Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables partition

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables partition


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables partition.


public static <T> Iterable<List<T>> partition(final Iterable<T> iterable, final int size) 

Source Link


Divides an iterable into unmodifiable sublists of the given size (the final iterable may be smaller).


From source file:com.facebook.presto.hive.metastore.SemiTransactionalHiveMetastore.java

private void rollbackShared() {
    checkHoldsLock();//from w  w w .j a v  a2 s . c o  m

    for (DeclaredIntentionToWrite declaredIntentionToWrite : declaredIntentionsToWrite) {
        switch (declaredIntentionToWrite.getMode()) {
            // Note: there is no need to cleanup the target directory as it will only be written
            // to during the commit call and the commit call cleans up after failures.
            Path rootPath = declaredIntentionToWrite.getRootPath();

            // In the case of DIRECT_TO_TARGET_NEW_DIRECTORY, if the directory is not guaranteed to be unique
            // for the query, it is possible that another query or compute engine may see the directory, wrote
            // data to it, and exported it through metastore. Therefore it may be argued that cleanup of staging
            // directories must be carried out conservatively. To be safe, we only delete files that start with
            // the unique prefix for queries in this transaction.

            recursiveDeleteFilesAndLog(declaredIntentionToWrite.getUser(), rootPath,
                    ImmutableList.of(declaredIntentionToWrite.getFilePrefix()), true,
                    format("staging/target_new directory rollback for table %s",
            Set<Path> pathsToClean = new HashSet<>();

            // Check the base directory of the declared intention
            // * existing partition may also be in this directory
            // * this is where new partitions are created
            Path baseDirectory = declaredIntentionToWrite.getRootPath();

            SchemaTableName schemaTableName = declaredIntentionToWrite.getSchemaTableName();
            Optional<Table> table = delegate.getTable(schemaTableName.getSchemaName(),
            if (table.isPresent()) {
                // check every existing partition that is outside for the base directory
                if (!table.get().getPartitionColumns().isEmpty()) {
                    List<String> partitionNames = delegate
                            .getPartitionNames(schemaTableName.getSchemaName(), schemaTableName.getTableName())
                    for (List<String> partitionNameBatch : Iterables.partition(partitionNames, 10)) {
                        Collection<Optional<Partition>> partitions = delegate
                                        schemaTableName.getTableName(), partitionNameBatch)
                                .map(partition -> partition.getStorage().getLocation()).map(Path::new)
                                .filter(path -> !isSameOrParent(baseDirectory, path))
            } else {
                        "Error rolling back write to table %s.%s. Data directory may contain temporary data. Table was dropped in another transaction.",
                        schemaTableName.getSchemaName(), schemaTableName.getTableName());

            // delete any file that starts with the unique prefix of this query
            for (Path path : pathsToClean) {
                // TODO: It is a known deficiency that some empty directory does not get cleaned up in S3.
                // We can not delete any of the directories here since we do not know who created them.
                recursiveDeleteFilesAndLog(declaredIntentionToWrite.getUser(), path,
                        ImmutableList.of(declaredIntentionToWrite.getFilePrefix()), false,
                        format("target_existing directory rollback for table %s", schemaTableName));

            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown write mode");

From source file:com.flexive.core.storage.genericSQL.GenericTreeStorage.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//from  w w w .j a v a 2 s . c o m
public void removeNode(Connection con, FxTreeMode mode, ContentEngine ce, long nodeId, boolean removeChildren)
        throws FxApplicationException {
    if (mode == FxTreeMode.Live)
        removeChildren = true; //always delete child nodes in live mode
    Statement stmt = null;
    if (nodeId == FxTreeNode.ROOT_NODE)
        throw new FxNoAccessException("ex.tree.delete.root");

    FxTreeNodeInfo nodeInfo = getTreeNodeInfo(con, mode, nodeId);
    ScriptingEngine scripting = EJBLookup.getScriptingEngine();
    final List<Long> scriptBeforeIds = scripting.getByScriptEvent(FxScriptEvent.BeforeTreeNodeRemoved);
    final List<Long> scriptAfterIds = scripting.getByScriptEvent(FxScriptEvent.AfterTreeNodeRemoved);
    //warning: removedNodes will only be available if script mappings for event AfterTreeNodeRemoved exist!
    List<FxTreeNode> removedNodes = scriptAfterIds.size() > 0 ? new ArrayList<FxTreeNode>(100) : null;
    final String TRUE = StorageManager.getBooleanTrueExpression();
    try {
        stmt = con.createStatement();
        if (StorageManager.isDisableIntegrityTransactional()) {
        List<FxPK> references = new ArrayList<FxPK>(50);
        UserTicket ticket = FxContext.getUserTicket();

