Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ImportTree; import com.sun.source.util.JavacTask; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.processing.Processor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Extracts all required information (set of source files, class paths, * and compiler options) from a java compilation command and stores the * information to replay the compilation. * * The extractor runs the Javac compiler to get a exact description of all files * required for the compilation as a whole. It then creates CompilationUnit entries * for each source file. We do not do this on a per file basis as the Java * Compiler takes too long to do this. */ public class JavaCompilationUnitExtractor { private static final FormattingLogger logger = FormattingLogger.getLogger(JavaCompilationUnitExtractor.class); private static final String JAR_SCHEME = "jar"; @VisibleForTesting static final String JAR_ROOT = "!jar!"; private final String jdkJar; private final String rootDirectory; private final boolean trackUnusedDependencies; private final FileVNames fileVNames; /** * Creates an instance of the JavaExtractor to store java compilation information in an .kindex * file. */ public JavaCompilationUnitExtractor(String corpus) throws ExtractionException { this(corpus, ExtractorUtils.getCurrentWorkingDirectory()); } /** * Creates an instance of the JavaExtractor to store java compilation information in an .kindex * file. */ public JavaCompilationUnitExtractor(String corpus, String rootDirectory) throws ExtractionException { this(FileVNames.staticCorpus(corpus), rootDirectory); } /** * Creates an instance of the JavaExtractor to store java compilation information in an .kindex * file. */ public JavaCompilationUnitExtractor(FileVNames fileVNames) throws ExtractionException { this(fileVNames, ExtractorUtils.getCurrentWorkingDirectory()); } public JavaCompilationUnitExtractor(FileVNames fileVNames, String rootDirectory) throws ExtractionException { this(fileVNames, rootDirectory, false); } public JavaCompilationUnitExtractor(FileVNames fileVNames, String rootDirectory, boolean trackUnusedDependencies) throws ExtractionException { this.fileVNames = fileVNames; this.trackUnusedDependencies = trackUnusedDependencies; this.rootDirectory = rootDirectory; // Remove trailing dots. Interesting trivia: in some build systems, // the java.home variable is terminated with "/bin/..". // However, this is not the case for the class files // that we are trying to filter. String tmpjdkJar = null; try { tmpjdkJar = "file:" + new File(PathUtil.dirname(System.getProperty("java.home"))).getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ExtractionException( "JDK path not found: " + PathUtil.dirname(System.getProperty("java.home")), e, false); } jdkJar = tmpjdkJar; } public String getRootDirectory() { return rootDirectory; } private CompilationUnit buildCompilationUnit(String target, Iterable<String> options, Iterable<FileInput> requiredInputs, boolean hasErrors, Set<String> newSourcePath, Set<String> newClassPath, List<String> sourceFiles, String outputPath, Set<String> unusedJars) { CompilationUnit.Builder unit = CompilationUnit.newBuilder(); unit.setVName(VName.newBuilder().setSignature(target).setLanguage("java")); unit.addAllArgument(options); unit.addArgument("-sourcepath"); unit.addArgument(Joiner.on(":").join(newSourcePath)); unit.addArgument("-cp"); unit.addArgument(Joiner.on(":").join(newClassPath)); unit.setHasCompileErrors(hasErrors); unit.addAllRequiredInput(requiredInputs); for (String sourceFile : sourceFiles) { unit.addSourceFile(sourceFile); } unit.setOutputKey(outputPath); return; } @Deprecated public CompilationDescription extract(String target, Iterable<String> sources, Iterable<String> classpath, Iterable<String> sourcepath, Iterable<String> options, String outputPath) throws ExtractionException { Iterable<String> empty = Collections.emptyList(); return extract(target, sources, classpath, sourcepath, empty, empty, options, outputPath); } /** * Indexes a compilation unit to the bigtable. The extraction process will * try to build a minimum set of what is needed to replay the compilation. * To do this it runs the java compiler, and tracks all .class & .java files * that are needed. It then builds up a new classpath & sourcepath that only * contains the minimum set of paths required to replay the compilation. * * New classpath: because we extract classes from the jars into a temp path * that needs to be set. Also we only use the classpaths that are actually * used, not the ones that are provided. * New sourcepath: as we're doing a partial compilation, we need to set up the * source path to correctly load any files that are not the main compilation * but are needed to perform compilation. This is not required when doing a * full compilation as all sources are automatically loaded. * * Next we store