List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBList BasicDBList
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License:Apache License
private static DBObject buildDBList(NoSqlTreeNode parentNode) { BasicDBList basicDBList = new BasicDBList(); Enumeration children = parentNode.children(); while (children.hasMoreElements()) { NoSqlTreeNode node = (NoSqlTreeNode) children.nextElement(); MongoValueDescriptor descriptor = (MongoValueDescriptor) node.getDescriptor(); Object value = descriptor.getValue(); if (value instanceof DBObject) { if (value instanceof BasicDBList) { basicDBList.add(buildDBList(node)); } else { basicDBList.add(buildDBObject(node)); }/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ } else { basicDBList.add(value); } } return basicDBList; }
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License:Open Source License
public String getString(String columnName) throws OdaException { Object columnValue = getFieldValue(columnName); if (columnValue instanceof String) return (String) columnValue; if (columnValue instanceof List && !(columnValue instanceof BasicDBList)) { // convert generic List to JSON-formattable list List<?> fromList = (List<?>) columnValue; if (!fromList.isEmpty()) { BasicDBList fieldValuesList = new BasicDBList(); for (int index = 0; index < fromList.size(); index++) { fieldValuesList.put(index, fromList.get(index)); }/*from w w w.j av a2 s . c om*/ fieldValuesList.markAsPartialObject(); return fieldValuesList.toString(); // return JSON expr format } } if (columnValue instanceof byte[]) return convertToString((byte[]) columnValue); return columnValue != null ? columnValue.toString() : null; }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static Iterable<DBObject> callDBCommand(DB connectedDB, QueryProperties queryProps) throws OdaException { if (!queryProps.hasRunCommand()) return null; DBObject command = queryProps.getOperationExprAsParsedObject(false); if (command == null) return null; try {/* w w w . j av a 2s . c om*/ CommandResult cmdResult = connectedDB.command(command); cmdResult.throwOnError(); // wrap the commandResult DBObject in an Iterable BasicDBList resultList = new BasicDBList(); resultList.add(cmdResult); Object resultObject = resultList; return (Iterable<DBObject>) resultObject; } catch (RuntimeException ex) { OdaException odaEx = new OdaException( Messages.bind(Messages.mDbOp_dbCmdFailed, queryProps.getOperationExpression())); odaEx.initCause(ex); throw odaEx; } }
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License:Open Source License
static DBObject fetchFieldDocument(Object fieldValue, byte fieldNativeDataType) { if (fieldNativeDataType == BSON.UNDEFINED) fieldNativeDataType = Bytes.getType(fieldValue); if (fieldNativeDataType == BSON.ARRAY) { if (!(fieldValue instanceof List)) return null; // fetch nested document, if exists, for each element in array BasicDBList dbObjsList = new BasicDBList(); for (Object valueInList : (List<?>) fieldValue) { DBObject listElementObj = fetchFieldDocument(valueInList); if (listElementObj == null) // at least one element in array is not a nested doc return null; if (listElementObj instanceof List) dbObjsList.addAll((List<?>) listElementObj); // collapse into the same list else/* w w w. ja v a2s .c o m*/ dbObjsList.add(listElementObj); } return dbObjsList; // return nested documents in an array } DBObject fieldObjValue = null; if (fieldNativeDataType == BSON.OBJECT) { if (fieldValue instanceof DBObject) fieldObjValue = (DBObject) fieldValue; else if (fieldValue instanceof DBRefBase) { try { fieldObjValue = ((DBRefBase) fieldValue).fetch(); } catch (Exception ex) { // log and ignore getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Ignoring error in fetching a DBRefBase object."); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } return fieldObjValue; }
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License:Open Source License
