObject createDBObject() {
    return new BasicDBList();

From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.DocFieldObject.java

License:Apache License

public void addNewField(String key, String type) {
    Object val = "";
    if (type.equals("Integer")) {
        val = new Integer(0);
    } else if (type.startsWith("Long")) {
        val = new Long(0);
    } else if (type.equals("Binary")) {
        val = new Binary((byte) 0, new byte[1]);
    } else if (type.startsWith("ObjectId")) {
        val = new ObjectId();
    } else if (type.equals("Boolean")) {
        val = new Boolean(true);
    } else if (type.equals("Code")) {
        val = new Code("");
    } else if (type.equals("Date")) {
        val = new Date();
    } else if (type.startsWith("Double")) {
        val = new Double(0.0);
    } else if (type.equals("Pattern")) {
        val = Pattern.compile("");
    } else if (type.equals("Timestamp")) {
        val = new BSONTimestamp((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000), 0);
    } else if (type.equals("Document")) {
        val = new BasicDBObject();
    } else if (type.equals("List")) {
        val = new BasicDBList();
    } else if (type.equals("Null")) {
        val = null;
    } else if (type.equals("UUID")) {
        val = UUID.randomUUID();
    } else if (type.equals("MinKey")) {
        val = new MinKey();
    } else if (type.equals("MaxKey")) {
        val = new MaxKey();
    }/*from   www .  j  ava2s  .  c om*/

    if (value == null) {
        value = createDBObject();
    addField(key, val);