all required files in the bigtable and writes the * CompilationUnit to the bigtable. * * @throws ExtractionException if anything blocks the indexing to be completed. */ public CompilationDescription extract(String target, Iterable<String> sources, Iterable<String> classpath, Iterable<String> sourcepath, Iterable<String> processorpath, Iterable<String> processors, Iterable<String> options, String outputPath) throws ExtractionException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(target); Preconditions.checkNotNull(sources); Preconditions.checkNotNull(classpath); Preconditions.checkNotNull(sourcepath); Preconditions.checkNotNull(processorpath); Preconditions.checkNotNull(processors); Preconditions.checkNotNull(options); Preconditions.checkNotNull(outputPath); final AnalysisResults results = runJavaAnalysisToExtractCompilationDetails(sources, classpath, sourcepath, processorpath, processors, options, outputPath); List<FileData> fileContents = ExtractorUtils.convertBytesToFileDatas(results.fileContents); List<FileInput> compilationFileInputs = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (FileData data : fileContents) { String relativePath = results.relativePaths.get(data.getInfo().getPath()); VName vname = fileVNames.lookupBaseVName(relativePath); if (vname.getPath().isEmpty()) { vname = vname.toBuilder().setPath(data.getInfo().getPath()).build(); } String sourceBasename = results.sourceFileNames.get(data.getInfo().getPath()); if (sourceBasename != null && vname.getPath().endsWith(".java") && !vname.getPath().endsWith(sourceBasename)) { Path fixedPath = Paths.get(vname.getPath()).getParent().resolve(sourceBasename); vname = vname.toBuilder().setPath(fixedPath.toString()).build(); } compilationFileInputs.add(FileInput.newBuilder().setInfo(data.getInfo()).setVName(vname).build()); } Collections.sort(compilationFileInputs, CompilationFileInputComparator.getComparator()); CompilationUnit compilationUnit = buildCompilationUnit(target, removeOutputDirOption(options), compilationFileInputs, results.hasErrors, results.newSourcePath, results.newClassPath, results.explicitSources, ExtractorUtils.tryMakeRelative(rootDirectory, outputPath), results.unusedJars); return new CompilationDescription(compilationUnit, fileContents); } /** * Removing -d option before we build the compilation unit data for storing. * * @return a new list of options which does not contain {@code -d} and its argument */ private static List<String> removeOutputDirOption(Iterable<String> options) { List<String> newOptions = Lists.newArrayList(options); int dashDIndex = newOptions.indexOf("-d"); if (dashDIndex >= 0 && (dashDIndex + 1 < newOptions.size())) { newOptions.subList(dashDIndex, dashDIndex + 2).clear(); } int dashSIndex = newOptions.indexOf("-s"); if (dashSIndex >= 0 && (dashSIndex + 1 < newOptions.size())) { newOptions.subList(dashSIndex, dashSIndex + 2).clear(); } return newOptions; } /** * If the code has wildcard imports (e.g. import*) but doesn't * actually use any of the imports, errors will happen. * We don't get callbacks for file open of these files (since they aren't used) * but when java runs it will report errors if it can't find any files to match * the wildcard. So we add one matching file here. */ private void findOnDemandImportedFiles(Iterable<? extends CompilationUnitTree> compilationUnits, UsageAsInputReportingFileManager fileManager) throws ExtractionException { // Maps package names to source files that wildcard import them. Multimap<String, String> pkgs = HashMultimap.create(); // Javac synthesizes an "import java.lang.*" for every compilation unit. pkgs.put("java.lang", "*.java"); for (CompilationUnitTree unit : compilationUnits) { for (ImportTree importTree : unit.getImports()) { if (importTree.isStatic()) { continue; } String qualifiedIdentifier = importTree.getQualifiedIdentifier().toString(); if (!qualifiedIdentifier.endsWith(".*")) { continue; } pkgs.put(qualifiedIdentifier.substring(0, qualifiedIdentifier.length() - 2), unit.getSourceFile().getName()); } } for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> pkg : pkgs.asMap().entrySet()) { try { JavaFileObject firstClass = Iterables.getFirst(fileManager.list(StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH, pkg.getKey(), Sets.newHashSet(Kind.CLASS), false), null); if (firstClass == null) { firstClass = Iterables.getFirst(fileManager.list(StandardLocation.PLATFORM_CLASS_PATH, pkg.getKey(), Sets.newHashSet(Kind.CLASS), false), null); } if (firstClass != null) { firstClass.getCharContent(true); } JavaFileObject firstSource = Iterables.getFirst(fileManager.list(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, pkg.getKey(), Sets.newHashSet(Kind.SOURCE), false), null); if (firstSource != null) { firstSource.getCharContent(true); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ExtractionException( String.format("Unable to extract