Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (C) 2010 Cloud Conscious, LLC. <> * * ==================================================================== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ==================================================================== */ package org.jclouds.vfs.provider.blobstore; import static; import static; import static org.jclouds.blobstore.util.BlobStoreUtils.newBlob; import static org.jclouds.util.Patterns.LEADING_SLASHES; import static org.jclouds.util.Patterns.TRAILING_SLASHES; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileName; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileNotFolderException; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileObject; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemException; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileType; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileTypeHasNoContentException; import org.apache.commons.vfs.NameScope; import org.apache.commons.vfs.RandomAccessContent; import org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.AbstractFileObject; import org.apache.commons.vfs.util.FileObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.vfs.util.MonitorOutputStream; import org.apache.commons.vfs.util.RandomAccessMode; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStore; import org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStoreContext; import org.jclouds.blobstore.ContainerNotFoundException; import org.jclouds.blobstore.KeyNotFoundException; import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.Blob; import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.BlobMetadata; import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.StorageMetadata; import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.StorageType; import org.jclouds.blobstore.options.ListContainerOptions; import org.jclouds.blobstore.strategy.internal.ConcatenateContainerLists; import; import org.jclouds.util.Utils; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Adrian Cole */ public class BlobStoreFileObject extends AbstractFileObject { private final BlobStoreContext context; private final ConcatenateContainerLists lister; private final String container; private StorageMetadata metadata; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BlobStoreFileObject.class); private static final Pattern UNDESCRIBED = Pattern.compile("[^/]*//*"); public BlobStoreFileObject(FileName fileName, BlobStoreFileSystem fileSystem, BlobStoreContext context, String container) throws FileSystemException { super(fileName, fileSystem); this.context = checkNotNull(context, "context"); this.container = checkNotNull(container, "container"); this.lister = checkNotNull(new ConcatenateContainerLists(context.getBlobStore()), "lister"); } private class BlobStoreOutputStream extends MonitorOutputStream { private final BlobStore context; private final Blob blob; private final File file; public BlobStoreOutputStream(File file, BlobStore context, Blob blob) throws FileNotFoundException { super(Channels.newOutputStream(new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw").getChannel())); this.context = context; this.file = file; this.blob = blob; } protected void onClose() throws IOException { try { blob.setPayload(file); Payloads.calculateMD5(blob);">> put: %s/%s %d bytes", getContainer(), getNameTrimLeadingSlashes(), blob.getPayload().getContentMetadata().getContentLength())); String tag = context.putBlob(getContainer(), blob);"<< tag %s: %s/%s", tag, getContainer(), getNameTrimLeadingSlashes())); } finally { file.delete(); } } } public static File allocateFile() throws IOException { return File.createTempFile("jclouds.", ".blobstore"); } @Override protected long doGetContentSize() throws Exception { if (metadata == null && metadata.getType() == StorageType.BLOB) getMetadataAtPath(getNameTrimLeadingSlashes()); if (metadata != null && metadata.getType() == StorageType.BLOB) { BlobMetadata blobMd = BlobMetadata.class.cast(metadata); return blobMd.getContentMetadata().getContentLength() != null ? blobMd.getContentMetadata().getContentLength() : 0; } return 0; } @Override protected InputStream doGetInputStream() throws Exception { if (!getType().hasContent()) { throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider/read-not-file.error", getName()); } if (metadata != null && metadata.getType() != StorageType.BLOB) { throw new FileTypeHasNoContentException(getName()); }">> get: %s/%s", getContainer(), getNameTrimLeadingSlashes())); Blob blob = getBlobStore().getBlob(getContainer(), getNameTrimLeadingSlashes()); return blob.getPayload().getInput(); } String getNameTrimLeadingSlashes() { return Utils.replaceAll(getName().getPath(), LEADING_SLASHES, ""); } @Override protected FileType doGetType() throws Exception { if (metadata == null) return FileType.IMAGINARY; if (getNameTrimLeadingSlashes().equals("") || getName().getParent() == null) return FileType.FOLDER; return (metadata.getType() == StorageType.BLOB) ? FileType.FILE : FileType.FOLDER; } @Override protected FileObject[] doListChildrenResolved() throws Exception { // if metadata is null, then the path does not exist, as doAttach would have certainly set // this. doAttach(); if (metadata == null) throw new FileNotFolderException(getName()); ListContainerOptions options = new ListContainerOptions(); String name = getNameTrimLeadingSlashes(); if (!name.equals("") && !name.equals("/")) { options.inDirectory(name + "/");">> list: %s[%s]", getContainer(), name)); } else {">> list: %s", getContainer())); } Iterable<? extends