Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables partition

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables partition


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables partition.


public static <T> Iterable<List<T>> partition(final Iterable<T> iterable, final int size) 

Source Link


Divides an iterable into unmodifiable sublists of the given size (the final iterable may be smaller).


From source file:ome.services.graphs.ModelObjectSequencer.java

 * Sort a list of original file IDs such that files precede containing directories.
 * @param session the Hibernate session//from ww w . j a  v a2  s .co  m
 * @param unorderedIds the IDs of original files
 * @return a batching of the given IDs such that a batch containing a file precedes a batch containing a containing directory
public static Collection<Collection<Long>> sortOriginalFileIds(Session session, Collection<Long> unorderedIds) {
    if (unorderedIds.size() < 2) {
        /* no need to rearrange anything, as there are not multiple original files */
        return Collections.<Collection<Long>>singleton(new ArrayList<Long>(unorderedIds));
    final String hql = "SELECT id, length(path) FROM OriginalFile WHERE id IN (:ids)";
    final SortedMap<Integer, List<Long>> filesByPathLength = new TreeMap<Integer, List<Long>>(
    for (final Collection<Long> idBatch : Iterables.partition(unorderedIds, 256)) {
        for (final Object[] result : (List<Object[]>) session.createQuery(hql).setParameterList("ids", idBatch)
                .list()) {
            final Long id = (Long) result[0];
            final Integer length = (Integer) result[1];
            List<Long> idList = filesByPathLength.get(length);
            if (idList == null) {
                idList = new ArrayList<Long>();
                filesByPathLength.put(length, idList);
    final Collection<Collection<Long>> orderedIds = new ArrayList<Collection<Long>>();
    for (final List<Long> ids : filesByPathLength.values()) {
    return orderedIds;

From source file:io.crate.operation.ThreadPools.java

 * runs each runnable of the runnableCollection in it's own thread unless there aren't enough threads available.
 * In that case it will partition the runnableCollection to match the number of available threads.
 * @throws RejectedExecutionException in case all threads are busy and overloaded.
 *//* ww w . j av a2 s . c  o  m*/
public static void runWithAvailableThreads(ThreadPoolExecutor executor, Collection<Runnable> runnableCollection)
        throws RejectedExecutionException {
    int availableThreads = Math.max(executor.getMaximumPoolSize() - executor.getActiveCount(), 2);
    if (availableThreads < runnableCollection.size()) {
        Iterable<List<Runnable>> partition = Iterables.partition(runnableCollection,
                runnableCollection.size() / availableThreads);

        for (final List<Runnable> runnableList : partition) {
            executor.execute(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    for (Runnable runnable : runnableList) {
    } else {
        for (Runnable runnable : runnableCollection) {

From source file:de.iteratec.iteraplan.persistence.util.CriteriaUtil.java

public static <T> Criterion createInRestrictions(String propName, final Iterable<T> elements) {
    final Iterable<List<T>> partitions = Iterables.partition(elements, Constants.DB_ORACLE_MAX_IN);
    final Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction();
    for (List<T> partition : partitions) {
        disjunction.add(Restrictions.in(propName, partition));
    }/*from   www.  j a  v a2  s  .  c o  m*/

    return disjunction;

From source file:cosmos.results.PagedResults.java

public PagedResults(CloseableIterable<T> results, Paging limits) {
    checkNotNull(results);/*from w ww.  j  a  v a2  s. co  m*/

    source = results;
    pagedLimitedResults = Iterables.partition(Iterables.limit(results, limits.maxResults()), limits.pageSize());

From source file:com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.rdbms.utils.AtlasSqlUtils.java

public static <V> void batch(Iterable<V> items, Function<Collection<V>, Void> runWithBatch) {
    for (List<V> chunk : Iterables.partition(items, CHUNK_SIZE)) {
        runWithBatch.apply(chunk);/* w w  w .  j a  va  2  s . co m*/

From source file:org.asoem.greyfish.utils.collect.LinearSequences.java

 * Create a crossover product between two {@code Iterables} with crossovers at given {@code indices}. This means
 * that both {@code Iterable}s in the returned product are a combination of the input iterables in such a way, that
 * the constructed iterable switches the input iterable at each given position. Both input {@code Iterable}s will be
 * zipped with {@link Products#zip(Iterable, Iterable)}. Therefore the returned {@code Iterable}s will have the same
 * size equal to the size of the input iterable with the fewest elements.
 * @param x       The first Iterable//  w w  w .j a va2  s .c o  m
 * @param y       The second Iterable
 * @param indices the indices at which to do the crossovers
 * @param <E>     the type of the elements in {@code Iterable}s
 * @return a product of Iterables with crossovers at the given indices
public static <E> Product2<Iterable<E>, Iterable<E>> crossover(final Iterable<E> x, final Iterable<E> y,
        final Set<Integer> indices) {

