List of usage examples for Iterables getFirst
@Nullable public static <T> T getFirst(Iterable<? extends T> iterable, @Nullable T defaultValue)
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@Override public void sendOutgoingMessage(@Nonnull OutgoingMessage outgoingMessage) { this.plugin.getBootstrap().getSpongeScheduler().createTaskBuilder().interval(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .execute(task -> {/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ if (!this.plugin.getBootstrap().getGame().isServerAvailable()) { return; } Collection<Player> players = this.plugin.getBootstrap().getGame().getServer() .getOnlinePlayers(); Player p = Iterables.getFirst(players, null); if (p == null) { return; }, buf -> buf.writeUTF(outgoingMessage.asEncodedString())); task.cancel(); }).submit(this.plugin.getBootstrap()); }
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private Function<Void, Void> getSleepFunction(String sleepConfig) { String usageMessage = "Unexpected: " + sleepConfig + " Expected value: integer for a fixed sleep duration in milliseconds (e.g. 10) " + "or a range of latencies separated by a comma (e.g. \"10, 20\") to sleep a random amount in that range."; try {//from w ww . ja v a 2s. com if (sleepConfig.contains(",")) { // random latency within a range. Iterable<String> it = Splitter.on(',').split(sleepConfig); Integer min = ConversionUtils.convert(Iterables.getFirst(it, "").trim(), Integer.class); Integer max = ConversionUtils.convert(Iterables.getLast(it, "").trim(), Integer.class); if (min != null && max != null) { return new RandomLatency(min, max); } } else { //fixed latency Integer latency = ConversionUtils.convert(sleepConfig.trim(), Integer.class); if (latency != null) { return new FixedLatency(latency); } } } catch (Throwable t) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(usageMessage, t); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(usageMessage); }
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public Span findFirstDescendentSpan() { SyntaxTreeNode current = this; while (current != null && current.isBlock()) { current = Iterables.getFirst(((Block) current).children, null); }/*from ww w . j a v a2s. c o m*/ return typeAs(current, Span.class); }
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@Override public void loadModel() { for (Alias alias : aliasManager.getAliases()) { aliases.put(alias.getName(), alias); listeners.getCallable(AliasDialogModelListener.class).aliasAdded(alias); }/* ww w . ja v a2s.c o m*/ setSelectedAlias(Optional.ofNullable(Iterables.getFirst(aliasManager.getAliases(), null))); }
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public String getFirstPublicAddress() { return Iterables.getFirst(instanceMetadata.getPublicAddresses(), null); }
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private Iterable<WindowedValue<AccumT>> createAccumulator(WindowedValue<InputT> input) { // sort exploded inputs. Iterable<WindowedValue<InputT>> sortedInputs = sortByWindows(input.explodeWindows()); TimestampCombiner timestampCombiner = windowingStrategy.getTimestampCombiner(); WindowFn<?, BoundedWindow> windowFn = windowingStrategy.getWindowFn(); //--- inputs iterator, by window order. final Iterator<WindowedValue<InputT>> iterator = sortedInputs.iterator(); WindowedValue<InputT> currentInput =; BoundedWindow currentWindow = Iterables.getFirst(currentInput.getWindows(), null); // first create the accumulator and accumulate first input. AccumT accumulator = combineFn.createAccumulator(ctxtForInput(currentInput)); accumulator = combineFn.addInput(accumulator, currentInput.getValue(), ctxtForInput(currentInput)); // keep track of the timestamps assigned by the TimestampCombiner. Instant windowTimestamp = timestampCombiner.assign(currentWindow, windowingStrategy.getWindowFn().getOutputTime(currentInput.getTimestamp(), currentWindow)); // accumulate the next windows, or output. List<WindowedValue<AccumT>> output = Lists.newArrayList(); // if merging, merge overlapping windows, e.g. Sessions. final boolean merging = !windowingStrategy.getWindowFn().isNonMerging(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { WindowedValue<InputT> nextValue =; BoundedWindow nextWindow = Iterables.getOnlyElement(nextValue.getWindows()); boolean mergingAndIntersecting = merging && isIntersecting((IntervalWindow) currentWindow, (IntervalWindow) nextWindow); if (mergingAndIntersecting || nextWindow.equals(currentWindow)) { if (mergingAndIntersecting) { // merge intersecting windows. currentWindow = merge((IntervalWindow) currentWindow, (IntervalWindow) nextWindow); }// w ww .java2s .c om // keep accumulating and carry on ;-) accumulator = combineFn.addInput(accumulator, nextValue.getValue(), ctxtForInput(nextValue)); windowTimestamp = timestampCombiner.merge(currentWindow, windowTimestamp, windowingStrategy.getWindowFn().getOutputTime(nextValue.getTimestamp(), currentWindow)); } else { // moving to the next window, first add the current accumulation to output // and initialize the accumulator. output.add(WindowedValue.of(accumulator, windowTimestamp, currentWindow, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)); // re-init accumulator, window and timestamp. accumulator = combineFn.createAccumulator(ctxtForInput(nextValue)); accumulator = combineFn.addInput(accumulator, nextValue.getValue(), ctxtForInput(nextValue)); currentWindow = nextWindow; windowTimestamp = timestampCombiner.assign(currentWindow, windowFn.getOutputTime(nextValue.getTimestamp(), currentWindow)); } } // add last accumulator to the output. output.add(WindowedValue.of(accumulator, windowTimestamp, currentWindow, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)); return output; }
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/** * Returns initial SDK location. That will be the SDK location from the installer * handoff file in the handoff case, sdk location location from the preference if set * or platform-dependant default path.//from w w w . j a v a2s . com */ @NotNull public static File getInitialSdkLocation(@NotNull FirstRunWizardMode mode) { File dest = mode.getSdkLocation(); if (dest != null) { return dest; } else { List<Sdk> sdks = AndroidSdks.getInstance().getAllAndroidSdks(); Sdk sdk = Iterables.getFirst(sdks, null); if (sdk != null) { VirtualFile homeDirectory = sdk.getHomeDirectory(); if (homeDirectory != null) { return VfsUtilCore.virtualToIoFile(homeDirectory); } } return getDefaultSdkLocation(); } }
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/** * The equivalent of {@code genNaiveBaseNameForExpr()} in our new algorithm for generating base * name.//from www. j a va m * * Examples: $aaaBbb -> AAA_BBB; $aaa_bbb -> AAA_BBB; $aaa.bbb -> BBB; $ -> AAA; * aaa.BBB -> BBB; $aaa.0 -> AAA_0; $aaa[0] -> AAA_0; $aaa[0].bbb -> BBB; length($aaa) -> * fallback; $aaa + 1 -> fallback * * @param exprNode The expr root of the expression to generate the shortest base name for. * @param fallbackBaseName The fallback base name to use if the given expression doesn't generate * any base names. * @return The generated base name. */ public static String genShortestBaseNameForExpr(ExprNode exprNode, String fallbackBaseName) { List<String> candidateBaseNames = genCandidateBaseNamesForExpr(exprNode); return Iterables.getFirst(candidateBaseNames, fallbackBaseName); }
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/** * Creates the output root data.// ww w .ja va 2 s . c o m * * @return the output root data, not null */ protected FlexiBean createRootData() { FlexiBean out = getFreemarker().createRootData(); out.put("ogStyle", new StyleTag(data())); out.put("ogScript", new ScriptTag(data())); HttpHeaders httpHeaders = data().getHttpHeaders(); String openfin = StringUtils.EMPTY; if (httpHeaders != null) { out.put("httpHeaders", data().getHttpHeaders()); List<String> openfinHeader = httpHeaders.getRequestHeader("x-powered-by"); if (openfinHeader != null) { openfin = Iterables.getFirst(openfinHeader, StringUtils.EMPTY); } } out.put("openfin", openfin.toLowerCase()); return out; }
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/** * Returns the addresses of all basic blocks of a function. Note that the addresses are already * converted to REIL addresses.//from w w w . j a v a2s. c o m * * @param function The input function. * * @return A list of all basic block addresses of the function. */ private static Collection<IAddress> getBlockAddresses(final IBlockContainer<?> function) { return, new ICollectionMapper<ICodeContainer<?>, IAddress>() { private boolean isDelayedBranch(final ReilInstruction instruction) { return instruction.getMnemonic().equals(ReilHelpers.OPCODE_JCC) && ReilHelpers.isDelayedBranch(instruction); } @Override public IAddress map(final ICodeContainer<?> block) { final IInstruction lastInstruction = Iterables.getFirst(block.getInstructions(), null); // getLastInstruction(block); final ReilTranslator<IInstruction> translator = new ReilTranslator<IInstruction>(); try { final ReilGraph reilGraph = translator.translate(new StandardEnvironment(), lastInstruction); final ReilBlock lastNode = reilGraph.getNodes().get(reilGraph.getNodes().size() - 1); final ReilInstruction lastReilInstruction = Iterables .getLast(lastNode.getInstructions()); if (isDelayedBranch(lastReilInstruction)) // If branch-delay { return ReilHelpers .toReilAddress(Iterables.get(block.getInstructions(), 1).getAddress()); } else { return ReilHelpers.toReilAddress(block.getAddress()); } } catch (final InternalTranslationException e) { return ReilHelpers.toReilAddress(block.getAddress()); } } }); }