StorageMetadata> list = lister.execute(getContainer(), options); Set<BlobStoreFileObject> children = Sets.newHashSet(); loop: for (StorageMetadata md : list) { if (!md.getName().equals("")) { if (name.equals(md.getName()) && md.getType() != StorageType.BLOB) { continue loop; } String childName = Utils.replaceAll(md.getName(), UNDESCRIBED, ""); BlobStoreFileObject fo = (BlobStoreFileObject) FileObjectUtils .getAbstractFileObject(getFileSystem().resolveFile(getFileSystem().getFileSystemManager() .resolveName(getName(), childName, NameScope.CHILD))); children.add(fo); } }"<< list: %s", children)); return children.toArray(new BlobStoreFileObject[] {}); } @Override public FileObject[] getChildren() throws FileSystemException { if (metadata != null && metadata.getType() == StorageType.BLOB) throw new FileNotFolderException(getName()); if (metadata == null) { try { FileType type = doGetType(); if (type == FileType.FILE) { throw new FileNotFolderException(getName()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Throwables.propagateIfPossible(ex, FileNotFolderException.class); throw new FileNotFolderException(getName(), ex); } } return super.getChildren(); } /** * Lists the children of the file. */ protected String[] doListChildren() throws Exception { // use doListChildrenResolved for performance return null; } @Override protected void doDelete() throws Exception {">> delete: %s/%s", getContainer(), getNameTrimLeadingSlashes())); if (metadata != null) deleteBasedOnType(); else deleteBlob(getNameTrimLeadingSlashes()); } private void deleteBasedOnType() { if (metadata.getType() != StorageType.CONTAINER) { deleteBlob(metadata.getProviderId()); } else { getBlobStore().deleteContainer(getContainer());"<< deleted container: %s", getContainer())); } } private void deleteBlob(String id) { getBlobStore().removeBlob(getContainer(), getNameTrimLeadingSlashes());"<< deleted blob: %s/%s", getContainer(), getNameTrimLeadingSlashes())); } @Override protected OutputStream doGetOutputStream(boolean bAppend) throws Exception { File file = allocateFile(); checkState(file != null, "file was null"); if (metadata != null) { return new BlobStoreOutputStream(file, getBlobStore(), newBlob(getBlobStore(), metadata)); } else { return new BlobStoreOutputStream(file, getBlobStore(), getBlobStore().newBlob(getNameTrimLeadingSlashes())); } } @Override protected void doCreateFolder() throws Exception {">> put folder: %s/%s", getContainer(), getNameTrimLeadingSlashes())); getBlobStore().createDirectory(getContainer(), getNameTrimLeadingSlashes()); } @Override protected void doAttach() throws Exception { String name = getNameTrimLeadingSlashes(); if (name.equals("")) {">> head: %s", getContainer())); getContainer(name); } else {">> head: %s/%s", getContainer(), name)); try { getMetadataAtPath(name); } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { tryDirectoryAtPath(name); } } } private void getContainer(String name) { metadata = Iterables.find(getBlobStore().list(), new Predicate<StorageMetadata>() { @Override public boolean apply(StorageMetadata input) { return input.getType() == StorageType.CONTAINER && input.getName().equals(container); } });"<< container: %s/%s", container, name)); } private void getMetadataAtPath(String name) { metadata = getBlobStore().blobMetadata(getContainer(), name); if (metadata.getType() != StorageType.BLOB) {"<< dir: %s/%s", getContainer(), name)); } else {"<< blob: %s/%s", getContainer(), name)); } } private void tryDirectoryAtPath(final String name) { ListContainerOptions options = new ListContainerOptions(); if (getName().getParent() != null) { String dir = trimLeadingAndTrailingSlashes(getName().getParent().getPath()); if (!dir.equals("")) options.inDirectory(dir); } try { metadata = Iterables.find(lister.execute(getContainer(), options), new Predicate<StorageMetadata>() { @Override public boolean apply(StorageMetadata input) { return input.getType() != StorageType.BLOB && input.getName().equals(name); } });"<< dir: %s/%s", getContainer(), name)); } catch (NoSuchElementException nse) { metadata = null;"<< not found: %s/%s", getContainer(), name)); } catch (ContainerNotFoundException cnfe) { metadata = null;"<< not found: %s", getContainer())); } } public String trimLeadingAndTrailingSlashes(String in) { return Utils.replaceAll(Utils.replaceAll(in, LEADING_SLASHES, ""), TRAILING_SLASHES, ""); } @Override protected RandomAccessContent doGetRandomAccessContent(final RandomAccessMode mode) throws Exception { return new BlobStoreRandomAccessContent(this, mode); } protected void doDetach() throws Exception { metadata = null; } @Override protected long doGetLastModifiedTime() throws Exception { if (metadata == null || metadata.getLastModified() == null) { getMetadataAtPath(getNameTrimLeadingSlashes()); } return metadata.getLastModified() != null ? metadata.getLastModified().getTime() : super.doGetLastModifiedTime(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected Map doGetAttributes() throws Exception { if (metadata == null || metadata.getUserMetadata() == null) { getMetadataAtPath(getNameTrimLeadingSlashes()); } return metadata.getUserMetadata() != null ? metadata.getUserMetadata() : super.doGetAttributes(); } @Override protected void doSetAttribute(String atttrName, Object value) throws Exception { if (metadata == null || metadata.getUserMetadata() == null) { metadata.getUserMetadata().put(atttrName, value.toString()); } super.doSetAttribute(atttrName, value); } public BlobStore getBlobStore() { return context.getBlobStore(); } public String getContainer() { return container; } }