List of usage examples for HorizontalPanel add
@Override public void add(Widget w)
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private void addComments(final TopicDetail detail) { comments.clear();//from w w w . j a v a2s . c o m final AccountInfoCache accts = detail.getAccounts(); final List<TopicMessage> msgList = detail.getMessages(); HorizontalPanel title = new HorizontalPanel(); title.setWidth("100%"); // TODO Do we need a new string constant? title.add(new Label(Util.C.changeScreenComments())); if (msgList.size() > 1) { title.add(messagesMenuBar()); } title.setStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().blockHeader()); comments.add(title); final long AGE = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L; final Timestamp aged = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() - AGE); for (int i = 0; i < msgList.size(); i++) { final TopicMessage msg = msgList.get(i); final AccountInfo author; if (msg.getAuthor() != null) { author = accts.get(msg.getAuthor()); } else { final Account gerrit = new Account(null); gerrit.setFullName(Util.C.messageNoAuthor()); author = new AccountInfo(gerrit); } boolean isRecent; if (i == msgList.size() - 1) { isRecent = true; } else { // TODO Instead of opening messages by strict age, do it by "unread"? isRecent = msg.getWrittenOn().after(aged); } final CommentPanel cp = new CommentPanel(author, msg.getWrittenOn(), msg.getMessage()); cp.setRecent(isRecent); cp.addStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().commentPanelBorder()); if (i == msgList.size() - 1) { cp.addStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().commentPanelLast()); cp.setOpen(true); } comments.add(cp); } comments.setVisible(msgList.size() > 0); }
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@Override protected void onInitUI() { super.onInitUI(); HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.add(menu); hp.add(body);// www. j a v a 2s . c o m super.add(hp); }
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public void onModuleLoad() { // Create an image, not yet referencing a URL. We make it final so that we // can manipulate the image object within the ClickHandlers for the buttons. final Image image = new Image(); // Hook up an error handler, so that we can be informed if the image fails // to load./*from w ww. ja v a 2s .c o m*/ image.addErrorHandler(new ErrorHandler() { public void onError(ErrorEvent event) { lbl.setText("An error occurred while loading."); } }); // Point the image at a real URL. image.setUrl(""); // When the user clicks this button, we want to clip the image. btn.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { image.setVisibleRect(70, 0, 47, 110); } }); btn.setWidth("120px"); // When the user clicks this button, we want to restore the image to its // unclipped state. btn2.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { image.setUrl(""); } }); btn2.setWidth("120px"); // Add the image, label, and clip/restore buttons to the root panel. VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel(); panel.add(lbl); panel.add(image); HorizontalPanel buttonPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); buttonPanel.add(btn); buttonPanel.add(btn2); panel.add(buttonPanel); RootPanel.get().add(panel); }
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@Override protected void init(GadgetRPC.Preferences preferences) { gadgetService = GWT.create(GadgetService.class); ServiceDefTarget serviceDef = (ServiceDefTarget) gadgetService; String rpcUrl = serviceDef.getServiceEntryPoint(); // Uses Gadgets container as proxy for GWT RPC requests GadgetsGwtRpc.redirectThroughProxy(serviceDef); // Build the user interface. VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); vp.setWidth("100%"); vp.add(new Label("RPC to: " + rpcUrl)); HorizontalPanel startedHp = new HorizontalPanel(); startedHp.add(new Label("Server Start Time: ")); startedHp.add(serverStartedText);// w w w. j a va 2 s. com vp.add(startedHp); HorizontalPanel currentHp = new HorizontalPanel(); currentHp.add(new Label("Server Current Time: ")); currentHp.add(serverCurrentText); vp.add(currentHp); Button doRPCButton = new Button("Call RPC Method"); vp.add(doRPCButton); vp.add(exceptionInfo); RootPanel.get().add(vp); // Setup a button listener to invoke the RPC. doRPCButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { gadgetService.getServerInfo(rpcCallback); } }); }
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/** * Invoked when GData has loaded. Build the UI and display the default demo. *///from w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m public void onGDataLoad() { if (User.getStatus() == AuthSubStatus.LOGGING_IN) { /* * AuthSub causes a refresh of the browser, so if status is LOGGING_IN * don't render anything. An empty page refresh is friendlier. */ return; } DecoratorPanel decorator = new DecoratorPanel(); decorator.add(outerPanel); RootPanel.get().setStylePrimaryName("hm-body"); RootPanel.get().add(new HTML("<img src='logo-small.png' alt='gwt logo' " + "align='absmiddle'><span class='hm-title'>Google GData API Library " + "for GWT Demo</span>")); RootPanel.get().add(decorator); innerPanel.setStylePrimaryName("hm-innerpanel"); innerPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); innerPanel.setSpacing(10); outerPanel.setStylePrimaryName("hm-outerpanel"); outerPanel.insertRow(0); outerPanel.insertRow(0); outerPanel.insertRow(0); outerPanel.insertRow(0); outerPanel.addCell(0); outerPanel.addCell(1); outerPanel.addCell(2); outerPanel.addCell(3); outerPanel.setWidget(0, 0, new HTML("This GData-enabled application was built using the GData " + "API Library for GWT, " + "<a href=\"\">" + "</a>. " + "The drop down list below allows you to select a scenario that " + "demonstrates a particular capability of the GData support.")); outerPanel.setWidget(1, 0, innerPanel); HorizontalPanel horizPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); list.setStylePrimaryName("hm-demolistbox"); list.