List of usage examples for Iterables partition
public static <T> Iterable<List<T>> partition(final Iterable<T> iterable, final int size)
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private void doExplicitReconcile(int batchSize) { Iterable<List<IScheduledTask>> activeBatches = Iterables.partition( Storage.Util.fetchTasks(storage, Query.unscoped().byStatus(Tasks.SLAVE_ASSIGNED_STATES)), batchSize);/*www . j av a 2 s. c om*/ long delay = 0; for (List<IScheduledTask> batch : activeBatches) { executor.schedule( () -> driver .reconcileTasks(, delay, SECONDS.getTimeUnit()); delay += settings.explicitBatchDelaySeconds; } explicitRuns.incrementAndGet(); }
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private List<List<AlarmEntity>> makeResultsList(List<AlarmEntity> results) { Multimap<Class, AlarmEntity> classMultiMap = LinkedListMultimap.create(); for (AlarmEntity alarmEntity : results) { classMultiMap.put(MetricEntityFactory.getClassForEntitiesGet(alarmEntity.getMetricType(), MetricManager.hash(alarmEntity.getDimensionMap())), alarmEntity); }//w w w .j a v a 2 s. c om List<Iterator<List<AlarmEntity>>> iterators = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Class clazz : classMultiMap.keySet()) { iterators.add(Iterables.partition(classMultiMap.get(clazz), 100).iterator()); } List<List<AlarmEntity>> retVal = Lists.newArrayList(); boolean atLeastOneMightHaveMore = true; while (atLeastOneMightHaveMore) { atLeastOneMightHaveMore = false; for (Iterator<List<AlarmEntity>> iterator : iterators) { if (iterator.hasNext()) { atLeastOneMightHaveMore = true; retVal.add(; } } } return retVal; }
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@Override public Iterable<WindowedValue<KV<K, Iterable<InputT>>>> call( WindowedValue<KV<K, Iterable<WindowedValue<InputT>>>> windowedValue) throws Exception { K key = windowedValue.getValue().getKey(); Iterable<WindowedValue<InputT>> inputs = windowedValue.getValue().getValue(); //------ based on GroupAlsoByWindowsViaOutputBufferDoFn ------// // Used with Batch, we know that all the data is available for this key. We can't use the // timer manager from the context because it doesn't exist. So we create one and emulate the // watermark, knowing that we have all data and it is in timestamp order. InMemoryTimerInternals timerInternals = new InMemoryTimerInternals(); timerInternals.advanceProcessingTime(; timerInternals.advanceSynchronizedProcessingTime(; StateInternals<K> stateInternals = stateInternalsFactory.stateInternalsForKey(key); GABWOutputWindowedValue<K, InputT> outputter = new GABWOutputWindowedValue<>(); ReduceFnRunner<K, InputT, Iterable<InputT>, W> reduceFnRunner = new ReduceFnRunner<>(key, windowingStrategy, ExecutableTriggerStateMachine .create(TriggerStateMachines.stateMachineForTrigger(windowingStrategy.getTrigger())), stateInternals, timerInternals, outputter, new SideInputReader() { @Override// w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m public <T> T get(PCollectionView<T> view, BoundedWindow sideInputWindow) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("GroupAlsoByWindow must not have side inputs"); } @Override public <T> boolean contains(PCollectionView<T> view) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("GroupAlsoByWindow must not have side inputs"); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("GroupAlsoByWindow must not have side inputs"); } }, droppedDueToClosedWindow, reduceFn, runtimeContext.getPipelineOptions()); Iterable<List<WindowedValue<InputT>>> chunks = Iterables.partition(inputs, 1000); for (Iterable<WindowedValue<InputT>> chunk : chunks) { // Process the chunk of elements. reduceFnRunner.processElements(chunk); // Then, since elements are sorted by their timestamp, advance the input watermark // to the first element. timerInternals.advanceInputWatermark(chunk.iterator().next().getTimestamp()); // Advance the processing times. timerInternals.advanceProcessingTime(; timerInternals.advanceSynchronizedProcessingTime(; // Fire all the eligible timers. fireEligibleTimers(timerInternals, reduceFnRunner); // Leave the output watermark undefined. Since there's no late data in batch mode // there's really no need to track it as we do for streaming. } // Finish any pending windows by advancing the input watermark to infinity. timerInternals.advanceInputWatermark(BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE); // Finally, advance the processing time to infinity to fire any timers. timerInternals.advanceProcessingTime(BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE); timerInternals.advanceSynchronizedProcessingTime(BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE); fireEligibleTimers(timerInternals, reduceFnRunner); reduceFnRunner.persist(); return outputter.getOutputs(); }
