Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBList BasicDBList

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBList BasicDBList


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBList BasicDBList.



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From source file:com.owly.srv.RemoteServerMongoDAOImpl.java

License:Apache License

public Integer numberRemoteServer(ArrayList<ShortRemoteServerId> listShortRemoteServerId) {

    logger.debug("Array received" + listShortRemoteServerId.toString());

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    BasicDBList or = new BasicDBList();

    Iterator<ShortRemoteServerId> iterator = listShortRemoteServerId.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        ShortRemoteServerId shortRmt = iterator.next();
        BasicDBObject clause = new BasicDBObject("NodeIPAddress", shortRmt.getNodeIPAddress()).append("Name",
                shortRmt.getName());//from  w  w  w .j  av  a  2  s . c  o m
    query = new BasicDBObject("$or", or);

    logger.info("MONGODB : Get number  of all objects in the database for this clause" + query.toString());

    Integer num = remoteSrvCfgCollection.find(query).count();

    logger.info("MONGODB : Number  of all objects in the database obtained");

    return num;

From source file:com.petpet.c3po.dao.mongo.MongoPersistenceLayer.java

License:Apache License

public long countConflicts(Filter filter, List<String> properties) {
    LOG.info("Calculating conflicts count");
    DBCollection collection = this.getCollection(Element.class);
    List<DBObject> list = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
    list.add(new BasicDBObject("$match", this.getCachedFilter(filter)));
    list.add(new BasicDBObject("$unwind", "$metadata"));
    list.add(new BasicDBObject("$project", new BasicDBObject("status", "$metadata.status").append("uid", 1)
            .append("property", "$metadata.property")));
    list.add(new BasicDBObject("$match", new BasicDBObject("property", new BasicDBObject("$in", properties))));
    list.add(new BasicDBObject("$group",
            new BasicDBObject("_id", "$uid").append("statuses", new BasicDBObject("$addToSet", "$status"))));
    BasicDBList in = new BasicDBList();
    list.add(new BasicDBObject("$match", new BasicDBObject("statuses", new BasicDBObject("$in", in))));
    list.add(new BasicDBObject("$group",
            new BasicDBObject("_id", null).append("count", new BasicDBObject("$sum", 1))));
    Iterable<DBObject> resultIterable = collection.aggregate(list).results();
    BasicDBObject result = (BasicDBObject) resultIterable.iterator().next();
    return result.getLong("count");


From source file:com.petpet.c3po.dao.mongo.MongoPersistenceLayer.java

License:Apache License

 * Checks if the {@link DBCache} has a filter that equals the given filter. If
 * yes, then the object that is stored under the last filter query key within
 * the cache is returned. If the last filter is null, or does not equal, then
 * the cache is update and the correct filter is returned.
 * @param f the filter to check./*from   ww w .  ja  v a2s.  c  o m*/
 * @return the cached filter or the updated version.
 * @see MongoFilterSerializer;
public DBObject getCachedFilter(Filter f) {
    Filter filter = (Filter) this.dbCache.getObject(LAST_FILTER);
    DBObject result = new BasicDBList();
    result = this.filterSerializer.serializeNew(f);

    return result;


From source file:com.petpet.c3po.dao.mongo.MongoPersistenceLayer.java

License:Apache License

public List<BasicDBObject> aggregate(String property, Filter filter, Boolean getStats) {
    LOG.debug("Starting aggregation for the following property: {}", property);
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Property prop = getCache().getProperty(property);
    String propType = prop.getType();

    List<BasicDBObject> result = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>();
    DBCollection collection = this.getCollection(Element.class);
    BasicDBList basicAggregationStages = new BasicDBList();
    BasicDBList basicDBList = new BasicDBList();

    if (propType.equals(PropertyType.STRING.toString())) {
        basicAggregationStages = getBasicAggregationStages(property, filter, "$sourcedValue.value");
    } else if (propType.equals(PropertyType.INTEGER.toString())
            || propType.equals(PropertyType.FLOAT.toString())) { //TODO: choose a better strategy to address this. Think of bins for numerical values.
        basicAggregationStages = getBasicAggregationStages(property, filter, "$sourcedValue.value");
    } else if (propType.equals(PropertyType.DATE.toString())) {