        // lock all affected rows
        final List<Long> removeNodeIds = selectAllChildNodeIds(con, mode, nodeInfo.getLeft(),
                nodeInfo.getRight(), true);
        acquireLocksForUpdate(con, mode,
                Iterables.concat(removeNodeIds, Arrays.asList(nodeInfo.getParentId())));
        final Map<FxPK, FxContentSecurityInfo> securityInfos = Maps

        if (removeChildren) {
            //FX-102: edit permission checks on references
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT DISTINCT REF FROM " + getTable(mode) + " WHERE " + " LFT>="
                    + nodeInfo.getLeft() + " AND RGT<=" + nodeInfo.getRight() + " ");
            while (rs != null && rs.next()) {
                try {
                    if (ce != null) {
                        final FxPK pk = new FxPK(rs.getLong(1));
                        final FxContentSecurityInfo info = ce.getContentSecurityInfo(pk);
                        FxPermissionUtils.checkPermission(ticket, ACLPermission.EDIT, info, true);
                        securityInfos.put(pk, info);
                    references.add(new FxPK(rs.getLong(1)));
                } catch (FxLoadException e) {
                    //ignore, might have been removed meanwhile
            // call BeforeTreeNodeRemoved scripts
            if (scriptBeforeIds.size() > 0 || scriptAfterIds.size() > 0) {
                final FxScriptBinding binding = new FxScriptBinding();
                for (long removedId : removeNodeIds) {
                    final FxTreeNode n = getNode(con, mode, removedId);
                    if (removedNodes != null)
                    for (long scriptId : scriptBeforeIds) {
                        binding.setVariable("node", n);
                        scripting.runScript(scriptId, binding);

            for (List<Long> removeIds : Iterables.partition(removeNodeIds, SQL_IN_PARTSIZE)) {
                stmt.addBatch("DELETE FROM " + getTable(mode) + " WHERE id IN ("
                        + StringUtils.join(removeIds, ',') + ")");
        } else {
            //FX-102: edit permission checks on references
            try {
                if (ce != null) {
                    final FxContentSecurityInfo info = ce.getContentSecurityInfo(nodeInfo.getReference());
                    FxPermissionUtils.checkPermission(FxContext.getUserTicket(), ACLPermission.EDIT, info,
                    securityInfos.put(nodeInfo.getReference(), info);
            } catch (FxLoadException e) {
                //ignore, might have been removed meanwhile
            stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET PARENT=" + nodeInfo.getParentId()
                    + " WHERE PARENT=" + nodeId);
            for (List<Long> part : Iterables.partition(removeNodeIds, SQL_IN_PARTSIZE)) {
                stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET DEPTH=DEPTH-1,DIRTY="
                        + StorageManager.getBooleanExpression(mode != FxTreeMode.Live) + " WHERE id IN ("
                        + StringUtils.join(part, ',') + ") AND DEPTH>0");
            stmt.addBatch("DELETE FROM " + getTable(mode) + " WHERE ID=" + nodeId);

        // Update the childcount of the parents
        if (removeChildren) {
            stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT-1 WHERE ID="
                    + nodeInfo.getParentId());
        } else {
            stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET CHILDCOUNT=CHILDCOUNT+"
                    + (nodeInfo.getDirectChildCount() - 1) + " WHERE ID=" + nodeInfo.getParentId());

        // Set the dirty flag for the parent if needed
        if (mode != FxTreeMode.Live) {
                    "UPDATE " + getTable(mode) + " SET DIRTY=" + TRUE + " WHERE ID=" + nodeInfo.getParentId());

        if (mode == FxTreeMode.Live && exists(con, FxTreeMode.Edit, nodeId)) {
            //check if a node with the same id that has been removed in the live tree exists in the edit tree,
            //the node and all its children will be flagged as dirty in the edit tree
            FxTreeNodeInfo editNode = getTreeNodeInfo(con, FxTreeMode.Edit, nodeId);
            List<Long> editNodeIds = selectAllChildNodeIds(con, FxTreeMode.Edit, editNode.getLeft(),
                    editNode.getRight(), true);

            acquireLocksForUpdate(con, FxTreeMode.Edit, editNodeIds);
            for (List<Long> part : Iterables.partition(editNodeIds, SQL_IN_PARTSIZE)) {
                stmt.addBatch("UPDATE " + getTable(FxTreeMode.Edit) + " SET DIRTY=" + TRUE + " WHERE ID IN ("
                        + StringUtils.join(part, ',') + ")");
        if (ce != null) {
            //if the referenced content is a folder, remove it
            final Set<Long> folderTypeIds = Sets.newHashSet(FxSharedUtils.getSelectableObjectIdList(
                    CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getType(FxType.FOLDER).getDerivedTypes(true, true)));
            for (FxPK ref : references) {
                FxContentSecurityInfo si = securityInfos.get(ref);
                if (si == null) {
                    si = ce.getContentSecurityInfo(ref);
                if (folderTypeIds.contains(si.getTypeId())) {
                    final int contentCount = ce.getReferencedContentCount(si.getPk());
                    if (contentCount == 0) {
        afterNodeRemoved(con, nodeInfo, removeChildren);
        if (removedNodes != null) {
            final FxScriptBinding binding = new FxScriptBinding();
            for (long scriptId : scriptAfterIds) {
                for (FxTreeNode n : removedNodes) {
                    binding.setVariable("node", n);
                    scripting.runScript(scriptId, binding);

