Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012. Xebia and the original author or authors. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package fr.xebia.vcloud; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.*; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.constants.FenceModeValuesType; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.constants.Version; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.constants.query.QueryVAppTemplateField; import fr.xebia.vcloud.answer.VcloudAnswer; import fr.xebia.vcloud.predicate.VmPredicate; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.logging.Level; /** * User: charles * Date: 10/03/12 * Time: 10:14 * * @author */ public abstract class AbstractVcloud { protected static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VcloudAnswer.class); /** * Name of the vApp templare */ public static final String V_APP_TEMPLATE_XEBIA = "vApp - Xebia"; /** * MySQL VM template name */ public static final String VM_TEMPLATE_MYSQL = "vm-mysql"; /** * Apache reverse proxy VM template name */ public static final String VM_TEMPLATE_APACHE = "vm-apache-rp"; /** * Tomcat VM template name */ public static final String VM_TEMPLATE_TOMCAT = "vm-tomcat"; /** * MySQL VM name */ public static final String VM_MYSQL = "vm-mysql"; /** * Apache reverse proxy VM name */ public static final String VM_APACHE_RP = "vm-apache-rp"; /** * First Tomcat VM VM name */ public static final String VM_TOMCAT_1 = "vm-tomcat-1"; /** * Second Tomcate VM name */ public static final String VM_TOMCAT_2 = "vm-tomcat-2"; /** * Root password for each VM */ public static final String ADMIN_PASSWORD = "xebia2012"; /** * The name of the internal network of the Virtual Datacenter */ public static final String RESEAU_INTERNE = "Reseau interne"; /** * The vCloud client */ protected VcloudClient vcloudClient; /** * Prepare for creating a new vApp * * @param vcloudClient The vCloud Client */ public AbstractVcloud(VcloudClient vcloudClient) { // Too verbose if not disabled VcloudClient.setLogLevel(Level.OFF); this.vcloudClient = vcloudClient; } /** * Login in vCloud Director * * @param username user@organization * @param password password * @throws Exception vCloud or SSL Exception */ public abstract void login(String username, String password) throws Exception; /** * Find VM template in catalogue * * @param queryVappTemplate The query to find the template * @param name The VM name inside the vApp Template * @return the vAppTemplate for this VM * @throws com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VCloudException * vCloud error */ public abstract VappTemplate findVmTemplateByName(QueryParams<QueryVAppTemplateField> queryVappTemplate, String name) throws VCloudException; /** * Create a Query params to find a Vapp Template by name * * @param vAppTemplateName The name of the vApp Template to find * @return a Query params that find <i>vAppTemplateName</i> */ public abstract QueryParams<QueryVAppTemplateField> createVappQueryParams(String vAppTemplateName); /** * Add a MySQL VM to the vApp config * * @param vAppParamsType the vApp config * @throws com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VCloudException * vCloud Error */ public abstract void addVmMySQL(ComposeVAppParamsType vAppParamsType) throws VCloudException; /** * Add an Apache Reverse Proxy VM to the vApp config * * @param vAppParamsType the vApp config * @throws com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VCloudException * vCloud Error */ public abstract void addVmApache(ComposeVAppParamsType vAppParamsType) throws VCloudException; /** * Add 2 Tomcat VM to the vApp config * * @param vAppParamsType the vApp config * @throws com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VCloudException * vCloud Error */ public abstract void addTwoVmsTomcat(ComposeVAppParamsType vAppParamsType) throws VCloudException; /** * Create a VM from a VM Template * * @param vmTemplate the VM Template * @param vmName the name of the new VM * @return a new VM configuration * @throws com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VCloudException * vCloud Error */ public abstract SourcedCompositionItemParamType createVmFromTemplate(VappTemplate vmTemplate, String vmName) throws VCloudException; /** * Start a VM and wait until online.