List of usage examples for ImmutableMap.Builder putAll
public final void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map)
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/** * Gets all the entity's metadata in a single Map. * * @param tu//w w w . j a va 2s .c o m * @return */ @Nonnull public static ImmutableMap<String, String> getAttributes(TransMemory fromTm) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> m = ImmutableMap.builder(); m.putAll(getSharedMetadata(fromTm)); String srclang = fromTm.getSourceLanguage(); if (srclang != null) { m.put(SRC_LANG, srclang); } return; }
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@Nonnull private static ImmutableMap<String, String> getSharedMetadata(HasTMMetadata fromEntity) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> m = ImmutableMap.builder(); m.putAll(getGenericMetadata(fromEntity)); Date creationDate = fromEntity.getCreationDate(); if (creationDate != null) { m.put(CREATION_DATE, toString(creationDate)); }/* w w w . j a va2 s .co m*/ Date lastChanged = fromEntity.getLastChanged(); if (lastChanged != null) { m.put(CHANGE_DATE, toString(lastChanged)); } return; }
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/** * Gets all the entity's metadata in a single Map. * * @param fromTu/*www .j a va 2s.c o m*/ * @return */ @Nonnull public static ImmutableMap<String, String> getAttributes(TransMemoryUnit fromTu) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> m = ImmutableMap.builder(); m.putAll(getSharedMetadata(fromTu)); String tuid = fromTu.getTransUnitId(); if (tuid != null) { m.put(TUID, tuid); } String srclang = fromTu.getSourceLanguage(); if (srclang != null) { m.put(SRC_LANG, srclang); } return; }
From source
private static ImmutableMap<String, JdbcTypeHandler> buildTypeHandlers( ImmutableMap<String, AttributeType> attributes, @Nullable RecordType<?> parentType) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, JdbcTypeHandler> jdbcTypeHandlers = ImmutableMap.builder(); if (parentType != null) { jdbcTypeHandlers.putAll(parentType.jdbcTypeHandlers); }//from w w w .j a v a 2s .c om for (AttributeType attributeType : attributes.values()) { jdbcTypeHandlers.put(attributeType.getName(), createJdbcTypeHandler(attributeType)); } return; }
From source
/** * Creates new types for generating encapsulating models. This occurs when a response * handler has a return type with a component type. This is done to ensure that all * response types can be properly parsed within the generated code. * @param requests A Ds3Request/*from www . j a v a 2 s. com*/ * @param types A list of Ds3Types * @return The list of Ds3Types with the additionally generated types to handle the * response payloads that return arrays */ protected static ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Type> createEncapsulatingModelResponseTypes( final ImmutableList<Ds3Request> requests, final ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Type> types) { if (isEmpty(requests)) { LOG.debug("No requests to generate encapsulating models for"); return types; } final ImmutableSet<EncapsulatingTypeNames> encapsulatingTypes = getResponseComponentTypesFromRequests( requests); if (isEmpty(encapsulatingTypes)) { LOG.debug("Requests do not contain any responses with component types"); return types; } final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Ds3Type> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); if (hasContent(types)) { builder.putAll(types); } for (final EncapsulatingTypeNames encapsulatingType : encapsulatingTypes) { final Ds3Type ds3Type = toDs3Type(encapsulatingType, types); builder.put(ds3Type.getName(), ds3Type); } return; }
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public static Map<String, String> getAliasMap(Collection<String> toInclude) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> b = ImmutableMap.builder(); if (toInclude == null || toInclude.isEmpty()) { for (ClinicalMapping m : types) { b.putAll(m.getAliasLookup()); }/* ww w .j av a 2s. com*/ } else { for (String include : toInclude) { ClinicalMapping r = byName(include); if (r == null) continue; b.putAll(r.getAliasLookup()); } } return; }
From source
private static <T, K, V, M extends ImmutableMap<K, V>> Collector<T, ?, M> toImmutableMap( Supplier<ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V>> supplier, Function<? super T, ? extends K> keyMapper, Function<? super T, ? extends V> valueMapper, Collector.Characteristics... characteristics) { return Collector.of(supplier, new BiConsumer<ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V>, T>() { @Override/*from w w w. j av a2 s .c o m*/ public void accept(ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V> objectObjectBuilder, T t) { objectObjectBuilder.put(keyMapper.apply(t), valueMapper.apply(t)); } }, new BinaryOperator<ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V>>() { @Override public ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V> apply(ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V> kuBuilder, ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V> kuBuilder2) { return kuBuilder.putAll(; } }, new Function<ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V>, M>() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public M apply(ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V> kuBuilder) { return (M); } }, characteristics); }
From source
