Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop; import static com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandToken.IND_INHERRIT; import static com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandToken.IND_INSTOPTIONS; import static com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandToken.IND_MEASURMENT; import static com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandToken.IND_METHOD; import static com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandToken.IND_METHOD_ANNOT; import static com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandToken.IND_METHOD_ATTRS; import static com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandToken.IND_METRICNAME; import static com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandToken.IND_SIGNATURE; import static com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandToken.IND_SUBMETRIC; import static com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandToken.IND_TARGETCLASS; import static com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandToken.IND_TARGETCLASS_ANNOT; import static com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandToken.IND_TARGETCLASS_CL; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Member; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.reflections.Reflections; import org.reflections.scanners.SubTypesScanner; import org.reflections.scanners.TypeAnnotationsScanner; import org.reflections.util.ConfigurationBuilder; import; import com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.classloaders.ClassLoaderRepository; import com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.opentsdb.ConfigurationReader; import com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.opentsdb.Constants; import com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.opentsdb.opt.Measurement; import com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.opentsdb.opt.SubMetric; import com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.util.StringHelper; /** * <p>Title: ShorthandScriptMBean</p> * <p>Description: Class responsible for parsing a shorthand expression and locating the intended classes and methods to instrument.</p> * <p>Company: Helios Development Group LLC</p> * @author Whitehead (nwhitehead AT heliosdev DOT org) * <p><code>com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScript</code></p> * <h4><pre> [@]<ClassName>[+] [(Method Attributes)] [@]<MethodName>[<Signature>] [Invocation Options] <CollectorName>[<BitMask>|<CollectionNames>] <MetricFormat> DISABLED </pre></h4> */ public class ShorthandScript implements ShorthandScriptMBean { /** The shorthand expression parser */ /* * TODO: Need to integrate: * =============================== * References: * ----------- * OTMetric / OTMetric ID: Resolve from naming directives * CHMetric: Derived ? * SubMetric BitMask: Specified, Default to std bitmask * Measurement BitMask: Specified, Default to std bitmask * =============================== * Naming tags: * ------------ * method: simple method name, argument cardinality, provided * class (simple class name) * package (optional) * */ protected static final Pattern SH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(@)?" + // (0) The class annotation indicator "(.*?)" + // (1) The classname (MANDATORY) "(\\+)?" + // (2) The classname options (+ for inherritance) "(?:<\\-(.*?))?" + // (3) The optional classloader expression for the target class name "\\s" + // spacer "(?:\\((.*?)\\)\\s)?" + // (4) The optional method accessibilities. Defaults to "pub" "(@)?" + // (5) The method annotation indicator "(\\[?.*?\\]?)" + // (6) The method name expression, wrapped in "[ ]" if a regular expression (MANDATORY) "(?:\\((.*)\\))?" + // (7) The optional method signature "(?:\\[(.*)\\])?" + // (8) The optional method attributes // "\\s" + // spacer "(?:\\-(\\w+))?" + // (9) The method instrumentation options (-dr) "(?:m\\:\\[(.*)\\])?" + // (10) The measurement bitmask option. [] is mandatory if specified. It may contain the bitmask int, or comma separated Measurement names // "\\s+?" + // optional spacer "(?:\\[(.*)\\])?" + // (11) The sub-metric bitmask option. [] is mandatory if specified. It may contain the bitmask int, or comma separated SubMetric names "\\s" + // spacer "(?:'(.*)')" // (12) The metric name format ); // "java.lang.Object+ equals 'java/lang/Object'" /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { SignaturePrinter.main(Object.class.getName(), "equals"); // log("Pattern:%s", SH_PATTERN.pattern()); // log("Pattern Groups:%s", SH_PATTERN.matcher("").groupCount()); // log(parse("java.lang.Object+<-SYSTEM.PARENT [eq.