Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode textValue

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode textValue


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode textValue.


public String textValue() 

Source Link


From source file:de.thingweb.client.security.Security4NicePlugfest.java

public Registration requestRegistrationAS() throws IOException {
    String clientName = "opPostmanTestRS"; // CLIENT_NAME_PREFIX +
    // System.currentTimeMillis();
    String clientCredentials = "client_credentials";
    String requestBodyRegistration = "{\"client_name\": \"" + clientName + "\",\"grant_types\": [\""
            + clientCredentials + "\"], \"id_token_signed_response_alg\":\"" + "HS256" + "\"}";

    // Registration

    HttpsURLConnection httpConRegistration = (HttpsURLConnection) urlRegistration.openConnection();
    httpConRegistration.setRequestProperty("Host", REQUEST_HEADER_HOST);
    httpConRegistration.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
    httpConRegistration.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");

    OutputStream outRegistration = httpConRegistration.getOutputStream();
    outRegistration.close();/*from   ww  w . j  a va 2 s  . c  o  m*/

    int responseCodeRegistration = httpConRegistration.getResponseCode();
    log.info("responseCode Registration for " + urlRegistration + ": " + responseCodeRegistration);

    if (responseCodeRegistration == 201) {
        // everything ok
        InputStream isR = httpConRegistration.getInputStream();
        byte[] bisR = getBytesFromInputStream(isR);
        String jsonResponseRegistration = new String(bisR);

        // extract the value of client_id (this value is called <c_id>in
        // the following) and the value of client_secret (called
        // <c_secret> in the following) from the JSON response

        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        JsonFactory factory = mapper.getFactory();
        JsonParser jp = factory.createParser(bisR);
        JsonNode actualObj = mapper.readTree(jp);

        JsonNode c_id = actualObj.get("client_id");
        JsonNode c_secret = actualObj.get("client_secret");

        if (c_id == null || c_id.getNodeType() != JsonNodeType.STRING || c_secret == null
                || c_secret.getNodeType() != JsonNodeType.STRING) {
            log.error("client_id: " + c_id);
            log.error("client_secret: " + c_secret);
        } else {
            // ok so far
            // Store <c_id> and <c_secret> for use during the token
            // acquisition
            log.info("client_id: " + c_id);
            log.info("client_secret: " + c_secret);

            return new Registration(c_id.textValue(), c_secret.textValue());

    } else {
        // error
        InputStream error = httpConRegistration.getErrorStream();
        byte[] berror = getBytesFromInputStream(error);
        log.error(new String(berror));

    return null;

From source file:de.thingweb.client.security.Security4NicePlugfest.java

public Registration requestRegistrationAM() throws IOException {

    Registration registration = null;/* w  w w .ja va 2 s.  c o  m*/

    String clientName = CLIENT_NAME_PREFIX + System.currentTimeMillis();
    String clientCredentials = "client_credentials";
    String requestBodyRegistration = "{\"client_name\": \"" + clientName + "\",\"grant_types\": [\""
            + clientCredentials + "\"]}";

    // Registration

    HttpsURLConnection httpConRegistration = (HttpsURLConnection) urlRegistration.openConnection();
    httpConRegistration.setRequestProperty("Host", REQUEST_HEADER_HOST);
    httpConRegistration.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
    httpConRegistration.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");

    OutputStream outRegistration = httpConRegistration.getOutputStream();

    int responseCodeRegistration = httpConRegistration.getResponseCode();
    log.info("responseCode Registration for " + urlRegistration + ": " + responseCodeRegistration);

    if (responseCodeRegistration == 201) {
        // everything ok
        InputStream isR = httpConRegistration.getInputStream();
        byte[] bisR = getBytesFromInputStream(isR);
        String jsonResponseRegistration = new String(bisR);

        // extract the value of client_id (this value is called <c_id>in
        // the following) and the value of client_secret (called
        // <c_secret> in the following) from the JSON response

        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        JsonFactory factory = mapper.getFactory();
        JsonParser jp = factory.createParser(bisR);
        JsonNode actualObj = mapper.readTree(jp);

