List of usage examples for Sets newHashSet
public static <E> HashSet<E> newHashSet(Iterator<? extends E> elements)
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public Set<Long> findGroupIds(Long userId, Set<Long> organizationIds) { return Sets.newHashSet(getGroupRelationRepository().findGroupIds(userId, organizationIds)); }
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/** * Creates an inclusive reload predicate. Only given resource types will be loaded along with this. * * @param inclusion the set of resource types to be included in the reload * @return an inclusion predicate based on the given types *///from w w w . j a v a 2s . c om public static Predicate<IResourceType> include(IResourceType... inclusion) { Set<IResourceType> inclusionSet = Sets.newHashSet(inclusion); return inclusionSet::contains; }
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public static IndexedAnswerSet create(ConceptMap answer, Index index) { return create(Sets.newHashSet(answer), index); }
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public static void dumpDot(File file, Collection<Pseudocode> pseudocodes) throws FileNotFoundException { File target = JetTestUtils.replaceExtension(file, "dot"); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(target); out.println("digraph " + FileUtil.getNameWithoutExtension(file) + " {"); int[] count = new int[1]; Map<Instruction, String> nodeToName = new HashMap<Instruction, String>(); for (Pseudocode pseudocode : pseudocodes) { dumpNodes(((PseudocodeImpl) pseudocode).getAllInstructions(), out, count, nodeToName, Sets.newHashSet(pseudocode.getInstructions())); }/*from w w w . j a va 2 s. c om*/ int i = 0; for (Pseudocode pseudocode : pseudocodes) { String label; JetElement correspondingElement = pseudocode.getCorrespondingElement(); if (correspondingElement instanceof JetNamedDeclaration) { JetNamedDeclaration namedDeclaration = (JetNamedDeclaration) correspondingElement; label = namedDeclaration.getName(); } else { label = "anonymous_" + i; } out.println("subgraph cluster_" + i + " {\n" + "label=\"" + label + "\";\n" + "color=blue;\n"); dumpEdges(((PseudocodeImpl) pseudocode).getAllInstructions(), out, count, nodeToName); out.println("}"); i++; } out.println("}"); out.close(); }
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PropertyNameFilter(String... propertyNames) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(propertyNames, "propertyNames"); _propertyNames = Sets.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(propertyNames)); }
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public static Set<String> parseAsSet(String rawTags) { if (null == rawTags) { return null; }//from ww w .j a v a 2 s . co m return Sets.newHashSet(rawTags.trim().split(";")); }
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public static <E> FluentSet<E> of(@NonNull final E... elements) { return of(Sets.newHashSet(elements)); }
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default Builder any(Class<?> abstractClass, Class<?>[] klasses) { if (klasses.length == 0) usable(abstractClass, abstractClass); int uniques = Sets.newHashSet(klasses).size(); if (uniques == 1) { return use(abstractClass, klasses[0]); }/*w ww .j a va 2s . c o m*/ return any(abstractClass, Scope.NONE, klasses); }
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/** * Factory method for creating a node set. * @param <E> node type//from ww w.ja v a 2s .c o m * @param nodes nodes * @return node set data structure */ public static <E> NodeSetInGraph<E> create(E... nodes) { return new NodeSetInGraph<E>(Sets.newHashSet(nodes), null); }
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public ServiceSetupList(ServiceSetupInfo serviceSetupInfo) { this(Sets.newHashSet(serviceSetupInfo)); }