List of usage examples for ImmutableMap.Builder putAll
public final void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map)
From source
@Nonnull Executor.Output<Boolean> executeActions(final Path workingDir, Product p, final ImmutableList.Builder<Path> paths, final Hash.Builder hashes) throws IOException { Executor execer = Executor.Factory.createJsExecutor(); final WorkingFileChecker checker = new WorkingFileChecker(files.getVersionRoot(), workingDir); ExecFn execFn = new ExecFn(os, workingDir, checker, execService, logger); ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> actuals = ImmutableMap.builder(); actuals.putAll(commonJsEnv); actuals.put("os", JsOperatingSystemEnv.makeJsInterface(workingDir, execFn)); actuals.put("matching", // A function that finds inputs for actions. // We delay this instead of doing it in the action loop since // one action might produce files that are inputs to another. new SimpleMembranableFunction("", "matching", "paths", "globs") { MessageQueue mq = new MessageQueue(); public ImmutableList<String> apply(Object[] argv) { ImmutableList<Glob> inputGlobs = Glob.CONV.convert(argv[0], mq); // Already vetted by Product parser. if (mq.hasErrors()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); }/*from w w w . j a va 2s .c om*/ ImmutableGlobSet inputGlobSet = ImmutableGlobSet.of(inputGlobs); List<Path> inputs; try { inputs = Lists.newArrayList( WorkingDir.matching(workingDir, ImmutableSet.<Path>of(), inputGlobSet)); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } sortByGlobs(inputs, inputGlobSet); ImmutableList.Builder<String> b = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Path p : inputs) { b.add(p.toString()); } return; } }); StringBuilder productJs = new StringBuilder(); { Map<String, String> toolNameToLocalName = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Action a : p.actions) { // First, load each tool module. String toolName = a.toolName; if (toolNameToLocalName.containsKey(toolName)) { continue; } String localName = "tool_" + toolNameToLocalName.size(); toolNameToLocalName.put(toolName, localName); ToolContent tool = toolbox.getTool(toolName); if (tool.fh.getHash() != null) { paths.add(tool.fh.getPath()); hashes.withHash(tool.fh.getHash()); } ImmutableMap<String, ?> extraEnv = tool.isBuiltin ? BuiltinToolHooks.extraEnvironmentFor(toolName) : ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of(); actuals.put(localName, Executor.Input.builder(tool.fh.getContentAsString(Charsets.UTF_8), tool.fh.getPath()) .withActuals(commonJsEnv).withActuals(extraEnv).build()); } JsonSink productJsSink = new JsonSink(productJs); // Second, store the product. productJsSink.write("var product = ").writeValue(p).write(";\n"); productJsSink.write(" = ").writeValue(";\n"); productJsSink.write("product = Object.frozenCopy(product);\n"); // If the product wants to control how actions are executed, then wrap // the tool execution in a call to the mobile function product.bake. boolean thunkify = p.bake != null; productJsSink.write("("); // If there is a product.bake method, then we do something like // product.bake([ // function () { return /* invoke action 0 */ }, // function () { return /* invoke action 1 */ }, // ...]); // so the result of the process is the result of product.bake which gets // a list of thunks : one per action. // // Otherwise, we provide a default bake which runs and waits for each in // order like: // ((/* invoke action 0 */).run().waitFor() === 0 // && (/* invoke.action 1 */).run().waitFor() === 0 // && ...); if (thunkify) { productJsSink.write("product.bake(["); } if (!thunkify && p.actions.isEmpty()) { productJsSink.write("true"); } // Third, for each action, invoke its tool's run method with the proper // arguments. for (int i = 0, n = p.actions.size(); i < n; ++i) { if (i != 0) { productJsSink.write(thunkify ? "," : ") && ("); } if (thunkify) { productJsSink.write("function () { return "); } // Fill in the /* invoke action x */ bits above with a call to the // tool like: //['foo/*.c']), product, product.actions[0], os) // where product is a frozen YSON