Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved. * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at * The complete set of authors may be found at * The complete set of contributors may be found at * Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also * subject to an additional IP rights grant found at */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Static methods that perform JavaScript code transformations based off of a rename map. */ public final class JsRenamer { /** * Specifies the JavaScript output format. */ public enum OutputFormat { /** * Output JavaScript in a "pretty" format. If unspecified, the output will be minified. */ PRETTY, /** * Output string literals using single quotes. If unspecified, the output will use double quotes * for strings. */ SINGLE_QUOTE_STRINGS, } private enum RenameMode { /** * Allow for more aggressive renaming in EXPR_RESULT nodes. This used in single expression * scripts like Polymer databinding directives. */ RENAME_VARIABLES, /** * Perform renaming of GetProp nodes. This is used for Polymer databinding expressions and * Polymer 0.5 Legacy JavaScript code that predates the Closure Polymer Pass. */ RENAME_PROPERTIES, } // Joiner for JavaScript function argument strings. private static final Joiner ARGUMENT_JOINER = Joiner.on(","); // Splitter for JavaScript function argument strings. private static final Splitter ARGUMENT_SPLITTER = Splitter.on(",").trimResults(); // Polymer property change name string suffix. private static final String CHANGED_SUFFIX = "Changed"; // Pattern that identifies JavaScript methods consistent with Polymer.Base._parseMethod. // See private static final Pattern METHOD_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([^\\s]+)\\((.*)\\)"); // Joiner for JavaScript property expressions. private static final Joiner PROPERTY_EXPRESSION_JOINER = Joiner.on("."); // Splitter for JavaScript property expressions. private static final Splitter PROPERTY_EXPRESSION_SPLITTER = Splitter.on("."); private JsRenamer() { } /** * Performs renames on JavaScript as an entire string typically supplied from a file. * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param js The JavaScript code. * @param outputFormat The source output format options. * @return JavaScript code with renames applied. * @throws JavaScriptParsingException if parse errors were encountered. */ public static String rename(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, String js, ImmutableSet<OutputFormat> outputFormat) throws JavaScriptParsingException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(renameMap); Node jsAst = parse(js); ImmutableSet<RenameMode> renameMode = isPolymer05Javascript(jsAst) ? ImmutableSet.<RenameMode>of(RenameMode.RENAME_PROPERTIES) : ImmutableSet.<RenameMode>of(); return toSource(renameNode(renameMap, jsAst, renameMode), outputFormat); } /** * Renames JavaScript with Property Renaming. This is primarily used for code that predated the * Closure Polymer Pass. * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param js The JavaScript code. * @return JavaScript code with renames applied. * @throws JavaScriptParsingException if parse errors were encountered. */ public static String renameProperties(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, String js) throws JavaScriptParsingException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(renameMap); return toSource(renameNode(renameMap, parse(js), ImmutableSet.<RenameMode>of(RenameMode.RENAME_PROPERTIES)), ImmutableSet.<OutputFormat>of()); } /** * Renames properties, renames variables, and reformats Polymer JavaScript-like expressions. * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param js The JavaScript code. * @return The JavaScript-like expression with renames applied. * @throws JavaScriptParsingException if parse errors were encountered. */ public static String renamePolymerJsExpression(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, String js) throws JavaScriptParsingException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(renameMap); try { // Add parenthesis to convince the parser that the input is a value expression. String renamed = toSource( renameNode(renameMap, parse("(" + js + ")"), ImmutableSet.of(RenameMode.RENAME_PROPERTIES, RenameMode.RENAME_VARIABLES)), ImmutableSet.