List of usage examples for Iterables find
public static <T> T find(Iterable<T> iterable, Predicate<? super T> predicate)
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private Question copyQuestion(LocaleProperties localeProperties) { Question question = (Question) getDefaultModelObject(); localePropertiesUtils.load(localeProperties, questionnaireModel.getObject(), question); ElementClone<Question> questionCopy = QuestionnaireElementCloner.clone(question, new CloneSettings(false, true, false, true, true), localeProperties); questionCopy.getElement().setName(name.getModelObject()); QuestionnaireElementCloner.addProperties(questionCopy, localeProperties); questionCopy.getElement().getQuestionCategories().clear(); for (final Question subQuestion : question.getQuestions()) { localePropertiesUtils.load(localeProperties, questionnaireModel.getObject(), subQuestion); Question questionFind = Iterables.find(questionCopy.getElement().getQuestions(), new Predicate<Question>() { @Override//from w w w . ja v a 2 s .c om public boolean apply(Question inputQuestion) { return inputQuestion.getName().startsWith("_" + subQuestion.getName() + "_"); } }); copyLabels(localeProperties, subQuestion, questionFind); } switch (categories.getModelObject()) { case COPY: for (QuestionCategory questionCategory : question.getQuestionCategories()) { localePropertiesUtils.load(localeProperties, questionnaireModel.getObject(), questionCategory); ElementClone<QuestionCategory> questionCategoryCopy = QuestionnaireElementCloner .clone(questionCategory, new CloneSettings(false, false, true), localeProperties); questionCopy.getElement().addQuestionCategory(questionCategoryCopy.getElement()); QuestionnaireElementCloner.addProperties(questionCategoryCopy, localeProperties); for (final OpenAnswerDefinition openAnswer : questionCategory.getCategory() .getOpenAnswerDefinitionsByName().values()) { String key = Iterables.find(questionCategoryCopy.getElement().getCategory() .getOpenAnswerDefinitionsByName().keySet(), new Predicate<String>() { @Override public boolean apply(String inputKey) { return inputKey.startsWith("_" + openAnswer.getName() + "_"); } }); OpenAnswerDefinition openAnswerCopy = questionCategoryCopy.getElement().getCategory() .getOpenAnswerDefinitionsByName().get(key); copyLabels(localeProperties, openAnswer, openAnswerCopy); } } break; case SHARE: for (QuestionCategory questionCategory : question.getQuestionCategories()) { QuestionCategory questionCategoryCopy = new QuestionCategory(); questionCategoryCopy.setExportName(questionCategory.getExportName()); questionCategoryCopy.setCategory(questionCategory.getCategory()); questionCopy.getElement().addQuestionCategory(questionCategoryCopy); copyLabels(localeProperties, questionCategory, questionCategoryCopy); } } return questionCopy.getElement(); }
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private Node findNode(List<Node> nodes, Member member) { try {// w ww .j ava 2 s .co m return Iterables.find(nodes, new NodeFinder(member.getConfiguration().getName())); } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { return null; } }
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public Payment notifyPendingPaymentOfStateChanged(final boolean isApiPayment, final Account account, final UUID paymentTransactionId, final boolean isSuccess, final List<String> paymentControlPluginNames, final CallContext callContext, final InternalCallContext internalCallContext) throws PaymentApiException { final PaymentTransactionModelDao paymentTransactionModelDao = paymentDao .getPaymentTransaction(paymentTransactionId, internalCallContext); final List<PaymentAttemptModelDao> attempts = paymentDao.getPaymentAttemptByTransactionExternalKey( paymentTransactionModelDao.getTransactionExternalKey(), internalCallContext); final PaymentAttemptModelDao attempt = Iterables.find(attempts, new Predicate<PaymentAttemptModelDao>() { @Override// w w w. j a va 2s . c om public boolean apply(final PaymentAttemptModelDao input) { return input.getTransactionId().equals(paymentTransactionId); } }); final Iterable<PluginProperty> pluginProperties; try { pluginProperties = PluginPropertySerializer.deserialize(attempt.getPluginProperties()); } catch (final PluginPropertySerializerException e) { throw new PaymentApiException(e, ErrorCode.PAYMENT_INTERNAL_ERROR, String.format("Unable to deserialize payment attemptId='%s' properties", attempt.getId())); } return, isSuccess, paymentTransactionModelDao.getTransactionType(), ControlOperation.NOTIFICATION_OF_STATE_CHANGE, account, attempt.getPaymentMethodId(), paymentTransactionModelDao.getPaymentId(), attempt.getPaymentExternalKey(), paymentTransactionId, paymentTransactionModelDao.getTransactionExternalKey(), paymentTransactionModelDao.getAmount(), paymentTransactionModelDao.getCurrency(), pluginProperties, paymentControlPluginNames, callContext, internalCallContext); }