files used for on demand imports in {%s}", Joiner.on(", ").join(pkg.getValue())), e, false); } } } /** * Determines -sourcepath arguments to add to the compilation * unit based on the package name. This is needed as the sharded analysis * will need to resolve dependent source files. Also locates sources that * do not follow the package == path convention and list them as explicit * sources. */ private void getAdditionalSourcePaths(Iterable<? extends CompilationUnitTree> compilationUnits, AnalysisResults results) { for (CompilationUnitTree compilationUnit : compilationUnits) { ExpressionTree packageExpression = compilationUnit.getPackageName(); if (packageExpression != null) { String packageName = packageExpression.toString(); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(packageName)) { // If the source file specifies a package, we try to find that // package name in the path to the source file and assume // the correct sourcepath to add is the directory containing that // package. String packageSubDir = packageName.replace('.', '/'); String path = compilationUnit.getSourceFile().toUri().getPath(); // This needs to be lastIndexOf as there are source jars that // contain the same package name in the files contained in them // as the path the source jars live in. As we extract the source // jars, we end up with a double named path. int index = path.lastIndexOf(packageSubDir); if (index >= 0) { String root = ExtractorUtils.tryMakeRelative(rootDirectory, path.substring(0, index)); results.newSourcePath.add(root); } } } } } private void findRequiredFiles(UsageAsInputReportingFileManager fileManager, Map<URI, String> sourceFiles, AnalysisResults results) throws ExtractionException { for (JavaFileObject fileObject : fileManager.getUsages()) { processRequiredInput(fileObject, fileManager, sourceFiles, results); } } private void processRequiredInput(JavaFileObject requiredInput, JavaFileManager fileManager, Map<URI, String> sourceFiles, AnalysisResults results) throws ExtractionException { URI uri = requiredInput.toUri(); boolean isJarPath = false; if (uri.getScheme().equals(JAR_SCHEME)) { isJarPath = true; uri = URI.create(uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart()); } // We only support .class & .java files right now. switch (requiredInput.getKind()) { case CLASS: case SOURCE: break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Unsupported java file kind: '%s' for '%s'", requiredInput.getKind().name(), uri)); } // If the file was part of the JDK we do not store it as the JDK is tied // to the analyzer we'll run on this information later on. if (isJarPath && uri.toString().startsWith(jdkJar)) { return; } // Make the path relative to the indexer (e.g. a subdir of corpus/). // If not possible, we store the fullpath. String relativePath = ExtractorUtils.tryMakeRelative(rootDirectory, uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart()); String strippedPath = relativePath; if (isJarPath) { // If the file came from a jar file, we strip that out as we // don't care where it came from, it was not as a source file in source control. // We turn it in to a fake path that starts with !JAR!/ // This is done so we do not need to download the entire jar file for each // file's compilation (e.g. instead of downloading 200MB we only download 60K // for analyzing the kythe java indexer). int splitIndex = strippedPath.indexOf('!'); String rest = strippedPath.substring(splitIndex + 1); switch (requiredInput.getKind()) { case CLASS: results.newClassPath.add(JAR_ROOT); break; case SOURCE: results.newSourcePath.add(JAR_ROOT); break; } strippedPath = JAR_ROOT + rest; } if (!isJarPath && requiredInput.getKind() == Kind.CLASS) { // If the class file was on disk, we need to infer the correct classpath to add. String binaryName = fileManager.inferBinaryName(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, requiredInput); if (binaryName == null) { binaryName = fileManager.inferBinaryName(StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH, requiredInput); } if (binaryName == null) { binaryName = fileManager.inferBinaryName(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, requiredInput); } if (binaryName == null) { binaryName = fileManager.inferBinaryName(StandardLocation.PLATFORM_CLASS_PATH, requiredInput); } if (binaryName == null) { throw new ExtractionException(String.format("unable to infer classpath for %s", strippedPath), false); } // Java package names map to folders on disk, so if we want to find the right directory // we replace each . with a /. String csubdir = binaryName.replace('.', '/'); int cindex = strippedPath.indexOf(csubdir); if (cindex <= 0) { throw new ExtractionException(String.format("unable to infer classpath for %s from %s, %s", strippedPath, csubdir, binaryName), false); } else { results.newClassPath.add(strippedPath.substring(0, cindex)); } } // TODO: Better way