List of usage examples for HorizontalPanel add
@Override public void add(Widget w)
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License:Apache License
private Widget drawControls(ListBox names, Label name, int prev, int next, int set) { HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); hp.addStyleName(STYLE_CONTROL_BLOCK); if (names == dateTable.monthNames()) { monthAction = set;//from ww w . jav a 2 s . c o m } else { yearAction = set; } // move left // if (!showYearMonthListing || set == ACTION_SET_MONTH) { // DatePickerCell left = new DatePickerCell("\u00ab"); // \u00ab is << // left.setType(LocaleCalendarUtils.TYPE_CONTROL); // left.setValue(prev); // left.addStyleName(STYLE_CONTROL); // left.addClickListener(this); // hp.add(left); // } // Need list box or not if (showYearMonthListing) { names.setVisibleItemCount(1); names.addStyleName(STYLE_CONTROL_MENU); names.addChangeListener(this); hp.add(names); } else { name.addStyleName(STYLE_TITLE); hp.add(name); } // move right // if (!showYearMonthListing || set == ACTION_SET_MONTH) { // DatePickerCell right = new DatePickerCell("\u00bb"); // \u00ab is >> // right.setType(LocaleCalendarUtils.TYPE_CONTROL); // right.setValue(next); // right.addStyleName(STYLE_CONTROL); // right.addClickListener(this); // hp.add(right); // } return hp; }
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License:Open Source License
public Widget createExample() { PlotWithOverviewModel model = new PlotWithOverviewModel(PlotModelStrategy.downSamplingStrategy(20)); PlotOptions plotOptions = new PlotOptions(); plotOptions.setDefaultLineSeriesOptions(new LineSeriesOptions().setLineWidth(1).setShow(true)); plotOptions.setDefaultPointsOptions(new PointsSeriesOptions().setRadius(2).setShow(true)); plotOptions.setDefaultShadowSize(0); final SeriesHandler series = model.addSeries("Random Series", "#003366"); // create the plot final PlotWithOverview plot = new PlotWithOverview(model, plotOptions); // pull the "fake" RPC service for new data final Timer updater = new Timer() { @Override/*from w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ public void run() { update(series, plot); } }; // put it on a panel FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel(); panel.add(plot); HorizontalPanel buttonsPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); buttonsPanel.setSpacing(5); buttonsPanel.add(new Button("Start", new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { updater.scheduleRepeating(1000); } })); buttonsPanel.add(new Button("Stop", new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { updater.cancel(); } })); panel.add(buttonsPanel); return panel; }
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License:Open Source License
public Widget createExample() { PlotWithOverviewModel model = new PlotWithOverviewModel(PlotModelStrategy.slidingWindowStrategy(20)); PlotOptions plotOptions = new PlotOptions(); plotOptions.setDefaultLineSeriesOptions(new LineSeriesOptions().setLineWidth(1).setShow(true)); plotOptions.setDefaultPointsOptions(new PointsSeriesOptions().setRadius(2).setShow(true)); plotOptions.setDefaultShadowSize(0); plotOptions.setXAxisOptions(new TimeSeriesAxisOptions()); PlotOptions overviewPlotOptions = new PlotOptions().setDefaultShadowSize(0) .setLegendOptions(new LegendOptions().setShow(false)) .setDefaultLineSeriesOptions(new LineSeriesOptions().setLineWidth(1).setFill(true)) .setSelectionOptions(// www .ja va2s . c om new SelectionOptions().setMode(SelectionOptions.X_SELECTION_MODE).setDragging(true)) .setXAxisOptions(new TimeSeriesAxisOptions()); final SeriesHandler series = model.addSeries("Random Series", "#FF9900"); // create the plot final PlotWithOverview plot = new PlotWithOverview(model, plotOptions, overviewPlotOptions); // pull the "fake" RPC service for new data final Timer updater = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { update(series, plot); } }; // put it on a panel FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel(); panel.add(plot); HorizontalPanel buttonsPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); buttonsPanel.setSpacing(5); buttonsPanel.add(new Button("Start", new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { updater.scheduleRepeating(1000); } })); buttonsPanel.add(new Button("Stop", new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { updater.cancel(); } })); panel.add(buttonsPanel); return panel; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected Widget createUi() { HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); Widget plotWidget = plot.getWidget(); legendPanel = new VerticalPanel(); panel.add(plotWidget); panel.add(legendPanel);// w w w . j av a2 s . co m return panel; }
