List of usage examples for Iterables getFirst
@Nullable public static <T> T getFirst(Iterable<? extends T> iterable, @Nullable T defaultValue)
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@Nullable public TargetIdeInfo findFirstTarget(Project project, Predicate<TargetIdeInfo> predicate) { return Iterables.getFirst(findTargets(project, predicate), null); }
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/** * @return Flavor The first Flavor available. */ private Flavor getFlavor() { return Iterables.getFirst(flavorApi.list(), null); }
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public static LaunchConfigData createFromProperties(String workingDir, ClassLoader classLoader, Properties overrideProperties, Properties defaultProperties) { String configResourceValue = overrideProperties.getProperty(CONFIG_RESOURCE_PROPERTY, CONFIG_RESOURCE_DEFAULT);/*from w ww. j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ URL configResourceUrl = classLoader.getResource(configResourceValue); Path configPath; Path baseDir; if (configResourceUrl == null) { configPath = Paths.get(configResourceValue); if (!configPath.isAbsolute()) { configPath = Paths.get(workingDir, configResourceValue); } baseDir = configPath.getParent(); } else { configPath = resourceToPath(configResourceUrl); baseDir = configPath.getParent(); if (baseDir == null && configPath.getFileSystem().provider() instanceof ZipFileSystemProvider) { baseDir = Iterables.getFirst(configPath.getFileSystem().getRootDirectories(), null); } if (baseDir == null) { throw new LaunchException("Cannot determine base dir given config resource: " + configPath); } } return createFromFile(classLoader, baseDir, configPath, overrideProperties, defaultProperties); }
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@Override public DeployVirtualMachineOptions apply(CloudStackTemplateOptions templateOptions, Map<String, Network> networks, String zoneId, DeployVirtualMachineOptions options) { // security groups not allowed. // at least one network must be given to CloudStack, // but jclouds will try to autodetect an appropriate network if none given. checkArgument(templateOptions.getSecurityGroupIds().isEmpty(), "security groups cannot be specified for locations (zones) that use advanced networking"); if (templateOptions.getNetworkIds().size() > 0) { options.networkIds(templateOptions.getNetworkIds()); } else if (templateOptions.getIpsToNetworks().isEmpty()) { checkArgument(!networks.isEmpty(), "please setup a network for zone: " + zoneId); Network defaultNetworkInZone = Iterables.getFirst( filter(networks.values(), and(defaultNetworkInZone(zoneId), supportsStaticNAT())), null); if (defaultNetworkInZone == null) { defaultNetworkInZone = Iterables.getFirst(filter(networks.values(), isIsolatedNetwork()), null); }//from w w w . j a va 2 s. c o m if (defaultNetworkInZone == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "please choose a specific network in zone " + zoneId + ": " + networks); } else { options.networkId(defaultNetworkInZone.getId()); } } return options; }
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public static String getBuilderTypeDescriptionForCreatableTypes( Collection<? extends Class<?>> createableTypes) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(CollectionBuilder.class.getName()); if (createableTypes.size() == 1) { @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") String onlyType = Iterables.getFirst(createableTypes, null).getName(); sb.append("<").append(onlyType).append(">"); } else {/* w ww. jav a2 s .c om*/ sb.append("<T>; where T is one of ["); Joiner.on(", ").appendTo(sb, CollectionUtils.sort(Iterables.transform(createableTypes, new Function<Class<?>, String>() { public String apply(Class<?> input) { return input.getName(); } }))); sb.append("]"); } return sb.toString(); }
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@Override public void put(DelegationIdentity id, GSSCredential credential) throws DelegationException { try {//from w ww . ja v a 2 s .c o m Iterable<String> fqans = GSSUtils.getFQANsFromGSSCredential(vomsDir, caDir, credential); String primaryFqan = Iterables.getFirst(fqans, null); RequestCredential srmCredential = new RequestCredential(nameFromId(id), primaryFqan, credential, _store); _store.saveRequestCredential(srmCredential); } catch (AuthorizationException | GSSException | RuntimeException e) { throw new DelegationException("failed to save credential: " + e.getMessage()); } }
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/** * Gets the first value found for the given header * * @param headerName Header name/*ww w.j ava 2 s .c o m*/ * @param defaultValue Default value if the header does not exist * @return The first header value found, or the default value */ public String getHeader(String headerName, String defaultValue) { return Iterables.getFirst(headersUppercase.get(headerName.toUpperCase()), defaultValue); }
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@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private DataContainerCodecPrototype(final Class<?> cls, final YangInstanceIdentifier.PathArgument arg, final T nodeSchema, final CodecContextFactory factory) { super();/* w w w. j a v a 2 m*/ this.bindingClass = cls; this.yangArg = arg; this.schema = nodeSchema; this.factory = factory; this.bindingArg = new InstanceIdentifier.Item(bindingClass); if (arg instanceof AugmentationIdentifier) { this.namespace = Iterables.getFirst(((AugmentationIdentifier) arg).getPossibleChildNames(), null) .getModule(); } else { this.namespace = arg.getNodeType().getModule(); } }
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private void serializeValue(JsonSerializationContext context, JsonObject o, Collection<AttributeExp> values) { checkArgument(values != null && !values.isEmpty(), "Attribute value is mandatory."); AttributeExp firstValue = Iterables.getFirst(values, null); o.addProperty(DATA_TYPE_PROPERTY, firstValue.getType().getShortDataTypeId()); Optional<TypeToGSon> toGson = TypeToGSon.Types.getIndex().get(firstValue.getType()); checkState(toGson.isPresent());//from w ww . j a v a2 s. co m if (values.size() == 1) { o.add(VALUE_PROPERTY, toGson.get().toJson(firstValue, context)); return; } JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); for (AttributeExp a : values) { checkArgument(firstValue.getType().equals(a.getType())); array.add(toGson.get().toJson(a, context)); } o.add(VALUE_PROPERTY, array); }
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@Override protected String commandToBeLogged(String sent) { String requestId = Iterables.getFirst(Splitter.on(" ").split(sent), ""); return requestId + " " + passwordFilteredCommand; }