Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* dCache -
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package org.dcache.gridsite;

import org.globus.gsi.gssapi.auth.AuthorizationException;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;

import org.dcache.auth.util.GSSUtils;
import org.dcache.delegation.gridsite2.DelegationException;
import org.dcache.srm.request.RequestCredential;
import org.dcache.srm.request.RequestCredentialStorage;
import org.dcache.util.Glob;

import static org.dcache.gridsite.Utilities.assertThat;

 * The SrmCredentialStore acts as a bridge between the SRM's delegation store
 * and the API expected by GridSite.
public class SrmCredentialStore implements CredentialStore {
    private RequestCredentialStorage _store;
    private String caDir;
    private String vomsDir;

    public void setCaCertificatePath(String caDir) {
        this.caDir = caDir;

    public void setVomsdir(String vomsDir) {
        this.vomsDir = vomsDir;

    public void setRequestCredentialStorage(RequestCredentialStorage store) {
        _store = store;

    public GSSCredential get(DelegationIdentity id) throws DelegationException {
        RequestCredential credential = _store.getRequestCredential(nameFromId(id), null);
        assertThat(credential != null, "no stored credential", id);
        return credential.getDelegatedCredential();

    public void put(DelegationIdentity id, GSSCredential credential) throws DelegationException {
        try {
            Iterable<String> fqans = GSSUtils.getFQANsFromGSSCredential(vomsDir, caDir, credential);
            String primaryFqan = Iterables.getFirst(fqans, null);

            RequestCredential srmCredential = new RequestCredential(nameFromId(id), primaryFqan, credential,
        } catch (AuthorizationException | GSSException | RuntimeException e) {
            throw new DelegationException("failed to save credential: " + e.getMessage());

    public void remove(DelegationIdentity id) throws DelegationException {
        boolean isSuccessful;

        try {
            isSuccessful = _store.deleteRequestCredential(nameFromId(id), null);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new DelegationException("internal problem: " + e.getMessage());

        assertThat(isSuccessful, "no credential", id);

    public boolean has(DelegationIdentity id) throws DelegationException {
        try {
            return _store.hasRequestCredential(nameFromId(id), null);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new DelegationException("internal problem: " + e.getMessage());

    public Calendar getExpiry(DelegationIdentity id) throws DelegationException {
        RequestCredential credential = _store.getRequestCredential(nameFromId(id), null);

        assertThat(credential != null, "no credential", id);

        Date expiry = new Date(credential.getDelegatedCredentialExpiration());
        Calendar result = Calendar.getInstance();
        return result;

    private static String nameFromId(DelegationIdentity id) {
        // Treat the delegation ID 'gsi' as a special case that maps to
        // the storage for this user via GSI.
        if (id.getDelegationId().equals("gsi")) {
            return id.getDn();
        } else {
            return id.getDelegationId() + " " + id.getDn();

    public GSSCredential search(String dn) {
        GSSCredential bestWithFqan = search(dn, new Glob("*"));
        GSSCredential bestWithoutFqan = search(dn, (Glob) null);

        if (bestWithFqan == null) {
            return bestWithoutFqan;
        } else if (bestWithoutFqan == null) {
            return bestWithFqan;

        long bestWithFqanLifetime;

        try {
            bestWithFqanLifetime = bestWithFqan.getRemainingLifetime();
        } catch (GSSException ignored) {
            // treat as expired
            bestWithFqanLifetime = 0;

        long bestWithoutFqanLifetime;

        try {
            bestWithoutFqanLifetime = bestWithoutFqan.getRemainingLifetime();
        } catch (GSSException ignored) {
            // treat as expired
            bestWithoutFqanLifetime = 0;

        if (bestWithoutFqanLifetime > bestWithFqanLifetime) {
            return bestWithoutFqan;

        return (bestWithFqanLifetime > 0) ? bestWithFqan : null;

    public GSSCredential search(String dn, String fqan) {
        return search(dn, fqan != null ? new Glob(fqan) : null);

    private GSSCredential search(String dn, Glob fqan) {
        long lifetime = 0;
        RequestCredential credential = null;

        RequestCredential gsiCredential = _store.searchRequestCredential(new Glob(dn), fqan);
        if (gsiCredential != null) {
            lifetime = gsiCredential.getDelegatedCredentialRemainingLifetime();
            if (lifetime > 0) {
                credential = gsiCredential;

        RequestCredential gridsiteCredential = _store.searchRequestCredential(new Glob("* " + dn), fqan);
        if (gridsiteCredential != null && gridsiteCredential.getDelegatedCredentialRemainingLifetime() > lifetime) {
            credential = gridsiteCredential;

        return credential != null ? credential.getDelegatedCredential() : null;