        /* BasicDBList cond = new BasicDBList();
         BasicDBList eq = new BasicDBList();
         eq.add("$sourcedValue.value");// w  w  w . j  a  va2s.  co m
         cond.add(new BasicDBObject("$ifNull", eq));
         cond.add(new BasicDBObject("$year", "$sourcedValue.value"));

        BasicDBObject conditionalValue = new BasicDBObject("$year", "$sourcedValue.value");
        basicAggregationStages = getBasicAggregationStages(property, filter, conditionalValue);
    } else if (propType.equals(PropertyType.BOOL.toString())) {
        basicAggregationStages = getBasicAggregationStages(property, filter, "$sourcedValue.value");
    if (getStats)
        basicAggregationStages.add(new BasicDBObject("$group",
                new BasicDBObject("_id", "$property")
                        .append("stdDev", new BasicDBObject("$stdDevPop", "$value"))
                        .append("min", new BasicDBObject("$min", "$value"))
                        .append("max", new BasicDBObject("$max", "$value"))
                        .append("avg", new BasicDBObject("$avg", "$value"))
                        .append("sum", new BasicDBObject("$sum", "$value"))
                        .append("count", new BasicDBObject("$sum", 1))));
    else {
        if (propType.equals(PropertyType.INTEGER.toString()))
            basicAggregationStages.add(new BasicDBObject("$bucketAuto",
                    new BasicDBObject("groupBy", "$value").append("buckets", 10)));
        // basicAggregationStages.add(new BasicDBObject("$group", new BasicDBObject("_id", "$value").append("count", new BasicDBObject("$sum", 1))));
    //AggregationOutput aggregate = collection.aggregate(basicAggregationStages);

    String s = basicAggregationStages.toString();
    List<DBObject> pipeline = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
    for (Object basicAggregationStage : basicAggregationStages) {
        pipeline.add((DBObject) basicAggregationStage);
    AggregationOptions build = AggregationOptions.builder().allowDiskUse(true).build();
    Cursor aggregate = collection.aggregate(pipeline, build);
    // while(aggregate.hasNext()){
    //     result.add((BasicDBObject) aggregate.next());
    //  }

    //Iterable<DBObject> resultIterable = collection.aggregate(pipeline,build).results();
    //for (DBObject object : resultIterable) {
    //    result.add((BasicDBObject) object);

    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    LOG.debug("The aggregation job took {} seconds", (end - start) / 1000);

    return result;

From source file:com.petpet.c3po.dao.mongo.MongoPersistenceLayer.java

License:Apache License

private BasicDBList getBasicAggregationStages(String property, Filter filter, Object conditionalValue) {
    BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
    //list.add(new BasicDBObject("$match", this.getCachedFilter(filter)));
    list.add(new BasicDBObject("$unwind", "$metadata"));
    list.add(new BasicDBObject("$match", new BasicDBObject("metadata.property", property)));

    BasicDBList arrayElemAt = new BasicDBList();
    arrayElemAt.add(0);/*w  w w.  ja v  a  2  s  . co m*/

    list.add(new BasicDBObject("$project",
            new BasicDBObject("status", "$metadata.status").append("property", "$metadata.property")
                    .append("sourcedValue", new BasicDBObject("$arrayElemAt", arrayElemAt))));
    //list.add(new BasicDBObject("$project", new BasicDBObject("value", conditionalValue).append("property",1).append("source", "$sourcedValue.source").append("status",1)));//  new BasicDBObject("$cond", cond)).append("property", 1)));

    BasicDBList cond = new BasicDBList();
    BasicDBList eq = new BasicDBList();
    cond.add(new BasicDBObject("$eq", eq));
    //list.add(new BasicDBObject("$project", new BasicDBObject("value", new BasicDBObject("$cond", cond)).append("property", 1)));

    return list;

From source file:com.ptoceti.mongo.geoname.GeoNameLoc.java

License:Open Source License

public void setAlternateNames(List<GeoNameAlternateName> alternateNames) {
    BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
    for (GeoNameAlternateName item : alternateNames) {
        list.add(item);/*from   w  w  w. j  av  a2 s  . c om*/
    put(CC2, list);