        JsonNode c_id = actualObj.get("client_id");
        JsonNode c_secret = actualObj.get("client_secret");

        if (c_id == null || c_id.getNodeType() != JsonNodeType.STRING || c_secret == null
                || c_secret.getNodeType() != JsonNodeType.STRING) {
            log.error("client_id: " + c_id);
            log.error("client_secret: " + c_secret);
        } else {
            // ok so far
            // Store <c_id> and <c_secret> for use during the token
            // acquisition
            log.info("client_id: " + c_id);
            log.info("client_secret: " + c_secret);

            registration = new Registration(c_id.textValue(), c_secret.textValue());

    } else {
        // error
        InputStream error = httpConRegistration.getErrorStream();
        byte[] berror = getBytesFromInputStream(error);
        log.error(new String(berror));

    return registration;

From source file:com.okta.swagger.codegen.AbstractOktaJavaClientCodegen.java

private void handleOktaLinkedOperations(Swagger swagger) {
    // we want to move any operations defined by the 'x-okta-operations' or 'x-okta-crud' vendor extension to the model
    Map<String, Model> modelMap = swagger.getDefinitions().entrySet().stream()
            .filter(e -> e.getValue().getVendorExtensions().containsKey("x-okta-operations")
                    || e.getValue().getVendorExtensions().containsKey("x-okta-crud"))
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));

    modelMap.forEach((k, model) -> {/*  ww  w.  j  a  v  a  2  s  .c o m*/
        List<ObjectNode> linkNodes = new ArrayList<>();

        addAllIfNotNull(linkNodes, (List<ObjectNode>) model.getVendorExtensions().get("x-okta-operations"));
        addAllIfNotNull(linkNodes, (List<ObjectNode>) model.getVendorExtensions().get("x-okta-crud"));

        Map<String, CodegenOperation> operationMap = new HashMap<>();

        linkNodes.forEach(n -> {
            String operationId = n.get("operationId").textValue();

            // find the swagger path operation
            swagger.getPaths().forEach((pathName, path) -> {
                Optional<Map.Entry<HttpMethod, Operation>> operationEntry = path.getOperationMap().entrySet()
                        .stream().filter(e -> e.getValue().getOperationId().equals(operationId)).findFirst();

                if (operationEntry.isPresent()) {

                    Operation operation = operationEntry.get().getValue();

                    CodegenOperation cgOperation = fromOperation(pathName,
                            operationEntry.get().getKey().name().toLowerCase(), operation,
                            swagger.getDefinitions(), swagger);

                    boolean canLinkMethod = true;

                    JsonNode aliasNode = n.get("alias");
                    if (aliasNode != null) {
                        String alias = aliasNode.textValue();
                        cgOperation.vendorExtensions.put("alias", alias);

                        if ("update".equals(alias)) {
                            model.getVendorExtensions().put("saveable", true);
                        } else if ("delete".equals(alias)) {
                            model.getVendorExtensions().put("deletable", true);
                            cgOperation.vendorExtensions.put("selfDelete", true);
                        } else if ("read".equals(alias) || "create".equals(alias)) {
                            canLinkMethod = false;

                    // we do NOT link read or create methods, those need to be on the parent object
                    if (canLinkMethod) {

                        // now any params that match the models we need to use the model value directly
                        // for example if the path contained {id} we would call getId() instead

                        Map<String, String> argMap = createArgMap(n);

                        List<CodegenParameter> cgOtherPathParamList = new ArrayList<>();
                        List<CodegenParameter> cgParamAllList = new ArrayList<>();
                        List<CodegenParameter> cgParamModelList = new ArrayList<>();

                        cgOperation.pathParams.forEach(param -> {

                            if (argMap.containsKey(param.paramName)) {

                                String paramName = argMap.get(param.paramName);

                                if (model.getProperties() != null) {
                                    CodegenProperty cgProperty = fromProperty(paramName,
                                    param.vendorExtensions.put("fromModel", cgProperty);
                                } else {
                                    System.err.println("Model '" + model.getTitle() + "' has no properties");

                            } else {

                        // remove the body param if the body is the object itself
                        for (Iterator<CodegenParameter> iter = cgOperation.bodyParams.iterator(); iter
                                .hasNext();) {
                            CodegenParameter bodyParam = iter.next();
                            if (argMap.containsKey(bodyParam.paramName)) {
                                cgOperation.vendorExtensions.put("bodyIsSelf", true);

                        // do not add the parrent path params to the list (they will be parsed from the href)
                        SortedSet<String> pathParents = parentPathParams(n);
                        cgOtherPathParamList.forEach(param -> {
                            if (!pathParents.contains(param.paramName)) {

