List of usage examples for ImmutableMap containsKey
@Override public boolean containsKey(@Nullable Object key)
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@VisibleForTesting double getDequeueRate(String queueName) { MorePreconditions.checkNotBlank(queueName); ImmutableMap<String, QueueRateLimiter.IFace> queueRateLimitMap = queueRateLimitMapRef.get(); if (queueRateLimitMap != null && queueRateLimitMap.containsKey(queueName)) { return queueRateLimitMap.get(queueName).getRate(); } else {// w ww.ja v a2 s . c o m // No rate limit specified for this queue. return Double.MAX_VALUE; } }
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/** * Determines whether a dequeue request should be allowed. * * @param queueName name of the queue.// w w w. j av a 2s . c om * @param numJobs number of jobs intended to be dequeued. * @return whether to allow the request. */ public boolean allowDequeue(String queueName, int numJobs) { MorePreconditions.checkNotBlank(queueName); Preconditions.checkArgument(numJobs > 0); ImmutableMap<String, QueueRateLimiter.IFace> queueRateLimitMap = queueRateLimitMapRef.get(); if (queueRateLimitMap != null && queueRateLimitMap.containsKey(queueName)) { return queueRateLimitMap.get(queueName).allowDequeue(numJobs); } else { // No rate limit specified for this queue, so always allow. return true; } }
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private <T extends DataValue> void compareDataValues(Iterable<Entry<DataKey, T>> actual, Iterable<Entry<DataKey, T>> expected, List<String> out, String valueType) { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>(); ImmutableMap<DataKey, T> actualMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(actual); ImmutableMap<DataKey, T> expectedMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(expected); for (DataKey key : Sets.union(actualMap.keySet(), expectedMap.keySet())) { if (!(actualMap.containsKey(key) && expectedMap.containsKey(key))) { if (!actualMap.containsKey(key)) { errors.add(error("\tExpected %s.", key.toPrettyString())); }/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s. com*/ if (!expectedMap.containsKey(key)) { errors.add(error("\tHad unexpected %s.", key.toPrettyString())); } } else { T actualValue = actualMap.get(key); T expectedValue = expectedMap.get(key); if (!actualValue.equals(expectedValue)) { errors.add(error("\t%s is not equal", key.toPrettyString())); if (!actualValue.source().equals(expectedValue.source())) { if (!actualValue.source().getPath().equals(expectedValue.source().getPath())) { errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Expected path", expectedValue.source().getPath())); errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Actual path", actualValue.source().getPath())); } if (!actualValue.source().overrides().equals(expectedValue.source().overrides())) { errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Expected overrides", expectedValue.source())); errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Actual overrides", actualValue.source())); } } if (!actualValue.getClass().equals(expectedValue.getClass())) { errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Expected class", expectedValue.getClass())); errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Actual class", actualValue.getClass())); } else if (actualValue instanceof DataResourceXml) { errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Expected xml", expectedValue)); errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Actual xml", actualValue)); } } } } if (errors.isEmpty()) { return; } out.add(valueType); out.add(Joiner.on("\n").join(errors)); }
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@Override public void configure(Context ctx) { ImmutableMap<String, String> props = ctx.getSubProperties(Constants.SETTINGS); if (!props.containsKey(Constants.ACCESS_KEY) || !props.containsKey(Constants.ACCESS_SECRET)) { Throwables.propagate(/*from ww w .j a va 2 s. c o m*/ new InvalidArgumentException("Must provide AWS credentials i.e. accessKey and accessSecret")); } awsCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(props.get(Constants.ACCESS_KEY), props.get(Constants.ACCESS_SECRET)); clientConfig = new ClientConfiguration(); if (props.containsKey(Constants.PROXY_HOST)) { clientConfig.setProxyHost(props.get(Constants.PROXY_HOST)); clientConfig.setProxyPort(Integer.parseInt(props.getOrDefault(Constants.PROXY_PORT, "80"))); clientConfig.setProtocol(Protocol.valueOf(props.getOrDefault(Constants.PROTOCOL, "HTTPS"))); } if (!props.containsKey(Constants.STREAM_NAME)) { Throwables.propagate(new InvalidArgumentException("Must provide Kinesis stream name")); } streamName = props.get(Constants.STREAM_NAME); putSize = Integer.parseInt(props.getOrDefault(Constants.PUT_SIZE, "100")); if (putSize > 500) { Throwables.propagate( new InvalidArgumentException("AWS Kinesis doesn't allow more than 500 put requests")); } endpoint = props.getOrDefault(Constants.ENDPOINT, Constants.