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { GDataDemoInfo info = list.getGDataDemoSelection(); if (info == null) { showInfo(); } else { show(info); } } }); description.setStylePrimaryName("hm-description"); innerPanel.clear(); innerPanel.add(horizPanel); innerPanel.add(description); horizPanel.add(new Label("Select Demo: ")); horizPanel.add(list); loadGDataDemos(); showInfo(); }
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public void onModuleLoad() { VerticalPanel outerPanel = new VerticalPanel(); outerPanel.setSpacing(10);//from ww w.j a v a 2 s .c o m outerPanel.getElement().getStyle().setPropertyPx("margin", 15); HorizontalPanel textAndButtonsPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); textAndButtonsPanel.add(new Label("Enter a Phrase: ")); textAndButtonsPanel.add(input); textAndButtonsPanel.add(addButton); textAndButtonsPanel.add(clearButton); outerPanel.add(textAndButtonsPanel); outerPanel.add(new Label("Last 3 Entries:")); outerPanel.add(dataTable); for (int i = 0; i <= NUM_SAVED_ROWS; ++i) { dataTable.insertRow(i); for (int j = 0; j < NUM_DATA_TABLE_COLUMNS; j++) { dataTable.addCell(i); } } dataTable.setWidget(0, 0, new HTML("<b>Id</b>")); dataTable.setWidget(0, 1, new HTML("<b>Phrase</b>")); dataTable.setWidget(0, 2, new HTML("<b>Timestamp</b>")); // Create the database if it doesn't exist. try { db = Factory.getInstance().createDatabase();"database-demo"); db.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Phrases (Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Phrase VARCHAR(255), Timestamp INTEGER)"); } catch (DatabaseException e) { RootPanel.get("demo").add(new HTML( "Error opening or creating database: <font color=\"red\">" + e.toString() + "</font>")); // Fatal error. Do not build the interface. return; } input.addKeyboardListener(new KeyboardListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onKeyDown(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) { if (keyCode == KeyboardListener.KEY_ENTER) { insertPhrase(); } } }); addButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { insertPhrase(); } }); clearButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { clearPhrases(); displayRecentPhrases(); } }); RootPanel.get("demo").add(outerPanel); displayRecentPhrases(); }
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public void onModuleLoad() { VerticalPanel outerPanel = new VerticalPanel(); outerPanel.setSpacing(10);//from w w w. j av a 2 s . c om outerPanel.getElement().getStyle().setPropertyPx("margin", 15); HorizontalPanel textAndButtonsPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); textAndButtonsPanel.add(new Label("Enter a Phrase: ")); textAndButtonsPanel.add(input); textAndButtonsPanel.add(addButton); textAndButtonsPanel.add(clearButton); outerPanel.add(textAndButtonsPanel); outerPanel.add(new Label("Last 3 Entries:")); outerPanel.add(dataTable); for (int i = 0; i <= NUM_SAVED_ROWS; ++i) { dataTable.insertRow(i); for (int j = 0; j < NUM_DATA_TABLE_COLUMNS; j++) { dataTable.addCell(i); } } dataTable.setWidget(0, 0, new HTML("<b>Id</b>")); dataTable.setWidget(0, 1, new HTML("<b>Phrase</b>")); dataTable.setWidget(0, 2, new HTML("<b>Timestamp</b>")); // Create the database if it doesn't exist. try { db = Factory.getInstance().createDatabase();"database-demo"); db.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Phrases (Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Phrase VARCHAR(255), Timestamp INTEGER)"); } catch (DatabaseException e) { RootPanel.get("demo").add(new HTML( "Error opening or creating database: <font color=\"red\">" + e.toString() + "</font>")); // Fatal error. Do not build the interface. return; } input.addKeyDownHandler(new KeyDownHandler() { public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) { if (event.getNativeKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) { insertPhrase(); } } }); addButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { insertPhrase(); } }); clearButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { clearPhrases(); displayRecentPhrases(); } }); RootPanel.get("demo").add(outerPanel); displayRecentPhrases(); }