From source file:com.ptoceti.mongo.geoname.GeoNameLoc.java

License:Open Source License

public void setCc2(List<String> cc2) {

    BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
    for (String item : cc2) {
        list.add(item);// w  w w  . j  a v  a2  s  . co  m
    put(CC2, list);

From source file:com.querydsl.mongodb.MongodbSerializer.java

License:Apache License

@Override//from  ww  w  .java2  s . c  om
public Object visit(Operation<?> expr, Void context) {
    Operator op = expr.getOperator();
    if (op == Ops.EQ) {
        if (expr.getArg(0) instanceof Operation) {
            Operation<?> lhs = (Operation<?>) expr.getArg(0);
            if (lhs.getOperator() == Ops.COL_SIZE || lhs.getOperator() == Ops.ARRAY_SIZE) {
                return asDBObject(asDBKey(lhs, 0), asDBObject("$size", asDBValue(expr, 1)));
            } else {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Illegal operation " + expr);
        } else if (expr.getArg(0) instanceof Path) {
            Path<?> path = (Path<?>) expr.getArg(0);
            Constant<?> constant = (Constant<?>) expr.getArg(1);
            return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), convert(path, constant));
    } else if (op == Ops.STRING_IS_EMPTY) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), "");

    } else if (op == Ops.AND) {
        BSONObject lhs = (BSONObject) handle(expr.getArg(0));
        BSONObject rhs = (BSONObject) handle(expr.getArg(1));
        if (Sets.intersection(lhs.keySet(), rhs.keySet()).isEmpty()) {
            return lhs;
        } else {
            BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
            return asDBObject("$and", list);

    } else if (op == Ops.NOT) {
        //Handle the not's child
        Operation<?> subOperation = (Operation<?>) expr.getArg(0);
        Operator subOp = subOperation.getOperator();
        if (subOp == Ops.IN) {
            return visit(ExpressionUtils.operation(Boolean.class, Ops.NOT_IN, subOperation.getArg(0),
                    subOperation.getArg(1)), context);
        } else {
            BasicDBObject arg = (BasicDBObject) handle(expr.getArg(0));
            return negate(arg);

    } else if (op == Ops.OR) {
        BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
        return asDBObject("$or", list);

    } else if (op == Ops.NE) {
        Path<?> path = (Path<?>) expr.getArg(0);
        Constant<?> constant = (Constant<?>) expr.getArg(1);
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$ne", convert(path, constant)));

    } else if (op == Ops.STARTS_WITH) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), Pattern.compile("^" + regexValue(expr, 1)));

    } else if (op == Ops.STARTS_WITH_IC) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0),
                Pattern.compile("^" + regexValue(expr, 1), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE));

    } else if (op == Ops.ENDS_WITH) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), Pattern.compile(regexValue(expr, 1) + "$"));

    } else if (op == Ops.ENDS_WITH_IC) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0),
                Pattern.compile(regexValue(expr, 1) + "$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE));

    } else if (op == Ops.EQ_IGNORE_CASE) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0),
                Pattern.compile("^" + regexValue(expr, 1) + "$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE));

    } else if (op == Ops.STRING_CONTAINS) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), Pattern.compile(".*" + regexValue(expr, 1) + ".*"));

    } else if (op == Ops.STRING_CONTAINS_IC) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0),
                Pattern.compile(".*" + regexValue(expr, 1) + ".*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE));

    } else if (op == Ops.MATCHES) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), Pattern.compile(asDBValue(expr, 1).toString()));

    } else if (op == Ops.MATCHES_IC) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0),
                Pattern.compile(asDBValue(expr, 1).toString(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE));

    } else if (op == Ops.LIKE) {
        String regex = ExpressionUtils.likeToRegex((Expression) expr.getArg(1)).toString();
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), Pattern.compile(regex));

    } else if (op == Ops.BETWEEN) {
        BasicDBObject value = new BasicDBObject("$gte", asDBValue(expr, 1));
        value.append("$lte", asDBValue(expr, 2));
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), value);