From source
public int run(String[] args) { if (args.length < 1) { printBasicHelp();/* www . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ return -1; } String jobType = args[0]; SequenceFileIterable results = null; String[] commandArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length); Configuration hadoopConf = new Configuration(); String[] otherArgs = null; try { otherArgs = new GenericOptionsParser(hadoopConf, commandArgs).getRemainingArgs(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to configure hadoop with provided options: " + e.getMessage(), e); return -1; } CliConfig commonConfig = null; if ("fixed".equals(jobType)) { FixedCliParser fixedParser = new FixedCliParser(); FixedCliConfig config = null; try { config = fixedParser.parse(otherArgs); commonConfig = config; } catch (ParseException | java.text.ParseException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.err.flush(); fixedParser.printHelp(); return -1; } if (config.showHelp()) { fixedParser.printHelp(); return 0; } Pair<Long, Long> time = timeAsNanosecondsSinceEpoch(config.getStartTime(), config.getEndTime()); long startTime = time.getLeft(); long endTime = time.getRight(); try { results = jobRunner.query(new Path(config.getBasePath()), new Path(config.getBaseOutputPath()), startTime, endTime, config.getNumReducers(), config.getFixedFields(), hadoopConf, FileSystem.get(hadoopConf), new FixedPcapFilter.Configurator()); } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to execute fixed filter job: " + e.getMessage(), e); return -1; } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to execute fixed filter job: " + e.getMessage(), e); return -1; } } else if ("query".equals(jobType)) { QueryCliParser queryParser = new QueryCliParser(); QueryCliConfig config = null; try { config = queryParser.parse(otherArgs); commonConfig = config; } catch (ParseException | java.text.ParseException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); queryParser.printHelp(); return -1; } if (config.showHelp()) { queryParser.printHelp(); return 0; } Pair<Long, Long> time = timeAsNanosecondsSinceEpoch(config.getStartTime(), config.getEndTime()); long startTime = time.getLeft(); long endTime = time.getRight(); try { results = jobRunner.query(new Path(config.getBasePath()), new Path(config.getBaseOutputPath()), startTime, endTime, config.getNumReducers(), config.getQuery(), hadoopConf, FileSystem.get(hadoopConf), new QueryPcapFilter.Configurator()); } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to execute query filter job: " + e.getMessage(), e); return -1; } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to execute query filter job: " + e.getMessage(), e); return -1; } } else { printBasicHelp(); return -1; } try { Iterable<List<byte[]>> partitions = Iterables.partition(results, commonConfig.getNumRecordsPerFile()); if (partitions.iterator().hasNext()) { for (List<byte[]> data : partitions) { String timestamp = clock.currentTimeFormatted("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSSZ"); String outFileName = String.format("pcap-data-%s.pcap", timestamp); if (data.size() > 0) { resultsWriter.write(data, outFileName); } } } else { System.out.println("No results returned."); } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to write file", e); return -1; } finally { try { results.cleanup(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to cleanup files in HDFS", e); } } return 0; }
