Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Bekwam, Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.bekwam.resignator.model; import*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; /** * Converts JSON to and from the Configuration domain object * * @author carl_000 * @since 1.0.0 */ public class ConfigurationJSONAdapter implements JsonDeserializer<Configuration>, JsonSerializer<Configuration> { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigurationJSONAdapter.class); @Override public Configuration deserialize(JsonElement jsonElement, Type type, JsonDeserializationContext jsonDeserializationContext) throws JsonParseException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("[DESERIALIZE]"); } JsonObject obj = (JsonObject) jsonElement; JsonElement apElement = obj.get("activeProfile"); String ap = ""; if (apElement != null) { ap = apElement.getAsString(); } JsonElement jdkElem = obj.get("jdkHome"); String jdkHome = ""; if (jdkElem != null) { jdkHome = jdkElem.getAsString(); } JsonElement hpElem = obj.get("hashedPassword"); String hp = ""; if (hpElem != null) { hp = hpElem.getAsString(); } JsonElement ludElem = obj.get("lastUpdatedDate"); String lud = ""; LocalDateTime lastUpdatedDate = null; if (ludElem != null) { lud = ludElem.getAsString(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(lud)) { lastUpdatedDate = LocalDateTime.parse(lud, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME); } } JsonArray recentProfiles = obj.getAsJsonArray("recentProfiles"); JsonArray profiles = obj.getAsJsonArray("profiles"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("[DESERIALIZE] rp={}, ap={}, jdkHome={}, keytool={}, profiles={}", recentProfiles.toString(), ap, jdkHome, profiles.toString()); } Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.setActiveProfile(Optional.of(ap)); conf.setJDKHome(Optional.of(jdkHome)); conf.getRecentProfiles().addAll(deserializeRecentProfiles(recentProfiles)); conf.getProfiles().addAll(deserializeProfiles(profiles)); conf.setHashedPassword(Optional.of(hp)); conf.setLastUpdatedDateTime(Optional.ofNullable(lastUpdatedDate)); return conf; } private List<String> deserializeRecentProfiles(JsonArray recentProfiles) { List<String> rps = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonElement e : recentProfiles) { rps.add(e.getAsString()); } return rps; } private List<Profile> deserializeProfiles(JsonArray profiles) { List<Profile> ps = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonElement e : profiles) { JsonObject profileObj = (JsonObject) e; String profileName = profileObj.get("profileName").getAsString(); Boolean rs = Boolean.FALSE; if (profileObj.get("replaceSignatures") != null) { rs = profileObj.get("replaceSignatures").getAsBoolean(); } SigningArgumentsType argsType = SigningArgumentsType.JAR; if (profileObj.get("argsType") != null) { String at = profileObj.get("argsType").getAsString(); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(at, String.valueOf(SigningArgumentsType.FOLDER))) { argsType = SigningArgumentsType.FOLDER; } } Profile p = new Profile(profileName, rs, argsType); // // SourceFile part // JsonObject sourceObj = profileObj.getAsJsonObject("sourceFile"); if (sourceObj != null) { JsonElement sfe = sourceObj.get("fileName"); if (sfe != null) { SourceFile sf = new SourceFile(sfe.getAsString()); p.setSourceFile(Optional.of(sf)); } } // // TargetFile part // JsonObject targetObj = profileObj.getAsJsonObject("targetFile"); if (sourceObj != null) { JsonElement tfe = targetObj.get("fileName"); if (tfe != null) { TargetFile tf = new TargetFile(tfe.getAsString()); p.setTargetFile(Optional.of(tf)); } } // // JarsignerConfig part // JsonObject jcObj = profileObj.getAsJsonObject("jarsignerConfig"); if (jcObj != null) { String alias = ""; String storepass = ""; String keypass = ""; String keystore = ""; Boolean verbose = false; JsonElement ae = jcObj.get("alias"); if (ae != null) { alias = ae.getAsString(); } JsonElement spe = jcObj.get("storepass"); if (spe != null) { storepass = spe.getAsString(); } JsonElement kpe = jcObj.get("keypass"); if (kpe != null) { keypass = kpe.getAsString(); } JsonElement kse = jcObj.get("keystore"); if (kse != null) { keystore = kse.getAsString(); } JsonElement ve = jcObj.get("verbose"); if (ve != null) { verbose = ve.getAsBoolean(); } JarsignerConfig jc = new JarsignerConfig(alias, "", "", keystore, verbose); jc.setEncryptedKeypass(keypass); jc.setEncryptedStorepass(storepass); p.setJarsignerConfig(Optional.of(jc)); } ps.add(p); } return ps; } @Override public JsonElement serialize(Configuration configuration, Type type, JsonSerializationContext jsonSerializationContext) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("[SERIALIZE]"); } String ap = configuration.getActiveProfile().orElse(""); String jdkHome = configuration.getJDKHome().orElse(""); JsonArray profiles = serializeProfiles(configuration.getProfiles()); String hp = configuration.getHashedPassword().orElse(""); String lud = ""; if (configuration.getLastUpdatedDateTime().isPresent()) { lud = configuration.getLastUpdatedDateTime().get().format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME); } JsonObject root = new JsonObject(); root.addProperty("activeProfile", ap); root.addProperty("jdkHome", jdkHome); root.addProperty("hashedPassword", hp); root.addProperty("lastUpdatedDate", lud); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("[SERIALIZE] ap={}, jdkHome={}, hp empty?={}, lastUpdatedDate={}", ap, jdkHome, StringUtils.isEmpty(hp), lud); } root.add("recentProfiles", serializeRecentProfiles(configuration.getRecentProfiles())); root.add("profiles", profiles); return root; } private JsonArray serializeRecentProfiles(List<String> recentProfiles) { JsonArray rps = new JsonArray(); for (String rp : recentProfiles) { rps.add(new JsonPrimitive(rp)); } return rps; } private JsonArray serializeProfiles(List<Profile> profiles) { JsonArray ps = new JsonArray(); for (Profile p : profiles) { JsonObject profileObj = new JsonObject(); profileObj.addProperty("profileName", p.getProfileName()); profileObj.addProperty("replaceSignatures", p.getReplaceSignatures()); profileObj.addProperty("argsType", String.valueOf(p.getArgsType())); if (p.getSourceFile().isPresent()) { SourceFile sf = p.getSourceFile().get(); JsonObject sfObj = new JsonObject(); sfObj.addProperty("fileName", sf.getFileName()); profileObj.add("sourceFile", sfObj); } if (p.getTargetFile().isPresent()) { TargetFile tf = p.getTargetFile().get(); JsonObject tfObj = new JsonObject(); tfObj.addProperty("fileName", tf.getFileName()); profileObj.add("targetFile", tfObj); } if (p.getJarsignerConfig().isPresent()) { JarsignerConfig jc = p.getJarsignerConfig().get(); JsonObject jcObj = new JsonObject(); jcObj.addProperty("alias", jc.getAlias()); // // #1 storepass and keypass become temporary fields while the encrypted fields // are persisted // jcObj.addProperty("storepass", jc.getEncryptedStorepass()); jcObj.addProperty("keypass", jc.getEncryptedKeypass()); jcObj.addProperty("keystore", jc.getKeystore()); jcObj.addProperty("verbose", jc.getVerbose()); profileObj.add("jarsignerConfig", jcObj); } ps.add(profileObj); } return ps; } }