object. // Matching is defined above, and os is defined in JsOperatingSystemEnv. Action action = p.actions.get(i); productJsSink.write(toolNameToLocalName.get(action.toolName)).write(".fire(matching("); action.inputs.toJson(productJsSink); // .slice(0) works around problem where membraned arrays don't // behave as arrays w.r.t. concat and other builtins. productJsSink.write(").slice(0),\n product,\n product.actions[").write(String.valueOf(i)) .write("],\n os)\n"); productJsSink.write(thunkify ? "}" : ".run().waitFor() === 0"); } if (thunkify) { productJsSink.write("])"); } productJsSink.write(");"); } Executor.Input src = Executor.Input.builder(productJs.toString(), "product-" + // TODO: use the product plan file as the base dir so that loads in the // product's bake function happen relative to the plan file. // This requires us to take the source path into account when deciding // whether a product has changed since last build. .withBase(workingDir).withActuals(; // Set up output directories. { Set<Path> outPaths = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Action a : p.actions) { for (Glob glob : a.outputs) { Path outPath = glob.getPathContainingAllMatches(workingDir); // We use 0700 since we're only operating in the working dir. if (outPaths.add(outPath)) { Baker.mkdirs(outPath, 0700); } } } } Executor.Output<Boolean> runResult; try { // Run the script. runResult =, logger, new PrebakeScriptLoader(files, paths, hashes), src); } finally { // We can't allow processes to keep mucking with the working directory // after we kill it and possibly recreate it for a rebuild. // If something wants to spawn long-lasting processes such as a // java compilation service, they can spawn a child process and disown it. if (execFn.killOpenProcesses()) { runResult = new Executor.Output<Boolean>(false, false, null); } } return runResult; }
From source
@Override public Map<PointLocation, WalkingCosts> getDistances(final PointLocation point, final Set<PointLocation> consideredPoints) throws DistanceClientException, InterruptedException { final List<PointLocation> consideredList = ImmutableList.copyOf(consideredPoints); int base = 0; final int total = consideredPoints.size(); final ImmutableMap.Builder<PointLocation, WalkingCosts> resultBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); while (base < total) { int end = Math.min(base + maxConsidered, total); final Set<PointLocation> consideredSubset = ImmutableSet.copyOf(consideredList.subList(base, end)); final Map<PointLocation, WalkingCosts> distances = client.getDistances(point, consideredSubset); resultBuilder.putAll(distances); base = end;/*w w w. j a va 2 s . c o m*/ } return; }
From source
private ImmutableMap<CurveName, JacobianCalibrationMatrix> updateJacobiansForGroup( ImmutableRatesProvider provider, ImmutableList<Trade> trades, ImmutableList<CurveParameterSize> orderGroup, ImmutableList<CurveParameterSize> orderPrev, ImmutableList<CurveParameterSize> orderAll, ImmutableMap<CurveName, JacobianCalibrationMatrix> jacobians) { // sensitivity to all parameters in the stated order int totalParamsAll = -> e.getParameterCount()).sum(); DoubleMatrix res = derivatives(trades, provider, orderAll, totalParamsAll); // jacobian direct int nbTrades = trades.size(); int totalParamsGroup = -> e.getParameterCount()).sum(); int totalParamsPrevious = totalParamsAll - totalParamsGroup; DoubleMatrix pDmCurrentMatrix = jacobianDirect(res, nbTrades, totalParamsGroup, totalParamsPrevious); // jacobian indirect: when totalParamsPrevious > 0 DoubleMatrix pDmPrevious = jacobianIndirect(res, pDmCurrentMatrix, nbTrades, totalParamsGroup, totalParamsPrevious, orderPrev, jacobians); // add to the map of jacobians, one entry for each curve in this group ImmutableMap.Builder<CurveName, JacobianCalibrationMatrix> jacobianBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); jacobianBuilder.putAll(jacobians); int startIndex = 0; for (CurveParameterSize order : orderGroup) { int paramCount = order.getParameterCount(); double[][] pDmCurveArray = new double[paramCount][totalParamsAll]; // copy data for previous