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/** * Creates a new widget. This class needs access to certain fields and methods * on the application enclosing it./* 2 s . c om*/ * * @param parent the host application */ public RichTextWidget(final GWTNote parent) { super(); VerticalPanel top = new VerticalPanel(); top.setWidth("100%"); HorizontalPanel header = new HorizontalPanel(); top.add(header); header.setWidth("100%"); header.add(new Label("GWT GearsNote")); header.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); status = new Label("Ready"); header.add(status); this.bodyWidget = new RichTextArea(); bodyWidget.addKeyboardListener(new KeyboardListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onKeyPress(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) { String newText = bodyWidget.getText(); if (((newText == null) && (curText != null)) || ((newText != null) && !newText.equals(curText))) { curText = newText; } } }); HorizontalPanel controls = new HorizontalPanel(); RichTextToolbar tb = new RichTextToolbar(this.bodyWidget); name = new TextBox(); name.setText("default"); name.setEnabled(false); nameEdit = new PushButton("Edit"); nameEdit.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { String curName = name.getText(); boolean doNotify = !oldName.equals(curName); if (!nameEditable) { // if becoming editable, store off current value oldName = curName; } if (nameEditable && (curName == null || "".equals(curName))) { // if becoming un-editable, check to make sure it's valid Window.alert("The note name cannot be blank. Please try again."); nameEdit.setText(oldName); return; } // if all else is good, just flip the state nameEditable = !nameEditable; name.setEnabled(nameEditable); nameEdit.getUpFace().setText((nameEditable ? "Confirm" : "Edit")); if (doNotify) { notifyNameListeners(); } } }); nameEdit.addStyleName("edit-button"); options = new ListBox(); controls.add(tb); options.addItem("default"); options.setSelectedIndex(0); options.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget sender) { String newName = options.getItemText(options.getSelectedIndex()); name.setText(newName); notifyNameListeners(); } }); HorizontalPanel tmp = new HorizontalPanel(); tmp.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); tmp.add(new Label("Note name:")); tmp.add(name); tmp.add(nameEdit); tmp.add(options); controls.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); controls.setWidth("100%"); controls.add(tmp); top.add(controls); top.add(bodyWidget); this.bodyWidget.setWidth("100%"); top.setCellHeight(bodyWidget, ((int) (Window.getClientHeight() * .75)) + "px"); this.bodyWidget.setHeight("100%"); initWidget(top); }
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public void onModuleLoad() { HorizontalPanel hpanel = new HorizontalPanel(); hpanel.setSpacing(10);//from w w w .jav a2s. c o m RootPanel.get("demo").add(hpanel); hpanel.add(createManagedResourceStoreButton); // See if we're already running from a ManagedResourceStore try { LocalServer server = Factory.getInstance().createLocalServer(); // This check to see if the host page can be served locally if (server.canServeLocally(Window.Location.getPath())) { createManagedResourceStoreButton.setText("Refresh Manifest"); // Give the user an opportunity to delete the MRS hpanel.add(removeManagedResourceStoreButton); } } catch (GearsException e) { // Gears probably isn't available (e.g. hosted mode) } createManagedResourceStoreButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { statusLabel.setText("Starting update"); createManagedResourceStore(); } }); removeManagedResourceStoreButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { try { LocalServer server = Factory.getInstance().createLocalServer(); ManagedResourceStore store = Offline.getManagedResourceStore(); server.removeManagedStore(store.getName()); statusLabel.setText("Removed ManagedResourceStore. Press Refresh to see Online version."); createManagedResourceStoreButton.setEnabled(false); removeManagedResourceStoreButton.setEnabled(false); } catch (GearsException e) { statusLabel.setText(e.getMessage()); } } }); hpanel.add(statusLabel); }
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public void onModuleLoad() { HorizontalPanel hpanel = new HorizontalPanel(); hpanel.setSpacing(10);//from w ww .j ava 2 s . com RootPanel.get("demo").add(hpanel); hpanel.add(createManagedResourceStoreButton); // See if we're already running from a ManagedResourceStore try { LocalServer server = Factory.getInstance().createLocalServer(); // This check to see if the host page can be served locally if (server.canServeLocally(Window.Location.getPath())) { createManagedResourceStoreButton.setText("Refresh Manifest"); // Give the user an opportunity to delete the MRS hpanel.add(removeManagedResourceStoreButton); } } catch (GearsException e) { // Gears probably isn't available (e.g. hosted mode) } createManagedResourceStoreButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { statusLabel.setText("Starting update"); createManagedResourceStore(); } }); removeManagedResourceStoreButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { try { LocalServer server = Factory.getInstance().createLocalServer(); ManagedResourceStore store = Offline.getManagedResourceStore(); server.removeManagedStore(store.getName()); statusLabel.setText("Removed ManagedResourceStore. Press Refresh to see Online version."); createManagedResourceStoreButton.setEnabled(false); removeManagedResourceStoreButton.setEnabled(false); } catch (GearsException e) { statusLabel.setText(e.getMessage()); } } }); hpanel.add(statusLabel); }