/** * Retrieve all lineage information from different {@link State}s. * This requires the job id and dataset urn to be present in the state, under and dataset.urn. * A global union operation is applied to combine all <K, V> pairs from the input {@link State}s. If multiple {@link State}s * share the same K, but have conflicting V, a {@link LineageException} is thrown. * * {@link Level} can control if a dataset level or branch level information should be used. When {@link Level#All} is * specified, all levels of information will be returned; otherwise only specified level of information will be returned. * * For instance, assume we have below input states: * State[0]: gobblin.lineage.K1 ---> V1 * gobblin.lineage.K2 ---> V2 * gobblin.lineage.branch.1.K4 ---> V4 * State[1]: gobblin.lineage.K2 ---> V2 * gobblin.lineage.K3 ---> V3 * gobblin.lineage.branch.1.K4 ---> V4 * gobblin.lineage.branch.1.K5 ---> V5 * gobblin.lineage.branch.2.K6 ---> V6 * * (1) With {@link Level#DATASET} level, the output would be: * LinieageInfo[0]: K1 ---> V1/*from w w w . java2s . c o m*/ * K2 ---> V2 * K3 ---> V3 * (2) With {@link Level#All} level, the output would be: (because there are two branches, so there are two LineageInfo) * LineageInfo[0]: K1 ---> V1 * K2 ---> V2 * K3 ---> V3 * K4 ---> V4 * K5 ---> V5 * * LineageInfo[1]: K1 ---> V1 * K2 ---> V2 * K3 ---> V3 * K6 ---> V6 * * (3) With {@link Level#BRANCH} level, the output would be: (only branch level information was returned) * LineageInfo[0]: K4 ---> V4 * K5 ---> V5 * LineageInfo[1]: K6 ---> V6 * * @param states All states which belong to the same dataset and share the same jobId. * @param level {@link Level#DATASET} only load dataset level lineage attributes * {@link Level#BRANCH} only load branch level lineage attributes * {@link Level#All} load all lineage attributes * @return A collection of {@link LineageInfo}s per branch. When level is {@link Level#DATASET}, this list has only single element. * * @throws LineageException.LineageConflictAttributeException if two states have same key but not the same value. */ public static Collection<LineageInfo> load(Collection<? extends State> states, Level level) throws LineageException { Preconditions.checkArgument(states != null && !states.isEmpty()); Map<String, String> datasetMetaData = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Map<String, String>> branchAggregate = new HashMap<>(); State anyOne = states.iterator().next(); String jobId = anyOne.getProp(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_ID_KEY, ""); String urn = anyOne.getProp(ConfigurationKeys.DATASET_URN_KEY, ConfigurationKeys.DEFAULT_DATASET_URN); for (State state : states) { for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : state.getProperties().entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() instanceof String && ((String) entry.getKey()).startsWith(LINEAGE_NAME_SPACE)) { String lineageKey = ((String) entry.getKey()); String lineageValue = (String) entry.getValue(); if (lineageKey.startsWith(BRANCH_PREFIX)) { String branchPrefixStrip = lineageKey.substring(BRANCH_PREFIX.length()); String branchId = branchPrefixStrip.substring(0, branchPrefixStrip.indexOf(".")); String key = branchPrefixStrip.substring(branchPrefixStrip.indexOf(".") + 1); if (level == Level.BRANCH || level == Level.All) { if (!branchAggregate.containsKey(branchId)) { branchAggregate.put(branchId, new HashMap<>()); } Map<String, String> branchMetaData = branchAggregate.get(branchId); String prev = branchMetaData.put(key, lineageValue); if (prev != null && !prev.equals(lineageValue)) { throw new LineageException.LineageConflictAttributeException(lineageKey, prev, lineageValue); } } } else if (lineageKey.startsWith(DATASET_PREFIX)) { if (level == Level.DATASET || level == Level.All) { String prev = datasetMetaData.put(lineageKey.substring(DATASET_PREFIX.length()), lineageValue); if (prev != null && !prev.equals(lineageValue)) { throw new LineageException.LineageConflictAttributeException(lineageKey, prev, lineageValue); } } } } } } Collection<LineageInfo> collection = Sets.newHashSet(); if (level == Level.DATASET) { ImmutableMap<String, String> metaData = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().putAll(datasetMetaData) .build(); collection.add(new LineageInfo(urn, jobId, metaData)); return collection; } else if (level == Level.BRANCH || level == Level.All) { if (branchAggregate.isEmpty()) { if (level == Level.All) { collection.add(new LineageInfo(urn, jobId, ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().putAll(datasetMetaData).build())); } return collection; } for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> branchMetaDataEntry : branchAggregate.entrySet()) { String branchId = branchMetaDataEntry.getKey(); Map<String, String> branchMetaData = branchMetaDataEntry.getValue(); ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> metaDataBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); if (level == Level.All) { metaDataBuilder.putAll(datasetMetaData); } metaDataBuilder.putAll(branchMetaData).put(BRANCH_ID_METADATA_KEY, branchId); collection.add(new LineageInfo(urn, jobId,; } return collection; } else { throw new LineageException.LineageUnsupportedLevelException(level); } }
From source
private static ExecutorSettings makeExecutorSettings() { try {/*from w ww. j ava2 s . c om*/ ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ExecutorConfig> configsBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); configsBuilder.put(apiConstants.AURORA_EXECUTOR_NAME, makeThermosExecutorConfig()); if (CUSTOM_EXECUTOR_CONFIG.hasAppliedValue()) { configsBuilder.putAll( Files.newBufferedReader(CUSTOM_EXECUTOR_CONFIG.get().toPath(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); } return new ExecutorSettings(, POPULATE_DISCOVERY_INFO.get()); } catch (ExecutorSettingsLoader.ExecutorConfigException | IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to read executor settings: " + e, e); } }
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private static ImmutableMap<String, ResourceNameConfig> createResourceNameConfigs(DiagCollector diagCollector, ConfigProto configProto, ProtoFile file) { ImmutableMap<String, SingleResourceNameConfig> singleResourceNameConfigs = createSingleResourceNameConfigs( diagCollector, configProto, file); ImmutableMap<String, FixedResourceNameConfig> fixedResourceNameConfigs = createFixedResourceNameConfigs( diagCollector, configProto.getFixedResourceNameValuesList(), file); ImmutableMap<String, ResourceNameOneofConfig> resourceNameOneofConfigs = createResourceNameOneofConfigs( diagCollector, configProto.getCollectionOneofsList(), singleResourceNameConfigs, fixedResourceNameConfigs, file); ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ResourceNameConfig> resourceCollectionMap = ImmutableMap.builder(); resourceCollectionMap.putAll(singleResourceNameConfigs); resourceCollectionMap.putAll(resourceNameOneofConfigs); resourceCollectionMap.putAll(fixedResourceNameConfigs); return; }