*|to.*] 'java/lang/Object'").toString()); } /** The whitespace cleaner */ public static final Pattern WH_CLEANER = Pattern.compile("\\s+"); /** The single quote cleaner */ public static final Pattern SQ_CLEANER = Pattern.compile("'"); /** A comma splitter */ public static final Pattern COMMA_SPLITTER = Pattern.compile(","); /** MetricName delimiter splitter */ public static final Pattern DELIM_SPLITTER = Pattern.compile("/"); /** Match everyting pattern */ public static final Pattern MATCH_ALL = Pattern.compile(".*"); /** The shorthand symbol for inherrits or extends */ public static final String PLUS = "+"; /** The shorthand symbol indicating the script should be compiled and installed, but disabled */ public static final String DISABLED = "DISABLED"; /** The symbol for a class ctor */ public static final String INIT = "<init>"; /** The JVM's end of line character */ public static final String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n"); //============================================================================================== // Parallel Scan Thread Pool //============================================================================================== /** An executor service to execute classpath scans in parallel */ private static final ExecutorService scanExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactory() { private final AtomicInteger serial = new AtomicInteger(); @Override public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread t = new Thread(r, "ReflectionsScanningThread#" + serial.incrementAndGet()); t.setDaemon(true); return t; } }); static { ((ThreadPoolExecutor) scanExecutor).prestartCoreThread(); ((ThreadPoolExecutor) scanExecutor).prestartCoreThread(); } //============================================================================================== // Target Class Attributes //============================================================================================== /** The target class for instrumentation */ protected Class<?> targetClass = null; /** Indicates if the target class is an annotation */ protected boolean targetClassAnnotation = false; /** The target class classloader */ protected ClassLoader targetClassLoader = null; /** Indicates if the target class is an interface */ protected boolean targetClassInterface = false; /** Indicates if inherritance off the target class is enabled */ protected boolean inherritanceEnabled = false; //============================================================================================== // Target Method Attributes //============================================================================================== /** The target method name, null if expr is used */ protected String methodName = null; /** The target method name expression, null if name is used */ protected Pattern methodNameExpression = null; /** The target method signature, null if expr is used */ protected String methodSignature = null; /** The target method signature expression, null if signature is used */ protected Pattern methodSignatureExpression = null; /** Indicates if the target method is an annotation */ protected boolean targetMethodAnnotation = false; /** The target method level annotation class */ protected Class<? extends Annotation> methodAnnotationClass = null; /** The method attributes (from {@link MethodAttribute}) */ protected int methodAttribute = MethodAttribute.DEFAULT_MASK; //============================================================================================== // Instrumentation Attributes //============================================================================================== /** The method invocation options (from {@link InvocationOption}) */ protected int methodInvocationOption = InvocationOption.DEFAULT_MASK; /** The measurement bitmask */ protected int measurementBitMask = Measurement.DEFAULT_MASK; /** The subMetric bitmask */ protected int subMetricBitMask = SubMetric.DEFAULT_MASK; /** The metric name template */ protected String metricNameTemplate = null; /** Indicates if the instrumented method should have the instrumentation enabled when the method is called reentrantly (i.e. self-calls) */ protected boolean allowReentrant = false; /** Indicates if all instrumentation on the current thread should be disabled when the method is invoked */ protected boolean disableOnTrigger = false; /** Indicates if the instrumentation should be disabled at start time (and require intervention to activate) */ protected boolean startDisabled = false; /** Indicates if the instrumentation should batch transform (see {@link InvocationOption#TRANSFORMER_BATCH}) */ protected boolean batchTransform = false; /** Indicates if the instrumentation's classfile transformer should stay resident (see {@link InvocationOption#TRANSFORMER_RESIDENT}) */ protected boolean residentTransformer = false; /** Indicates if the parser will be tolerant of invalid settings in the expression */ protected final boolean parsingTolerance; //============================================================================================== /** Empty vars map const */ protected static final Map<String, String> EMPTY_CL_MAP = Collections .unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<String, String>(0)); /** * System out pattern logger * @param fmt The message format * @param args The tokens */ public static void log(final Object fmt, final Object... args) { System.out.println(String.format(fmt.toString(), args)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { final int maxLen = 10; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("ShorthandScript [\n\ttargetClass="); builder.append(targetClass); builder.append("\n\ttargetClassAnnotation:"); builder.append(targetClassAnnotation); builder.append("\n\ttargetClassLoader:"); builder.append(targetClassLoader); builder.append("\n\ttargetClassInterface:"); builder.append(targetClassInterface); builder.append("\n\tinherritanceEnabled:"); builder.append(inherritanceEnabled); builder.append("\n\tmethodName:"); builder.append(methodName); builder.append("\n\tmethodNameExpression:"); builder.append(methodNameExpression); builder.append("\n\tmethodSignature:"); builder.append(methodSignature); builder.append("\n\tmethodSignatureExpression:"); builder.append(methodSignatureExpression); builder.append("\n\ttargetMethodAnnotation:"); builder.append(targetMethodAnnotation); builder.append("\n\tmethodAnnotationClass:"); builder.append(methodAnnotationClass); builder.append("\n\tmethodAttribute:"); builder.append(Arrays.toString(MethodAttribute.getEnabled(methodAttribute))); builder.append("\n\tmethodInvocationOption:"); builder.append(Arrays.toString(InvocationOption.getEnabled(methodInvocationOption))); builder.append("\n\tmeasurements:"); builder.append(Arrays.toString(Measurement.getEnabled(measurementBitMask))); builder.append("\n\tsubMetrics:"); builder.append(Arrays.toString(SubMetric.getEnabled(subMetricBitMask))); builder.append("\n\tmetricNameTemplate:"); builder.append(metricNameTemplate); builder.append("\n\tallowReentrant:"); builder.append(allowReentrant); builder.append("\n\tdisableOnTrigger:"); builder.append(disableOnTrigger); builder.append("\n\tstartDisabled:"); builder.append(startDisabled); builder.append("\n\tbatchTransform:"); builder.append(batchTransform); builder.append("\n\tresidentTransformer:"); builder.append(residentTransformer); builder.append("\n\tclassLoaders:"); builder.append(classLoaders != null ? toString(classLoaders.entrySet(), maxLen) : null); builder.append("\n]"); return builder.toString(); } private String toString(Collection<?> collection, int maxLen) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("["); int i = 0; for (Iterator<?> iterator = collection.iterator(); iterator.hasNext() && i < maxLen; i++) { if (i > 0) builder.append(", "); builder.append(; } builder.append("]"); return builder.toString(); } /** * Returns a parsed ShorthandScript instance for the passed sourcexx * @param source The source to parse * @param classLoaders A map of classloader names keyed by the type the classloader is for (i.e. <b>target</b> or <b>collector</b>) * @return a parsed ShorthandScript instance */ public static ShorthandScript parse(CharSequence source, Map<String, String> classLoaders) { if (source == null || source.toString().trim().isEmpty()) throw new ShorthandParseFailureException("The passed source was null or empty", "<null>"); return new ShorthandScript(source.toString().trim(), classLoaders); } /** * Returns a parsed ShorthandScript instance for the passed source * @param source The source to parse * @return a parsed ShorthandScript instance */ public static ShorthandScript parse(CharSequence source) { return parse(source, EMPTY_CL_MAP); } /** The processor supplied classloader pre-defs */ protected final