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT); String serializerClass = props.getOrDefault(Constants.SERIALIZER, GsonSerializer.class.getName()); try { serializer = (KinesisSerializer) Class.forName(serializerClass).newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException e) { Throwables.propagate(e); } serializer.configure(props); }
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/** * Populates provided {@code builder} with values from {@code kwargs} assuming {@code ruleClass} * as the target {@link BaseDescription} class. * * @param kwargs The keyword arguments and their values passed to rule function in build file. * @param builder The map builder used for storing extracted attributes and their values. * @param allParamInfo The parameter information for every build rule attribute. *///from w w w .ja v a 2s . c o m private void populateAttributes(Map<String, Object> kwargs, ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> builder, ImmutableMap<String, ParamInfo> allParamInfo) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> kwargEntry : kwargs.entrySet()) { String paramName =, kwargEntry.getKey()); if (!allParamInfo.containsKey(paramName) && !(IMPLICIT_ATTRIBUTES.contains(kwargEntry.getKey()))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(kwargEntry.getKey() + " is not a recognized attribute"); } if (Runtime.NONE.equals(kwargEntry.getValue())) { continue; } builder.put(paramName, kwargEntry.getValue()); } }
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/** * Parse a thrift compact serialized file * * @param filename The name of the file// w w w . ja va2 s.c o m * @param targetNames The name of the targets that should be found * @return A {@link ParsedRuleKeyFile} object that all deserialized rules, and the rule key hash * of the specified target * @throws ParseException If an IO or serialization error occurs, or if the target could not be * found in the file */ public ParsedRuleKeyFile parseFile(Path filename, ImmutableSet<String> targetNames) throws ParseException { // If //foo/bar/... is passed in, we want to find all targets that start with // //foo/bar, and that are of the right type, and add them as root nodes ImmutableList<String> recursiveTargetPrefixes = .filter(name -> name.endsWith("/...") || name.endsWith(":")).map(name -> { int idx = name.lastIndexOf("/..."); if (idx != -1) { return name.substring(0, idx); } else { return name; } }).collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList()); long startNanos = System.nanoTime(); int initialSize; try { initialSize = Math.toIntExact(filename.toFile().length() / THRIFT_STRUCT_SIZE); } catch (ArithmeticException e) { throw new ParseException(e, filename, "File size is too large (>2.1 billion objects would be deserialized"); } ImmutableMap.Builder<String, RuleKeyNode> rootNodesBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); Map<String, RuleKeyNode> rules = new HashMap<>(); try { reader.readFile(filename, ruleKey -> { RuleKeyNode newNode = new RuleKeyNode(ruleKey); if ("DEFAULT".equals(ruleKey.type)) { // If either a specific rule is present, or if the target starts with one of the // prefixes if (targetNames.contains( || .filter(prefix -> { rootNodesBuilder.put(, newNode); } } RuleKeyNode oldValue = rules.put(ruleKey.key, newNode); if (oldValue != null && !oldValue.ruleKey.equals(newNode.ruleKey)) { throw new RuntimeException(new ParseException(filename, "Found two rules with the same key, but different values. Key: %s, first value: " + "%s, second value: %s", ruleKey.key, oldValue.ruleKey, newNode.ruleKey)); } return false; }); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ParseException) { throw (ParseException) e.getCause(); } } ImmutableMap<String, RuleKeyNode> rootNodes =; for (String targetName : targetNames) { if (!targetName.endsWith("/...") && !targetName.endsWith(":") && !rootNodes.containsKey(targetName)) { throw new ParseException(filename, "Could not find %s in %s", targetName, filename); } } Duration runtime = Duration.ofNanos(System.nanoTime() - startNanos); return new ParsedRuleKeyFile(filename, rootNodes, rules, runtime); }