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@Override public void fireEvent(final Hertz event) { final long defaultPollIntervalSeconds = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL_MINS); if (!Bootstrap.isOperational() || !BootstrapArgs.isCloudController() || !event.isAsserted(defaultPollIntervalSeconds)) { return;//from w w w .ja v a 2 } else { if (DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL_MINS >= 1) { COLLECTION_INTERVAL_TIME_MS = ((int) TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL_MINS) / 2); } else { COLLECTION_INTERVAL_TIME_MS = 0; } if (COLLECTION_INTERVAL_TIME_MS == 0 || HISTORY_SIZE > 15 || HISTORY_SIZE < 1) { LOG.debug("The instance usage report is disabled"); } else if (COLLECTION_INTERVAL_TIME_MS <= MAX_WRITE_INTERVAL_MS) { try { if (event.isAsserted(defaultPollIntervalSeconds)) { if (Bootstrap.isFinished() && Hosts.isCoordinator()) { CloudWatchHelper.DefaultInstanceInfoProvider.refresh(); for (final ServiceConfiguration ccConfig : Topology .enabledServices(ClusterController.class)) { final String ccHost = ccConfig.getHostName(); if (busyHosts.replace(ccHost, false, true) || busyHosts.putIfAbsent(ccHost, true) == null) { Threads.lookup(Eucalyptus.class, DescribeSensorsListener.class) .submit(new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { final ExecutorService executorService = Threads .lookup(Eucalyptus.class, DescribeSensorsListener.class, "response-processing") .limitTo(4); final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { final List<String> allInstanceIds = VmInstances .listWithProjection( VmInstances.instanceIdProjection(), VmInstance.criterion(VmState.RUNNING), VmInstance.zoneCriterion( ccConfig.getPartition()), VmInstance.nonNullNodeCriterion()); final Iterable<List<String>> processInts = Iterables .partition(allInstanceIds, SENSOR_QUERY_BATCH_SIZE); for (final List<String> instIds : processInts) { final ArrayList<String> instanceIds = Lists .newArrayList(instIds); /** * Here this is hijacking the sensor callback in order to control the thread of execution used when firing */ final DescribeSensorCallback msgCallback = new DescribeSensorCallback( HISTORY_SIZE, COLLECTION_INTERVAL_TIME_MS, instanceIds) { @Override public void fireException(Throwable e) { } @Override public void fire(DescribeSensorsResponseType msg) { } }; /** * Here we actually get the future reference to the result and on a response processing thread, invoke .fire(). */ final DescribeSensorsResponseType response = AsyncRequests .newRequest(msgCallback).dispatch(ccConfig) .get(); executorService.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { new DescribeSensorCallback(HISTORY_SIZE, COLLECTION_INTERVAL_TIME_MS, instanceIds).fire(response); } catch (Exception e) { Exceptions.maybeInterrupted(e); } } }); } } finally { /** * Only and finally set the busy bit back to false. */ busyHosts.put(ccHost, false); LOG.debug("Sensor polling for " + ccHost + " took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"); } return null; } }); } else { LOG.warn("Skipping sensors polling for " + ccHost + ", previous poll not complete."); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Unable to listen for describe sensors events", ex); } } else { LOG.error("DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL_MINS : " + DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL_MINS + " must be less than 1440 minutes"); } } }
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/** * Batch bulk database queries to prime the cache for {@link #doLookup(String, String, Long)}. * It is not necessary to call this method, but it is advised if many lookups are anticipated. * @param toType the type of the objects to which the query objects may be related, not <code>null</code> * @param fromType the query object's type, not <code>null</code> * @param fromIds the query objects' database IDs, none <code>null</code> *//*from w w w .j a v a2 s . c o m*/ protected void prepareLookups(String toType, String fromType, Collection<Long> fromIds) { /* note which query object IDs have not already had results cached */ final Set<Long> fromIdsToQuery = new HashSet<Long>(fromIds); for (final long fromId : fromIds) { if (cache.getFromCache(fromType, fromId, toType) != null) { fromIdsToQuery.remove(fromId); } } if (fromIdsToQuery.isEmpty()) { /* ... all of them are already cached */ return; } /* collate the results from multiple batches */ final SetMultimap<Long, Long> fromIdsToIds = HashMultimap.create(); for (final List<Long> fromIdsToQueryBatch : Iterables.partition(fromIdsToQuery, 256)) { for (final Object[] queryResult : doQuery(toType, fromType, fromIdsToQueryBatch)) { fromIdsToIds.put((Long) queryResult[0], (Long) queryResult[1]); } } /* cache the results by query object */ for (final Entry<Long, Collection<Long>> fromIdToIds : fromIdsToIds.asMap().entrySet()) { cache.putIntoCache(fromType, fromIdToIds.getKey(), toType, ImmutableSet.copyOf(fromIdToIds.getValue())); } /* note empty results so that the database is not again queried */ for (final Long fromId : Sets.difference(fromIdsToQuery, fromIdsToIds.keySet())) { cache.putIntoCache(fromType, fromId, toType, ImmutableSet.<Long>of()); } }