Map<String, String> classLoaders; /** The predef classloader key for target classes */ public static final String PREDEF_CL_TARGET = "target"; /** The predef classloader key for instrumentation classes */ public static final String PREDEF_CL_INSTR = "collector"; /** * Creates a new ShorthandScript * @param source The source to parse * @param classLoaders A map of classloader names keyed by the type the classloader is for (i.e. <b>target</b> or <b>collector</b>) */ private ShorthandScript(String source, Map<String, String> classLoaders) { this.classLoaders = classLoaders; parsingTolerance = ConfigurationReader.confBool(Constants.PROP_SHORTHAND_TOLERANT_PROPERTY, Constants.DEFAULT_SHORTHAND_TOLERANT_PROPERTY); String whiteSpaceCleanedSource = WH_CLEANER.matcher(source).replaceAll(" "); Matcher matcher = SH_PATTERN.matcher(whiteSpaceCleanedSource); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new ShorthandParseFailureException("Shorthand script regex pattern not recognized", whiteSpaceCleanedSource); } final int fieldCount = matcher.groupCount(); String[] parsedFields = new String[fieldCount]; for (int i = 1; i <= fieldCount; i++) { parsedFields[i - 1] =; } log(printParsedValues(parsedFields)); validateMandatoryFields(whiteSpaceCleanedSource, parsedFields); validateTargetClass(whiteSpaceCleanedSource, parsedFields[IND_TARGETCLASS.ordinal()], parsedFields[IND_TARGETCLASS_CL.ordinal()], parsedFields[IND_TARGETCLASS_ANNOT.ordinal()], parsedFields[IND_INHERRIT.ordinal()]); validateTargetMethod(whiteSpaceCleanedSource, parsedFields[IND_METHOD.ordinal()], parsedFields[IND_METHOD_ANNOT.ordinal()], parsedFields[IND_SIGNATURE.ordinal()], parsedFields[IND_INSTOPTIONS.ordinal()]); validateTargetMethodAttributes(whiteSpaceCleanedSource, parsedFields[IND_METHOD_ATTRS.ordinal()]); validateMethodSignature(whiteSpaceCleanedSource, parsedFields[IND_SIGNATURE.ordinal()]); validateMethodInvocationOptions(whiteSpaceCleanedSource, parsedFields[IND_INSTOPTIONS.ordinal()]); validateMethodInstrumentation(whiteSpaceCleanedSource, parsedFields[IND_MEASURMENT.ordinal()], parsedFields[IND_SUBMETRIC.ordinal()]); metricNameTemplate = parsedFields[IND_METRICNAME.ordinal()].trim(); } /** * Prints the parsed values for each of the Shorthand Regex groups * @param parsedFields The string arr if the regex parsed groups * @return the formatted values */ protected String printParsedValues(final String[] parsedFields) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("Parsed Values: ["); for (ShorthandToken token : ShorthandToken.values()) { b.append("\n\t").append(":").append(parsedFields[token.ordinal()]); } return b.append("\n]").toString(); } /** * Validates, loads and configures the target method instrumentation collector and configuration. * TODO: Detect inactive measurements where data is collected but not reported (or vice-versa ?) * @param source The source (for reporting in any exception thrown) * @param measurementNames The configured measurements * @param subMetricNames The configured subMetrics * @throws ShorthandParseFailureException thrown if tolerance is false and there are invalid measurements or subMetrics. */ protected void validateMethodInstrumentation(final String source, final String measurementNames, final String subMetricNames) { try { Measurement[] measurements = measurementNames == null ? Measurement.getEnabled(Measurement.DEFAULT_MASK) : Measurement.decode(!parsingTolerance, measurementNames); if (measurements.length == 0) { if (!parsingTolerance) throw new Exception("No valid measurements found from names [" + measurementNames + "]"); measurements = Measurement.getEnabled(Measurement.DEFAULT_MASK); } this.measurementBitMask = Measurement.getMaskFor(measurements); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ShorthandParseFailureException("Failed to parse measurements", source, ex); } try { SubMetric[] subMetrics = subMetricNames == null ? SubMetric.getEnabled(SubMetric.DEFAULT_MASK) : SubMetric.decode(!parsingTolerance, subMetricNames); if (subMetrics.length == 0) { if (!parsingTolerance) throw new Exception("No valid subMetrics found from names [" + subMetricNames + "]"); subMetrics = SubMetric.getEnabled(SubMetric.DEFAULT_MASK); } this.subMetricBitMask = SubMetric.getMaskFor(subMetrics); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ShorthandParseFailureException("Failed to parse subMetrics", source, ex); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#getTargetMembers() */ @Override public Map<Class<?>, Set<Member>> getTargetMembers() { Set<Class<?>> targetClasses = getTargetClasses(); Map<Class<?>, Set<Member>> targetMembers = new HashMap<Class<?>, Set<Member>>(targetClasses.size()); for (Class<?> clazz : targetClasses) { targetMembers.put(clazz, new HashSet<Member>()); } Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass = null; if (targetMethodAnnotation) { annotationClass = methodAnnotationClass; } for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, Set<Member>> entry : targetMembers.entrySet()) { for (Method m : entry.getKey().getDeclaredMethods()) { if (targetMethodAnnotation) { if (m.getAnnotation(annotationClass) != null) { if (isMatchingSignature(m) && isMatchingAttribute(m)) { entry.getValue().add(m); } } } else if (methodName != null && methodName.equals(m.getName())) { if (isMatchingSignature(m) && isMatchingAttribute(m)) { entry.getValue().add(m); } } else if (methodNameExpression != null && methodNameExpression.matcher(m.getName()).matches()) { if (isMatchingSignature(m) && isMatchingAttribute(m)) entry.getValue().add(m); } } } return targetMembers; } /** * Determines if the passed member matches either the defined signature or the signature expression * @param member The member to test * @return true for a match, false otherwise */ protected boolean isMatchingSignature(Member member) { String desc = StringHelper.getMemberSignature(member); if (methodSignature != null) { return methodSignature.equals(desc); } return methodSignatureExpression.matcher(desc).matches(); } /** * Determines if the passed member's modifiers match the method attribute defined in the script * @param member The member to test * @return true for a match, false otherwise */ protected boolean isMatchingAttribute(Member member) { //log("isMatchingAttribute: %s [%s] ma [%s]", member.getName(), member.getModifiers(), methodAttribute); return (methodAttribute & member.getModifiers()) == methodAttribute; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#getTargetClasses() * FIXME: Can be optimized if we know what the classloader is and it is localized */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Set<Class<?>> getTargetClasses() { if (!targetClassAnnotation && (!inherritanceEnabled || Modifier.isFinal(targetClass.getModifiers()))) { return new HashSet<Class<?>>(Arrays.asList(targetClass)); } ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder().addClassLoader(targetClass.getClassLoader()) .addClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()).addScanners(new SubTypesScanner()); if (targetClassLoader != null) { cb.addClassLoader(targetClassLoader); } if (targetClassAnnotation) { cb.addScanners(new TypeAnnotationsScanner()); } cb.setExecutorService(scanExecutor); Reflections reflections = new Reflections(; if (targetClassAnnotation) { return reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith((Class<? extends Annotation>) targetClass, inherritanceEnabled); } else if (inherritanceEnabled) { // printReflectionsRepo(reflections); // log("Classpath: %s", ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getClassPath()); // log("Command Line: %s", ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getInputArguments()); Set<?> subTypes = reflections.getSubTypesOf(targetClass); Set<Class<?>> results = new HashSet<Class<?>>((Collection<? extends Class<?>>) subTypes); return results; } Set<Class<?>> results = new HashSet<Class<?>>(Arrays.asList(targetClass)); return results; } private void printReflectionsRepo(final Reflections ref) { final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("\n\t======= Reflections List:"); for (String s : ref.getStore().keySet()) { b.append("\n").append("Scanner:").append(s); Multimap<String, String> mm = ref.getStore().get(s); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : mm.asMap().entrySet()) { b.append("\n\t").append(entry.getKey()); for (String n : entry.getValue()) { b.append("\n\t\t").append(n); } } } log(b.toString()); } /** * Validates, loads and configures the target method invocation options * @param source The source (for reporting in any ecxeption thrown) * @param parsedInvocationOptions The method option characters */ protected void validateMethodInvocationOptions(String source, String parsedInvocationOptions) { allowReentrant = InvocationOption.isAllowReentrant(parsedInvocationOptions); disableOnTrigger = InvocationOption.isDisableOnTrigger(parsedInvocationOptions); startDisabled = InvocationOption.isStartDisabled(parsedInvocationOptions); // ========================== batchTransform = InvocationOption.isBatchTransform(parsedInvocationOptions); residentTransformer = InvocationOption.isResidentTransformer(parsedInvocationOptions); if (!batchTransform && !residentTransformer) { residentTransformer = true; } } /** * Validates, loads and configures the target method[s] * @param source The source (for reporting in any exception thrown) * @param parsedMethodSignature The method signature or pattern */ protected void validateMethodSignature(String source, String parsedMethodSignature) { if (parsedMethodSignature != null && !parsedMethodSignature.trim().isEmpty()) { methodSignature = parsedMethodSignature.trim(); boolean patternStart = methodSignature.startsWith("("); boolean patternEnd = methodSignature.endsWith(")"); if ((patternStart && patternEnd) || (!patternStart && !patternEnd)) { if (patternStart && patternEnd) { try { this.methodSignatureExpression = Pattern .compile(methodSignature.substring(1, methodSignature.length() - 1)); this.methodSignature = null; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ShorthandParseFailureException( "Failed to compile method signature pattern " + methodSignature, source); } } else { // TODO } } else { throw new ShorthandParseFailureException( "Method signature [" + methodSignature + "] seemed to want to be an expression but was missing an opener or closer", source); } } else { methodSignature = null; methodSignatureExpression = MATCH_ALL; } } /** * Validates, loads and configures the target method attributes * @param source The source (for reporting in any ecxeption thrown) * @param parsedMethodAttributes The method attributes (from {@link MethodAttribute}) */ protected void validateTargetMethodAttributes(String source, String parsedMethodAttributes) { if (parsedMethodAttributes != null && !parsedMethodAttributes.trim().isEmpty()) { String[] attrs = COMMA_SPLITTER.split(parsedMethodAttributes.trim()); methodAttribute = MethodAttribute.enableFor(attrs); } } /** * Validates, loads and configures the target method[s] * @param source The source (for reporting in any ecxeption thrown) * @param parsedMethodName The method name or pattern * @param parsedMethodAnnotation The method annotation indicator * @param parsedMethodSignature The method signature or pattern * @param parsedMethodInvOptions The method invocation options (from {@link InvocationOption}) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void validateTargetMethod(String source, String parsedMethodName, String parsedMethodAnnotation, String parsedMethodSignature, String parsedMethodInvOptions) { if (parsedMethodAnnotation != null) { targetMethodAnnotation = "@".equals(parsedMethodAnnotation.trim()); } else { targetMethodAnnotation = false; } if (parsedMethodName != null && !parsedMethodName.trim().isEmpty()) { methodName = parsedMethodName.trim(); boolean patternStart = methodName.startsWith("["); boolean patternEnd = methodName.endsWith("]"); if ((patternStart && patternEnd) || (!patternStart && !patternEnd)) { if (patternStart && patternEnd) { // This means we're looking at a method expression if (targetMethodAnnotation) throw new ShorthandParseFailureException( "Cannot combine method annotation and method name expression", source); try { this.methodNameExpression = Pattern .compile(methodName.substring(1, methodName.length() - 1)); this.methodName = null; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ShorthandParseFailureException( "Failed to compile method name pattern " + methodName, source); } } else { // This means we're NOT looking at a method expression, so it's either an annotation or a simple method name this.methodNameExpression = null; if (targetMethodAnnotation) { // It's a method annotation this.methodName = null; try { methodAnnotationClass = (Class<? extends Annotation>) Class.forName(methodName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ShorthandParseFailureException( "Failed to load method level annotation class [" + methodName + "]", source, ex); } } else { // It's a simple method name // unless it's "*" if (methodName.equals("*")) { this.methodNameExpression = MATCH_ALL; this.methodName = null; } else { methodAnnotationClass = null; } } } } else { throw new ShorthandParseFailureException( "Method name [" + methodName + "] seemed to want to be an expression but was missing an opener or closer", source); } } else { this.methodName = null; this.methodNameExpression = MATCH_ALL; } } /** * Validates, loads and configures the target class[es] * @param source The source (for reporting in any ecxeption thrown) * @param parsedClassName The target class name * @param parsedClassLoader The classloader expression for the target class * @param parsedAnnotationIndicator The parsed annotation indicator * @param inherritanceIndicator The parsed inherritance indicator * @throws ShorthandTargetClassLoadException thrown if the target class cannot be found */ protected void validateTargetClass(String source, String parsedClassName, String parsedClassLoader, String parsedAnnotationIndicator, String inherritanceIndicator) { String className = parsedClassName.trim(); if (parsedClassLoader != null && !parsedClassLoader.trim().isEmpty()) { targetClassLoader = ClassLoaderRepository.getInstance().getClassLoader(parsedClassLoader.trim()); } else if (this.classLoaders.containsKey(PREDEF_CL_TARGET)) { targetClassLoader = ClassLoaderRepository.getInstance() .getClassLoader(classLoaders.get(PREDEF_CL_TARGET)); } else { targetClassLoader = ClassLoaderRepository.getInstance().getClassLoader(parsedClassLoader); } if (targetClassLoader == null) targetClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (parsedAnnotationIndicator != null) { targetClassAnnotation = "@".equals(parsedAnnotationIndicator.trim()); } else { targetClassAnnotation = false; } if (inherritanceIndicator != null) { inherritanceEnabled = "+".equals(inherritanceIndicator.trim()); } else { inherritanceEnabled = false; } if (targetClassAnnotation && inherritanceEnabled) { loge("WARNING: Target class was marked as an annotation and for inherritance."); } try { targetClass = Class.forName(className, true, targetClassLoader); // If the class is an annotation, we don't want to mark is an interface, // although the JVM considers it to be. We want them to be mutually exclusive. if (targetClass.isAnnotation()) { targetClassAnnotation = true; inherritanceEnabled = false; targetClassInterface = false; } else if (targetClass.isInterface()) { targetClassInterface = true; inherritanceEnabled = true; targetClassAnnotation = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ShorthandTargetClassLoadException("Failed to locate target class [" + className + "]", source, ex); } } // /** // * Resolves the passed metric bitmask expression, determines the applicable metric instances and returns a bitmask enabled for them // * @param bitmaskStr The expression to evaluate // * @return a bitmask for the metrics to enable // * @throws ShorthandInvalidBitMaskException thrown if the expression cannot be interpreted // */ // public static int resolveBitMask(String bitmaskStr) throws ShorthandInvalidBitMaskException { // try { // if(bitmaskStr==null || bitmaskStr.isEmpty()) return MetricCollection.getDefaultBitMask(); // if("*".equalsIgnoreCase(bitmaskStr.trim())) return MetricCollection.getAllEnabledBitMask(); // if(isNumber(bitmaskStr)) return Integer.parseInt(bitmaskStr); // if(bitmaskStr.indexOf(',')!=-1) { // try { // return MetricCollection.enableFor((Object[])COMMA_SPLITTER.split(bitmaskStr)); // } catch (Exception ex) { // throw new ShorthandInvalidBitMaskException("Invalid bitmask", bitmaskStr, ex); // } // } //// ICollector mc = MetricCollection.forValueOrNull(bitmaskStr); //// if(mc!=null) return mc.getMask(); //// throw new ShorthandInvalidBitMaskException("Invalid bitmask", bitmaskStr); // return -1; // } catch (Exception ex) { // throw new ShorthandInvalidBitMaskException("Unexpected error interpreting bitmask", bitmaskStr, ex); // } // } /** * Validates that the mandatory fields are not null or empty * @param source The source (for reporting in any ecxeption thrown) * @param fields The fields to validate */ protected static void validateMandatoryFields(String source, String[] fields) { if (fields == null || fields.length < 11) throw new ShorthandParseFailureException( "Invalid parsed field count [" + (fields == null ? 0 : fields.length) + "]", source); if (fields[IND_TARGETCLASS.ordinal()] == null || fields[IND_TARGETCLASS.ordinal()].trim().isEmpty()) throw new ShorthandParseFailureException("Mandatory field for TARGET_CLASS was null or empty", source); //if(fields[IND_METHOD]==null || fields[IND_METHOD].trim().isEmpty()) throw new ShorthandParseFailureException("Mandatory field for TARGET_METHOD was null or empty", source); //if(fields[IND_COLLECTORNAME.ordinal()]==null || fields[IND_COLLECTORNAME.ordinal()].trim().isEmpty()) throw new ShorthandParseFailureException("Mandatory field for COLLECTORNAME was null or empty", source); //if(fields[IND_BITMASK]==null || fields[IND_BITMASK].trim().isEmpty()) throw new ShorthandParseFailureException("Mandatory field for BITMASK was null or empty", source); if (fields[IND_METRICNAME.ordinal()] == null || fields[IND_METRICNAME.ordinal()].trim().isEmpty()) throw new ShorthandParseFailureException("Mandatory field for METRICNAME was null or empty", source); } /** * Validates that the passed string value is an int * @param s The string value to check * @return true if the passed string value is an int, false otherwise */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static boolean isNumber(CharSequence s) { try { Integer.parseInt(s.toString().trim()); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#getTargetClass() */ @Override public Class<?> getTargetClass() { return targetClass; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#isTargetClassAnnotation() */ @Override public boolean isTargetClassAnnotation() { return targetClassAnnotation; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#isInherritanceEnabled() */ @Override public boolean isInherritanceEnabled() { return inherritanceEnabled; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#getMethodName() */ @Override public String getMethodName() { return methodName; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#getMethodNameExpression() */ @Override public Pattern getMethodNameExpression() { return methodNameExpression; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#getMethodSignature() */ @Override public String getMethodSignature() { return methodSignature; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#getMethodSignatureExpression() */ @Override public Pattern getMethodSignatureExpression() { return methodSignatureExpression; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#isTargetMethodAnnotation() */ @Override public boolean isTargetMethodAnnotation() { return targetMethodAnnotation; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#getMethodInvocationOption() */ @Override public int getMethodInvocationOption() { return methodInvocationOption; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#getMethodAttribute() */ @Override public int getMethodAttribute() { return methodAttribute; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#getMetricNameTemplate() */ @Override public String getMetricNameTemplate() { return metricNameTemplate; } /** * Simple err formatted logger * @param fmt The format of the message * @param args The message arguments */ public static void loge(Object fmt, Object... args) { System.err.println(String.format(fmt.toString(), args)); } /** * Simple err formatted logger * @param fmt The format of the message * @param t The throwable to print stack trace for * @param args The message arguments */ public static void loge(String fmt, Throwable t, Object... args) { System.err.println(String.format(fmt, args)); t.printStackTrace(System.err); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#isTargetClassInterface() */ @Override public boolean isTargetClassInterface() { return targetClassInterface; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#isAllowReentrant() */ @Override public boolean isAllowReentrant() { return allowReentrant; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#isBatchTransform() */ @Override public boolean isBatchTransform() { return batchTransform; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#isResidentTransformer() */ @Override public boolean isResidentTransformer() { return residentTransformer; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#isDisableOnTrigger() */ @Override public boolean isDisableOnTrigger() { return disableOnTrigger; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#isStartDisabled() */ @Override public boolean isStartDisabled() { return startDisabled; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#getTargetClassLoader() */ @Override public ClassLoader getTargetClassLoader() { return targetClassLoader; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#getMethodAnnotation() */ @Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getMethodAnnotation() { return methodAnnotationClass; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#getMeasurementBitMask() */ @Override public int getMeasurementBitMask() { return measurementBitMask; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.opentsdb.client.aop.ShorthandScriptMBean#getSubMetricsBitMask() */ @Override public int getSubMetricsBitMask() { return subMetricBitMask; } }