Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBList BasicDBList

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBList BasicDBList


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBList BasicDBList.



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From source file:eu.vital.vitalcep.publisher.encoder.Encoder.java

public Document dolceOutput2Document(String input, String id, String sensor, String observationTime)
        throws ParseException {

    Document outputObservation = new Document();

    String[] values = input.split(" ");

    String valueEvent = null;//from w w w .j av  a  2  s  .  c  om
    String locationEvent = null;
    String timeEvent = null;
    String idEvent = null;
    String complexEvent = null;

    Boolean hasLoc = false;

    complexEvent = values[1];

    BasicDBList payloadBDBList = new BasicDBList();

    for (int z = 3; z < values.length; z++) {
        Document payloadLine = new Document();
        String token = values[z];
        if (token.compareToIgnoreCase("SensorId") == 0) {
            idEvent = values[z + 1].substring(1, values[z + 1].length() - 2);
            payloadLine.put("dataType", "string");
            payloadLine.put("name", values[z]);
            payloadLine.put("value", values[z + 1].substring(1, values[z + 1].length() - 2));

        } else if (token.compareToIgnoreCase("Position") == 0) {
            locationEvent = values[z + 1];
            payloadLine.put("dataType", "pos");
            payloadLine.put("name", values[z]);
            payloadLine.put("value", values[z + 1]);

            hasLoc = true;

        else if (token.equals("Time")) {

            timeEvent = getDolceTime2UTCString(values[z + 1]);
            payloadLine.put("dataType", "time");
            payloadLine.put("name", values[z]);
            payloadLine.put("value", timeEvent);

            //from observationTime

        } else if ((z % 3) == 0) {
            valueEvent = values[z + 1];

            payloadLine.put("dataType", values[z - 1]);
            payloadLine.put("name", values[z]);
            if ("time".equals(values[z - 1])) {
                payloadLine.put("value", getDolceTime2UTCString(values[z + 1]));
            } else {
                payloadLine.put("value", values[z + 1]);


    outputObservation.put("@context", "http://vital-iot.eu/contexts/measurement.jsonld");

    outputObservation.put("id", sensor + "/observation/" + id);

    outputObservation.put("type", "ssn:Observation");

    outputObservation.put("ssn:observedBy", sensor);

    Document property = new Document();
    property.put("type", "vital:ComplexEvent");
    outputObservation.put("ssn:observationProperty", property);

    Document resultTime = new Document();
    if (timeEvent != null) {
        resultTime.put("time:inXSDDateTime", timeEvent);//check format
    } else {
        resultTime.put("time:inXSDDateTime", observationTime);
    outputObservation.put("ssn:observationResultTime", resultTime);
    //"time:inXSDDateTime": "2015-10-14T11:59:11+02:00"

    Document hasValue = new Document();
    hasValue.put("type", "ssn:ObservationValue");

    Document valuex = new Document();
    Document value = new Document();
    value.put("complexEvent", complexEvent);
    value.put("payload", payloadBDBList);

    /* busca localization*/
    if (hasLoc) {
        String[] aLoc = locationEvent.split("\\\\"); //de Elisa values[10].split("\\");

        Document loc = new Document();
        loc.put("type", "geo:Point");
        loc.put("geo:lat", aLoc[1]);//ver
        loc.put("geo:long", aLoc[0]);//ver
        value.put("dul:hasLocation", loc);

    /* busca el value*/
    Document speedObs = new Document();
    speedObs.put("type", "ssn:SensorOutput");
    Document speedValue = new Document();
    speedValue.put("type", "ssn:ObservationValue");
    speedValue.put("value", valueEvent); //de Elisavalues[5]);
    speedValue.put("qudt:unit", "qudt:KilometerPerHour");

    speedObs.put("ssn:hasValue", speedValue);

    //ver si falta algo

    value.put("ssn:observedBy", idEvent);

    valuex.put("value", value);
    valuex.put("type", "ssn:ObservationValue");