private static BasicDBList fetchFieldValuesFromList(String fieldFullName, BasicDBList fromDBList) { if (fromDBList == null || fromDBList.size() == 0) return null; // get the named field value from each element in given array list BasicDBList fieldValuesList = new BasicDBList(); if (fromDBList.isPartialObject()) fieldValuesList.markAsPartialObject(); for (int index = 0; index < fromDBList.size(); index++) { Object listElementObj = fromDBList.get(String.valueOf(index)); if (listElementObj instanceof DBObject) // nested complex object, e.g. document listElementObj = fetchFieldValues(fieldFullName, (DBObject) listElementObj); fieldValuesList.put(index, listElementObj); }// w ww. j av a 2 m // check if at least one field value in list is not null, return the list for (Object elementValue : fieldValuesList.toMap().values()) { if (elementValue != null) return fieldValuesList; } return null; // all values in list is null }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void startTableGroup(ITableGroupContent tableGroup) throws BirtException { BasicDBList dbArray = new BasicDBList(); DBObject groupObj = new BasicDBObject(); groupObj.put(tableGroup.getName(), dbArray); groupObjStack.push(groupObj);//w w w.j av a 2s . c om }
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License:Open Source License
private DBObject marshallRevision(InternalCommitContext context, InternalCDORevision revision, CDOChangeKind changeKind) {/* ww w . j av a 2 s. c om*/ boolean resource = !(revision instanceof SyntheticCDORevision) && revision.isResource(); if (resource && resourceNameFeature == null) { resourceNameFeature = revision.getEClass() .getEStructuralFeature(CDOModelConstants.RESOURCE_NODE_NAME_ATTRIBUTE); } DBObject doc = new BasicDBObject(); idHandler.write(doc, REVISIONS_ID, revision.getID()); EClass eClass = revision.getEClass(); doc.put(REVISIONS_CLASS, store.getClasses().getClassifierID(eClass)); if (changeKind == CDOChangeKind.DETACHED) { doc.put(REVISIONS_VERSION, -revision.getVersion() - 1); return doc; } doc.put(REVISIONS_VERSION, revision.getVersion()); CDOID resourceID = revision.getResourceID(); idHandler.write(doc, REVISIONS_RESOURCE, resourceID); CDOID containerID = (CDOID) revision.getContainerID(); idHandler.write(doc, REVISIONS_CONTAINER, containerID); int featureID = revision.getContainingFeatureID(); doc.put(REVISIONS_FEATURE, featureID); if (resource && changeKind != CDOChangeKind.DETACHED) { String name = (String), 0); IStoreAccessor accessor = StoreThreadLocal.getAccessor(); CDOID existingID = accessor.readResourceID(containerID, name, revision); if (existingID != null && !existingID.equals(revision.getID()) && !isBeingDetached(context, existingID)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicate resource: name=" + name + ", folderID=" + containerID); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } CDOClassInfo classInfo = revision.getClassInfo(); for (EStructuralFeature feature : classInfo.getAllPersistentFeatures()) { Object value = revision.getValue(feature); CDOType type = CDOModelUtil.getType(feature); ValueHandler valueHandler = store.getValueHandler(type); if (feature.isUnsettable()) { if (value == null) { doc.put(feature.getName() + SET_SUFFIX, false); doc.put(feature.getName(), valueHandler.getMongoDefaultValue(feature)); continue; } doc.put(feature.getName() + SET_SUFFIX, true); } if (value == CDORevisionData.NIL) { doc.put(feature.getName(), null); } else if (value == null) { if (feature.isMany() || feature.getDefaultValue() == null) { doc.put(feature.getName(), null); } else { doc.put(feature.getName(), valueHandler.getMongoDefaultValue(feature)); } } else { if (feature.isMany()) { List<?> cdoList = (List<?>) value; BasicDBList mongoList = new BasicDBList(); for (Object element : cdoList) { element = valueHandler.toMongo(element); mongoList.add(element); } value = mongoList; } else { value = valueHandler.toMongo(value); } doc.put(feature.getName(), value); } } return doc; }
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License:Open Source License