<br/> * The VM is not yet available (eg : SSH) while this method return. * * @param vm the VM to start * @throws com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VCloudException * vCloud Error * @throws java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException * Timeout while waiting for the VM to start */ public abstract void startVM(VM vm) throws VCloudException, TimeoutException; /** * Configure the MySQL VM : * <ul> * <li>Add boostrap script</li> * <li>Set Root password</li> * </ul> * * @param vm The VM to configure * @throws VCloudException VCloud Error * @throws IOException Error while reading bootstrap script * @throws TimeoutException Error while updating VM */ public abstract void configureVmMySQL(VM vm) throws VCloudException, IOException, TimeoutException; /** * Configure a Tomcat VM : * <ul> * <li>Add boostrap script</li> * <li>Set Root password</li> * </ul> * * @param vmTomcat The VM to configure * @param mySQLIpAddress The MySQL Ip Address * @throws VCloudException VCloud Error * @throws IOException Error while reading bootstrap script * @throws TimeoutException Error while updating VM */ public abstract void configureVmTomcat(VM vmTomcat, String mySQLIpAddress) throws VCloudException, IOException, TimeoutException; /** * Configure a Tomcat VM : * <ul> * <li>Add boostrap script</li> * <li>Set Root password</li> * </ul> * * @param vmApache The VM to configure * @param tomcatIp1 The Tomcat 1 Ip Address * @param tomcatIp2 The Tomcat 2 Ip Address * @throws VCloudException VCloud Error * @throws IOException Error while reading bootstrap script * @throws TimeoutException Error while updating VM */ public abstract void configureVmApache(VM vmApache, String tomcatIp1, String tomcatIp2) throws VCloudException, IOException, TimeoutException; /** * Get Virtual Datacenter<br/> * * @throws com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VCloudException * vCloud Error */ protected Vdc getVdc() throws VCloudException { Collection<ReferenceType> orgRefs = vcloudClient.getOrgRefs(); ReferenceType orgRef = Iterables.getOnlyElement(orgRefs); Organization org = Organization.getOrganizationByReference(vcloudClient, orgRef); Collection<ReferenceType> vdcRefs = org.getVdcRefs(); ReferenceType vdcRef = Iterables.getOnlyElement(vdcRefs); return Vdc.getVdcByReference(vcloudClient, vdcRef); } /** * Get Organisation network<bt/> * * @throws com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VCloudException * vCloud Error */ protected ReferenceType getOrgNetwork() throws VCloudException { return getVdc().getAvailableNetworkRefByName(RESEAU_INTERNE); } /** * Create vApp, configure and run it * * @throws Exception vCloud Error */ public void startVapp() throws Exception { ResourceBundle ressources = ResourceBundle.getBundle("vmware"); String username = ressources.getString("vloud.username"); String password = ressources.getString("vloud.password"); String vAppName = ressources.getString(""); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(vAppName)) { throw new IllegalStateException("You must set vApp name in"); } login(username, password); ComposeVAppParamsType composeParams = createComposeParams(vAppName); addVmApache(composeParams); addVmMySQL(composeParams); addTwoVmsTomcat(composeParams); Vapp vapp = getVdc().composeVapp(composeParams);"Composing vApp : " + vapp.getResource().getName()); List<Task> tasks = vapp.getTasks(); Iterables.getOnlyElement(tasks).waitForTask(0); configureAndStartVMs(vapp); } /** * Configure each VM : * <ul> * <li>Set root password</li> * <li>Set bootstrap script</li> * <li>Start VMs</li> * </ul> * Warning : The Database server must be up and running while Tomcat server start. If not, * Petclinic app will be down. * * @param