List of usage examples for HorizontalPanel add
@Override public void add(Widget w)
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License:Apache License
public MyRankings(ServiceCache serviceCache) { this.serviceCache = serviceCache; VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); rankPanelPanel = new VerticalPanel(); entryDragController = new PickupDragController(RootPanel.get(), false); IndexedDropController rankDropController = new IndexedDropController(rankPanelPanel); entryDragController.registerDropController(rankDropController); entryDragController.addDragHandler(this); HorizontalPanel completerP = new HorizontalPanel(); completer = new SchoolCompleter(serviceCache, new CompleteListener<School>() { public void completed(School result) { addSchool(result);/*from w w w . ja v a2 s. c o m*/ } }); completeB = new Button("Add School"); completeB.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { completer.complete(); } }); completerP.add(completer); completerP.add(completeB); completeB.setEnabled(false); mainPanel.add(rankPanelPanel); mainPanel.add(completerP); initWidget(mainPanel); }
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License:Apache License
public ProConDispPanel(String string, List<String> list, CollegeEntry collegeEntry) { this.collegeEntry = collegeEntry; mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); mainPanel.add(new Label(string)); for (String str : list) { addRow(str);/*from ww w . j a va 2 s. c o m*/ } mainPanel.setStylePrimaryName("ProConPanel"); mainPanel.addStyleDependentName(string); HorizontalPanel addP = new HorizontalPanel(); addTextBox = new TextBox(); Button addB = new Button("Add"); addB.addClickListener(this); addP.add(addTextBox); addP.add(addB); mainPanel.add(addP); initWidget(mainPanel); }
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License:Apache License
public ProConPanel(User thisUser, Application application, CollegeEntry collegeEntry) { HorizontalPanel mainPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); pros = new ProConDispPanel("Pro", application.getPros(), collegeEntry); cons = new ProConDispPanel("Con", application.getCons(), collegeEntry); mainPanel.add(pros); mainPanel.add(cons);//from w ww. j ava 2 s . c om initWidget(mainPanel); }
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License:Apache License
public void load(User user) { thisUser = user;/*from w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ rankPanel.clear(); int i = 1; for (ApplicationAndScore aas : thisUser.getPrioritizedRankings()) { double pct = aas.getScore() / (double) aas.getTotal(); SchoolLink link = new SchoolLink(aas.getApplication().getSchool()); Label pctL = new Label(pctFormat.format(pct)); HorizontalPanel hP = new HorizontalPanel(); hP.setStyleName("TC-DecisionRanked"); if (i % 2 == 0) { hP.addStyleName("TC-DecisionRanked-Even"); } Label rankL = new Label(i + ""); rankL.addStyleName("TC-DecisionRanked-Rank"); pctL.addStyleName("TC-DecisionRanked-Pct"); hP.add(rankL); hP.add(link); hP.add(pctL); rankPanel.add(hP); i++; } }
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License:Apache License
public CreatePostWidget(final ForumApp app, boolean isReply, final CreatePostDialog createPostDialog, final User author, String selection) { VerticalPanel mainP = new VerticalPanel(); titleBox = new TextBox(); textArea = new RichTextArea(); textArea.setSize("35em", "15em"); RichTextToolbar toolbar = new RichTextToolbar(textArea); HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.add(new Label("Title:")); hp.add(titleBox);//from w ww .ja v a 2s . co m mainP.add(hp); mainP.add(toolbar); mainP.add(textArea); Button cancelB = new Button("Cancel"); Button submitB = new Button("Create Thread"); if (isReply) { submitB.setText("Post Reply"); } submitB.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { app.create(author, titleBox.getText(), textArea.getHTML()); createPostDialog.hide(); } }); cancelB.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { createPostDialog.hide(); } }); mainP.add(cancelB); mainP.add(submitB); initWidget(mainP); setHTML(makeReplyFromString(selection)); }
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License:Apache License
public ForumControlPanel(ForumTopic topic, PostsList result, int start, int maxperpage) { HorizontalPanel mainP = new HorizontalPanel(); nav = new HorizontalPanel(); nav.setStylePrimaryName("ForumControl"); mainP.add(nav); initWidget(mainP);/*from w w w. j a v a2 s. c om*/ setControls(topic, start, maxperpage, result.getTotalCount()); }
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License:Apache License
public TLOWrapper(ZoomableTimeline<T> timeline, final TimeLineObj<T> tlo, Image dragImage, Widget mainWidget, Label mainLabel) {// ww w. j a v a 2 s.c om this.tlo = tlo; = 0; this.dragImage = dragImage; this.mainWidget = mainWidget; HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); if (mainLabel == null) { label = new Label("", false); } else { label = mainLabel; } TLORangeEdge edge = new TLORangeEdge(timeline, tlo, this, true, dragImage); panel.add(edge); panel.add(label); if (mainWidget != null) { panel.add(mainWidget); } addClickListener(timeline); addDblClickListener(timeline); setWidget(panel); label.setStyleName("H-TLOWrapper"); JSUtil.disableSelect(getElement()); }
