List of usage examples for ImmutableMap containsKey
@Override public boolean containsKey(@Nullable Object key)
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/** * Renames path expressions without using the Closure Compiler for parsing. * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param pathExpression The path expression to rename. * @return The renamed path expression.// www .j a v a 2 s.c o m */ private static String renamePolymerPathExpression(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, String pathExpression) { if (renameMap.containsKey(pathExpression)) { return renameMap.get(pathExpression); } else if (pathExpression.contains(".")) { String[] components = PROPERTY_EXPRESSION_SPLITTER.splitToList(pathExpression).toArray(new String[0]); for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { components[i] = renamePolymerPathExpression(renameMap, components[i]); } return PROPERTY_EXPRESSION_JOINER.join(components); } return pathExpression; }
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/** * Given the set of all Soy function implementations, a specific Soy function type (subtype of * SoyFunction) to look for, another Soy function type to look for that is an equivalent * deprecated version of the specific Soy function type, and an adapt function for adapting the * deprecated type to the specific type, finds the Soy functions that implement either type and * returns them in the form of a map from function name to function, where the functions with * the deprecated type have been adapted using the adapt function. * * @param <T> The specific Soy function type to look for. * @param <D> The equivalent deprecated Soy function type to also look for. * @param soyFunctionsSet The set of all Soy functions. * @param specificSoyFunctionType The class of the specific Soy function type to look for. * @param equivDeprecatedSoyFunctionType The class of the equivalent deprecated Soy function * type to also look for.//ww w .ja v a 2 s. c om * @param adaptFn The adapt function that adapts the deprecated type to the specific type. * @return A map of the relevant specific Soy functions (name to function). */ public static <T extends SoyFunction, D extends SoyFunction> ImmutableMap<String, T> buildSpecificSoyFunctionsMapWithAdaptation( Set<SoyFunction> soyFunctionsSet, Class<T> specificSoyFunctionType, Class<D> equivDeprecatedSoyFunctionType, Function<D, T> adaptFn) { ImmutableMap<String, T> tMap = buildSpecificSoyFunctionsMap(soyFunctionsSet, specificSoyFunctionType); ImmutableMap<String, D> dMap = buildSpecificSoyFunctionsMap(soyFunctionsSet, equivDeprecatedSoyFunctionType); ImmutableMap.Builder<String, T> resultMapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); resultMapBuilder.putAll(tMap); for (String functionName : dMap.keySet()) { if (tMap.containsKey(functionName)) { if (tMap.get(functionName).equals(dMap.get(functionName))) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "Found function named '%s' that implements both %s and" + " %s -- please remove the latter deprecated interface.", functionName, specificSoyFunctionType.getSimpleName(), equivDeprecatedSoyFunctionType.getSimpleName())); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "Found two functions with the same name '%s', one implementing %s and the" + " other implementing %s", functionName, specificSoyFunctionType.getSimpleName(), equivDeprecatedSoyFunctionType.getSimpleName())); } } resultMapBuilder.put(functionName, adaptFn.apply(dMap.get(functionName))); } return; }
From source
/** * Given the set of all Soy directive implementations, a specific Soy directive type (subtype of * SoyPrintDirective) to look for, another Soy directive type to look for that is an equivalent * deprecated version of the specific Soy directive type, and an adapt function for adapting the * deprecated type to the specific type, finds the Soy directives that implement either type and * returns them in the form of a map from directive name to directive, where the directives with * the deprecated type have been adapted using the adapt function. * * @param <T> The specific Soy directive type to look for. * @param <D> The equivalent deprecated Soy directive type to also look for. * @param soyDirectivesSet The set of all Soy directives. * @param specificSoyDirectiveType The class of the specific Soy directive type to look for. * @param equivDeprecatedSoyDirectiveType The class of the equivalent deprecated Soy directive * type to also look for.