<OutputFormat>of(OutputFormat.SINGLE_QUOTE_STRINGS)); // Trim trailing semicolon since Polymer JavaScript-like expressions don't have this. return renamed.substring(0, renamed.length() - 1); } catch (JavaScriptParsingException javaScriptParsingException) { // If we're here, the Closure Compiler couldn't quite figure it out. Fallback to Polymer // style expression parsing to see if we can fix it up manually. If not, forward the error. Matcher methodMatcher = METHOD_PATTERN.matcher(js); if (methodMatcher.matches()) { String methodName = renamePolymerPathExpression(renameMap,; String[] arguments = ARGUMENT_SPLITTER.splitToList( String[0]); for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { arguments[i] = renamePolymerPathExpression(renameMap, arguments[i]); } return String.format("%s(%s)", methodName, ARGUMENT_JOINER.join(arguments)); } else if (js.contains(".")) { return renamePolymerPathExpression(renameMap, js); } throw javaScriptParsingException; } } /** * Renames path expressions without using the Closure Compiler for parsing. * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param pathExpression The path expression to rename. * @return The renamed path expression. */ private static String renamePolymerPathExpression(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, String pathExpression) { if (renameMap.containsKey(pathExpression)) { return renameMap.get(pathExpression); } else if (pathExpression.contains(".")) { String[] components = PROPERTY_EXPRESSION_SPLITTER.splitToList(pathExpression).toArray(new String[0]); for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { components[i] = renamePolymerPathExpression(renameMap, components[i]); } return PROPERTY_EXPRESSION_JOINER.join(components); } return pathExpression; } /** * Parses the given JavaScript string into an abstract syntax tree. * @param js The JavaScript code. * @return An abstract syntax tree. * @throws JavaScriptParsingException if parse errors were encountered. */ private static Node parse(String js) throws JavaScriptParsingException { StaticSourceFile file = new SimpleSourceFile("input", false); Config config = ParserRunner.createConfig(false, LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6, null); JavaScriptErrorReporter errorReporter = new JavaScriptErrorReporter(js); Node script = ParserRunner.parse(file, js, config, errorReporter).ast; if (script == null) { throw new JavaScriptParsingException(errorReporter.getWarningAndErrorOutput()); } return script; } /** * Returns true if the supplied node is Polymer 0.5 style JavaScript. * @param node The JavaScript abstract syntax tree to check. */ private static boolean isPolymer05Javascript(Node node) { if (isPolymerCall(node) && node.hasMoreThanOneChild()) { Node firstArgument = node.getChildAtIndex(1); if (firstArgument.isString()) { return true; } else if (firstArgument.isObjectLit()) { for (Node stringKey = firstArgument.getFirstChild(); stringKey != null; stringKey = stringKey .getNext()) { if (stringKey.isStringKey() && stringKey.getString().equals("is")) { return false; } } return true; } } for (Node current = node.getFirstChild(); current != null; current = current.getNext()) { if (isPolymer05Javascript(current)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Outputs the source equivalent of the abstract syntax tree. * @param node The JavaScript abstract syntax tree. * @param outputFormat The source output format options. * @return The equivalent JavaScript source. */ private static String toSource(Node node, ImmutableSet<OutputFormat> outputFormat) { CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(); options.setPrettyPrint(outputFormat.contains(OutputFormat.PRETTY)); options.setPreferSingleQuotes(outputFormat.contains(OutputFormat.SINGLE_QUOTE_STRINGS)); // The Closure Compiler treats the 'use strict' directive as a property of a node. CodeBuilder // doesn't consider directives during its code generation. Instead, it inserts the 'use strict' // directive if it is in a strict language mode. Set<String> directives = node.getDirectives(); if ((directives != null) && directives.contains("use strict")) { options.setLanguage(CompilerOptions.LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6_STRICT); } options.skipAllCompilerPasses(); Compiler compiler = new Compiler(); compiler.disableThreads(); compiler.initOptions(options); Compiler.CodeBuilder cb = new Compiler.CodeBuilder(); compiler.toSource(cb, 0, node); return cb.toString(); } /** * Applies the rename map to the provided JavaScript abstract syntax tree. * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param current The JavaScript abstract syntax tree to rename. Note that this method will mutate * |current| with the renames. * @param renameMode Variable renaming mode to use. * @return The renamed abstract syntax tree. */ private static Node renameNode(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, Node current, ImmutableSet<RenameMode> renameMode) { int type = current.getType(); switch (type) { case CALL: if (isInObjectLit(current)) { renameCall(renameMap, current); } break; case GETPROP: if (renameMode.contains(RenameMode.RENAME_PROPERTIES)) { if (current.hasMoreThanOneChild()) { Node secondChild = current.getChildAtIndex(1); if (secondChild.isString()) { renamePolymerPropertyStringNode(renameMap, secondChild); } } } break; case NAME: if (renameMode.contains(RenameMode.RENAME_VARIABLES)) { renamePolymerPropertyStringNode(renameMap, current); } break; case OBJECTLIT: renameObjectLiteral(renameMap, current); break; case STRING_KEY: if (renameMode.contains(RenameMode.RENAME_PROPERTIES)) { renamePolymerPropertyStringNode(renameMap, current); } break; } for (Node child : current.children()) { renameNode(renameMap, child, renameMode); } return current; } /** * Renames Polymer property changed object property identifiers (*Changed properties). * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param node The string node containing the property changed identifier. */ private static void renamePolymerPropertyStringNode(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, Node node) { String name = node.getString(); if (renameMap.containsKey(name)) { node.setString(renameMap.get(name)); } else if (name.endsWith(CHANGED_SUFFIX)) { String basename = name.substring(0, name.length() - CHANGED_SUFFIX.length()); if (renameMap.containsKey(basename)) { node.setString(renameMap.get(basename) + CHANGED_SUFFIX); } } } private static boolean isInPolymerCall(Node node) { while (node != null) { if (isPolymerCall(node)) { return true; } node = node.getParent(); } return false; } private static boolean isInObjectLit(Node node) { while (node != null) { if (node.isObjectLit()) { return true; } node = node.getParent(); } return false; } private static boolean isPolymerCall(Node node) { if (node.isCall() && node.hasMoreThanOneChild()) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); return firstChild.isName() && firstChild.getString().equals("Polymer"); } return false; } /** * Renames calls that could include property string references. * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param call The call node to rename. */ private static void renameCall(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, Node call) { if (call.getChildCount() == 3) { /* Rename Polymer.IronA11yKeysBehavior.addOwnKeyBinding(eventString, methodName). */ if (isThisCallWithMethodName(call, "addOwnKeyBinding")) { // Children [0=this.addOwnKeyBinding, 1=eventString, 2=methodName] renameStringNode(renameMap, call.getChildAtIndex(2)); } } else if (call.getChildCount() == 4) { /* Rename PolymerElement.prototype.{un}listen(node, eventName, methodName). */ if (isThisCallWithMethodName(call, "listen") || isThisCallWithMethodName(call, "unlisten")) { // Children [0=this.{un}listen, 1=node, 2=eventName, 3=methodName] renameStringNode(renameMap, call.getChildAtIndex(3)); } } } private static boolean isThisCallWithMethodName(Node call, String methodName) { Node maybeMethodNameGetProp = call.getFirstChild(); if (maybeMethodNameGetProp.isGetProp() && maybeMethodNameGetProp.hasMoreThanOneChild() && maybeMethodNameGetProp.getFirstChild().isThis()) { Node maybeMethodName = maybeMethodNameGetProp.getChildAtIndex(1); return maybeMethodName.isString() && maybeMethodName.getString().equals(methodName); } return false; } /** * Renames all object literals that are standalone or contained in a Polymer v0.8 style call. * This allows behaviors coverage, which are indistinguishable from regular JavaScript objects. * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param objectLit Object literal node. */ private static void renameObjectLiteral(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, Node objectLit) { ImmutableMap<String, Node> objectMap = convertObjectLitNodeToMap(objectLit); if (isInPolymerCall(objectLit) && !objectMap.containsKey("is")) { // This object map is not in a non-Polymer v0.8 or newer call. return; } renameObjectMap(renameMap, objectMap); } /** * Forwards renames to Polymer-relevant properties in the specified object map. * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param objectMap A map of keys as property string names to values as nodes. */ private static void renameObjectMap(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, ImmutableMap<String, Node> objectMap) { // Rename 'computed' and 'observer' property description references. Node propertiesNode = objectMap.get("properties"); if ((propertiesNode != null) && propertiesNode.isObjectLit()) { ImmutableMap<String, Node> propertiesMap = convertObjectLitNodeToMap(propertiesNode); for (Node propertyDescriptorNode : propertiesMap.values()) { if (propertyDescriptorNode.isObjectLit()) { ImmutableMap<String, Node> propertyDescriptorMap = convertObjectLitNodeToMap( propertyDescriptorNode); renamePolymerJsStringNode(renameMap, propertyDescriptorMap.get("computed")); renamePolymerJsStringNode(renameMap, propertyDescriptorMap.get("observer")); } } } // Rename all JavaScript-like expressions in the 