List of usage examples for JsonSerializer interface-usage
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public class LazyGsonAdapter<T> implements JsonSerializer<T>, JsonDeserializer<T> { private final Function<JsonElement, T> set; private final Function<T, JsonElement> get; public LazyGsonAdapter(final Function<JsonElement, T> set, final Function<T, JsonElement> get) {
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class DateAdapter implements JsonSerializer<Date>, JsonDeserializer<Date> { private final ApiClient apiClient; /** * Constructor for DateAdapter *
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/** * GSON serialiser/deserialiser for converting {@link ZonedDateTime} objects. */ public class ZonedDateTimeJsonConverter implements JsonSerializer<ZonedDateTime>, JsonDeserializer<ZonedDateTime> { /** Formatter. */ private final DateTimeFormatter mDateTimeFormatter;
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/** * GSON serialiser/deserialiser for converting {@link ZonedDateTime} objects. */ public class ZonedDateTimeJsonConverter implements JsonSerializer<ZonedDateTime>, JsonDeserializer<ZonedDateTime> { /** Formatter. */ private final DateTimeFormatter mDateTimeFormatter;
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/** * GSON serialiser/deserialiser for converting {@link ZonedDateTime} objects. */ public class CustomZonedDateTimeConverter implements JsonSerializer<ZonedDateTime>, JsonDeserializer<ZonedDateTime> { /** Formatter. */
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* Gson adapter which can serialize and deserialize {@link Capability} objects
* to and from the expected format in the bcap protocol.
* @author Iain McGinniss (
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* A type adapter for a given type that uses a proxy class for serialization.
* The proxy is a class that will be serialized in place of the type. An
* instance of the type is serialized by converting it to an instance of the
* proxy class by means of the proxy's one-argument constructor and then
* serializing the proxy. An instance of the type is deserialized by first
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public class ProjectNameKeySerializer implements JsonSerializer<Project.NameKey> { @Override public JsonElement serialize(Project.NameKey project, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { return new JsonPrimitive(project.get()); } }
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public class SupplierSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Supplier<?>> { @Override public JsonElement serialize(Supplier<?> src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { return context.serialize(src.get()); }
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public class MapDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Map<Object, Object>>, JsonSerializer<Map<Object, Object>>, InstanceCreator<Map<Object, Object>> { public Map<Object, Object> createInstance(final Type type) { return new HashMap<Object, Object>(); }