groups if (totalParamsPrevious > 0) { for (int p = 0; p < paramCount; p++) { System.arraycopy(pDmPrevious.rowArray(startIndex + p), 0, pDmCurveArray[p], 0, totalParamsPrevious); }//from www.j a v a 2s. c o m } // copy data for this group for (int p = 0; p < paramCount; p++) { System.arraycopy(pDmCurrentMatrix.rowArray(startIndex + p), 0, pDmCurveArray[p], totalParamsPrevious, totalParamsGroup); } // build final Jacobian matrix DoubleMatrix pDmCurveMatrix = DoubleMatrix.ofUnsafe(pDmCurveArray); jacobianBuilder.put(order.getName(), JacobianCalibrationMatrix.of(orderAll, pDmCurveMatrix)); startIndex += paramCount; } return; }
From source
/** * Generates all word forms of this lexeme. * @return All word forms of this lexeme * @throws Exception If fails//from ww w. j a v a 2 s . c om */ @SuppressWarnings("PMD.AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops") private ImmutableMap<GrammaticalMeaning, Spelling> forms() throws Exception { final ImmutableMap.Builder<GrammaticalMeaning, Spelling> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); final ImmutableSet<ImmutableSet<Grammeme>> headwordMeanings = this.headwords.keySet().stream() .map(Rethrowing.rethrowFunction(GrammaticalMeaning::grammemes)) .collect(Collectors.toImmutableSet()); builder.putAll(this.headwords); for (final GrammaticalMeaning meaning : this.part.meaningVariations()) { if (headwordMeanings.contains(meaning.grammemes())) { continue; } final GrammaticalMeaning closest = this.closestHeadwordMeaning(meaning); builder.put(meaning, this.part .lexeme(this.headwords.get(closest), new GmCombined(ImmutableList.of(this.persistent, closest))) .wordForm(meaning)); } return; }
From source
private Map<ID, ID> doConvertAll(final Format targetFormat, Collection<ID> ids) { HashMultimap<ImmutablePair<String, Format>, ID> idsByVendorFormat = HashMultimap.create(); for (ID id : ids) { idsByVendorFormat.put(ImmutablePair.of(id.getVendor(), id.getFormat()), id); }//from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m ImmutableMap.Builder<ID, ID> convertedIds = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Map.Entry<ImmutablePair<String, Format>, Collection<ID>> entry : idsByVendorFormat.asMap() .entrySet()) { ImmutablePair<String, Format> key = entry.getKey(); Collection<ID> values = entry.getValue(); convertedIds.putAll(doConvert(key.first, key.second, targetFormat, values)); } return; }
From source
@Override public WorldProperties createWorldProperties(String folderName, WorldArchetype archetype) throws IOException { WorldProperties props = this.unloaded_worlds.get(folderName); if (props != null) { return props; }/*from w ww .ja v a 2 s . c om*/ props = new SWorldProperties(folderName, archetype); ImmutableMap.Builder<String, WorldProperties> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); builder.putAll(this.unloaded_worlds); builder.put(folderName, props); this.unloaded_worlds =; return props; }
From source
@Override public Map<PointLocation, WalkingCosts> getWalkingCosts(final PointLocation location, final LocalDateTime currentTime, final LocalDateTime cutoffTime) throws DistanceClientException, InterruptedException { final Duration duration = timeTracker.getDuration(currentTime, cutoffTime); final ImmutableMap.Builder<PointLocation, WalkingCosts> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); final Set<PointLocation> uncached; final boolean updateMaxStored; final Duration maxStored = store.getMaxStored(location); if (maxStored != null) { final Map<PointLocation, WalkingCosts> cached = store.get(location, duration); builder.putAll(cached); if (duration.compareTo(maxStored) > 0) { uncached = Sets.difference(points, cached.keySet()); updateMaxStored = true;/* w w w .j a va2s .c o m*/ } else { uncached = Collections.emptySet(); updateMaxStored = false; } } else { uncached = points; updateMaxStored = true; } if (!uncached.isEmpty()) { final Map<PointLocation, WalkingCosts> estimatedCosts = estimationClient.getDistances(location, uncached); final Map<PointLocation, WalkingCosts> candidateEstimates = filterTimes(estimatedCosts, duration); final Set<PointLocation> candidates = candidateEstimates.keySet(); if (!candidates.isEmpty()) { final Map<PointLocation, WalkingCosts> candidateCosts = distanceClient.getDistances(location, candidates); final Map<PointLocation, WalkingCosts> filteredDistances = filterTimes(candidateCosts, duration); store.putAll(location, filteredDistances); builder.putAll(filteredDistances); } } if (updateMaxStored) { store.updateMaxStored(location, duration); } return; }