'observers' array. Node observersNode = objectMap.get("observers"); if ((observersNode != null) && observersNode.isArrayLit()) { for (Node observerItem : observersNode.children()) { renamePolymerJsStringNode(renameMap, observerItem); } } // Rename all JavaScript-like expressions in the listeners descriptor. Node listenersNode = objectMap.get("listeners"); if ((listenersNode != null) && listenersNode.isObjectLit()) { ImmutableMap<String, Node> listenersMap = convertObjectLitNodeToMap(listenersNode); for (Node listenerDescriptorNode : listenersMap.values()) { renamePolymerJsStringNode(renameMap, listenerDescriptorNode); } } // Rename the keyBindings string to method string map using in Polymer.IronA11yKeysBehavior. Node keyBindingsNode = objectMap.get("keyBindings"); if ((keyBindingsNode != null) && keyBindingsNode.isObjectLit()) { renameKeyBindingsNode(renameMap, keyBindingsNode); } if (renameMap.containsKey("keyBindings")) { Node renamedKeyBindingsNode = objectMap.get(renameMap.get("keyBindings")); if ((renamedKeyBindingsNode != null) && renamedKeyBindingsNode.isObjectLit()) { renameKeyBindingsNode(renameMap, renamedKeyBindingsNode); } } } private static void renameKeyBindingsNode(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, Node node) { ImmutableMap<String, Node> keyBindingsMap = convertObjectLitNodeToMap(node); for (Node keyBindingMethodStringNode : keyBindingsMap.values()) { if (!keyBindingMethodStringNode.isString()) { // A non-string means it's a map we don't expect. break; } renameStringNode(renameMap, keyBindingMethodStringNode); } } /** * Renames a string node under variable naming rules similar to Polymer databinding expressions. * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param node String node to rename under variable renaming rules. Can be null. Will not attempt * a rename if the node is not a string node. */ private static void renamePolymerJsStringNode(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, Node node) { if (node == null || !node.isString()) { return; } String js = node.getString(); try { js = renamePolymerJsExpression(renameMap, node.getString()); } catch (JavaScriptParsingException e) { System.err.println(e); } node.setString(js); } /** * Renames a string node as if the entire string contained the symbol. * @param renameMap A mapping from symbol to renamed symbol. * @param node String node to rename in entirety. Can be null. Will not attempt a rename if the * node is not a string node. */ private static void renameStringNode(ImmutableMap<String, String> renameMap, Node node) { if (node == null || !node.isString()) { return; } String symbolName = node.getString(); if (renameMap.containsKey(symbolName)) { node.setString(renameMap.get(symbolName)); } } private static ImmutableMap<String, Node> convertObjectLitNodeToMap(Node objectLiteralNode) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Node> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Node keyNode : objectLiteralNode.children()) { if (keyNode.isStringKey() && keyNode.hasOneChild()) { builder.put(keyNode.getString(), keyNode.getFirstChild()); } } return; } /** * While most of the JavaScript will pass through the Closure Compiler with syntax checking, the * Polymer HTML databinding expressions will not. This outputs errors directly from the Closure * Compiler to System.err. */ private static class JavaScriptErrorReporter implements ErrorReporter { private final String[] jsLines; private final ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private final PrintStream outputStream = new PrintStream(byteArrayOutputStream); /** * Constructs a JavaScriptErrorReporter that outputs warnings and errors using |js| as context. * @param js JavaScript source for line context. */ public JavaScriptErrorReporter(String js) { this.jsLines = js.split("\\r\\n|\\r|\\n"); } /** * Returns the stream output of warnings and errors as a string. */ public String getWarningAndErrorOutput() { return byteArrayOutputStream.toString(); } @Override public void warning(String message, String sourceName, int line, int lineOffset) { outputStream.printf("WARNING: (%d:%d) %s%n", line, lineOffset, message); printSource(9, line, lineOffset); } @Override public void error(String message, String sourceName, int line, int lineOffset) { outputStream.printf("ERROR: (%d:%d) %s%n", line, lineOffset, message); printSource(7, line, lineOffset); } private void printSource(int columnPadding, int line, int lineOffset) { if (line <= jsLines.length) { printSpaces(columnPadding); outputStream.printf("%s%n", jsLines[line - 1]); printSpaces(columnPadding + lineOffset - 1); outputStream.println("^"); } } private void printSpaces(int numberOfSpaces) { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSpaces; i++) { outputStream.print(" "); } } } }