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@Nullable static State updateState(BlazeContext parentContext, @Nullable State prevState, ImmutableMap<File, Long> fileState, WorkspaceLanguageSettings workspaceLanguageSettings, ArtifactLocationDecoder artifactLocationDecoder, AspectStrategy aspectStrategy, List<File> newFiles, List<File> removedFiles, boolean mergeWithOldState) { Result<State> result = Scope.push(parentContext, (ScopedFunction<Result<State>>) context -> { context.push(new TimingScope("UpdateTargetMap")); // If we're not removing we have to merge the old state // into the new one or we'll miss file removes next time ImmutableMap<File, Long> nextFileState = fileState; if (mergeWithOldState && prevState != null) { ImmutableMap.Builder<File, Long> fileStateBuilder = ImmutableMap.<File, Long>builder() .putAll(fileState);/*from w w w .j a va 2 m*/ for (Map.Entry<File, Long> entry : prevState.fileState.entrySet()) { if (!fileState.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { fileStateBuilder.put(entry); } } nextFileState =; } State state = new State(); state.fileState = nextFileState; state.workspaceLanguageSettings = workspaceLanguageSettings; state.aspectStrategyName = aspectStrategy.getName(); Map<TargetKey, TargetIdeInfo> targetMap = Maps.newHashMap(); Map<TargetKey, TargetIdeInfo> updatedTargets = Maps.newHashMap(); if (prevState != null) { targetMap.putAll(; state.fileToTargetMapKey.putAll(prevState.fileToTargetMapKey); } // Update removed unless we're merging with the old state if (!mergeWithOldState) { for (File removedFile : removedFiles) { TargetKey key = state.fileToTargetMapKey.remove(removedFile); if (key != null) { targetMap.remove(key); } } } AtomicLong totalSizeLoaded = new AtomicLong(0); ListeningExecutorService executor = BlazeExecutor.getInstance().getExecutor(); // Read protos from any new files List<ListenableFuture<TargetFilePair>> futures = Lists.newArrayList(); for (File file : newFiles) { futures.add(executor.submit(() -> { totalSizeLoaded.addAndGet(file.length()); try (InputStream inputStream = getAspectInputStream(file)) { IntellijIdeInfo.TargetIdeInfo ruleProto = aspectStrategy.readAspectFile(inputStream); TargetIdeInfo target = IdeInfoFromProtobuf.makeTargetIdeInfo(workspaceLanguageSettings, ruleProto); return new TargetFilePair(file, target); } })); } // Update state with result from proto files int duplicateTargetLabels = 0; try { for (TargetFilePair targetFilePairs : Futures.allAsList(futures).get()) { if ( != null) { File file = targetFilePairs.file; TargetKey key =; TargetIdeInfo previousTarget = updatedTargets.putIfAbsent(key,; if (previousTarget == null) { state.fileToTargetMapKey.put(file, key); } else { duplicateTargetLabels++; } } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return Result.error(null); } catch (ExecutionException e) { return Result.error(e); } targetMap.putAll(updatedTargets); context.output(PrintOutput.log(String.format("Loaded %d aspect files, total size %dkB", newFiles.size(), totalSizeLoaded.get() / 1024))); if (duplicateTargetLabels > 0) { context.output(new PerformanceWarning(String.format( "There were %d duplicate rules. " + "You may be including multiple configurations in your build. " + "Your IDE sync is slowed down by ~%d%%.", duplicateTargetLabels, (100 * duplicateTargetLabels / targetMap.size())))); } state.targetMap = new TargetMap(ImmutableMap.copyOf(targetMap)); return Result.of(state); }); if (result.error != null) { LOG.error(result.error); return null; } return result.result; }
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@Override protected TypesExistsResponse masterOperation(TypesExistsRequest request, ClusterState state) throws ElasticSearchException { String[] concreteIndices = state.metaData().concreteIndices(request.indices(), request.ignoreIndices(), false);/* www .j a va 2s. c om*/ if (concreteIndices.length == 0) { return new TypesExistsResponse(false); } for (String concreteIndex : concreteIndices) { if (!state.metaData().hasConcreteIndex(concreteIndex)) { return new TypesExistsResponse(false); } ImmutableMap<String, MappingMetaData> mappings = state.metaData().getIndices().get(concreteIndex) .mappings(); if (mappings.isEmpty()) { return new TypesExistsResponse(false); } for (String type : request.types()) { if (!mappings.containsKey(type)) { return new TypesExistsResponse(false); } } } return new TypesExistsResponse(true); }