    } catch (SQLException exc) {
        String next = "";
        if (exc.getNextException() != null)
            next = " next:" + exc.getNextException().getMessage();
        throw new FxRemoveException(LOG, exc, "ex.tree.delete.failed", nodeId, exc.getMessage() + next);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (stmt != null) {
                if (StorageManager.isDisableIntegrityTransactional()) {
                    try {
                    } catch (SQLException e) {
        } catch (Exception exc) {

From source file:org.gvnix.web.datatables.util.QuerydslUtils.java

 * Return IN expression for {@code entityPath.fieldName}.
 * <p/>/*from   ww w. ja v  a2  s  . com*/
 * Expr: <br/>
 * entityPath.fieldName IN ( values ) <br/>
 * <br/>
 * If values.size() > 500 its generates: <br/>
 * Expr: <br/>
 * (entityPath.fieldName IN ( values[0-500] ) OR [entityPath.fieldName IN (
 * values[501-100]... ])) <br/>
 * <br/>
 * @param entityPath Full path to entity and associations. For example:
 *        {@code Pet} , {@code Pet.owner}
 * @param fieldName Property name in the given entity path. For example:
 *        {@code name} in {@code Pet} entity, {@code firstName} in
 *        {@code Pet.owner} entity.
 * @param values the Set of values to find the given field name, may be null
 * @return BooleanExpression
public static <T, E> BooleanExpression createCollectionExpression(PathBuilder<T> entityPath, String fieldName,
        Collection<E> values) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(fieldName) || values.isEmpty()) {
        return null;

    if (values.size() > 500) {
        BooleanExpression expression = null;
        Iterable<List<E>> collectionParts = Iterables.partition(values, 500);
        for (List<E> part : collectionParts) {
            if (expression == null) {
                expression = doCreateCollectionExpression(entityPath, fieldName, part);
            } else {
                expression = expression.or(doCreateCollectionExpression(entityPath, fieldName, part));
        return expression;
    } else {
        return doCreateCollectionExpression(entityPath, fieldName, values);