vapp the vApp * @throws com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VCloudException * * @throws * @throws java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException * */ protected void configureAndStartVMs(Vapp vapp) throws VCloudException, IOException, TimeoutException { // Refresh vApp vapp = Vapp.getVappByReference(vcloudClient, vapp.getReference()); List<VM> vms = vapp.getChildrenVms(); VM vmMySQL = Iterables.find(vms, new VmPredicate(VM_MYSQL)); VM vmApache = Iterables.find(vms, new VmPredicate(VM_APACHE_RP)); VM vmTomcat1 = Iterables.find(vms, new VmPredicate(VM_TOMCAT_1)); VM vmTomcat2 = Iterables.find(vms, new VmPredicate(VM_TOMCAT_2)); configureVmMySQL(vmMySQL); // Start MySQL VM now to be sure database server it is up and running while // Tomcat VMs start. If not, Petclinic app will be down startVM(vmMySQL); // Get MySQL IP String ipMysql = Iterables.getOnlyElement(vmMySQL.getNetworkConnections()).getIpAddress(); configureVmTomcat(vmTomcat1, ipMysql); configureVmTomcat(vmTomcat2, ipMysql); // Get Tomcat IPs String ipTomcat1 = Iterables.getOnlyElement(vmTomcat1.getNetworkConnections()).getIpAddress(); String ipTomcat2 = Iterables.getOnlyElement(vmTomcat2.getNetworkConnections()).getIpAddress(); configureVmApache(vmApache, ipTomcat1, ipTomcat2); // Start Tomcat and Apache VM startVM(vmTomcat1); startVM(vmTomcat2); startVM(vmApache); String ipApache = Iterables.getOnlyElement(vmApache.getNetworkConnections()).getIpAddress();"Petclinic app available : http://" + ipApache + "/xebia-petclinic"); } /** * Compose a vApp with Org network as the only one network, no vApp network<br/> * No VM is added in this configuration at this time * * @param vAppName The name of the vApp * @return a new vApp configuration * @throws com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VCloudException * vCloud Error */ public ComposeVAppParamsType createComposeParams(String vAppName) throws VCloudException { //retreive Org Network //ReferenceType networkRefByName = getOrgNetworkRef(getVdc()); // Configure network NetworkConfigurationType netConfiguration = new NetworkConfigurationType(); netConfiguration.setFenceMode(FenceModeValuesType.BRIDGED.value()); netConfiguration.setParentNetwork(getOrgNetwork()); VAppNetworkConfigurationType vAppNetConfiguration = new VAppNetworkConfigurationType(); vAppNetConfiguration.setConfiguration(netConfiguration); vAppNetConfiguration.setNetworkName(getOrgNetwork().getName()); NetworkConfigSectionType networkConfigSectionType = new NetworkConfigSectionType(); MsgType networkInfo = new MsgType(); networkConfigSectionType.setInfo(networkInfo); List<VAppNetworkConfigurationType> vAppNetworkConfigs = networkConfigSectionType.getNetworkConfig(); vAppNetworkConfigs.add(vAppNetConfiguration); // Create vApp config InstantiationParamsType vappOrvAppTemplateInstantiationParamsType = new InstantiationParamsType(); List<JAXBElement<? extends SectionType>> vappSections = vappOrvAppTemplateInstantiationParamsType .getSection(); // Add Network to vApp config vappSections.add(new ObjectFactory().createNetworkConfigSection(networkConfigSectionType)); ComposeVAppParamsType composeVAppParamsType = new ComposeVAppParamsType(); composeVAppParamsType.setDeploy(false); composeVAppParamsType.setInstantiationParams(vappOrvAppTemplateInstantiationParamsType); composeVAppParamsType.setName(vAppName); return composeVAppParamsType; } /** * Load the bootstrap script for a VM * * @param vmName the Name of the VM * @return The bootstrap script associated to this VM * @throws Error while reading script */ public static String loadScriptByVmName(String vmName) throws IOException { Map<String, String> mapScripts = Maps.newHashMap(); mapScripts.put(VM_APACHE_RP, ""); mapScripts.put(VM_MYSQL, ""); mapScripts.put(VM_TOMCAT_1, ""); mapScripts.put(VM_TOMCAT_2, ""); String scriptName = mapScripts.get(vmName); URL resource = Resources.getResource(scriptName); String script = Resources.toString(resource, Charset.defaultCharset()); return script; } }