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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.gobblin.lineage;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.gobblin.configuration.ConfigurationKeys;
import org.apache.gobblin.configuration.State;


import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

 * A class to restore all lineage information from a {@link State}
 * All lineage attributes are under LINEAGE_NAME_SPACE namespace.
 * For example, a typical lineage attributes looks like:
 *    gobblin.lineage.K1          ---> V1
 *    gobblin.lineage.branch.3.K2 ---> V2
 * K1 is dataset level attribute, K2 is branch level attribute, and branch id is 3.

public class LineageInfo {

    public static final String LINEAGE_NAME_SPACE = "gobblin.lineage";
    public static final String BRANCH_ID_METADATA_KEY = "branchId";
    private static final String DATASET_PREFIX = LINEAGE_NAME_SPACE + ".";
    private static final String BRANCH_PREFIX = DATASET_PREFIX + "branch.";

    private String datasetUrn;
    private String jobId;

    private Map<String, String> lineageMetaData;

    public enum Level {
        DATASET, BRANCH, All

    private LineageInfo() {

    private LineageInfo(String datasetUrn, String jobId, ImmutableMap<String, String> lineageMetaData) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(datasetUrn != null);
        Preconditions.checkArgument(jobId != null);
        this.datasetUrn = datasetUrn;
        this.jobId = jobId;
        this.lineageMetaData = lineageMetaData;

     * Retrieve lineage information from a {@link State} by {@link Level}
     * @param state A single state
     * @param level {@link Level#DATASET}  only load dataset level lineage attributes
     *              {@link Level#BRANCH}   only load branch level lineage attributes
     *              {@link Level#All}      load all lineage attributes
     * @return A collection of {@link LineageInfo}s per branch. When level is {@link Level#DATASET}, this list has only single element.
    public static Collection<LineageInfo> load(State state, Level level) throws LineageException {
        return load(Collections.singleton(state), level);

     * Get all lineage meta data.
    public ImmutableMap<String, String> getLineageMetaData() {
        return ImmutableMap.copyOf(lineageMetaData);

     * Retrieve all lineage information from different {@link State}s.
     * This requires the job id and dataset urn to be present in the state, under and dataset.urn.
     * A global union operation is applied to combine all <K, V> pairs from the input {@link State}s. If multiple {@link State}s
     * share the same K, but have conflicting V, a {@link LineageException} is thrown.
     * {@link Level} can control if a dataset level or branch level information should be used. When {@link Level#All} is
     * specified, all levels of information will be returned; otherwise only specified level of information will be returned.
     * For instance, assume we have below input states:
     *    State[0]: gobblin.lineage.K1          ---> V1
     *              gobblin.lineage.K2          ---> V2
     *              gobblin.lineage.branch.1.K4 ---> V4
     *    State[1]: gobblin.lineage.K2          ---> V2
     *              gobblin.lineage.K3          ---> V3
     *              gobblin.lineage.branch.1.K4 ---> V4
     *              gobblin.lineage.branch.1.K5 ---> V5
     *              gobblin.lineage.branch.2.K6 ---> V6
     *  (1) With {@link Level#DATASET} level, the output would be:
     *      LinieageInfo[0]:  K1 ---> V1
     *                        K2 ---> V2
     *                        K3 ---> V3
     *  (2) With {@link Level#All} level, the output would be: (because there are two branches, so there are two LineageInfo)
     *      LineageInfo[0]:   K1 ---> V1
     *                        K2 ---> V2
     *                        K3 ---> V3
     *                        K4 ---> V4
     *                        K5 ---> V5
     *      LineageInfo[1]:   K1 ---> V1
     *                        K2 ---> V2
     *                        K3 ---> V3
     *                        K6 ---> V6
     *   (3) With {@link Level#BRANCH} level, the output would be: (only branch level information was returned)
     *      LineageInfo[0]:   K4 ---> V4
     *                        K5 ---> V5
     *      LineageInfo[1]:   K6 ---> V6
     * @param states All states which belong to the same dataset and share the same jobId.
     * @param level {@link Level#DATASET}  only load dataset level lineage attributes
     *              {@link Level#BRANCH}   only load branch level lineage attributes
     *              {@link Level#All}      load all lineage attributes
     * @return A collection of {@link LineageInfo}s per branch. When level is {@link Level#DATASET}, this list has only single element.
     * @throws LineageException.LineageConflictAttributeException if two states have same key but not the same value.
    public static Collection<LineageInfo> load(Collection<? extends State> states, Level level)
            throws LineageException {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(states != null && !states.isEmpty());
        Map<String, String> datasetMetaData = new HashMap<>();
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> branchAggregate = new HashMap<>();