From source file:ome.services.graphs.GraphTraversal.java

 * Prepare to remove links between the targeted model objects and the remainder of the model object graph.
 * @param isUnlinkIncludeFromExclude if {@link Action#EXCLUDE} objects must be unlinked from {@link Action#INCLUDE} objects
 * and vice versa/*from  w w  w  .  j  av a2 s .c  o  m*/
 * @return the actual unlinker for the targeted model objects, to be used by the caller
 * @throws GraphException if the user does not have permission to unlink the targets
public PlanExecutor unlinkTargets(boolean isUnlinkIncludeFromExclude) throws GraphException {
    if (!progress.contains(Milestone.PLANNED)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("operation not yet planned");
    /* accumulate plan for unlinking included/deleted from others */
    final SetMultimap<CP, Long> toNullByCP = HashMultimap.create();
    final Map<CP, SetMultimap<Long, Entry<String, Long>>> linkerToIdToLinked = new HashMap<CP, SetMultimap<Long, Entry<String, Long>>>();
    for (final CI object : planning.included) {
        for (final String superclassName : model.getSuperclassesOfReflexive(object.className)) {
            for (final Entry<String, String> forwardLink : model.getLinkedTo(superclassName)) {
                final CP linkProperty = new CP(superclassName, forwardLink.getValue());
                final boolean isCollection = model.getPropertyKind(linkProperty.className,
                        linkProperty.propertyName) == PropertyKind.COLLECTION;
                final CPI linkSource = linkProperty.toCPI(object.id);
                for (final CI linked : planning.forwardLinksCached.get(linkSource)) {
                    final Action linkedAction = getAction(linked);
                    if (linkedAction == Action.DELETE
                            || isUnlinkIncludeFromExclude && linkedAction == Action.EXCLUDE) {
                        /* INCLUDE is linked to EXCLUDE or DELETE, so unlink */
                        if (isCollection) {
                            addRemoval(linkerToIdToLinked, linkProperty.toCPI(object.id), linked);
                        } else {
                            toNullByCP.put(linkProperty, object.id);
            if (isUnlinkIncludeFromExclude) {
                for (final Entry<String, String> backwardLink : model.getLinkedBy(superclassName)) {
                    final CP linkProperty = new CP(backwardLink.getKey(), backwardLink.getValue());
                    final boolean isCollection = model.getPropertyKind(linkProperty.className,
                            linkProperty.propertyName) == PropertyKind.COLLECTION;
                    final CPI linkTarget = linkProperty.toCPI(object.id);
                    for (final CI linker : planning.backwardLinksCached.get(linkTarget)) {
                        final Action linkerAction = getAction(linker);
                        if (linkerAction == Action.EXCLUDE) {
                            /* EXCLUDE is linked to INCLUDE, so unlink */
                            if (isCollection) {
                                addRemoval(linkerToIdToLinked, linkProperty.toCPI(linker.id), object);
                            } else {
                                toNullByCP.put(linkProperty, linker.id);
    for (final CI object : planning.deleted) {
        for (final String superclassName : model.getSuperclassesOfReflexive(object.className)) {
            for (final Entry<String, String> backwardLink : model.getLinkedBy(superclassName)) {
                final CP linkProperty = new CP(backwardLink.getKey(), backwardLink.getValue());
                final boolean isCollection = model.getPropertyKind(linkProperty.className,
                        linkProperty.propertyName) == PropertyKind.COLLECTION;
                final CPI linkTarget = linkProperty.toCPI(object.id);
                for (final CI linker : planning.backwardLinksCached.get(linkTarget)) {
                    final Action linkerAction = getAction(linker);
                    if (linkerAction != Action.DELETE) {
                        /* EXCLUDE, INCLUDE or OUTSIDE is linked to DELETE, so unlink */
                        if (isCollection) {
                            addRemoval(linkerToIdToLinked, linkProperty.toCPI(linker.id), object);
                        } else {
                            toNullByCP.put(linkProperty, linker.id);
    /* note unlink included/deleted by nulling properties */
    final Map<CP, Collection<Long>> eachToNullByCP = toNullByCP.asMap();
    for (final Entry<CP, Collection<Long>> nullCurr : eachToNullByCP.entrySet()) {
        final CP linker = nullCurr.getKey();
        if (unnullable.get(linker.className).contains(linker.propertyName)
                || model.getPropertyKind(linker.className, linker.propertyName) == PropertyKind.REQUIRED) {
            throw new GraphException("cannot null " + linker);
        final Collection<Long> allIds = nullCurr.getValue();
        assertMayBeUpdated(linker.className, allIds);
    /* note unlink included/deleted by removing from collections */
    for (final Entry<CP, SetMultimap<Long, Entry<String, Long>>> removeCurr : linkerToIdToLinked.entrySet()) {
        final CP linker = removeCurr.getKey();
        final Collection<Long> allIds = removeCurr.getValue().keySet();
        assertMayBeUpdated(linker.className, allIds);
        throw new GraphException("cannot remove elements from collection " + linker);
    return new PlanExecutor() {
        public void execute() throws GraphException {
            if (progress.contains(Milestone.UNLINKED)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("model objects already unlinked");
            /* actually do the noted unlinking */
            for (final Entry<CP, Collection<Long>> nullCurr : eachToNullByCP.entrySet()) {
                final CP linker = nullCurr.getKey();
                final Collection<Long> allIds = nullCurr.getValue();
                for (final List<Long> ids : Iterables.partition(allIds, BATCH_SIZE)) {
                    processor.nullProperties(linker.className, linker.propertyName, ids);

From source file:io.prestosql.plugin.hive.metastore.SemiTransactionalHiveMetastore.java

private void rollbackShared() {
    checkHoldsLock();/*ww w  .  j a  v  a 2  s.  c  o  m*/

    for (DeclaredIntentionToWrite declaredIntentionToWrite : declaredIntentionsToWrite) {
        switch (declaredIntentionToWrite.getMode()) {
            // For STAGE_AND_MOVE_TO_TARGET_DIRECTORY, there is no need to cleanup the target directory as
            // it will only be written to during the commit call and the commit call cleans up after failures.
            if ((declaredIntentionToWrite.getMode() == DIRECT_TO_TARGET_NEW_DIRECTORY)
                    && skipTargetCleanupOnRollback) {

            Path rootPath = declaredIntentionToWrite.getRootPath();

            // In the case of DIRECT_TO_TARGET_NEW_DIRECTORY, if the directory is not guaranteed to be unique
            // for the query, it is possible that another query or compute engine may see the directory, wrote
            // data to it, and exported it through metastore. Therefore it may be argued that cleanup of staging
            // directories must be carried out conservatively. To be safe, we only delete files that start with
            // the unique prefix for queries in this transaction.

            recursiveDeleteFilesAndLog(declaredIntentionToWrite.getContext(), rootPath,
                    ImmutableList.of(declaredIntentionToWrite.getFilePrefix()), true,
                    format("staging/target_new directory rollback for table %s",
            Set<Path> pathsToClean = new HashSet<>();

            // Check the base directory of the declared intention
            // * existing partition may also be in this directory
            // * this is where new partitions are created
            Path baseDirectory = declaredIntentionToWrite.getRootPath();