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License:Apache License
private void init() { this.setHeight(18 + "px"); drawTitle();/*from ww w . j a va2 s. c om*/ this.prevMonth.setWidth(23 + "px"); this.nextMonth.setWidth(23 + "px"); DOM.setAttribute(prevMonth.getElement(), "title", "Previous Month"); DOM.setAttribute(prevYear.getElement(), "title", "Previous Year"); DOM.setAttribute(nextMonth.getElement(), "title", "Next Month"); DOM.setAttribute(nextYear.getElement(), "title", "Next Year"); HorizontalPanel prevButtons = new HorizontalPanel(); prevMonth.setStyleName("monthYearTraversorBtn"); prevYear.setStyleName("monthYearTraversorBtn"); prevButtons.add(prevYear); prevButtons.add(prevMonth); HorizontalPanel nextButtons = new HorizontalPanel(); nextMonth.setStyleName("monthYearTraversorBtn"); nextYear.setStyleName("monthYearTraversorBtn"); nextButtons.add(nextMonth); nextButtons.add(nextYear); this.add(prevButtons, DockPanel.WEST); this.setCellHorizontalAlignment(prevButtons, DockPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); this.add(nextButtons, DockPanel.EAST); this.setCellHorizontalAlignment(nextButtons, DockPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); this.add(monthYearDesc, DockPanel.CENTER); this.setVerticalAlignment(DockPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); this.setCellHorizontalAlignment(this.monthYearDesc, HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); this.setCellVerticalAlignment(this.monthYearDesc, HasAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); this.setCellWidth(monthYearDesc, "100%"); monthYearDesc.setStyleName("monthYearTraversor"); this.setStyleName("monthYearTraversor"); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Configures a single day in the month grid of this <code>MonthView</code>. * //from ww w . java2s .c o m * @param row * The row in the grid on which the day will be set * @param col * The col in the grid on which the day will be set * @param date * The Date in the grid * @param isToday * Indicates whether the day corresponds to today in the month view * @param notInCurrentMonth * Indicates whether the day is in the current visualized month or belongs to any of the two adjacent months of the current month * @param weekNumber * The weekNumber to show in the cell, only appears in the first col. */ private void configureDayInGrid(int row, int col, Date date, boolean isToday, boolean notInCurrentMonth, int weekNumber) { HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); String text = Integer.toString(ClientDateUtils.getDayInMonth(date)); Label label = new Label(text); StringBuilder headerStyle = new StringBuilder(CELL_HEADER_STYLE); StringBuilder cellStyle = new StringBuilder(CELL_STYLE); for (Date day : getSettings().getHolidays()) { if (DateUtils.areOnTheSameDay(day, date)) { headerStyle.append("-holiday"); cellStyle.append("-holiday"); break; } } if (isToday) { headerStyle.append("-today"); cellStyle.append("-today"); } label.setStyleName(headerStyle.toString()); if (notInCurrentMonth) { label.addStyleName("fadedText"); } addDayClickHandler(label, (Date) date.clone()); if (col == 0 && getSettings().isShowingWeekNumbers()) { Label weekLabel = new Label(String.valueOf(weekNumber)); weekLabel.setStyleName(WEEKNUMBER_LABEL_STYLE); panel.add(weekLabel); panel.setCellWidth(weekLabel, "25px"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(label.getElement(), "paddingLeft", "5px"); addWeekClickHandler(weekLabel, (Date) date.clone()); } panel.add(label); appointmentCanvas.add(panel); dayLabels.add(label); dayPanels.add(panel); monthCalendarGrid.getCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(row, col, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); monthCalendarGrid.getCellFormatter().setStyleName(row, col, cellStyle.toString()); }
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License:Apache License
public ReflectionDesignerMenuView() { if (false) {//from w w w. j a va2 s . c o m loadConfigContext.setText( "file:///home/francois/ARender-Rendition-2.2.0/conf/arender-rendition-alterdocumentcontent.xml"); loadLibsContext.setText("/home/francois/ARender-Rendition-2.2.0/lib"); } loadConfigContext.setWidth("300px"); loadLibsContext.setWidth("300px"); VerticalPanel verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); { HorizontalPanel hz = new HorizontalPanel(); hz.add(loadLibsContext); hz.add(loadLibsButton); verticalPanel.add(hz); } { HorizontalPanel hz = new HorizontalPanel(); hz.add(loadConfigContext); hz.add(loadConfigButton); verticalPanel.add(hz); } verticalPanel.add(saveConfigButton); initWidget(verticalPanel); }