                        if (!pathParents.isEmpty()) {
                            cgOperation.vendorExtensions.put("hasPathParents", true);
                            cgOperation.vendorExtensions.put("pathParents", pathParents);


                        // set all params to have more
                        cgParamAllList.forEach(param -> param.hasMore = true);

                        // then grab the last one and mark it as the last
                        if (!cgParamAllList.isEmpty()) {
                            CodegenParameter param = cgParamAllList.get(cgParamAllList.size() - 1);
                            param.hasMore = false;

                        cgOperation.vendorExtensions.put("allParams", cgParamAllList);
                        cgOperation.vendorExtensions.put("fromModelPathParams", cgParamModelList);

                        addOptionalExtension(cgOperation, cgParamAllList);

                        operationMap.put(cgOperation.operationId, cgOperation);

                        // mark the operation as moved so we do NOT add it to the client
                        operation.getVendorExtensions().put("moved", true);


        model.getVendorExtensions().put("operations", operationMap.values());

From source file:com.netflix.spinnaker.orca.pipelinetemplate.v1schema.render.JsonRenderedValueConverter.java

public Object convertRenderedValue(String rendered) {
    if (NumberUtils.isNumber(rendered)) {
        if (rendered.contains(".")) {
            return NumberUtils.createDouble(rendered);
        }/*from  www .  j a va  2s  .c  o  m*/
        try {
            return NumberUtils.createInteger(rendered);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
            return NumberUtils.createLong(rendered);
    } else if (rendered.equals("true") || rendered.equals("false")) {
        return Boolean.parseBoolean(rendered);
    } else if (rendered.startsWith("{{") || (!rendered.startsWith("{") && !rendered.startsWith("["))) {
        return rendered;

    JsonNode node;
    try {
        node = pipelineTemplateObjectMapper.readTree(rendered);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new TemplateRenderException("template produced invalid json", e);

    try {
        if (node.isArray()) {
            return pipelineTemplateObjectMapper.readValue(rendered, Collection.class);
        if (node.isObject()) {
            return pipelineTemplateObjectMapper.readValue(rendered, HashMap.class);
        if (node.isBoolean()) {
            return Boolean.parseBoolean(node.asText());
        if (node.isDouble()) {
            return node.doubleValue();
        if (node.canConvertToInt()) {
            return node.intValue();
        if (node.canConvertToLong()) {
            return node.longValue();
        if (node.isTextual()) {
            return node.textValue();
        if (node.isNull()) {
            return null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new TemplateRenderException("template produced invalid json", e);

    throw new TemplateRenderException("unknown rendered object type");

From source file:org.level28.android.moca.json.TwitterSearchDeserializer.java

 * Deserialize a JSON search result from the given {@link InputStream}.
 * //from w  w w.  j av  a  2 s .com
 * @param in
 *            the input stream from which the JSON document should be parsed
 * @return a list of results with relevant search metadata
 * @throws JsonDeserializerException
 *             if the JSON document is invalid
public TwitterSearchReply fromInputStream(InputStream in) throws JsonDeserializerException {
    JsonNode root;
    try {
        root = sJsonMapper.readTree(in);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new JsonDeserializerException("Internal Jackson error: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    // Root should be an object
    if (!root.isObject()) {
        throw new JsonDeserializerException("Root JsonNode is not an object!");

    JsonNode node, resultsArray;
    TwitterSearchReply reply = new TwitterSearchReply();

    // Get all required attributes starting with the all-important results
    // array
    resultsArray = root.path("results");
    if (resultsArray.isMissingNode() || !resultsArray.isArray()) {
        throw new JsonDeserializerException("Invalid search reply (results missing or not an array)");
    // We'll get to results deserialization later, continue to hunt down
    // required search reply fields

    // Original query (not really needed, just checked for sanity reasons)
    node = root.path("query");
    if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isTextual()) {
        throw new JsonDeserializerException("'query' missing or invalid");

    // Refresh url for this query
    node = root.path("refresh_url");
    if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isTextual()) {
        throw new JsonDeserializerException("'refresh_url' missing or invalid");

    // Maximum tweet id
    node = root.path("max_id");
    if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.canConvertToLong()) {
        throw new JsonDeserializerException("'max_id' missing or invalid");