            SchemaTableName schemaTableName = declaredIntentionToWrite.getSchemaTableName();
            Optional<Table> table = delegate.getTable(schemaTableName.getSchemaName(),
            if (table.isPresent()) {
                // check every existing partition that is outside for the base directory
                if (!table.get().getPartitionColumns().isEmpty()) {
                    List<String> partitionNames = delegate
                            .getPartitionNames(schemaTableName.getSchemaName(), schemaTableName.getTableName())
                    for (List<String> partitionNameBatch : Iterables.partition(partitionNames, 10)) {
                        Collection<Optional<Partition>> partitions = delegate
                                        schemaTableName.getTableName(), partitionNameBatch)
                                .map(partition -> partition.getStorage().getLocation()).map(Path::new)
                                .filter(path -> !isSameOrParent(baseDirectory, path))
            } else {
                        "Error rolling back write to table %s.%s. Data directory may contain temporary data. Table was dropped in another transaction.",
                        schemaTableName.getSchemaName(), schemaTableName.getTableName());

            // delete any file that starts with the unique prefix of this query
            for (Path path : pathsToClean) {
                // TODO: It is a known deficiency that some empty directory does not get cleaned up in S3.
                // We can not delete any of the directories here since we do not know who created them.
                recursiveDeleteFilesAndLog(declaredIntentionToWrite.getContext(), path,
                        ImmutableList.of(declaredIntentionToWrite.getFilePrefix()), false,
                        format("target_existing directory rollback for table %s", schemaTableName));

            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown write mode");

From source file:ome.services.graphs.GraphTraversal.java

 * Prepare to process the targeted model objects.
 * @return the actual processor for the targeted model objects, to be used by the caller
 * @throws GraphException if the user does not have permission to process the targets or
 * if a cycle is detected in the model object graph
 *///w  w  w  . ja  v  a  2s .c om
public PlanExecutor processTargets() throws GraphException {
    if (!progress.contains(Milestone.PLANNED)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("operation not yet planned");
    final List<Entry<Map<String, Collection<Long>>, Map<String, Collection<Long>>>> toJoinAndDelete = new ArrayList<Entry<Map<String, Collection<Long>>, Map<String, Collection<Long>>>>();
    /* process the targets forward across links */
    while (!planning.blockedBy.isEmpty()) {
        /* determine which objects can be processed in this step */
        final Collection<CI> nowUnblocked = new HashSet<CI>();
        final Iterator<Entry<CI, Set<CI>>> blocks = planning.blockedBy.entrySet().iterator();
        while (blocks.hasNext()) {
            final Entry<CI, Set<CI>> block = blocks.next();
            final CI object = block.getKey();
            if (block.getValue().isEmpty()) {
        if (nowUnblocked.isEmpty()) {
            throw new GraphException(
                    "cycle detected among " + Joiner.on(", ").join(planning.blockedBy.keySet()));
        for (final Set<CI> blockers : planning.blockedBy.values()) {
        final SetMultimap<String, Long> toJoin = HashMultimap.create();
        final SetMultimap<String, Long> toDelete = HashMultimap.create();
        for (final CI object : nowUnblocked) {
            if (planning.included.contains(object)) {
                toJoin.put(object.className, object.id);
            } else {
                toDelete.put(object.className, object.id);
        /* note this group's includes and deletes */
        final Map<String, Collection<Long>> eachToJoin = toJoin.asMap();
        for (final Entry<String, Collection<Long>> oneClassToJoin : eachToJoin.entrySet()) {
            final String className = oneClassToJoin.getKey();
            final Collection<Long> allIds = oneClassToJoin.getValue();
            assertMayBeProcessed(className, allIds);
        final Map<String, Collection<Long>> eachToDelete = toDelete.asMap();
        for (final Entry<String, Collection<Long>> oneClassToDelete : eachToDelete.entrySet()) {
            final String className = oneClassToDelete.getKey();
            final Collection<Long> allIds = oneClassToDelete.getValue();
            assertMayBeDeleted(className, allIds);
        toJoinAndDelete.add(Maps.immutableEntry(eachToJoin, eachToDelete));
    return new PlanExecutor() {
        public void execute() throws GraphException {
            if (!progress.contains(Milestone.UNLINKED)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("model objects not yet unlinked");
            if (progress.contains(Milestone.PROCESSED)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("model objects already processed");
            /* actually do the noted processing */
            for (final Entry<Map<String, Collection<Long>>, Map<String, Collection<Long>>> next : toJoinAndDelete) {
                final Map<String, Collection<Long>> toJoin = next.getKey();
                final Map<String, Collection<Long>> toDelete = next.getValue();
                /* perform this group's deletes */
                if (!toDelete.isEmpty()) {
                    for (final Entry<String, Collection<Long>> oneClassToDelete : toDelete.entrySet()) {
                        final String className = oneClassToDelete.getKey();
                        final Collection<Long> allIds = oneClassToDelete.getValue();
                        final Collection<Collection<Long>> idGroups;
                        if (OriginalFile.class.getName().equals(className)) {
                            idGroups = ModelObjectSequencer.sortOriginalFileIds(session, allIds);
                        } else {
                            idGroups = Collections.singleton(allIds);
                        for (final Collection<Long> idGroup : idGroups) {
                            for (final List<Long> ids : Iterables.partition(idGroup, BATCH_SIZE)) {
                                processor.deleteInstances(className, ids);
                /* perform this group's includes */
                if (!toJoin.isEmpty()) {
                    for (final Entry<String, Collection<Long>> oneClassToJoin : toJoin.entrySet()) {
                        final String className = oneClassToJoin.getKey();
                        final Collection<Long> allIds = oneClassToJoin.getValue();
                        for (final List<Long> ids : Iterables.partition(allIds, BATCH_SIZE)) {
                            processor.processInstances(className, ids);

From source file:com.cloudera.director.aws.ec2.EC2Provider.java

 * Iterates through the instances identified by the specified virtual instance IDs
 * and calls the specified handler on each instance.
 * @param virtualInstanceIds the virtual instance IDs
 * @param instanceHandler    the instance handler
 *///from  w  ww  .  ja  v a 2  s.c  o  m
private void forEachInstance(Collection<String> virtualInstanceIds,
        EC2Provider.InstanceHandler instanceHandler) {
    List<DescribeInstancesResult> results = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (List<String> virtualInstanceIdChunk : Iterables.partition(virtualInstanceIds,
        DescribeInstancesResult result = client.describeInstances(new DescribeInstancesRequest()
                .withFilters(new Filter().withName("tag:" + ResourceTags.CLOUDERA_DIRECTOR_ID.getTagKey())

    for (DescribeInstancesResult result : results) {
        forEachInstance(result, instanceHandler);

From source file:com.eucalyptus.loadbalancing.workflow.LoadBalancingActivitiesImpl.java

public void checkServoInstances() throws LoadBalancingActivityException {
    final int NUM_ASGS_TO_DESCRIBE = 8;
    // lookup all LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroup records
    List<LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroup> groups = Lists.newArrayList();
    Map<String, LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroup> allGroupMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    try (final TransactionResource db = Entities.transactionFor(LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroup.class)) {
        groups = Entities.query(LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroup.named(), true);
        for (LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroup g : groups) {
            allGroupMap.put(g.getName(), g);
        }//from   w  w  w. j a  va  2s . co  m
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new LoadBalancingActivityException("Failed to query loadbalancer autoscaing groups", ex);

    final Map<String, LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroup> groupToQuery = allGroupMap;
    // describe as group and find the unknown instance Ids
    List<AutoScalingGroupType> queriedGroups = Lists.newArrayList();

    for (final List<String> partition : Iterables.partition(groupToQuery.keySet(), NUM_ASGS_TO_DESCRIBE)) {
        try {
            DescribeAutoScalingGroupsResponseType response = EucalyptusActivityTasks.getInstance()
            DescribeAutoScalingGroupsResult result = response.getDescribeAutoScalingGroupsResult();
            AutoScalingGroupsType asgroups = result.getAutoScalingGroups();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new LoadBalancingActivityException("Failed to describe autoscaling groups", ex);

    /// lookup all servoInstances in the DB
    Map<String, LoadBalancerServoInstance> servoMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    try (final TransactionResource db = Entities.transactionFor(LoadBalancerServoInstance.class)) {
        final List<LoadBalancerServoInstance> result = Entities.query(LoadBalancerServoInstance.named(), true);
        for (LoadBalancerServoInstance inst : result) {
            servoMap.put(inst.getInstanceId(), inst);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new LoadBalancingActivityException("Failed to lookup existing servo instances in DB", ex);

    /// for all found instances that's not in the servo instance DB
    ///     create servo record
    final List<LoadBalancerServoInstance> newServos = Lists.newArrayList();
    final Map<String, Instance> foundInstances = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    for (final AutoScalingGroupType asg : queriedGroups) {
        Instances instances = asg.getInstances();
        if (instances != null && instances.getMember() != null && instances.getMember().size() > 0) {
            for (final Instance instance : instances.getMember()) {
                final String instanceId = instance.getInstanceId();
                foundInstances.put(instanceId, instance);
                if (!servoMap.containsKey(instanceId)) { /// new instance found
                    try {
                        final LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroup group = allGroupMap
                        if (group == null)
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The group with name "
                                    + asg.getAutoScalingGroupName() + " not found in the database");
                        final LoadBalancerServoInstance newInstance = newInstance(instance, group);
                        newServos.add(newInstance); /// persist later
                    } catch (final Exception ex) {
                        LOG.error("Failed to construct servo instance entity", ex);

    if (newServos.size() > 0) {
        try (final TransactionResource db = Entities.transactionFor(LoadBalancerServoInstance.class)) {
            for (LoadBalancerServoInstance instance : newServos) {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOG.error("Failed to persist the servo instance record", ex);
        if (LoadBalancingSystemVpcs.isCloudVpc().isPresent() && LoadBalancingSystemVpcs.isCloudVpc().get()) {
            try {
                        instance -> LoadBalancerServoInstance.STATE.InService.equals(instance.getState()))
                        .forEach(instance -> LoadBalancingSystemVpcs
            } catch (final Exception ex) {
                LOG.error("Failed to attach secondary network interface to ELB instances", ex);
            try { // if servo is in VPC, update ip addresses using the secondary interface's address
                        instance -> LoadBalancerServoInstance.STATE.InService.equals(instance.getState()))
                        .forEach(instance -> {
            } catch (final Exception ex) {
                LOG.error("Failed to retrieve IP addresses of secondary network interface");