    final Iterable<Product2<E, E>> zipped = Products.zip(x, y);

    if (indices.isEmpty()) {
        return Products.unzip(zipped);
    } else {
        final FunctionalList<Range<Integer>> ranges = ImmutableFunctionalList.copyOf(
                Iterables.transform(Iterables.partition(Ordering.natural().immutableSortedCopy(indices), 2),
                        new Function<List<Integer>, Range<Integer>>() {
                            public Range<Integer> apply(@Nullable final List<Integer> input) {
                                assert input != null;
                                return input.size() == 2 ? Range.closed(input.get(0), input.get(1))
                                        : Range.atLeast(input.get(0));

        return Products.unzip(Iterables.transform(Products.zipWithIndex(zipped),
                new Function<Product2<Product2<E, E>, Integer>, Product2<E, E>>() {
                    public Product2<E, E> apply(@Nullable final Product2<Product2<E, E>, Integer> input) {
                        assert input != null;
                        return ranges.any(new Predicate<Range<Integer>>() {
                            public boolean apply(@Nullable final Range<Integer> range) {
                                assert range != null;
                                return range.contains(input.second());
                        }) ? Products.swap(input.first()) : input.first();

From source file:com.github.fhuss.storm.cassandra.bolt.GroupingBatchBuilder.java

private Iterable<PairBatchStatementTuples> build() {
    Iterable<List<PairStatementTuple>> partition = Iterables.partition(statements, batchSizeRows);
    return Iterables.transform(partition, new Function<List<PairStatementTuple>, PairBatchStatementTuples>() {
        @Override//from   ww  w.j a v a  2s .c o  m
        public PairBatchStatementTuples apply(List<PairStatementTuple> l) {
            final List<Tuple> inputs = new LinkedList<>();
            final BatchStatement batch = new BatchStatement(BatchStatement.Type.UNLOGGED);
            for (PairStatementTuple pair : l) {
            return new PairBatchStatementTuples(inputs, batch);

From source file:de.iteratec.iteraplan.persistence.util.CriteriaUtil.java

public static <T> Criterion createNotInRestrictions(String propName, final Iterable<T> elements) {
    final Iterable<List<T>> partitions = Iterables.partition(elements, Constants.DB_ORACLE_MAX_IN);
    final Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction();
    for (List<T> partition : partitions) {
        disjunction.add(Restrictions.in(propName, partition));
    }//from   w w  w.  j  av a2 s . c o  m

    return Restrictions.not(disjunction);

From source file:io.crate.execution.support.ThreadPools.java

 * runs each runnable of the runnableCollection in it's own thread unless there aren't enough threads available.
 * In that case it will partition the runnableCollection to match the number of available threads.
 * @param executor           executor that is used to execute the callableList
 * @param poolSize           the corePoolSize of the given executor
 * @param suppliers          a collection of callable that should be executed
 * @param mergeFunction      function that will be applied to merge the results of multiple callable in case that they are
 *                           executed together if the threadPool is exhausted
 * @param <T>                type of the final result
 * @return a future that will return a list of the results of the callableList
 * @throws RejectedExecutionException in case all threads are busy and overloaded.
 *//* www.  ja v a2s  .co  m*/
public static <T> CompletableFuture<List<T>> runWithAvailableThreads(ThreadPoolExecutor executor, int poolSize,
        Collection<Supplier<T>> suppliers, final Function<List<T>, T> mergeFunction)
        throws RejectedExecutionException {

    List<CompletableFuture<T>> futures;
    int availableThreads = Math.max(poolSize - executor.getActiveCount(), 1);
    if (availableThreads < suppliers.size()) {
        Iterable<List<Supplier<T>>> partition = Iterables.partition(suppliers,
                suppliers.size() / availableThreads);

        futures = new ArrayList<>(availableThreads + 1);
        for (final List<Supplier<T>> callableList : partition) {
            CompletableFuture<T> future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
                List<T> results = new ArrayList<T>(callableList.size());
                for (Supplier<T> supplier : callableList) {
                return mergeFunction.apply(results);
            }, executor);
    } else {
        futures = new ArrayList<>(suppliers.size());
        for (Supplier<T> supplier : suppliers) {
            futures.add(CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(supplier, executor));
    return CompletableFutures.allAsList(futures);

From source file:com.myGengo.alfresco.polling.MyGengoJobsBatchProcessWorker.java

public void process(MyGengoJobBatchEntry entry) throws Throwable {
    Collection<NodeRef> jobRefs = entry.getJobRefs();
    Iterable<List<NodeRef>> partition = Iterables.partition(jobRefs, 50);
    for (List<NodeRef> partitionJobs : partition) {
        translationService.refreshTranslations(entry.getAccount(), partitionJobs);
    }//from ww w  .j  a v a2 s  .c  o m