    } else if (op == Ops.IN) {
        int constIndex = 0;
        int exprIndex = 1;
        if (expr.getArg(1) instanceof Constant<?>) {
            constIndex = 1;
            exprIndex = 0;
        if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(expr.getArg(constIndex).getType())) {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //guarded by previous check
            Collection<?> values = ((Constant<? extends Collection<?>>) expr.getArg(constIndex)).getConstant();
            return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, exprIndex), asDBObject("$in", values.toArray()));
        } else {
            Path<?> path = (Path<?>) expr.getArg(exprIndex);
            Constant<?> constant = (Constant<?>) expr.getArg(constIndex);
            return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, exprIndex), convert(path, constant));

    } else if (op == Ops.NOT_IN) {
        int constIndex = 0;
        int exprIndex = 1;
        if (expr.getArg(1) instanceof Constant<?>) {
            constIndex = 1;
            exprIndex = 0;
        if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(expr.getArg(constIndex).getType())) {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //guarded by previous check
            Collection<?> values = ((Constant<? extends Collection<?>>) expr.getArg(constIndex)).getConstant();
            return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, exprIndex), asDBObject("$nin", values.toArray()));
        } else {
            Path<?> path = (Path<?>) expr.getArg(exprIndex);
            Constant<?> constant = (Constant<?>) expr.getArg(constIndex);
            return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, exprIndex), asDBObject("$ne", convert(path, constant)));

    } else if (op == Ops.COL_IS_EMPTY) {
        BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
        list.add(asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), new BasicDBList()));
        list.add(asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$exists", false)));
        return asDBObject("$or", list);

    } else if (op == Ops.LT) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$lt", asDBValue(expr, 1)));

    } else if (op == Ops.GT) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$gt", asDBValue(expr, 1)));

    } else if (op == Ops.LOE) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$lte", asDBValue(expr, 1)));

    } else if (op == Ops.GOE) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$gte", asDBValue(expr, 1)));

    } else if (op == Ops.IS_NULL) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$exists", false));

    } else if (op == Ops.IS_NOT_NULL) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$exists", true));

    } else if (op == Ops.CONTAINS_KEY) {
        Path<?> path = (Path<?>) expr.getArg(0);
        Expression<?> key = expr.getArg(1);
        return asDBObject(visit(path, context) + "." + key.toString(), asDBObject("$exists", true));

    } else if (op == MongodbOps.NEAR) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$near", asDBValue(expr, 1)));

    } else if (op == MongodbOps.NEAR_SPHERE) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$nearSphere", asDBValue(expr, 1)));

    } else if (op == MongodbOps.ELEM_MATCH) {
        return asDBObject(asDBKey(expr, 0), asDBObject("$elemMatch", asDBValue(expr, 1)));

    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Illegal operation " + expr);

From source file:com.querydsl.mongodb.MongodbSerializer.java

License:Apache License

private Object negate(BasicDBObject arg) {
    BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : arg.entrySet()) {
        if (entry.getKey().equals("$or")) {
            list.add(asDBObject("$nor", entry.getValue()));

        } else if (entry.getKey().equals("$and")) {
            BasicDBList list2 = new BasicDBList();
            for (Object o : ((BasicDBList) entry.getValue())) {
                list2.add(negate((BasicDBObject) o));
            }/* w ww  . j  a  v a2  s  .  c  o  m*/
            list.add(asDBObject("$or", list2));

        } else if (entry.getValue() instanceof Pattern) {
            list.add(asDBObject(entry.getKey(), asDBObject("$not", entry.getValue())));

        } else if (entry.getValue() instanceof BasicDBObject) {
            list.add(negate(entry.getKey(), (BasicDBObject) entry.getValue()));

        } else {
            list.add(asDBObject(entry.getKey(), asDBObject("$ne", entry.getValue())));
    return list.size() == 1 ? list.get(0) : asDBObject("$or", list);

From source file:com.querydsl.mongodb.MongodbSerializer.java

License:Apache License

private Object negate(String key, BasicDBObject value) {
    if (value.size() == 1) {
        return asDBObject(key, asDBObject("$not", value));

    } else {//from  w  w  w .  j  av a  2  s.  com
        BasicDBList list2 = new BasicDBList();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry2 : value.entrySet()) {
            list2.add(asDBObject(key, asDBObject("$not", asDBObject(entry2.getKey(), entry2.getValue()))));
        return asDBObject("$or", list2);