//ww w . j a va 2 s. c om * @param adaptFn The adapt function that adapts the deprecated type to the specific type. * @return A map of the relevant specific Soy directives (name to directive). */ public static <T extends SoyPrintDirective, D extends SoyPrintDirective> ImmutableMap<String, T> buildSpecificSoyDirectivesMapWithAdaptation( Set<SoyPrintDirective> soyDirectivesSet, Class<T> specificSoyDirectiveType, Class<D> equivDeprecatedSoyDirectiveType, Function<D, T> adaptFn) { ImmutableMap<String, T> tMap = buildSpecificSoyDirectivesMap(soyDirectivesSet, specificSoyDirectiveType); ImmutableMap<String, D> dMap = buildSpecificSoyDirectivesMap(soyDirectivesSet, equivDeprecatedSoyDirectiveType); ImmutableMap.Builder<String, T> resultMapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); resultMapBuilder.putAll(tMap); for (String directiveName : dMap.keySet()) { if (tMap.containsKey(directiveName)) { if (tMap.get(directiveName).equals(dMap.get(directiveName))) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "Found print directive named '%s' that implements both %s and" + " %s -- please remove the latter deprecated interface.", directiveName, specificSoyDirectiveType.getSimpleName(), equivDeprecatedSoyDirectiveType.getSimpleName())); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "Found two print directives with the same name '%s', one implementing %s and the" + " other implementing %s", directiveName, specificSoyDirectiveType.getSimpleName(), equivDeprecatedSoyDirectiveType.getSimpleName())); } } resultMapBuilder.put(directiveName, adaptFn.apply(dMap.get(directiveName))); } return; }
From source
private static CharArraySet resolveNamedWords(Collection<String> words, ImmutableMap<String, Set<?>> namedWords, Version version, boolean ignoreCase) { if (namedWords == null) { return new CharArraySet(version, words, ignoreCase); }/*from w w w .j a v a 2s . c o m*/ CharArraySet setWords = new CharArraySet(version, words.size(), ignoreCase); for (String word : words) { if (namedWords.containsKey(word)) { setWords.addAll(namedWords.get(word)); } else { setWords.add(word); } } return setWords; }
From source
/** * Renames Polymer property changed object property identifiers (*Changed properties). * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param node The string node containing the property changed identifier. *///from www . j a v a2 s.c o m private static void renamePolymerPropertyStringNode(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, Node node) { String name = node.getString(); if (renameMap.containsKey(name)) { node.setString(renameMap.get(name)); } else if (name.endsWith(CHANGED_SUFFIX)) { String basename = name.substring(0, name.length() - CHANGED_SUFFIX.length()); if (renameMap.containsKey(basename)) { node.setString(renameMap.get(basename) + CHANGED_SUFFIX); } } }
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/** * Renames all object literals that are standalone or contained in a Polymer v0.8 style call. * This allows behaviors coverage, which are indistinguishable from regular JavaScript objects. * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param objectLit Object literal node. *//* w w w . j a va 2 m*/ private static void renameObjectLiteral(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, Node objectLit) { ImmutableMap<String, Node> objectMap = convertObjectLitNodeToMap(objectLit); if (isInPolymerCall(objectLit) && !objectMap.containsKey("is")) { // This object map is not in a non-Polymer v0.8 or newer call. return; } renameObjectMap(renameMap, objectMap); }
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/** * Adds to the given environment all variables that are dependent on system state of the host * machine./*from w w w. java 2 s . com*/ * * <p>Admittedly, hermeticity is "best effort" in such cases; these environment values should be * as tied to configuration parameters as possible. * * <p>For example, underlying iOS toolchains require that SDKROOT resolve to an absolute system * path, but, when selecting which SDK to resolve, the version number comes from build * configuration. * * @return the new environment, comprised of the old environment plus any new variables * @throws UserExecException if any variables dependent on system state could not be resolved */ public static ImmutableMap<String, String> locallyDeterminedEnv(Path execRoot, String productName, ImmutableMap<String, String> env) throws UserExecException { // TODO(bazel-team): Remove apple-specific logic from this class. ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> newEnvBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); newEnvBuilder.putAll(env); // Empty developer dir indicates to use the system default. // TODO(bazel-team): Bazel's view of the xcode version and developer dir // should be explicitly set for build hermiticity. String developerDir = ""; if (env.containsKey(AppleConfiguration.XCODE_VERSION_ENV_NAME)) { developerDir = getDeveloperDir(execRoot, productName, env.get(AppleConfiguration.XCODE_VERSION_ENV_NAME)); newEnvBuilder.put("DEVELOPER_DIR", developerDir); } if (env.containsKey(AppleConfiguration.APPLE_SDK_VERSION_ENV_NAME)) { // The Apple platform is needed to select the appropriate SDK. if (!env.containsKey(AppleConfiguration.APPLE_SDK_PLATFORM_ENV_NAME)) { throw new UserExecException("Could not resolve apple platform for determining SDK"); } String iosSdkVersion = env.get(AppleConfiguration.APPLE_SDK_VERSION_ENV_NAME); String appleSdkPlatform = env.get(AppleConfiguration.APPLE_SDK_PLATFORM_ENV_NAME); newEnvBuilder.put("SDKROOT", getSdkRootEnv(execRoot, productName, developerDir, iosSdkVersion, appleSdkPlatform)); } return; }
