Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ratpack.launch.internal; import; import com.sun.nio.zipfs.ZipFileSystemProvider; import ratpack.api.Nullable; import ratpack.launch.HandlerFactory; import ratpack.launch.LaunchConfig; import ratpack.launch.LaunchConfigBuilder; import ratpack.launch.LaunchConfigs.*; import ratpack.launch.LaunchException; import ratpack.ssl.SSLContexts; import ratpack.util.internal.PropertiesUtil; import ratpack.util.internal.TypeCoercingProperties; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.*; import java.util.*; import static ratpack.launch.LaunchConfig.*; import static ratpack.launch.LaunchConfigs.*; import static ratpack.launch.LaunchConfigs.Property.*; import static ratpack.util.ExceptionUtils.uncheck; import static ratpack.util.internal.PropertiesUtil.extractProperties; public class LaunchConfigsInternal { private LaunchConfigsInternal() { } public static LaunchConfigData createFromGlobalProperties(String workingDir, ClassLoader classLoader, Properties globalProperties, Properties defaultProperties) { String propertyPrefix = globalProperties.getProperty(SYSPROP_PREFIX_PROPERTY, SYSPROP_PREFIX_DEFAULT); return createFromGlobalProperties(workingDir, classLoader, propertyPrefix, globalProperties, defaultProperties); } public static LaunchConfigData createFromGlobalProperties(String workingDir, ClassLoader classLoader, String propertyPrefix, Properties globalProperties, Properties defaultProperties) { Properties deprefixed = new Properties(); extractProperties(propertyPrefix, globalProperties, deprefixed); return createFromProperties(workingDir, classLoader, deprefixed, defaultProperties); } public static LaunchConfigData createFromProperties(String workingDir, ClassLoader classLoader, Properties overrideProperties, Properties defaultProperties) { String configResourceValue = overrideProperties.getProperty(CONFIG_RESOURCE_PROPERTY, CONFIG_RESOURCE_DEFAULT); URL configResourceUrl = classLoader.getResource(configResourceValue); Path configPath; Path baseDir; if (configResourceUrl == null) { configPath = Paths.get(configResourceValue); if (!configPath.isAbsolute()) { configPath = Paths.get(workingDir, configResourceValue); } baseDir = configPath.getParent(); } else { configPath = resourceToPath(configResourceUrl); baseDir = configPath.getParent(); if (baseDir == null && configPath.getFileSystem().provider() instanceof ZipFileSystemProvider) { baseDir = Iterables.getFirst(configPath.getFileSystem().getRootDirectories(), null); } if (baseDir == null) { throw new LaunchException("Cannot determine base dir given config resource: " + configPath); } } return createFromFile(classLoader, baseDir, configPath, overrideProperties, defaultProperties); } public static LaunchConfigData createFromFile(ClassLoader classLoader, Path baseDir, @Nullable Path configFile, Properties overrideProperties, Properties defaultProperties) { Properties fileProperties = new Properties(defaultProperties); if (configFile != null && Files.exists(configFile)) { try (InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(configFile)) { fileProperties.load(inputStream); } catch (Exception e) { throw new LaunchException("Could not read config file '" + configFile + "'", e); } } fileProperties.putAll(overrideProperties); return createWithBaseDir(classLoader, baseDir, fileProperties); } public static LaunchConfigData createWithBaseDir(ClassLoader classLoader, Path baseDir, Properties properties) { return createWithBaseDir(classLoader, baseDir, properties, System.getenv()); } public static LaunchConfigData createWithBaseDir(ClassLoader classLoader, Path baseDir, Properties properties, Map<String, String> envVars) { return new LaunchConfigData(classLoader, baseDir, properties, envVars); } public static LaunchConfig createLaunchConfig(LaunchConfigData data) { Properties properties = data.getProperties(); Map<String, String> envVars = data.getEnvVars(); TypeCoercingProperties props = new TypeCoercingProperties(properties, data.getClassLoader()); try { Class<HandlerFactory> handlerFactoryClass; handlerFactoryClass = props.asClass(HANDLER_FACTORY, HandlerFactory.class); if (handlerFactoryClass == null) { throw new LaunchException( "No handler factory class specified (config property: " + HANDLER_FACTORY + ")"); } int defaultPort = DEFAULT_PORT; if (envVars.containsKey(Environment.PORT)) { try { String stringValue = envVars.get(Environment.PORT); defaultPort = Integer.valueOf(stringValue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new LaunchException("Environment var '" + Environment.PORT + "' is not an integer", e); } } int port = props.asInt(PORT, defaultPort); InetAddress address = props.asInetAddress(ADDRESS); URI publicAddress = props.asURI(PUBLIC_ADDRESS); boolean development = props.asBoolean(DEVELOPMENT, false); int threads = props.asInt(THREADS, DEFAULT_THREADS); List<String> indexFiles = props.asList(INDEX_FILES); InputStream sslKeystore = props.asStream(SSL_KEYSTORE_FILE); String sslKeystorePassword = props.asString(SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, ""); int maxContentLength = props.asInt(MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH, DEFAULT_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH); boolean timeResponses = props.asBoolean(TIME_RESPONSES, false); boolean compressResponses = props.asBoolean(COMPRESS_RESPONSES, false); long compressionMinSize = props.asLong(COMPRESSION_MIN_SIZE, DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_MIN_SIZE); List<String> compressionMimeTypeWhiteList = props.asList(COMPRESSION_MIME_TYPE_WHITE_LIST); List<String> compressionMimeTypeBlackList = props.asList(COMPRESSION_MIME_TYPE_BLACK_LIST); Map<String, String> otherProperties = new HashMap<>(); PropertiesUtil.extractProperties("other.", properties, otherProperties); HandlerFactory handlerFactory; try { handlerFactory = handlerFactoryClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new LaunchException("Could not instantiate handler factory: " + handlerFactoryClass.getName(), e); } LaunchConfigBuilder launchConfigBuilder = LaunchConfigBuilder.baseDir(data.getBaseDir()).port(port) .address(address).publicAddress(publicAddress).development(development).threads(threads) .maxContentLength(maxContentLength).timeResponses(timeResponses) .compressResponses(compressResponses).compressionMinSize(compressionMinSize) .compressionWhiteListMimeTypes(compressionMimeTypeWhiteList) .compressionBlackListMimeTypes(compressionMimeTypeBlackList).indexFiles(indexFiles); if (sslKeystore != null) { try (InputStream stream = sslKeystore) { launchConfigBuilder.ssl(SSLContexts.sslContext(stream, sslKeystorePassword)); } } return launchConfigBuilder.other(otherProperties).build(handlerFactory); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof LaunchException) { throw (LaunchException) e; } else { throw new LaunchException( "Failed to create launch config with properties: " + properties.toString(), e); } } } private static Path resourceToPath(URL resource) { URI uri = toUri(resource); String scheme = uri.getScheme(); if (scheme.equals("file")) { return Paths.get(uri); } if (!scheme.equals("jar")) { throw new LaunchException("Cannot deal with class path resource url: " + uri); } String s = uri.toString(); int separator = s.indexOf("!/"); String entryName = s.substring(separator + 2); URI fileURI = URI.create(s.substring(0, separator)); FileSystem fs; try { fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(fileURI, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap()); } catch (IOException e) { throw uncheck(e); } return fs.getPath(entryName); } private static URI toUri(URL url) { try { return url.toURI(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new LaunchException("Could not convert URL '" + url + "' to URI", e); } } }