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License:Apache License
public ApplicationView(ApplicationController app) { app_ = app;/*w w w . jav a 2s .c om*/ // hide the root panel first hide(); // create the application view elements // we are using a horizontal split panel to host the left side (course view) // and the right side (calendar view) DockPanel panel = GWT.create(DockPanel.class); panel.setSize("980px", "580px"); final View findCourseView = app_.getFindCourseController().getView(); // find course button final Button findCourseButton = GWT.create(Button.class); findCourseButton.setText("Find Course..."); findCourseButton.setPixelSize(250, 28); findCourseButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) {; } }); // message view final View messageView = app_.getMessageController().getView(); // course view final View courseView = app_.getCourseController().getView(); courseView.getWidget().setWidth("340px"); // calendar view final View calendarView = app_.getCourseCalendarController().getView(); // top panel HorizontalPanel topPanel = GWT.create(HorizontalPanel.class); topPanel.add(findCourseButton); headerPanel_ = GWT.create(HorizontalPanel.class); SimplePanel topleft = PanelUtils.simplePanel(new HTML(""), 61, 28); headerPanel_.add(topleft); // add headers for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { SimplePanel header = GWT.create(SimplePanel.class); header.addStyleName("gridHeaderCell"); header.setPixelSize(128, 28); header.add(new HTML(headerStrings[i])); headerPanel_.add(header); } topPanel.add(headerPanel_); // add elements to the dock panel // to north (top bar) panel.add(PanelUtils.horizontalPanel(findCourseButton, headerPanel_), DockPanel.NORTH); // to west (left side bar) panel.add(PanelUtils.verticalPanel( PanelUtils.decoratorPanel(PanelUtils.scrollPanel(courseView.getWidget(), 240, 555)), PanelUtils.horizontalPanel(ButtonUtils.button("Clear", 125, 25, new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { app_.getCourseController().clear(); } }, null), ButtonUtils.button("Print...", 125, 25, new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { Element wrapper = DOM.createDiv(); Element header = (Element) headerPanel_.getElement().cloneNode(true); wrapper.appendChild(header); CalendarPanel calendar = (CalendarPanel) app_.getCourseCalendarController().getView() .getWidget(); int height = calendar.getRealHeight(); Element calendarElement = (Element) calendar.getElement().cloneNode(true); DOM.setStyleAttribute(calendarElement, "page-break-inside", "avoid"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(calendarElement, "height", (height + 50) + "px"); wrapper.appendChild(calendarElement); app_.print("Main.css", wrapper.getInnerHTML()); } }, null))), DockPanel.WEST); // to center (content) panel.add(calendarView.getWidget(), DockPanel.CENTER); // to footer (copyright) panel.add(new HTML( "© 2008 University of Prince Edward Island. This is an <a href=\"\">open-source project</a> licensed under Apache License 2.0."), DockPanel.SOUTH); // add the horizontal panel RootPanel.get().add(panel); }
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License:Apache License
/** * This method must be called after all settings done. *//*from w w w . ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ void init() { calendarInnerHeight_ = Calendar.RESOLUTION * 14 * 4; calendarInnerWidth_ = width_ - 17; // create the horizontalPanel panel_ = GWT.create(HorizontalPanel.class); // add panels for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { panel_.add((Widget) GWT.create(AbsolutePanel.class)); } // create the scroll panel outerPanel_ = GWT.create(ScrollPanel.class); // create the absolute wrapper AbsolutePanel wrapper = GWT.create(AbsolutePanel.class); wrapper.setPixelSize(calendarInnerWidth_, calendarInnerHeight_); // set the calendar width and height panel_.setPixelSize(calendarInnerWidth_ - calendarLeftDescriptionWidth_, calendarInnerHeight_); // add the sub panel and set size outerPanel_.add(wrapper); outerPanel_.setPixelSize(width_, height_); // deal with type switch (calendar_.getType()) { case Calendar.FIVE: panel_.getWidget(0).setSize("0px", "0px"); courseWidth_ = (calendarInnerWidth_ - calendarLeftDescriptionWidth_) / 5; // minus // the // scroll // bar // width for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { panel_.getWidget(i).setPixelSize(courseWidth_, calendarInnerHeight_); } panel_.getWidget(6).setSize("0px", "0px"); break; case Calendar.SEVEN: courseWidth_ = (calendarInnerWidth_ - calendarLeftDescriptionWidth_) / 7; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { panel_.getWidget(i).setPixelSize(courseWidth_, calendarInnerHeight_); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Calendar type is invalid."); } // add to observer list calendar_.addObserver("itemDidAdd", this); calendar_.addObserver("itemDidRemove", this); // create the grid HorizontalPanel grid = new HorizontalPanel(); grid.setPixelSize(calendarInnerWidth_ - calendarLeftDescriptionWidth_, calendarInnerHeight_); grid.addStyleName("grid"); // FIXME tricky part, needs to change for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { VerticalPanel gridColumn = GWT.create(VerticalPanel.class); gridColumn.addStyleName("gridColumn"); gridColumn.setHeight(Integer.toString(calendarInnerHeight_) + "px"); gridColumn.setWidth(Integer.toString(courseWidth_ - 1) + "px"); for (int j = 0; j < 14 * 60 / Calendar.RESOLUTION / 2; j++) { SimplePanel cell = GWT.create(SimplePanel.class); cell.addStyleName("gridCell"); cell.setHeight(Integer.toString(Calendar.RESOLUTION * 2 - 1) + "px"); cell.setWidth(Integer.toString(courseWidth_ - 1) + "px"); final int day = i; final int hour = j; gridColumn.add(PanelUtils.focusPanel(cell, new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { if (cellClickListener_ != null) { Map<String, Integer> params = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); params.put("day", day); params.put("hour", hour); cellClickListener_.setContext(params); cellClickListener_.onClick(sender); } } }, null, null, null)); } grid.add(gridColumn); } // create the with description panel HorizontalPanel panelWithDescription = GWT.create(HorizontalPanel.class); VerticalPanel leftDescription = GWT.create(VerticalPanel.class); leftDescription.setPixelSize(calendarLeftDescriptionWidth_, calendarInnerHeight_); leftDescription.addStyleName("timeColumn"); // first row SimplePanel firstTimeCell = GWT.create(SimplePanel.class); firstTimeCell.addStyleName("timeCell"); firstTimeCell.setPixelSize(calendarLeftDescriptionWidth_ - 1, Calendar.RESOLUTION); leftDescription.add(firstTimeCell); for (int i = 0; i < 14 * 60 / Calendar.RESOLUTION / 2; i++) { SimplePanel cell = GWT.create(SimplePanel.class); cell.addStyleName("timeCell"); cell.setPixelSize(calendarLeftDescriptionWidth_ - 1, Calendar.RESOLUTION * 2); String half; if (i % 2 == 0) { half = "30"; } else { half = "00"; } // half time adjustment int tp = i / 2 + 8; tp = tp + i % 2; String ampm = "am"; if (tp >= 12) { ampm = "pm"; } if (tp > 12) { tp -= 12; } cell.add(new HTML(Integer.toString(tp) + ":" + half + ampm + " ")); leftDescription.add(cell); } panelWithDescription.add(leftDescription); panelWithDescription.add(panel_); // add the elements wrapper.add(grid, calendarLeftDescriptionWidth_, 0); wrapper.add(panelWithDescription, 0, 0); initWidget(outerPanel_); // set the style primary name outerPanel_.setStylePrimaryName("wi-CalendarPanel"); // create the map itemWidgets_ = new HashMap<CalendarItem, Set<Widget>>(); }
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License:Apache License
public FindCourseView(FindCourseViewController controller) { controller_ = controller;//from w w w. j a va2 s . com // set up the dialog box dialogBox_ = new DialogBox(false, true); // autohide = false, modal = true dialogBox_.setAnimationEnabled(true); dialogBox_.setText("Find Courses..."); // i have a horizontal panel HorizontalPanel filterPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); // i have a level flex table levelTable_ = controller_.getLevelModel().getWidget(); departmentTable_ = controller_.getDepartmentModel().getWidget(); semesterTable_ = controller_.getSemesterModel().getWidget(); startTimeWidget_ = controller_.getStartTimeModel().getWidget(); // button panel HorizontalPanel buttonPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); buttonPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); // i have an OK button final Button okButton = new Button("Search"); okButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { // search and close the dialog; hide(); } }); okButton.addKeyboardListener(new KeyboardListener() { public void onKeyDown(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) { } public void onKeyPress(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) { } public void onKeyUp(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) { if (keyCode == KeyboardListener.KEY_ENTER) {; } } }); final Button cancelButton = new Button("Cancel"); cancelButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { hide(); } }); cancelButton.addKeyboardListener(new KeyboardListener() { public void onKeyDown(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) { } public void onKeyPress(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) { } public void onKeyUp(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) { if (keyCode == KeyboardListener.KEY_ESCAPE); } }); SimplePanel empty = new SimplePanel(); empty.setWidth("230px"); buttonPanel.add(empty); buttonPanel.add(cancelButton); buttonPanel.add(okButton); buttonPanel.setSpacing(5); buttonPanel.setWidth("485px"); // add the panel to the dialog box dialogBox_.add(PanelUtils.verticalPanel(PanelUtils.horizontalPanel( PanelUtils.verticalPanel(PanelUtils.scrollPanel(levelTable_, 250, 180), PanelUtils.scrollPanel(semesterTable_, 250, 120), PanelUtils.scrollPanel(startTimeWidget_, 250, 30)), PanelUtils.scrollPanel(departmentTable_, 250, 320)), buttonPanel)); dialogBox_.setPopupPosition(240, 0); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Create a HorizontalPanel that contains a list of widgets * @param widgets//from ww w . jav a2 s. c om * @return */ public static HorizontalPanel horizontalPanel(Widget... widgets) { HorizontalPanel panel = GWT.create(HorizontalPanel.class); for (Widget widget : widgets) panel.add(widget); return panel; }
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License:Creative Commons License
void buildSummaryPanel() { HorizontalPanel selectionPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); summaryPanel.clear();//from ww w . j a va2 s . c o m summaryEndDatePanel.add(new Label("Data:")); summaryEndDatePanel.add(summaryEndDate); selectionPanel.add(summaryAccountGrid); selectionPanel.add(summaryAssetGrid); summaryPanel.add(summaryEndDatePanel); summaryPanel.add(summaryUpdateButton); summaryPanel.add(selectionPanel); summaryPanel.add(summaryGrid); summaryPanel.add(summaryFlowGrid); summaryPanel.add(summaryLogConsole); }
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License:Creative Commons License
void buildTaxPanel() { HorizontalPanel headPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); VerticalPanel prefPanel = new VerticalPanel(); VerticalPanel startLossPanel = new VerticalPanel(); HorizontalPanel lossPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); HorizontalPanel dayTradeLossPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); taxPanel.clear();//from w w w .ja v a2 s . c om taxEndDatePanel.add(new Label("Data:")); taxEndDatePanel.add(taxEndDate); taxPanel.add(taxEndDatePanel); StockTaxPrefResetButtonHandler stockTaxPrefButtonHandler = new StockTaxPrefResetButtonHandler(); Button stockTaxPrefButton = new Button("Restaurar Recomendacoes", stockTaxPrefButtonHandler); prefPanel.add(stockTaxPrefButton); prefPanel.add(Preference.stockDayTradeAffectExemptionLimit); prefPanel.add(Preference.stockExemptGainsReduceCarriedLoss); prefPanel.add(Preference.stockTaxRatioOverPretaxEarnings); prefPanel.addStyleName("boxedTable"); lossPanel.add(new Label("Perda acumulada inicial:")); lossPanel.add(Preference.startTaxCarryLoss); dayTradeLossPanel.add(new Label("Perda acumulada inicial em Day-trade:")); dayTradeLossPanel.add(Preference.startTaxDayTradeCarryLoss); startLossPanel.add(lossPanel); startLossPanel.add(dayTradeLossPanel); headPanel.add(prefPanel); headPanel.add(startLossPanel); taxPanel.add(headPanel); taxPanel.add(new Label("Apuracao Mensal:")); taxPanel.add(taxGrid); taxPanel.add(new Label("Legenda:")); taxPanel.add(new Label("IR.Devido: Codigo Receita DARF: Pessoa Fisica = 6015, Pessoa Juridica = 3317")); taxPanel.add(new Label("DT.IR.Devido: Codigo Receita DARF: Pessoa Fisica = 6015, Pessoa Juridica = 3317")); taxPanel.add(new Label("Resumo Anual:")); taxPanel.add(taxYearlySummaryGrid); taxPanel.add(new Label("Legenda:")); taxPanel.add(new Label("Repasse BTC: Rendimentos Tributaveis")); taxPanel.add(new Label("Lucro Liquido na Venda de Titulos: Rendimentos Sujeitos a Tributacao Exclusiva")); taxPanel.add(new Label("Cupons de Titulos: Rendimentos Sujeitos a Tributacao Exclusiva")); taxPanel.add(new Label("Aluguel de Acoes: Rendimentos Sujeitos a Tributacao Exclusiva")); taxPanel.add(new Label("Juros Sobre Capital Proprio: Rendimentos Sujeitos a Tributacao Exclusiva")); taxPanel.add(new Label("Dividendos: Rendimentos Isentos e nao Tributaveis")); taxPanel.add(new Label("Ganho Liquido Isento: Rendimentos Isentos e nao Tributaveis")); taxPanel.add(debugPanel); }