From source
@Override public Map<String, GeneratedResult<Doc>> generate() { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, GeneratedResult<Doc>> results = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); ProtoApiModel apiModel = new ProtoApiModel(model); ArrayList<PackageMetadataView> metadataViews = new ArrayList<>(); metadataViews.addAll(transformer.transform(apiModel, config)); for (PackageMetadataView view : metadataViews) { CommonSnippetSetRunner runner = new CommonSnippetSetRunner(view, false); results.putAll(runner.generate(view)); }//from w w w .ja va2 s . co m return; }
From source
/** Adds extra entries to an operand to a custom schema. */ protected Map<String, Object> operandMap(JsonSchema jsonSchema, Map<String, Object> operand) { if (operand == null) { return ImmutableMap.of(); }/*from w w w. j a v a 2s . c o m*/ final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); builder.putAll(operand); for (ExtraOperand extraOperand : ExtraOperand.values()) { if (!operand.containsKey(extraOperand.camelName)) { switch (extraOperand) { case MODEL_URI: builder.put(extraOperand.camelName, modelUri); break; case BASE_DIRECTORY: File f = null; if (!modelUri.startsWith("inline:")) { final File file = new File(modelUri); f = file.getParentFile(); } if (f == null) { f = new File(""); } builder.put(extraOperand.camelName, f); break; case TABLES: if (jsonSchema instanceof JsonCustomSchema) { builder.put(extraOperand.camelName, ((JsonCustomSchema) jsonSchema).tables); } break; } } } return; }
From source
/** * <p>//from w ww . j a v a 2 s. c o m * Register a {@link Metric} with this {@link Registry}. * </p> * * <p> * Whether or not a registration occurs depends on the following: * </p> * * <ul> * <li>The metric's name is not empty.</li> * <li>The metric's name and label set have not already been registered.</li> * <li>The docstring is not empty.</li> * </ul> * * <p> * Current limitations include the following: * </p> * <ul> * <li>Ensuring that double-registration has not occurred.</li> * </ul> * * @param name The candidate metric's name. * @param docstring The docstring for the metric to help someone unfamiliar * with it understand and develop an overview thereof within a few * seconds of reading it. * @param baseLabels Verbatim labels that are embedded into the registered * metric and displayed on exposition. * @param metric The metric to be registered. * @throws IllegalArgumentException,IllegalStateException if * {@link #PROMETHEUS_CLIENT_ABORTONMISUSE} has been set to * {@code TRUE} and invalid registrations have been provided. */ public void register(final String name, final String docstring, final Map<String, String> baseLabels, final Metric metric) { // XXX: Add expensive cross-validation of double-name registration, // defaulting to off. try { validateArguments(name, docstring, baseLabels); final ImmutableMap.Builder labelSetBuilder = new ImmutableMap.Builder(); if (baseLabels != null) { labelSetBuilder.putAll(baseLabels); } labelSetBuilder.put(Reserved.NAME.label(), name); final Map<String, String> labelSet =; validateLabelSet(labelSet); baseLabelsToMetrics.put(labelSet, new Vector(labelSet, docstring, metric)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { final String candidateValue = System.getProperty(PROMETHEUS_CLIENT_ABORTONMISUSE); log.error("Could not register {}...", name); if (!TRUE.equalsIgnoreCase(candidateValue)) { throw e; } } catch (final IllegalStateException e) { log.error("Could not register {}...", name); final String candidateValue = System.getProperty(PROMETHEUS_CLIENT_ABORTONMISUSE); if (!TRUE.equalsIgnoreCase(candidateValue)) { throw e; } } }