Example usage for com.google.gson JsonSerializer interface-usage

List of usage examples for com.google.gson JsonSerializer interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.gson JsonSerializer interface-usage.


From source file br.com.sgejs.util.DateGsonSerializer.java

 * @author Tiago

From source file br.ufg.inf.es.saep.sandbox.dominio.infraestrutura.ValorSerializer.java

 * Define processo de converso de instncia de Valor
 * em "string".
 * @see Valor

From source file ca.cmput301w14t09.elasticSearch.JsonBitmapConverter.java

 * JsonBitmapConverter takes a bitmap and converts it into json

From source file ca.cmput301w14t09.FileManaging.SerializableBitmap.java

 * SerializableBitmap is a class that takes an existing Bitmap, wraps it
 * in a class that adds standard Serialization and JsonSerialization support such that we do not need to make
 * custom controller calls every time we need to store information for a Bitmap.
 * See:

From source file ca.cs.ualberta.localpost.controller.BitmapJsonConverter.java

 * Provides custom base64 serialization / deserialization for Bitmaps.
 * Algorithm taken from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9224056/android-bitmap-to-base64-string
 * @author zjullion
public class BitmapJsonConverter implements JsonDeserializer<Bitmap>, JsonSerializer<Bitmap> {

From source file ca.ualberta.cmput301w14t08.geochan.json.BitmapJsonConverter.java

 * Handles the serialization and deserialization of Bitmap objects
 * to and from base64 JSON strings.
 * @author Artem Chikin
 * @author Artem Herasymchuk

From source file ca.ualberta.cmput301w14t08.geochan.json.CommentJsonConverter.java

 * Handles the serialization and deserialization of Comment objects 
 * to and from JSON format.
 * @author Artem Herasymchuk

From source file ca.ualberta.cmput301w14t08.geochan.json.CommentOfflineJsonConverter.java

 * Handles the offline serialization and deserialization of Comment objects 
 * to and from JSON format.
 * @author Artem Chikin
 * @author Artem Herasymchuk

From source file ca.ualberta.cmput301w14t08.geochan.json.LocationJsonConverter.java

 * Handles the serialization and deserialization of useful data in a Location
 * to and from JSON format.
 * @author Artem Chikin

From source file ca.ualberta.cmput301w14t08.geochan.json.ThreadCommentJsonConverter.java

 * Handles the serialization of a ThreadComment object into JSON format.
 * @author Artem Herasymchuk
public class ThreadCommentJsonConverter implements JsonSerializer<ThreadComment>, JsonDeserializer<ThreadComment> {