    Document observationResult = new Document();
    observationResult.put("ssn:hasValue", valuex);
    observationResult.put("type", "ssn:SensorOutput");
    outputObservation.put("ssn:observationResult", observationResult);

    return outputObservation;


From source file:example.springdata.mongodb.util.MongosSystemForTestFactory.java

License:Apache License

private void initializeReplicaSet(Entry<String, List<IMongodConfig>> entry) throws Exception {
    String replicaName = entry.getKey();
    List<IMongodConfig> mongoConfigList = entry.getValue();

    if (mongoConfigList.size() < 3) {
        throw new Exception("A replica set must contain at least 3 members.");
    }//from   w  w w .  j av  a 2 s .  c om
    // Create 3 mongod processes
    for (IMongodConfig mongoConfig : mongoConfigList) {
        if (!mongoConfig.replication().getReplSetName().equals(replicaName)) {
            throw new Exception("Replica set name must match in mongo configuration");
        IRuntimeConfig runtimeConfig = new RuntimeConfigBuilder().defaultsWithLogger(Command.MongoD, logger)
        MongodStarter starter = MongodStarter.getInstance(runtimeConfig);
        MongodExecutable mongodExe = starter.prepare(mongoConfig);
        MongodProcess process = mongodExe.start();
    MongoClientOptions mo = MongoClientOptions.builder().connectTimeout(10).build();
    MongoClient mongo = new MongoClient(
            new ServerAddress(mongoConfigList.get(0).net().getServerAddress().getHostName(),
    DB mongoAdminDB = mongo.getDB(ADMIN_DATABASE_NAME);

    CommandResult cr = mongoAdminDB.command(new BasicDBObject("isMaster", 1));
    logger.info("isMaster: {}", cr);

    // Build BSON object replica set settings
    DBObject replicaSetSetting = new BasicDBObject();
    replicaSetSetting.put("_id", replicaName);
    BasicDBList members = new BasicDBList();
    int i = 0;
    for (IMongodConfig mongoConfig : mongoConfigList) {
        DBObject host = new BasicDBObject();
        host.put("_id", i++);
                mongoConfig.net().getServerAddress().getHostName() + ":" + mongoConfig.net().getPort());

    replicaSetSetting.put("members", members);
    // Initialize replica set
    cr = mongoAdminDB.command(new BasicDBObject("replSetInitiate", replicaSetSetting));
    logger.info("replSetInitiate: {}", cr);

    cr = mongoAdminDB.command(new BasicDBObject("replSetGetStatus", 1));
    logger.info("replSetGetStatus: {}", cr);

    // Check replica set status before to proceed
    while (!isReplicaSetStarted(cr)) {
        logger.info("Waiting for 3 seconds...");
        cr = mongoAdminDB.command(new BasicDBObject("replSetGetStatus", 1));
        logger.info("replSetGetStatus: {}", cr);

    mongo = null;

From source file:ezbake.locksmith.db.AbstractLocksmithManager.java

License:Apache License

protected DBObject keyQuery(String id, String user) {
    DBObject keyMatch = new BasicDBObject(KEY_ID, id);
    if (user != null) {
        DBObject ownerMatch = new BasicDBObject(KEY_OWNER, user);
        DBObject sharedMAtch = new BasicDBObject(ACCESS_LIST, user);

        BasicDBList exp1 = new BasicDBList();
        exp1.add(ownerMatch);/*www. j  a  v  a 2  s .  co  m*/

        keyMatch.put("$or", exp1);
    return keyMatch;

From source file:ezbake.services.centralPurge.helpers.EzCentralPurgeServiceHelpers.java

License:Apache License

public static BasicDBList encodeURISet(Set<Long> longSet) {
    BasicDBList basicDBList = new BasicDBList();

    for (Long uri : longSet) {
        BasicDBObject dbURI = new BasicDBObject();
        dbURI.append(URI, uri);// ww w  .j a  v a 2s  .  co m
    return basicDBList;