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/** * Renames a string node as if the entire string contained the symbol. * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param node String node to rename in entirety. Can be null. Will not attempt a rename if the * node is not a string node.//from w w w .j a va2s. co m */ private static void renameStringNode(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, Node node) { if (node == null || !node.isString()) { return; } String symbolName = node.getString(); if (renameMap.containsKey(symbolName)) { node.setString(renameMap.get(symbolName)); } }
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/** * Combine sets of rules to form a set that satisfies them all. * @param rules at least one set of rules * @return the intersection of the given rules *///from www . ja v a 2 s . c om private static FilePathRestrictions combineRules(FilePathRestrictions... rules) { if (rules.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot combine an empty list of rules"); } int index = 0; FilePathRestrictions product = rules[index++]; while (index < rules.length) { final FilePathRestrictions toCombine = rules[index++]; final Set<Character> safeCharacters = Sets.intersection(product.safeCharacters, toCombine.safeCharacters); if (safeCharacters.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot combine safe characters"); } final Set<Integer> allKeys = Sets.union(product.transformationMatrix.keySet(), toCombine.transformationMatrix.keySet()); final ImmutableMap<Integer, Collection<Integer>> productMatrixMap = product.transformationMatrix .asMap(); final ImmutableMap<Integer, Collection<Integer>> toCombineMatrixMap = toCombine.transformationMatrix .asMap(); final SetMultimap<Integer, Integer> newTransformationMatrix = HashMultimap.create(); for (final Integer key : allKeys) { final Collection<Integer> values; if (!productMatrixMap.containsKey(key)) { values = toCombineMatrixMap.get(key); } else if (!toCombineMatrixMap.containsKey(key)) { values = productMatrixMap.get(key); } else { final Set<Integer> valuesSet = new HashSet<Integer>(productMatrixMap.get(key)); valuesSet.retainAll(toCombineMatrixMap.get(key)); if (valuesSet.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot combine transformations for Unicode code point " + key); } values = valuesSet; } for (final Integer value : values) { newTransformationMatrix.put(key, value); } } final SetMultimap<Integer, Integer> entriesRemoved = HashMultimap.create(); boolean transitiveClosing; do { transitiveClosing = false; for (final Entry<Integer, Integer> transformation : newTransformationMatrix.entries()) { final int to = transformation.getValue(); if (newTransformationMatrix.containsKey(to)) { final int from = transformation.getKey(); if (!entriesRemoved.put(from, to)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "cyclic transformation involving Unicode code point " + from); } newTransformationMatrix.remove(from, to); newTransformationMatrix.putAll(from, newTransformationMatrix.get(to)); transitiveClosing = true; break; } } } while (transitiveClosing); product = new FilePathRestrictions(newTransformationMatrix, Sets.union(product.unsafePrefixes, toCombine.unsafePrefixes), Sets.union(product.unsafeSuffixes, toCombine.unsafeSuffixes), Sets.union(product.unsafeNames, toCombine.unsafeNames), safeCharacters); } return product; }
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public static ImmutableMap<Path, SourcePath> addMissingInitModules(ImmutableMap<Path, SourcePath> modules, SourcePath emptyInit) {/*from ww w. ja v a2 s . co m*/ Map<Path, SourcePath> initModules = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // Insert missing `` modules. Set<Path> packages = new HashSet<>(); for (Path module : modules.keySet()) { Path pkg = module; while ((pkg = pkg.getParent()) != null && !packages.contains(pkg)) { Path init = pkg.resolve(""); if (!modules.containsKey(init)) { initModules.put(init, emptyInit); } packages.add(pkg); } } return ImmutableMap.<Path, SourcePath>builder().putAll(modules).putAll(initModules).build(); }