to identify generated source files? if (requiredInput.getKind() == Kind.SOURCE && strippedPath.contains("-gensrc.jar.files/")) { results.explicitSources.add(strippedPath); int i = strippedPath.indexOf("-gensrc.jar.files/") + 17; results.newSourcePath.add(strippedPath.substring(0, i)); } if (!results.fileContents.containsKey(strippedPath)) { try { // Retrieve the contents of the file. InputStream stream = requiredInput.openInputStream(); if (stream.markSupported()) { // The stream has already been read by the compiler, we need to reset it // so we can read it as well. stream.reset(); } byte[] data = ByteStreams.toByteArray(stream); if (data.length == 0) { logger.warningfmt("Empty java source file: %s", strippedPath); } results.fileContents.put(strippedPath, data); results.relativePaths.put(strippedPath, relativePath); if (sourceFiles.containsKey(requiredInput.toUri())) { results.sourceFileNames.put(strippedPath, sourceFiles.get(requiredInput.toUri())); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ExtractionException(String.format("Unable to read file content of %s", strippedPath), false); } } } private static class AnalysisResults { // Map from strippedPath to an input's relative path to the corpus root. final Map<String, String> relativePaths = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); // Map from strippedPath to an input's contents. final Map<String, byte[]> fileContents = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); // Map from strippedPath to an input's true source basename. This is usually only needed for // non-public top-level classes where their filename does not match the path derived from their // fully-qualified name. final Map<String, String> sourceFileNames = Maps.newHashMap(); // We build a new sourcepath & classpath that contain the minimum set of paths // as well as the modified set of paths that are needed to analyze the single compilation unit. // This is done to speed up analysis. final Set<String> newSourcePath = Sets.newHashSet(); final Set<String> newClassPath = Sets.newHashSet(); final List<String> explicitSources = Lists.newArrayList(); final Set<String> unusedJars = Sets.newHashSet(); boolean hasErrors = false; } private AnalysisResults runJavaAnalysisToExtractCompilationDetails(Iterable<String> sources, Iterable<String> classpath, Iterable<String> sourcepath, Iterable<String> processorpath, Iterable<String> processors, Iterable<String> options, String outputPath) throws ExtractionException { AnalysisResults results = new AnalysisResults(); // We will initialize and run the Javac compiler to detect which dependencies // the current compilation has. JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); if (compiler == null) { // TODO(schroederc): provide link to further context throw new IllegalStateException("Could not get system Java compiler; are you missing the JDK?"); } DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> diagnosticsCollector = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>(); StandardJavaFileManager standardFileManager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(diagnosticsCollector, null, null); // We insert a filemanager that wraps the standard filemanager and records the compiler's // usage of .java & .class files. final UsageAsInputReportingFileManager fileManager = new UsageAsInputReportingFileManager( standardFileManager); Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> sourceFiles = fileManager.getJavaFileForSources(sources); // We need to modify the options to the compiler to pass in -classpath and // -sourcepath arguments. List<String> completeOptions = Lists.newArrayList(options); if (!hasEncodingOption(completeOptions)) { completeOptions.add("-encoding"); completeOptions.add(; } String classPathJoined = Joiner.on(":").join(classpath); String sourcePathJoined = Joiner.on(":").join(sourcepath); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(classPathJoined)) { completeOptions.add("-cp"); completeOptions.add(classPathJoined); } if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(sourcePathJoined)) { completeOptions.add("-sourcepath"); completeOptions.add(sourcePathJoined); } // Generate class files in a temporary directory Path tempDir; try { tempDir = Files.createTempDirectory("javac_extractor"); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new ExtractionException("Unable to create temporary .class output directory", ioe, true); } for (int i = 0; i < completeOptions.size(); i++) { if ("-d".equals(completeOptions.get(i))) { completeOptions.remove(i); completeOptions.remove(i); } } completeOptions.add("-d"); completeOptions.add(tempDir.toString()); Iterable<? extends CompilationUnitTree> compilationUnits; Symtab syms; try { // Launch the java compiler with our modified settings and the filemanager wrapper CompilationTask task = compiler.getTask(null, fileManager, diagnosticsCollector, completeOptions, null, sourceFiles); List<Processor> procs = Lists.