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/** * Fills a partial map of Fresheners by creating new Fresheners for each record not already * reflected by the fresheners map.// w ww.ja va 2s . c om * * @param readerUID unique identifier for the reader which called this method. Used for logging. * @param records a map of records for which to create Fresheners. * @param oldFresheners a partially filled map of Fresheners to be completed with new Fresheners * built from the records map. * @return a map of Fresheners for each KijiFreshenerRecord in records. * @throws IOException in case of an error setting up a KijiFreshnessPolicy or ScoreFunction. */ private static ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, Freshener> fillFresheners(final String readerUID, final ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, KijiFreshenerRecord> records, final ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, Freshener> oldFresheners) throws IOException { final Map<KijiColumnName, Freshener> fresheners = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Map.Entry<KijiColumnName, KijiFreshenerRecord> entry : records.entrySet()) { if (!oldFresheners.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { // If there is not already a Freshener for this record, make one. final KijiFreshenerRecord record = entry.getValue(); // Create the FreshenerSetupContext final InternalFreshenerContext context = InternalFreshenerContext.create(entry.getKey(), record.getParameters()); // Instantiate the policy and score function. final KijiFreshnessPolicy policy = ScoringUtils.policyForName(record.getFreshnessPolicyClass()); final ScoreFunction<?> scoreFunction = ScoringUtils .scoreFunctionForName(record.getScoreFunctionClass()); // Create the KVStoreReaderFactory from the required stores of the score function and // policy, and add the factory to the Freshener context. final KeyValueStoreReaderFactory factory = ScoringUtils.createKVStoreReaderFactory(context, scoreFunction, policy); context.setKeyValueStoreReaderFactory(factory); // Setup the policy and score function. policy.setup(context); scoreFunction.setup(context); // Build the Freshener from initialized components. final Freshener freshener = new Freshener(policy, scoreFunction, factory, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getParameters()); LOG.debug("{} loading new Freshener: {}", readerUID, freshener); fresheners.put(entry.getKey(), freshener); } else { // If there is already a Freshener for this key, save it. final Freshener oldFreshener = oldFresheners.get(entry.getKey()); LOG.debug("{} preserving old Freshener: {}", readerUID, oldFreshener); fresheners.put(entry.getKey(), oldFreshener); } } return ImmutableMap.copyOf(fresheners); }
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public NewDealState(NewDealEvent newDealEvent, GameState previousGame) { this.previousGame = previousGame; this.event = newDealEvent; this.tableConfiguration = previousGame.getTableConfiguration(); this.seatMap = previousGame.getSeatMap(); ImmutableMap.Builder<PlayerId, PlayerState> playerStateBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (final SeatedPlayer player : newDealEvent.getPlayers()) { if (player.isSittingIn()) { AbstractPlayerState playerState = new AbstractPlayerState() { @Override//w ww. j a v a 2s. c o m public String getName() { return player.getName(); } public int getBet() { return 0; } @Override public int getTotalInvestment() { return 0; } public Hand getCards() { return new Hand(); } public int getStack() { return player.getStackValue(); } public boolean hasFolded() { return false; } public PlayerId getPlayerId() { return player.getId(); } public SeatId getSeatId() { return player.getSeatId(); } @Override public boolean hasChecked() { return false; } @Override public boolean hasBeenDealt() { return true; } @Override public List<Integer> getBetProgression() { return new ArrayList<Integer>(); } }; playerStateBuilder.put(player.getId(), playerState); } } //also add players that are not being dealt a card. ImmutableMap<PlayerId, PlayerState> playerStatesInEvent =; for (PlayerState p : previousGame.getAllSeatedPlayers()) { if (!playerStatesInEvent.containsKey(p.getPlayerId())) { playerStateBuilder.put(p.getPlayerId(), new ForwardingPlayerState(p) { @Override public boolean hasBeenDealt() { return false; } }); } } playerStates =; }