Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.jet.cfg; import; import; import org.jetbrains.jet.JetTestUtils; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.cfg.pseudocode.*; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.psi.JetElement; import org.jetbrains.jet.lang.psi.JetNamedDeclaration; import; import; import; import java.util.*; public class CFGraphToDotFilePrinter { public static void dumpDot(File file, Collection<Pseudocode> pseudocodes) throws FileNotFoundException { File target = JetTestUtils.replaceExtension(file, "dot"); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(target); out.println("digraph " + FileUtil.getNameWithoutExtension(file) + " {"); int[] count = new int[1]; Map<Instruction, String> nodeToName = new HashMap<Instruction, String>(); for (Pseudocode pseudocode : pseudocodes) { dumpNodes(((PseudocodeImpl) pseudocode).getAllInstructions(), out, count, nodeToName, Sets.newHashSet(pseudocode.getInstructions())); } int i = 0; for (Pseudocode pseudocode : pseudocodes) { String label; JetElement correspondingElement = pseudocode.getCorrespondingElement(); if (correspondingElement instanceof JetNamedDeclaration) { JetNamedDeclaration namedDeclaration = (JetNamedDeclaration) correspondingElement; label = namedDeclaration.getName(); } else { label = "anonymous_" + i; } out.println("subgraph cluster_" + i + " {\n" + "label=\"" + label + "\";\n" + "color=blue;\n"); dumpEdges(((PseudocodeImpl) pseudocode).getAllInstructions(), out, count, nodeToName); out.println("}"); i++; } out.println("}"); out.close(); } private static void dumpEdges(List<Instruction> instructions, final PrintStream out, final int[] count, final Map<Instruction, String> nodeToName) { for (Instruction fromInst : instructions) { fromInst.accept(new InstructionVisitor() { @Override public void visitLocalFunctionDeclarationInstruction( LocalFunctionDeclarationInstruction instruction) { int index = count[0]; // instruction.getBody().dumpSubgraph(out, "subgraph cluster_" + index, count, "color=blue;\nlabel = \"f" + index + "\";", nodeToName); printEdge(out, nodeToName.get(instruction), nodeToName.get(((PseudocodeImpl) instruction.getBody()).getAllInstructions().get(0)), null); visitInstructionWithNext(instruction); } @Override public void visitUnconditionalJump(UnconditionalJumpInstruction instruction) { printEdge(out, nodeToName.get(instruction), nodeToName.get(instruction.getResolvedTarget()), null); } @Override public void visitJump(AbstractJumpInstruction instruction) { printEdge(out, nodeToName.get(instruction), nodeToName.get(instruction.getResolvedTarget()), null); } @Override public void visitNondeterministicJump(NondeterministicJumpInstruction instruction) { for (Instruction nextInstruction : instruction.getNextInstructions()) { printEdge(out, nodeToName.get(instruction), nodeToName.get(nextInstruction), null); } } @Override public void visitReturnValue(ReturnValueInstruction instruction) { super.visitReturnValue(instruction); } @Override public void visitReturnNoValue(ReturnNoValueInstruction instruction) { super.visitReturnNoValue(instruction); } @Override public void visitConditionalJump(ConditionalJumpInstruction instruction) { String from = nodeToName.get(instruction); printEdge(out, from, nodeToName.get(instruction.getNextOnFalse()), "no"); printEdge(out, from, nodeToName.get(instruction.getNextOnTrue()), "yes"); } @Override public void visitInstructionWithNext(InstructionWithNext instruction) { printEdge(out, nodeToName.get(instruction), nodeToName.get(instruction.getNext()), null); } @Override public void visitSubroutineExit(SubroutineExitInstruction instruction) { if (!instruction.getNextInstructions().isEmpty()) { printEdge(out, nodeToName.get(instruction), nodeToName.get(instruction.getNextInstructions().iterator().next()), null); } } @Override public void visitSubroutineSink(SubroutineSinkInstruction instruction) { // Nothing } @Override public void visitInstruction(Instruction instruction) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(instruction.toString()); } }); } } private static void dumpNodes(List<Instruction> instructions, PrintStream out, int[] count, Map<Instruction, String> nodeToName, Set<Instruction> remainedAfterPostProcessInstructions) { for (Instruction node : instructions) { String name = "n" + count[0]++; nodeToName.put(node, name); String text = node.toString(); int newline = text.indexOf("\n"); if (newline >= 0) { text = text.substring(0, newline); } String shape = "box"; if (node instanceof ConditionalJumpInstruction || node instanceof UnconditionalJumpInstruction) { shape = "diamond"; } else if (node instanceof NondeterministicJumpInstruction) { shape = "Mdiamond"; } else if (node instanceof UnsupportedElementInstruction) { shape = "box, fillcolor=red, style=filled"; } else if (node instanceof LocalFunctionDeclarationInstruction) { shape = "Mcircle"; } else if (node instanceof SubroutineEnterInstruction || node instanceof SubroutineExitInstruction) { shape = "roundrect, style=rounded"; } if (!remainedAfterPostProcessInstructions.contains(node)) { shape += "box, fillcolor=grey, style=filled"; } out.println(name + "[label=\"" + text + "\", shape=" + shape + "];"); } } private static void printEdge(PrintStream out, String from, String to, String label) { if (label != null) { label = "[label=\"" + label + "\"]"; } else { label = ""; } out.println(from + " -> " + to + label + ";"); } }