From source file:ezbake.services.centralPurge.helpers.EzCentralPurgeServiceHelpers.java

License:Apache License

public static DBObject encodePurgeInitiationResult(PurgeInitiationResult purgeInitiationResult) {
    BasicDBList basicDBList = new BasicDBList();
    for (String uri : purgeInitiationResult.getUrisNotFound()) {
        BasicDBObject dbURI = new BasicDBObject();
        dbURI.append(URI, uri);// w ww.  j a  v a 2 s.  c om

    DBObject setToBePurged = encodeURISet(purgeInitiationResult.getToBePurged());

    BasicDBObjectBuilder purgeInitiationResultBuilder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start()
            .add(PurgeId, purgeInitiationResult.getPurgeId()).add(ToBePurged, setToBePurged)
            .add(URIsNotFoundSet, basicDBList);

    return purgeInitiationResultBuilder.get();

From source file:ezbake.services.centralPurge.helpers.EzCentralPurgeServiceHelpers.java

License:Apache License

public static BasicDBList encodeApplicationPurgeState(ApplicationPurgeState applicationPurgeState) {
    BasicDBList basicDBList = new BasicDBList();
    Map<String, ServicePurgeState> servicePurgeStateMap = applicationPurgeState.getServicePurgestates();

    for (String serviceName : servicePurgeStateMap.keySet()) {
        BasicDBObject dbServicePurgestate = new BasicDBObject();
        dbServicePurgestate.append(ServiceName, serviceName);
    }/*from www.  j  a va 2 s . c  o  m*/

    return basicDBList;

From source file:ezbake.services.centralPurge.helpers.EzCentralPurgeServiceHelpers.java

License:Apache License

public static BasicDBList encodeApplicationStateMap(Map<String, ApplicationPurgeState> appMap) {
    BasicDBList basicDBList = new BasicDBList();

    for (String key : appMap.keySet()) {

        ApplicationPurgeState applicationPurgeState = appMap.get(key);
        BasicDBObject dbApplicationPurgeState = new BasicDBObject();
        dbApplicationPurgeState.append(ApplicationName, key);
    }//from  w  w  w .ja v a2 s.co m

    return basicDBList;

From source file:ezbake.services.centralPurge.helpers.EzCentralPurgeServiceHelpers.java

License:Apache License

public static DBObject encodePurgeInfo(PurgeInfo purgeInfo) {
    BasicDBList basicDBListUris = new BasicDBList();

    for (String uri : purgeInfo.getDocumentUris()) {
        BasicDBObject dbURI = new BasicDBObject();
        dbURI.append(URI, uri);/*from   w w  w . j  a v  a2 s  .  com*/

    BasicDBList basicDBListUrisNotFound = new BasicDBList();

    for (String uriNotFound : purgeInfo.getDocumentUrisNotFound()) {
        BasicDBObject dbURINotFound = new BasicDBObject();
        dbURINotFound.append(URI, uriNotFound);

    BasicDBObjectBuilder purgeInfoBuilder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add(PurgeId, purgeInfo.getId())
            .add(PurgeBitVector, encodeURISet(purgeInfo.getPurgeDocumentIds()))
            .add(Description, purgeInfo.getDescription()).add(PurgeName, purgeInfo.getName())
            .add(User, purgeInfo.getUser())
            .add(CompletelyPurged, encodeURISet(purgeInfo.getCompletelyPurgedDocumentIds()))
            .add(Resolved, purgeInfo.isResolved()).add(URIsFoundSet, basicDBListUris)
            .add(URIsNotFoundSet, basicDBListUrisNotFound)
            .add(TimeStampString, encodeDateTime(purgeInfo.getTimeStamp()));
    return purgeInfoBuilder.get();