    // Starting tweet id
    node = root.path("since_id");
    if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.canConvertToLong()) {
        throw new JsonDeserializerException("'since_id' missing or invalid");

    // Results per page
    node = root.path("results_per_page");
    if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isInt()) {
        throw new JsonDeserializerException("'results_per_page' missing or invalid");

    // Current page
    node = root.path("page");
    if (node.isMissingNode() || !node.isInt()) {
        throw new JsonDeserializerException("'page' missing or invalid");

    // Parse all results
    ArrayList<Tweet> tweets = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (JsonNode child : resultsArray) {

    // Go for optional and low-priority attributes

    // Aaaaand we're done :-)
    return reply;

From source file:com.ning.metrics.action.hdfs.data.JsonNodeComparable.java

public int compareTo(Object o) {
    JsonNode thing = (JsonNode) o;

    if (isMissingNode() && !thing.isMissingNode()) {
        return -1;
    } else if (!isMissingNode() && thing.isMissingNode()) {
        return 1;
    }//from   w w w .j a va2s  . c o  m

    int mySize = 0;
    Iterator<JsonNode> myIterator = elements();
    while (myIterator.hasNext()) {

    int hisSize = 0;
    Iterator<JsonNode> hisIterator = thing.elements();
    while (hisIterator.hasNext()) {

    if (mySize != 0 || hisSize != 0) {
        if (mySize > hisSize) {
            return 1;
        } else if (mySize < hisSize) {
            return -1;

    // Looks like both nodes don't have children
    if (isValueNode() && thing.isValueNode()) {
        return textValue().compareTo(thing.textValue());
    } else {
        if (equals(thing)) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            // Weak. When do we come here?
            return toString().compareTo(thing.toString());

From source file:com.netflix.spinnaker.orca.pipelinetemplate.v1schema.render.HandlebarsRenderer.java

public Object renderGraph(String template, RenderContext context) {
    String rendered = render(template, context);

    // Short-circuit primitive values.
    // TODO rz - having trouble getting jackson to parse primitive values outside of unit tests
    if (NumberUtils.isNumber(rendered)) {
        if (rendered.contains(".")) {
            return NumberUtils.createDouble(rendered);
        }/*from   w w w  .  ja v a  2  s .co  m*/
        try {
            return NumberUtils.createInteger(rendered);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
            return NumberUtils.createLong(rendered);
    } else if (rendered.equals("true") || rendered.equals("false")) {
        return Boolean.parseBoolean(rendered);
    } else if (!rendered.startsWith("{") && !rendered.startsWith("[")) {
        return rendered;

    JsonNode node;
    try {
        node = pipelineTemplateObjectMapper.readTree(rendered);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new TemplateRenderException("template produced invalid json", e);

    try {
        if (node.isArray()) {
            return pipelineTemplateObjectMapper.readValue(rendered, Collection.class);
        if (node.isObject()) {
            return pipelineTemplateObjectMapper.readValue(rendered, HashMap.class);
        if (node.isBoolean()) {
            return Boolean.parseBoolean(node.asText());
        if (node.isDouble()) {
            return node.doubleValue();
        if (node.canConvertToInt()) {
            return node.intValue();
        if (node.canConvertToLong()) {
            return node.longValue();
        if (node.isTextual()) {
            return node.textValue();
        if (node.isNull()) {
            return null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new TemplateRenderException("template produced invalid json", e);

    throw new TemplateRenderException("unknown rendered object type");

From source file:de.thingweb.client.security.Security4NicePlugfest.java

public String requestASToken(Registration registration, String[] adds) throws IOException {
    String asToken = null;/*from w w w  .jav a2 s  .com*/

    // Token Acquisition
    // Create a HTTP request as in the following prototype and send
    // it via TLS to the AM
    // Token Acquisition
    // Create a HTTP request as in the following prototype and send
    // it via TLS to the AM
    // Request
    // POST /iam-services/0.1/oidc/am/token HTTP/1.1

    HttpsURLConnection httpConTokenAcquisition = (HttpsURLConnection) urlTokenAcquisition.openConnection();
    httpConTokenAcquisition.setRequestProperty("Host", REQUEST_HEADER_HOST);
    httpConTokenAcquisition.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    httpConTokenAcquisition.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
    // httpConTokenAcquisition.setRequestProperty("Authorization",
    // "Basic Base64(<c_id>:<c_secret>");
    String auth = registration.c_id + ":" + registration.c_secret;
    String authb = "Basic " + new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(auth.getBytes()));
    httpConTokenAcquisition.setRequestProperty("Authorization", authb);