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@VisibleForTesting Hardware getHardwareForInstance(final RunningInstance instance) { try {/*w w w .ja v a2s. c o m*/ return Iterables.find(hardware.get(), new Predicate<Hardware>() { @Override public boolean apply(Hardware input) { return input.getId().equals(instance.getInstanceType()); } }); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { logger.debug("couldn't match instance type %s in: %s", instance.getInstanceType(), hardware.get()); return null; } }
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/** For Calico we use profiles to group containers in networks and add the required IP address to the eth1 calico interface. */ @Override//from w w w. ja va 2 s . com public InetAddress attachNetwork(MesosSlave slave, Entity entity, String containerId, String subnetId) { InetAddress address = getNextContainerAddress(subnetId); // Run some commands to get information about the container network namespace String dockerIpOutput = slave.execCommand(sudo("ip addr show dev docker0 scope global label docker0")); String dockerIp = Strings.getFirstWordAfter(dockerIpOutput.replace('/', ' '), "inet"); String inspect = Strings .trimEnd(slave.execCommand(sudo("docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' " + containerId))); String dockerPid = Iterables.find(Splitter.on(CharMatcher.anyOf("\r\n")).omitEmptyStrings().split(inspect), StringPredicates.matchesRegex("^[0-9]+$")); Cidr subnetCidr = getSubnetCidr(subnetId); String slaveAddressOutput = slave.execCommand(sudo("ip addr show dev eth0 scope global label eth0")); String slaveAddress = Strings.getFirstWordAfter(slaveAddressOutput.replace('/', ' '), "inet"); // Determine whether we are attatching the container to the initial application network String applicationId = entity.getApplicationId(); boolean initial = subnetId.equals(applicationId); // Add the container if we have not yet done so if (initial) { execCalicoCommand(slave, String.format("calicoctl container add %s %s", containerId, address.getHostAddress())); // Return its endpoint ID String getEndpointId = String.format("calicoctl container %s endpoint-id show", containerId); String getEndpointIdStdout = execCalicoCommand(slave, getEndpointId); Optional<String> endpointId = Iterables.tryFind( Splitter.on(CharMatcher.anyOf("\r\n")).split(getEndpointIdStdout), StringPredicates.matchesRegex("[0-9a-f]{32}")); if (!endpointId.isPresent()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find endpoint-id: " + getEndpointIdStdout); // Add to the application profile execCalicoCommand(slave, String.format("calicoctl profile add %s", subnetId)); execCalicoCommand(slave, String.format("calicoctl endpoint %s profile append %s", endpointId.get(), subnetId)); } // Set up the network List<String> commands = MutableList.of(); commands.add(sudo("mkdir -p /var/run/netns")); commands.add(BashCommands .ok(sudo(String.format("ln -s /proc/%s/ns/net /var/run/netns/%s", dockerPid, dockerPid)))); if (initial) { commands.add(sudo(String.format("ip netns exec %s ip route del default", dockerPid))); commands.add(sudo(String.format("ip netns exec %s ip route add default via %s", dockerPid, dockerIp))); commands.add(sudo(String.format("ip netns exec %s ip route add %s via %s", dockerPid, subnetCidr.toString(), slaveAddress))); } else { commands.add(sudo(String.format("ip netns exec %s ip addr add %s/%d dev eth1", dockerPid, address.getHostAddress(), subnetCidr.getLength()))); } for (String cmd : commands) { slave.execCommand(cmd); } return address; }