<Processor>newArrayList(new ProcessAnnotation(fileManager)); if (!Iterables.isEmpty(processors)) { List<URL> urls = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String path : processorpath) { try { urls.add(new File(path).toURI().toURL()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ExtractionException("Bad processorpath entry", e, false); } } // TODO: Use a more restricted ClassLoader to prevent class path skew? ClassLoader parent = getClass().getClassLoader(); ClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(urls.toArray(new URL[0]), parent); for (String processor : processors) { try { procs.add(loader.loadClass(processor).asSubclass(Processor.class).newInstance()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException e) { throw new ExtractionException("Bad processor entry", e, false); } } } JavacTask javacTask = (JavacTask) task; javacTask.setProcessors(procs); syms = Symtab.instance(((JavacTaskImpl) javacTask).getContext()); try { // In order for the compiler to load all required .java & .class files // we need to have it go through parsing, analysis & generate phases. // Unfortunately the latter is needed to get a complete list, this was found // as we were breaking on analyzing certain files. compilationUnits = javacTask.parse(); javacTask.generate(); } catch ( e) { // Type resolution issues, the diagnostics will give hints on what's going wrong. for (Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> diagnostic : diagnosticsCollector.getDiagnostics()) { if (diagnostic.getKind() == Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR) { logger.severefmt("Fatal error in compiler: %s", diagnostic.getMessage(Locale.ENGLISH)); } } throw new ExtractionException("Fatal error while running javac compiler.", e, false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ExtractionException("Fatal error while running javac compiler.", e, false); } } finally { try { DeleteRecursively.delete(tempDir); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.severefmt(ioe, "Failed to delete temporary directory " + tempDir); } } // If we encountered any compilation errors, we report them even though we // still store the compilation information for this set of sources. for (Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> diag : diagnosticsCollector.getDiagnostics()) { if (diag.getKind() == Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR) { results.hasErrors = true; if (diag.getSource() != null) { logger.severefmt("compiler error: %s(%d): %s", diag.getSource().getName(), diag.getLineNumber(), diag.getMessage(Locale.ENGLISH)); } else { logger.severefmt("compiler error: %s", diag.getMessage(Locale.ENGLISH)); } } } for (String source : sources) { results.explicitSources.add(ExtractorUtils.tryMakeRelative(rootDirectory, source)); } getAdditionalSourcePaths(compilationUnits, results); // Find files potentially used for resolving .* imports. findOnDemandImportedFiles(compilationUnits, fileManager); // We accumulate all file contents from the java compiler so we can store it in the bigtable. findRequiredFiles(fileManager, mapClassesToSources(syms), results); if (trackUnusedDependencies) { findUnusedDependencies(classpath, fileManager, results); } return results; } /** Returns a map from a classfile's {@link URI} to its sourcefile path's basename. */ private static Map<URI, String> mapClassesToSources(Symtab syms) { Map<URI, String> sourceBaseNames = Maps.newHashMap(); for (ClassSymbol sym : syms.classes.values()) { if (sym.sourcefile != null && sym.classfile != null) { String basename = new File(sym.sourcefile.toUri().getPath()).getName(); if (!basename.endsWith(".java")) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid sourcefile name: '" + basename + "'"); } sourceBaseNames.put(sym.classfile.toUri(), basename); } } return sourceBaseNames; } private void findUnusedDependencies(Iterable<String> classpaths, UsageAsInputReportingFileManager fileManager, AnalysisResults results) { Set<String> jars = Sets.newHashSet(); for (String classpath : classpaths) { if (!classpath.endsWith(".jar")) { continue; } jars.add(ExtractorUtils.tryMakeRelative(rootDirectory, classpath)); } for (JavaFileObject usage : fileManager.getUsages()) { URI uri = usage.toUri(); if (!uri.getScheme().equals(JAR_SCHEME)) { continue; } // Javac uses the pattern of JAR:<jarfile-url>!<classfile> for class files inside jar files. String jar = uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart().split("!")[0]; uri = URI.create(jar); String jarPath = ExtractorUtils.tryMakeRelative(rootDirectory, uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart()); if (jars.contains(jarPath)) { jars.remove(jarPath); } } results.unusedJars.addAll(jars); } private boolean hasEncodingOption(List<String> options) { return options.contains("-encoding"); } }