From source file:FloodPrototype.FloodProvider.java

License:Apache License

public List<DBObject> update(User user, Date minTimestamp, Date maxTimestamp) {
    List<DBObject> list = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
    BasicDBList timestamp = new BasicDBList();
    timestamp.add(new BasicDBObject("timestamp", new BasicDBObject("$gt", minTimestamp)));
    timestamp.add(new BasicDBObject("timestamp", new BasicDBObject("$lte", maxTimestamp)));
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("$and", timestamp);
    query.append("class", "flood");

    DBCursor cursor = db.getCollection("events").find(query).sort(new BasicDBObject("timestamp", -1));
    for (DBObject obj : cursor) {
        //if( obj.get("event").equals("new") ) {
        BasicDBObject objQuery = new BasicDBObject("_id", obj.get("id"));
        obj.put("data", db.getCollection("floodsims").findOne(objQuery));
        list.add(obj);/*from  www . j  a v a2 s .  co  m*/

    return list;

From source file:fr.cirad.web.controller.gigwa.base.AbstractVariantController.java

License:Open Source License

 * Builds the variant data query./* ww w.j  ava  2s  .  c o  m*/
 * @param sModule the module
 * @param projId the proj id
 * @param selectedVariantTypes the selected variant types
 * @param selectedSequences the selected sequences
 * @param minposition the minposition
 * @param maxposition the maxposition
 * @param alleleCounts the allele counts
 * @return the basic db list
 * @throws Exception the exception
private BasicDBList buildVariantDataQuery(String sModule, int projId, List<String> selectedVariantTypes,
        List<String> selectedSequences, Long minposition, Long maxposition, List<String> alleleCounts)
        throws Exception {
    BasicDBList variantFeatureFilterList = new BasicDBList();

    /* Step to match selected variant types */
    if (selectedVariantTypes != null && selectedVariantTypes.size() > 0) {
        BasicDBList orList1 = new BasicDBList();
        DBObject orSelectedVariantTypesList = new BasicDBObject();
        for (String aSelectedVariantTypes : selectedVariantTypes) {
            DBObject orClause1 = new BasicDBObject(VariantData.FIELDNAME_TYPE, aSelectedVariantTypes);
            orSelectedVariantTypesList.put("$or", orList1);

    /* Step to match selected chromosomes */
    if (selectedSequences != null && selectedSequences.size() > 0
            && selectedSequences.size() != getProjectSequences(sModule, projId).size())
        variantFeatureFilterList.add(new BasicDBObject(
                VariantData.FIELDNAME_REFERENCE_POSITION + "." + ReferencePosition.FIELDNAME_SEQUENCE,
                new BasicDBObject("$in", selectedSequences)));

    /* Step to match variants that have a position included in the specified range */
    if (minposition != null || maxposition != null) {
        if (minposition != null) {
            DBObject firstPosStart = new BasicDBObject(
                    VariantData.FIELDNAME_REFERENCE_POSITION + "." + ReferencePosition.FIELDNAME_START_SITE,
                    new BasicDBObject("$gte", minposition));
        if (maxposition != null) {
            DBObject lastPosStart = new BasicDBObject(
                    VariantData.FIELDNAME_REFERENCE_POSITION + "." + ReferencePosition.FIELDNAME_START_SITE,
                    new BasicDBObject("$lte", maxposition));

    /* Step to match selected number of alleles */
    if (alleleCounts != null) {
        BasicDBList orList3 = new BasicDBList();
        DBObject orSelectedNumberOfAllelesList = new BasicDBObject();
        for (String aSelectedNumberOfAlleles : alleleCounts) {
            int alleleNumber = Integer.parseInt(aSelectedNumberOfAlleles);
            orList3.add(new BasicDBObject(VariantData.FIELDNAME_KNOWN_ALLELE_LIST,
                    new BasicDBObject("$size", alleleNumber)));
            orSelectedNumberOfAllelesList.put("$or", orList3);

    return variantFeatureFilterList;