Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables find

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables find


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables find.


public static <T> T find(Iterable<T> iterable, Predicate<? super T> predicate) 

Source Link


Returns the first element in iterable that satisfies the given predicate; use this method only when such an element is known to exist.


From source file:com.bennavetta.vetinari.build.internal.phase.PathGenerationPhase.java

private PathGenerator getPathGenerator(Page page) {
    final String generatorName = page.getMetadata().hasPath("pathGenerator")
            ? page.getMetadata().getString("pathGenerator")
            : context.getSiteConfig().getString("defaultPathGenerator");

    return Iterables.find(pathGenerators, generator -> generatorName.equals(generator.getName()));

From source file:gov.nih.nci.caarray.magetab.sdrf.SdrfColumns.java

 * Return the column most closely preceding the given column that is a node column.
 * /*from  w w w .  j  ava2  s . c  o  m*/
 * @param column the column for which to find the preceding node column
 * @return the preceding node column, or null if there is none
public SdrfColumn getPreviousNodeColumn(SdrfColumn column) {
    int columnIndex = columns.indexOf(column);
    if (columnIndex < 1) {
        return null;

    try {
        return Iterables.find(Iterables.reverse(columns.subList(0, columnIndex)), new Predicate<SdrfColumn>() {
            public boolean apply(SdrfColumn c) {
                return c.getType().isNode();
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
        return null;

From source file:org.richfaces.cdk.apt.SourceUtilsTestBase.java

protected Element findElement(RoundEnvironment roundEnvironment, final String name) {
    Set<? extends Element> elements = roundEnvironment.getRootElements();
    return Iterables.find(elements, new Predicate<Element>() {
        @Override/*from ww  w  .  j a v  a2  s . c om*/
        public boolean apply(Element input) {
            return name.equals(input.getSimpleName().toString());

From source file:org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.rebind.RebindTestFixtureWithApp.java

protected TestApplication rebind(RebindOptions options) throws Exception {
    if (options.applicationChooserOnRebind == null) {
        // Some sub-classes will have added additional apps before rebind. We must return an
        // app of type "TestApplication"; otherwise we'll get a class-cast exception.
        options = RebindOptions.create(options);
        options.applicationChooserOnRebind(new Function<Collection<Application>, Application>() {
            @Override/*from w w w.  j a va  2  s  .com*/
            public Application apply(Collection<Application> input) {
                return Iterables.find(input, Predicates.instanceOf(TestApplication.class));
    return super.rebind(options);

From source file:org.jclouds.vcloud.director.v1_5.functions.OrgNameCatalogNameItemNameToEndpoint.java

public URI apply(Object from) {
    Iterable<Object> orgCatalog = (Iterable<Object>) checkNotNull(from, "args");
    Object org = Iterables.get(orgCatalog, 0);
    Object catalog = Iterables.get(orgCatalog, 1);
    Object catalogItem = Iterables.get(orgCatalog, 2);
    if (org == null)
        org = defaultOrg.get().getName();
    if (catalog == null)
        catalog = defaultCatalog.get().getName();
    try {/*from w  w  w  .jav a2  s. c  o m*/
        Map<String, Catalog> catalogs = checkNotNull(orgCatalogMap.get().get(org));
        return Iterables.find(catalogs.get(catalog).getCatalogItems(), nameEquals((String) catalogItem))
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        throw new NoSuchElementException(
                org + "/" + catalog + "/" + catalogItem + " not found in " + orgCatalogMap.get());

From source file:org.jclouds.vcloud.director.v1_5.functions.OrgNameAndVdcNameToEndpoint.java

public URI apply(Object from) {
    Iterable<Object> orgVdc = (Iterable<Object>) checkNotNull(from, "args");
    Object org = Iterables.get(orgVdc, 0);
    Object vdc = Iterables.get(orgVdc, 1);
    if (org == null && vdc == null)
        return defaultVdc.get().getHref();
    else if (org == null)
        org = defaultOrg.get().getName();

    try {//from w ww . j av  a2s .  co m
        Set<Reference> vdcs = checkNotNull(orgNameToVdcEndpoint.get().get(org)).getVdcs();
        return vdc == null ? Iterables.getLast(vdcs).getHref()
                : Iterables.find(vdcs, nameEquals((String) vdc)).getHref();
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        throw new NoSuchElementException(org + "/" + vdc + " not found in " + orgNameToVdcEndpoint.get());

From source file:org.jclouds.vcloud.director.v1_5.functions.OrgNameAndCatalogNameToEndpoint.java

public URI apply(Object from) {
    Iterable<Object> orgCatalog = (Iterable<Object>) checkNotNull(from, "args");
    Object org = Iterables.get(orgCatalog, 0);
    Object catalog = Iterables.get(orgCatalog, 1);
    if (org == null && catalog == null)
        return defaultCatalog.get().getHref();
    else if (org == null)
        org = defaultOrg.get().getName();

    try {//  w ww  .j ava  2 s  .c  o m
        Set<Reference> catalogs = checkNotNull(orgMap.get().get(org)).getCatalogs();
        return catalog == null ? Iterables.getLast(catalogs).getHref()
                : Iterables.find(catalogs, nameEquals((String) catalog)).getHref();
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        throw new NoSuchElementException(org + "/" + catalog + " not found in " + orgMap.get());

From source file:org.apache.isis.viewer.wicket.ui.selector.SelectorPanelAbstract.java

private void addUnderlyingViews(final String underlyingId, final T model, final ComponentFactory factory) {
    final List<ComponentFactory> componentFactories = findOtherComponentFactories(model, factory);

    final ComponentFactory selectedComponentFactory = Iterables.find(componentFactories,
    if (componentFactories.size() > 1) {
        final Model<ComponentFactory> componentFactoryModel = new Model<ComponentFactory>();


        final WebMarkupContainer views = new WebMarkupContainer(ID_VIEWS);
        final DropDownChoiceComponentFactory viewsDropDown = new DropDownChoiceComponentFactory(
                ID_VIEWS_DROP_DOWN, componentFactoryModel, componentFactories, this, underlyingId, model);
        addOrReplace(views);//from  w  ww.j a  va  2 s  . co m
    } else {
    addOrReplace(selectedComponentFactory.createComponent(underlyingId, model));

From source file:org.jclouds.location.suppliers.OnlyLocationOrFirstRegionOptionallyMatchingRegionId.java

@Singleton//  w  w  w.  j a va 2 s  . c  o m
public Location get() {
    Set<? extends Location> locations = locationsSupplier.get();
    if (locationsSupplier.get().size() == 1)
        return getOnlyElement(locationsSupplier.get());
    try {
        Location toReturn = Iterables.find(locations, locationPredicate);
        return toReturn.getScope() == LocationScope.REGION ? toReturn : toReturn.getParent();
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
        throw new NoSuchElementException(String.format("couldn't find region matching %s in %s",
                locationPredicate, transform(locations, ToIdAndScope.INSTANCE)));

From source file:org.sonar.updatecenter.common.PluginReferential.java

 * @throws NoSuchElementException if plugin could not be found
 *//* ww w . j  a  v a 2 s .  c  o  m*/
public Plugin findPlugin(final String key) {
    try {
        return Iterables.find(plugins, new Predicate<Plugin>() {
            public boolean apply(Plugin input) {
                return input.getKey().equals(key);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
        throw new NoSuchElementException("Unable to find plugin with key " + key);