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/** * Creates the main tasks that will create the sub tasks to * download each report, split in 500 reports per main task. * //from w ww . ja va2 s. c om * @param builder the session builder. * @param reportType the report type. * @param dateRangeType the date range type. * @param dateStart the start date. * @param dateEnd the ending date. * @param acountIdList the account IDs. * @param properties the properties resource. */ private <R extends Report> void downloadAndProcess(String mccAccountId, ReportDefinitionReportType reportType, ReportDefinitionDateRangeType dateRangeType, String dateStart, String dateEnd, Set<Long> acountIdList, Properties properties) { // Download Reports to local files and Generate Report objects"\n\n ** Generating Taks for : " + + " **"); // No multiple reports of the same type ReportDefinition reportDefinition = getReportDefinition(reportType, dateRangeType, dateStart, dateEnd, reportType.value(), properties); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<R> reportBeanClass = (Class<R>) this.csvReportEntitiesMapping.getReportBeanClass(reportType); MccTaskCounter.increasePendingProcessTasks(Long.valueOf(mccAccountId), acountIdList.size()); // Create a task for each 500 accounts that will create sub-tasks for (List<Long> partition : Iterables.partition(acountIdList, 500)) { // We will make the queues wait 10 seconds to make sure all Creation tasks get queued. // Partition needs to be serializable + " " + partition.size()); QueueFactory.getDefaultQueue() .add(TaskOptions.Builder.withPayload(new ReportTaskCreator<R>(mccAccountId, Lists.newArrayList(partition), reportDefinition, dateStart, dateEnd, reportRowsSetSize, reportType, dateRangeType, reportBeanClass)).countdownMillis(10 * 1000l)); } }
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public void processCategories(Map<String, String> categories) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {"Processing categories"); final ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); List<Future<Map<String, Set<Long>>>> contentsFutures = new ArrayList<>(); Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx();/*from ww w . j ava 2s .c o m*/ for (Entry<String, String> category : categories.entrySet()) { ReadableIndex<Node> nodeIndex = graphDb.index().getNodeAutoIndexer().getAutoIndex(); Node root = nodeIndex.get(CommonProperties.IRI, category.getKey()).getSingle(); final Future<Map<String, Set<Long>>> contentFuture = pool .submit(new CategoryProcessor(graphDb, root, category.getValue())); contentsFutures.add(contentFuture); } Map<String, Set<Long>> toTag = new HashMap<String, Set<Long>>(); for (Future<Map<String, Set<Long>>> contentFuture : contentsFutures) { final Map<String, Set<Long>> resolved = contentFuture.get(); Iterator<String> iter = resolved.keySet().iterator(); if (iter.hasNext()) { // is empty if the provided IRI does not exist String key = resolved.keySet().iterator().next(); if (toTag.containsKey(key)) { // in case of many IRIs map to the same category Set<Long> acc = toTag.get(key); acc.addAll(resolved.get(key)); toTag.put(key, acc); } else { toTag.putAll(resolved); } } } pool.shutdown(); pool.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.DAYS); tx.success(); tx.close(); tx = graphDb.beginTx(); for (Entry<String, Set<Long>> t : toTag.entrySet()) { String category = t.getKey();"Tagging " + t.getValue().size() + " for " + category); final ExecutorService taggingPool = Executors .newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); List<Future<Boolean>> taggedFutures = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<Long> ids : Iterables.partition(t.getValue(), 1000)) { final Future<Boolean> contentFuture = taggingPool .submit(new CategoryLabeler(graphDb, ids, category)); taggedFutures.add(contentFuture); } for (Future<Boolean> taggedFuture : taggedFutures) { taggedFuture.get(); } taggingPool.shutdown(); taggingPool.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.DAYS); } tx.success(); tx.close(); }