        State anyOne = states.iterator().next();
        String jobId = anyOne.getProp(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_ID_KEY, "");
        String urn = anyOne.getProp(ConfigurationKeys.DATASET_URN_KEY, ConfigurationKeys.DEFAULT_DATASET_URN);

        for (State state : states) {
            for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : state.getProperties().entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getKey() instanceof String && ((String) entry.getKey()).startsWith(LINEAGE_NAME_SPACE)) {

                    String lineageKey = ((String) entry.getKey());
                    String lineageValue = (String) entry.getValue();

                    if (lineageKey.startsWith(BRANCH_PREFIX)) {
                        String branchPrefixStrip = lineageKey.substring(BRANCH_PREFIX.length());
                        String branchId = branchPrefixStrip.substring(0, branchPrefixStrip.indexOf("."));
                        String key = branchPrefixStrip.substring(branchPrefixStrip.indexOf(".") + 1);

                        if (level == Level.BRANCH || level == Level.All) {
                            if (!branchAggregate.containsKey(branchId)) {
                                branchAggregate.put(branchId, new HashMap<>());
                            Map<String, String> branchMetaData = branchAggregate.get(branchId);
                            String prev = branchMetaData.put(key, lineageValue);
                            if (prev != null && !prev.equals(lineageValue)) {
                                throw new LineageException.LineageConflictAttributeException(lineageKey, prev,
                    } else if (lineageKey.startsWith(DATASET_PREFIX)) {
                        if (level == Level.DATASET || level == Level.All) {
                            String prev = datasetMetaData.put(lineageKey.substring(DATASET_PREFIX.length()),
                            if (prev != null && !prev.equals(lineageValue)) {
                                throw new LineageException.LineageConflictAttributeException(lineageKey, prev,

        Collection<LineageInfo> collection = Sets.newHashSet();

        if (level == Level.DATASET) {
            ImmutableMap<String, String> metaData = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().putAll(datasetMetaData)
            collection.add(new LineageInfo(urn, jobId, metaData));
            return collection;
        } else if (level == Level.BRANCH || level == Level.All) {
            if (branchAggregate.isEmpty()) {
                if (level == Level.All) {
                    collection.add(new LineageInfo(urn, jobId,
                            ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().putAll(datasetMetaData).build()));
                return collection;
            for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> branchMetaDataEntry : branchAggregate.entrySet()) {
                String branchId = branchMetaDataEntry.getKey();
                Map<String, String> branchMetaData = branchMetaDataEntry.getValue();
                ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> metaDataBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
                if (level == Level.All) {
                metaDataBuilder.putAll(branchMetaData).put(BRANCH_ID_METADATA_KEY, branchId);
                collection.add(new LineageInfo(urn, jobId,;

            return collection;
        } else {
            throw new LineageException.LineageUnsupportedLevelException(level);

    public static void setDatasetLineageAttribute(State state, String key, String value) {
        state.setProp(DATASET_PREFIX + key, value);

    public static void setBranchLineageAttribute(State state, int branchId, String key, String value) {
        state.setProp(BRANCH_PREFIX + Joiner.on(".").join(branchId, key), value);

    public final String getId() {
        return Joiner.on(":::").join(this.datasetUrn, this.jobId);