    List<LoadBalancerServoInstanceCoreView> servoRecords = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (String groupName : groupToQuery.keySet()) {
        final LoadBalancerAutoScalingGroup group = groupToQuery.get(groupName);

    //final List<LoadBalancerServoInstance> registerDnsARec = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (LoadBalancerServoInstanceCoreView instanceView : servoRecords) {
        if (!foundInstances.containsKey(instanceView.getInstanceId())
                && !instanceView.getState().equals(LoadBalancerServoInstance.STATE.Retired)) {
            LoadBalancerServoInstance instance;
            try {
                instance = LoadBalancerServoInstanceEntityTransform.INSTANCE.apply(instanceView);
            } catch (final Exception ex) {
                LOG.error("Failed to transform servo instance from the view", ex);
            try (final TransactionResource db = Entities.transactionFor(LoadBalancerServoInstance.class)) {
                final LoadBalancerServoInstance update = Entities.uniqueResult(instance);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LOG.error(String.format("Failed to mark the servo instance's state to ERROR (%s)",
        } else if (foundInstances.containsKey(instanceView.getInstanceId())) {
            Instance instanceCurrent = foundInstances.get(instanceView.getInstanceId());
            final String healthState = instanceCurrent.getHealthStatus();
            final String lifecycleState = instanceCurrent.getLifecycleState();
            LoadBalancerServoInstance.STATE curState = instanceView.getState();
            LoadBalancerServoInstance.STATE newState = curState;

            if (healthState != null && !healthState.equals("Healthy")) {
                newState = LoadBalancerServoInstance.STATE.Error;
            } else if (lifecycleState != null) {
                switch (lifecycleState) {
                case "Pending":
                    newState = LoadBalancerServoInstance.STATE.Pending;
                case "Quarantined":
                    newState = LoadBalancerServoInstance.STATE.Error;
                case "InService":
                    newState = LoadBalancerServoInstance.STATE.InService;
                case "Terminating":
                case "Terminated":
                    newState = LoadBalancerServoInstance.STATE.OutOfService;

            if (!curState.equals(LoadBalancerServoInstance.STATE.Retired) && !curState.equals(newState)) {
                LoadBalancerServoInstance instance;
                try {
                    instance = LoadBalancerServoInstanceEntityTransform.INSTANCE.apply(instanceView);
                } catch (final Exception ex) {
                    LOG.error("Failed to transform servo instance from the view", ex);
                try (final TransactionResource db = Entities.transactionFor(LoadBalancerServoInstance.class)) {
                    final LoadBalancerServoInstance update = Entities.uniqueResult(instance);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    LOG.error(String.format("Failed to commit the servo instance's state change (%s)",
                if (LoadBalancerServoInstance.STATE.InService.equals(newState)) {
                    try {
                        if (LoadBalancingSystemVpcs.isCloudVpc().isPresent()
                                && LoadBalancingSystemVpcs.isCloudVpc().get()) {
                    } catch (final Exception ex) {
                        LOG.error("Failed to attach secondary network interface to ELB instances", ex);

From source file:com.eucalyptus.loadbalancing.workflow.LoadBalancingActivitiesImpl.java

public void checkBackendInstances() throws LoadBalancingActivityException {
    final int NUM_INSTANCES_TO_DESCRIBE = 8;

    /// determine backend instances to query (an instance can be registered to multiple ELBs)
    final Map<String, List<LoadBalancerBackendInstance>> allInstances = Maps.newHashMap();
    try (final TransactionResource db = Entities.transactionFor(LoadBalancerBackendInstance.class)) {
        final List<LoadBalancerBackendInstance> instances = Entities.query(LoadBalancerBackendInstance.named());
        for (final LoadBalancerBackendInstance instance : instances) {
            if (!allInstances.containsKey(instance.getInstanceId())) {
                allInstances.put(instance.getInstanceId(), Lists.newArrayList());
            }//from w  w w .j  a  v  a 2  s.  c  o  m
    } catch (final Exception ex) {
        throw new LoadBalancingActivityException("Failed to query backend instances", ex);

    final List<RunningInstancesItemType> queryResult = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (final List<String> partition : Iterables.partition(allInstances.keySet(), NUM_INSTANCES_TO_DESCRIBE)) {
        try {
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            LOG.warn("Failed to query instances", ex);

    //EUCA-9919: remove registered instances when terminated
    final Set<String> terminatedInstances = Sets.newHashSet();
    final Map<String, LoadBalancerBackendInstanceStates> stateMap = new HashMap<>();
    final Map<String, RunningInstancesItemType> runningInstances = new HashMap<String, RunningInstancesItemType>();
    for (final RunningInstancesItemType instance : queryResult) {
        final String state = instance.getStateName();
        if ("pending".equals(state))
            stateMap.put(instance.getInstanceId(), LoadBalancerBackendInstanceStates.InitialRegistration);
        else if ("running".equals(state)) {
            runningInstances.put(instance.getInstanceId(), instance);
        } else if ("shutting-down".equals(state))
            stateMap.put(instance.getInstanceId(), LoadBalancerBackendInstanceStates.InstanceInvalidState);
        else if ("terminated".equals(state)) {
            stateMap.put(instance.getInstanceId(), LoadBalancerBackendInstanceStates.InstanceInvalidState);
        } else if ("stopping".equals(state))
            stateMap.put(instance.getInstanceId(), LoadBalancerBackendInstanceStates.InstanceStopped);
        else if ("stopped".equals(state))
            stateMap.put(instance.getInstanceId(), LoadBalancerBackendInstanceStates.InstanceStopped);

    final Set<LoadBalancerBackendInstance> backendsToDelete = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (final String instanceId : allInstances.keySet()) {
        for (final LoadBalancerBackendInstance be : allInstances.get(instanceId)) {
            if (terminatedInstances.contains(instanceId)) { // case 1: instance terminated
            if (stateMap.containsKey(instanceId)) { // case 2: instance not in running state
                try (final TransactionResource db = Entities
                        .transactionFor(LoadBalancerBackendInstance.class)) {
                    final LoadBalancerBackendInstanceStates trueState = stateMap.get(be.getInstanceId());
                    final LoadBalancerBackendInstance update = Entities.uniqueResult(be);
                } catch (final Exception ex) {
            } else if (runningInstances.containsKey(instanceId)) { // case 3: instance running
                // case 3.a: check if instance was re-started (EUCA-11859)
                if (LoadBalancerBackendInstanceStates.InstanceStopped.isInstanceState(be)) {
                    final LoadBalancerBackendInstanceStates registration = LoadBalancerBackendInstanceStates.InitialRegistration;
                    try (final TransactionResource db = Entities
                            .transactionFor(LoadBalancerBackendInstance.class)) {
                        final LoadBalancerBackendInstance update = Entities.uniqueResult(be);
                    } catch (final Exception ex) {

                // case 3.b: check instance's IP address change
                String instanceIpAddress = null;
                if (be.getLoadBalancer().getVpcId() == null)
                    instanceIpAddress = runningInstances.get(instanceId).getIpAddress();
                    instanceIpAddress = runningInstances.get(instanceId).getPrivateIpAddress();
                if (instanceIpAddress == null) {
                    LOG.warn(String.format("Failed to determine ELB backend instance's IP address: %s",
                } else if (!instanceIpAddress.equals(be.getIpAddress())) {
                    try (final TransactionResource db = Entities
                            .transactionFor(LoadBalancerBackendInstance.class)) {
                        final LoadBalancerBackendInstance update = Entities.uniqueResult(be);
                    } catch (final Exception ex) {

    for (final LoadBalancerBackendInstance be : backendsToDelete) {
        try (final TransactionResource db = Entities.transactionFor(LoadBalancerBackendInstance.class)) {
            final LoadBalancerBackendInstance entity = Entities.uniqueResult(be);
            LOG.info("Instance " + be.getInstanceId() + " is terminated and removed from ELB");
        } catch (final Exception ex) {

    /// mark outdated instances as Error
    final int HealthUpdateTimeoutSec = 3 * MAX_HEALTHCHECK_INTERVAL_SEC; /// 6 minutes
    final Predicate<LoadBalancerBackendInstance> unreachableLoadbalancer = (instance) -> {
        if (LoadBalancerBackendInstanceStates.UnrechableLoadBalancer.isInstanceState(instance))
            return false;
        if (LoadBalancerBackendInstanceStates.InstanceStopped.isInstanceState(instance))
            return false;
        final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Date lastUpdated = instance.instanceStateLastUpdated();
        if (lastUpdated == null)
            lastUpdated = instance.getCreationTimestamp();
        final int diffSec = (int) ((currentTime - lastUpdated.getTime()) / 1000.0);
        return diffSec > HealthUpdateTimeoutSec;

    final Set<LoadBalancerBackendInstance> outdatedInstances = allInstances.values().stream()
            .flatMap(Collection::stream).filter(v -> !backendsToDelete.contains(v)) // DB records deleted already
            .filter(v -> unreachableLoadbalancer.apply(v)).collect(Collectors.toSet());

    if (!outdatedInstances.isEmpty()) {
        final LoadBalancerBackendInstanceStates unreachable = LoadBalancerBackendInstanceStates.UnrechableLoadBalancer;
        try (TransactionResource db = Entities.transactionFor(LoadBalancerBackendInstance.class)) {
            for (final LoadBalancerBackendInstance instance : outdatedInstances) {
                final LoadBalancerBackendInstance update = Entities.uniqueResult(instance);
        } catch (final Exception ex) {