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private void purgeSnapshots(final List<Long> snapshotIds) { // note that events are not deleted for (Long snapshotId : snapshotIds) { purgeMapper.deleteSnapshotDependencies(snapshotId); }/* www .ja va 2 s.c o m*/ session.commit(); for (Long snapshotId : snapshotIds) { purgeMapper.deleteSnapshotDuplications(snapshotId); } session.commit(); for (Long snapshotId : snapshotIds) { purgeMapper.deleteSnapshotSource(snapshotId); } session.commit(); for (Long snapshotId : snapshotIds) { purgeMapper.deleteSnapshotViolations(snapshotId); } session.commit(); for (Long snapshotId : snapshotIds) { purgeMapper.deleteSnapshotGraphs(snapshotId); } session.commit(); List<Long> metricIdsWithoutHistoricalData = purgeMapper.selectMetricIdsWithoutHistoricalData(); if (!metricIdsWithoutHistoricalData.isEmpty()) { for (Long snapshotId : snapshotIds) { purgeMapper.deleteSnapshotWastedMeasures(snapshotId, metricIdsWithoutHistoricalData); } session.commit(); } List<Long> characteristicIds = purgeMapper.selectCharacteristicIdsToPurge(); if (!characteristicIds.isEmpty()) { for (Long snapshotId : snapshotIds) { // SONAR-3641 We cannot process all characteristics at once for (List<Long> ids : Iterables.partition(characteristicIds, MAX_CHARACTERISTICS_PER_QUERY)) { purgeMapper.deleteSnapshotMeasuresOnCharacteristics(snapshotId, ids); } } session.commit(); } for (Long snapshotId : snapshotIds) { purgeMapper.updatePurgeStatusToOne(snapshotId); } session.commit(); }
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@Override protected void doCheck() { Session session = null;//from w ww . ja va 2 s .c o m try { session = sessionFactory.openSession(); int deleteCount = 0; String hql; hql = "DELETE FROM AnnotationAnnotationLink WHERE id IN " + "(SELECT FROM AnnotationAnnotationLink link WHERE link.parent.class IN (:classes))"; deleteCount += session.createQuery(hql).setParameterList("classes", badDiscriminators).executeUpdate(); for (final String annotationLinkClass : annotationLinkClasses) { hql = "DELETE FROM " + annotationLinkClass + " WHERE id IN " + "(SELECT FROM " + annotationLinkClass + " link WHERE link.child.class IN (:classes))"; deleteCount += session.createQuery(hql).setParameterList("classes", badDiscriminators) .executeUpdate(); final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("SELECT id, "); if (!noParentGroup.contains(annotationLinkClass)) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(","); sb.append(" FROM "); sb.append(annotationLinkClass); hql = sb.toString(); final Set<Long> toDelete = new HashSet<Long>(); for (final Object resultRow : session.createQuery(hql).list()) { final Object[] resultArray = (Object[]) resultRow; final long[] ids = new long[resultArray.length]; for (int index = 0; index < resultArray.length; index++) { ids[index] = (Long) resultArray[index]; } final long actualLinkId = ids[0]; ids[0] = ids[1]; if (isTooManyGroupIds(ids)) { toDelete.add(actualLinkId); } } if (!toDelete.isEmpty()) { hql = "DELETE FROM " + annotationLinkClass + " WHERE id IN (:ids)"; for (final List<Long> toDeleteBatch : Iterables.partition(toDelete, 256)) { deleteCount += session.createQuery(hql).setParameterList("ids", toDeleteBatch) .executeUpdate(); } } } hql = "DELETE FROM Annotation annotation WHERE annotation.class IN (:classes)"; deleteCount += session.createQuery(hql).setParameterList("classes", badDiscriminators).executeUpdate(); if (deleteCount > 0) { log.warn("deleted bad annotations or links, count = " + deleteCount); } else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("verified annotations and links"); } } catch (HibernateException e) { final String message = "error in checking annotations and links"; log.error(message, e); throw new InternalException(message); } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } }