Example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newHashSet

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Sets newHashSet


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newHashSet.


public static <E> HashSet<E> newHashSet(Iterator<? extends E> elements) 

Source Link


Creates a mutable HashSet instance containing the given elements.


From source file:com.palantir.atlasdb.schema.KeyValueServiceMigrators.java

 * Tables that are eligible for migration.
 */// w  w  w.j a  va 2  s  .com
public static Set<TableReference> getMigratableTableNames(KeyValueService kvs,
        Set<TableReference> unmigratableTables) {
     * Not all tables can be migrated. We run by default with a table-splitting KVS that pins
     * certain tables to always be in the legacy DB KVS (because that one supports
     * putUnlessExists), and those tables cannot and should not be migrated. Also, special
     * tables that are not controlled by the transaction table should not be
     * migrated.
    HashSet<TableReference> tableNames = Sets.newHashSet(kvs.getAllTableNames());
    return tableNames;

From source file:com.enonic.cms.framework.blob.gc.GarbageCollector.java

private int deleteUnused() throws Exception {
    final Set<BlobKey> keys = Sets.newHashSet(this.store.getAllKeys());

    for (final BlobKey key : keys) {
    }/*w w w  .j av  a 2 s .  co  m*/

    return keys.size();

From source file:org.thiesen.collections.set.impl.MutableHashSet.java

public static <T> MutableHashSet<T> of(final T... elements) {
    return new MutableHashSet<T>(Sets.newHashSet(elements));

From source file:org.n3r.sandbox.db.mongo.model.heroes.Heroine.java

public static Heroine addBeast(Heroine heroine, Beast beast) {
    return new Heroine(heroine.getFirstName(), heroine.getLastName(), heroine.getAddress(),
            heroine.getChildren(), Sets.newHashSet(beast));

From source file:org.vclipse.condition.ui.refactoring.ConditionRefactoring.java

public Set<EClass> getTopLevelTypes() {
    return Sets.newHashSet(VCML_PACKAGE.getConditionSource());

From source file:org.vclipse.procedure.ui.refactoring.ProcedureRefactoring.java

public Set<EClass> getTopLevelTypes() {
    return Sets.newHashSet(VCML_PACKAGE.getProcedureSource());

From source file:org.vclipse.constraint.ui.refactoring.ConstraintRefactoring.java

public Set<EClass> getTopLevelTypes() {
    return Sets.newHashSet(VCML_PACKAGE.getConstraintSource());

From source file:tk.wurst_client.enigma.regexlist.RegexListEntry.java

public RegexListEntry(String[] target, String regex, String replacement) throws PatternSyntaxException {
    this.target = target == null ? null : Sets.newHashSet(target);
    this.regex = Pattern.compile(regex);
    this.replacement = replacement;

From source file:ezbake.thrift.authentication.X509Utils.java

private static Iterable<String> getValueOfType(final LdapName name, final DnFields type) {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, "principal name must not be null");

    Set<String> values = Sets.newHashSet(FluentIterable.from(name.getRdns()).filter(new Predicate<Rdn>() {
        @Override/*from   w  w w.  j  a  v  a  2  s  . com*/
        public boolean apply(Rdn rdn) {
            return rdn.getType().equals(type.toString());
    }).transform(new Function<Rdn, String>() {

        public String apply(Rdn rdn) {
            return rdn.getValue().toString();

    return values;

From source file:com.clarkparsia.versioning.sparql.RDFDiff.java

private static Set<Statement> createSet(Iterable<Statement> stmts) {
    return (stmts instanceof Set) ? (Set) stmts : Sets.newHashSet(stmts);