public void loadCommitInfos(CDOBranch branch, long startTime, long endTime, final CDOCommitInfoHandler handler) { if (endTime < CDOBranchPoint.UNSPECIFIED_DATE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Counting not supported"); }/*ww w . j av a 2s . c o m*/ DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); if (branch != null && store.isBranching()) { query.put(COMMITS_BRANCH, branch.getID()); } BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList(); if (startTime != CDOBranchPoint.UNSPECIFIED_DATE) { list.add(new BasicDBObject(QueryOperators.GTE, startTime)); } if (endTime != CDOBranchPoint.UNSPECIFIED_DATE) { list.add(new BasicDBObject(QueryOperators.LTE, endTime)); } int size = list.size(); if (size == 2) { query.put(COMMITS_ID, list); } else if (size == 1) { query.put(COMMITS_ID, list.get(0)); } InternalRepository repository = store.getRepository(); final InternalCDOBranchManager branchManager = repository.getBranchManager(); final InternalCDOCommitInfoManager commitManager = repository.getCommitInfoManager(); new Query<Object>(query) { @Override public Object execute() { return execute(collection.find(getRef()).sort(new BasicDBObject(COMMITS_ID, 1))); } @Override protected Object handleDoc(DBObject doc) { long time = (Long) doc.get(COMMITS_ID); Object value = doc.get(COMMITS_PREVIOUS); long previous = value == null ? 0L : (Long) value; CDOBranch commitBranch; if (store.isBranching()) { int branchID = (Integer) doc.get(COMMITS_BRANCH); commitBranch = branchManager.getBranch(branchID); } else { commitBranch = branchManager.getMainBranch(); } String user = (String) doc.get(COMMITS_USER); String comment = (String) doc.get(COMMITS_COMMENT); CDOCommitInfo commitInfo = commitManager.createCommitInfo(commitBranch, time, previous, user, comment, null); handler.handleCommitInfo(commitInfo); return null; } }.execute(); }
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License:Open Source License
public void remove(Set<String> names) { BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList(); for (String name : names) { list.add(name);//from w ww . ja v a 2s .c o m } DBObject ref = new BasicDBObject(); ref.put(ID, new BasicDBObject("$in", list)); collection.remove(ref); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * @see org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionDataStore#getExpired(Set) *///from w w w. j ava 2s.c o m @Override public Set<String> doGetExpired(Set<String> candidates) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long upperBound = now; Set<String> expiredSessions = new HashSet<>(); //firstly ask mongo to verify if these candidate ids have expired - all of //these candidates will be for our node BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.append(__ID, new BasicDBObject("$in", candidates)); query.append(__EXPIRY, new BasicDBObject("$gt", 0).append("$lt", upperBound)); DBCursor verifiedExpiredSessions = null; try { verifiedExpiredSessions = _dbSessions.find(query, new BasicDBObject(__ID, 1)); for (DBObject session : verifiedExpiredSessions) { String id = (String) session.get(__ID); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("{} Mongo confirmed expired session {}", _context, id); expiredSessions.add(id); } } finally { if (verifiedExpiredSessions != null) verifiedExpiredSessions.close(); } //now ask mongo to find sessions last managed by any nodes that expired a while ago //if this is our first expiry check, make sure that we only grab really old sessions if (_lastExpiryCheckTime <= 0) upperBound = (now - (3 * (1000L * _gracePeriodSec))); else upperBound = _lastExpiryCheckTime - (1000L * _gracePeriodSec); query = new BasicDBObject(); BasicDBObject gt = new BasicDBObject(__EXPIRY, new BasicDBObject("$gt", 0)); BasicDBObject lt = new BasicDBObject(__EXPIRY, new BasicDBObject("$lt", upperBound)); BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList(); list.add(gt); list.add(lt); query.append("and", list); DBCursor oldExpiredSessions = null; try { BasicDBObject bo = new BasicDBObject(__ID, 1); bo.append(__EXPIRY, 1); oldExpiredSessions = _dbSessions.find(query, bo); for (DBObject session : oldExpiredSessions) { String id = (String) session.get(__ID); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("{} Mongo found old expired session {}", _context, id + " exp=" + session.get(__EXPIRY)); expiredSessions.add(id); } } finally { oldExpiredSessions.close(); } return expiredSessions; }