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/** * Get the XML form of the message.// w w w . j a v a2s .c o m * * @param namespace * @return String representation of the object, null if binding fails. */ public String toString(String namespace) { ByteArrayOutputStream temp = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Class targetClass = Iterables.find(Classes.classAncestors(this), new Predicate<Class>() { @Override public boolean apply(Class arg0) { return !arg0.isAnonymousClass(); } }); try { IBindingFactory bindingFactory = BindingDirectory.getFactory(namespace, targetClass); IMarshallingContext mctx = bindingFactory.createMarshallingContext(); mctx.setIndent(2); mctx.marshalDocument(this, "UTF-8", null, temp); } catch (JiBXException e) { Logger.getLogger(BaseMessage.class).debug(e, e); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.getLogger(BaseMessage.class).error(e, e); } return temp.toString(); }
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@Override public OSImage getImage(final String id) { final String[] idParts = OSImageToImage.fromGeoName(id); final OSImage image = Iterables.find(api.getOSImageApi().list(), new Predicate<OSImage>() { @Override// www .j a v a2s.c o m public boolean apply(final OSImage input) { return idParts[0].equals(; } }); return image == null ? null : idParts[1] == null ? image : OSImage.create(id, idParts[1], image.affinityGroup(), image.label(), image.description(), image.imageFamily(), image.category(), image.os(), image.publisherName(), image.mediaLink(), image.logicalSizeInGB(), image.eula()); }
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/** * Configure each VM ://from w ww.j a v a 2 s . c o m * <ul> * <li>Set root password</li> * <li>Set bootstrap script</li> * <li>Start VMs</li> * </ul> * Warning : The Database server must be up and running while Tomcat server start. If not, * Petclinic app will be down. * * @param vapp the vApp * @throws com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VCloudException * * @throws * @throws java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException * */ protected void configureAndStartVMs(Vapp vapp) throws VCloudException, IOException, TimeoutException { // Refresh vApp vapp = Vapp.getVappByReference(vcloudClient, vapp.getReference()); List<VM> vms = vapp.getChildrenVms(); VM vmMySQL = Iterables.find(vms, new VmPredicate(VM_MYSQL)); VM vmApache = Iterables.find(vms, new VmPredicate(VM_APACHE_RP)); VM vmTomcat1 = Iterables.find(vms, new VmPredicate(VM_TOMCAT_1)); VM vmTomcat2 = Iterables.find(vms, new VmPredicate(VM_TOMCAT_2)); configureVmMySQL(vmMySQL); // Start MySQL VM now to be sure database server it is up and running while // Tomcat VMs start. If not, Petclinic app will be down startVM(vmMySQL); // Get MySQL IP String ipMysql = Iterables.getOnlyElement(vmMySQL.getNetworkConnections()).getIpAddress(); configureVmTomcat(vmTomcat1, ipMysql); configureVmTomcat(vmTomcat2, ipMysql); // Get Tomcat IPs String ipTomcat1 = Iterables.getOnlyElement(vmTomcat1.getNetworkConnections()).getIpAddress(); String ipTomcat2 = Iterables.getOnlyElement(vmTomcat2.getNetworkConnections()).getIpAddress(); configureVmApache(vmApache, ipTomcat1, ipTomcat2); // Start Tomcat and Apache VM startVM(vmTomcat1); startVM(vmTomcat2); startVM(vmApache); String ipApache = Iterables.getOnlyElement(vmApache.getNetworkConnections()).getIpAddress();"Petclinic app available : http://" + ipApache + "/xebia-petclinic"); }
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private void getContainer(String name) { metadata = Iterables.find(getBlobStore().list(), new Predicate<StorageMetadata>() { @Override//from www .ja va 2 s . com public boolean apply(StorageMetadata input) { return input.getType() == StorageType.CONTAINER && input.getName().equals(container); } });"<< container: %s/%s", container, name)); }
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@Override public com.proofpoint.cloudmanagement.service.Location getLocation(final String location) { Location jcloudsLocation = Iterables.find(computeService.listAssignableLocations(), new Predicate<Location>() { @Override// ww w . ja v a 2s. c om public boolean apply(@Nullable Location input) { return input.getId().equals(location); } }); return new com.proofpoint.cloudmanagement.service.Location(jcloudsLocation.getId(), jcloudsLocation.getDescription(), this.getSizes(jcloudsLocation.getId())); }