Example usage for com.google.gson JsonSerializer interface-usage

List of usage examples for com.google.gson JsonSerializer interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.gson JsonSerializer interface-usage.


From source file com.bccriskadvisory.link.rest.gson.OptionalAdapter.java

 * This adapter makes optional types 'transparent' - the serialized form looks like the contained object.
 * <b>NOTE:</b>one shortcoming of this implementation is that fields that are null or absent in the json representation will not be 
 * deserialized to empty optionals, since the deserialize method will not be called for such fields. Therefore <b>any</b> optional 
 * fields in a gson object must be initialized to Optional.empty in the field declaration.

From source file com.bccriskadvisory.link.rest.gson.ZonedDateTimeAdapter.java

public class ZonedDateTimeAdapter extends AbstractLogSupported
        implements JsonDeserializer<ZonedDateTime>, JsonSerializer<ZonedDateTime> {

    public static final DateTimeFormatter JSON_PATTERN = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX");


From source file com.beanstream.requests.CriteriaSerializer.java

 * The Operators are translated from the enum and URL encoded.
 * @author bowens
public class CriteriaSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Criteria> {

From source file com.bekwam.resignator.model.ConfigurationJSONAdapter.java

 * Converts JSON to and from the Configuration domain object
 * @author carl_000
 * @since 1.0.0

From source file com.berniesanders.fieldthebern.parsing.CanvassDataSerializer.java

 * Custom Gson deserializer for 'ApiItem' with a mix of 'pages' and 'collections' as children
public class CanvassDataSerializer implements JsonSerializer<CanvassData>, JsonDeserializer<CanvassData> {


From source file com.berniesanders.fieldthebern.parsing.CollectionDeserializer.java

 * Custom Gson deserializer for 'ApiItem' with a mix of 'pages' and 'collections' as children
public class CollectionDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<ApiItem>, JsonSerializer<ApiItem> {


From source file com.caris.oscarexchange4j.util.serializers.ThemeSerializer.java

 * @author tcoburn
public class ThemeSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Theme> {
    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());

From source file com.certus.controllers.ChartExpenseAdapter.java

 * @author shanaka
public class ChartExpenseAdapter implements JsonSerializer<ChartExpenses> {

From source file com.certus.controllers.ChartsCriteriaAdapter.java

 * @author shanaka
public class ChartsCriteriaAdapter implements JsonSerializer<ChartsCriteria> {

From source file com.certus.controllers.ProductFilterTypeAdapter.java

 * @author shanaka
public class ProductFilterTypeAdapter implements JsonSerializer<ProductHasSize> {