    String requestBodyTokenAcquisition = "grant_type=client_credentials";
    if (adds == null || adds.length == 0) {
        // no additions
    } else {
        if (adds.length % 2 == 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < (adds.length - 1); i += 2) {
                requestBodyTokenAcquisition += "&";
                requestBodyTokenAcquisition += URLEncoder.encode(adds[i], "UTF-8");
                requestBodyTokenAcquisition += "=";
                requestBodyTokenAcquisition += URLEncoder.encode(adds[i + 1], "UTF-8");
        } else {
                    "Additional information for token not used! Not a multiple of 2: " + Arrays.toString(adds));

    OutputStream outTokenAcquisition = httpConTokenAcquisition.getOutputStream();

    int responseCodeoutTokenAcquisition = httpConTokenAcquisition.getResponseCode();
    log.info("responseCode TokenAcquisition for " + urlTokenAcquisition + ": "
            + responseCodeoutTokenAcquisition);

    if (responseCodeoutTokenAcquisition == 200) {
        // everything ok
        InputStream isTA = httpConTokenAcquisition.getInputStream();
        byte[] bisTA = getBytesFromInputStream(isTA);
        String jsonResponseTA = new String(bisTA);

        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        JsonFactory factory = mapper.getFactory();
        JsonParser jp = factory.createParser(bisTA);
        JsonNode actualObj = mapper.readTree(jp);

        JsonNode access_token = actualObj.get("access_token");
        if (access_token == null || access_token.getNodeType() != JsonNodeType.STRING) {
            log.error("access_token: " + access_token);
        } else {
            // ok so far
            // access_token provides a JWT structure
            // see Understanding JWT
            // https://developer.atlassian.com/static/connect/docs/latest/concepts/understanding-jwt.html

            log.info("access_token: " + access_token);
            // http://jwt.io/

            // TODO verify signature (e.g., use Jose4J)

            // Note: currently we assume signature is fine.. we just fetch
            // "as_token"
            String[] decAT = access_token.textValue().split("\\.");
            if (decAT == null || decAT.length != 3) {
                log.error("Cannot build JWT tripple structure for " + access_token);
            } else {
                assert (decAT.length == 3);
                // JWT structure
                // decAT[0]; // header
                // decAT[1]; // payload
                // decAT[2]; // signature
                String decAT1 = new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(decAT[1]));
                JsonParser jpas = factory.createParser(decAT1);
                JsonNode payload = mapper.readTree(jpas);
                JsonNode as_token = payload.get("as_token");
                if (as_token == null || as_token.getNodeType() != JsonNodeType.STRING) {
                    log.error("as_token: " + as_token);
                } else {
                    log.info("as_token: " + as_token);
                    asToken = as_token.textValue();

    } else {
        // error
        InputStream error = httpConTokenAcquisition.getErrorStream();
        byte[] berror = getBytesFromInputStream(error);
        log.error(new String(berror));


    return asToken;

From source file:com.unboundid.scim2.common.messages.PatchOperation.java

private void addSchemaUrnIfMissing(final ArrayNode schemas, final String schemaUrn) {
    for (JsonNode node : schemas) {
        if (node.isTextual() && node.textValue().equalsIgnoreCase(schemaUrn)) {
        }/*from  w w  w . j a va2s .co  m*/


From source file:com.alliander.osgp.shared.usermanagement.KeycloakClient.java

private String determineSessionIdWithLoginClient(final ArrayNode sessionRepresentationArray) {
    final Iterator<JsonNode> elements = sessionRepresentationArray.elements();
    final boolean sessionFound = false;
    while (!sessionFound && elements.hasNext()) {
        final JsonNode sessionRepresentation = elements.next();
        final JsonNode sessionId = sessionRepresentation.get("id");
        if (sessionId == null || !sessionId.isTextual()) {
            LOGGER.warn("sessionId is not a JSON text node for a user session");
        }// ww  w .  j  a  v a 2 s .c  o  m
        final JsonNode clients = sessionRepresentation.get("clients");
        if (clients == null || !clients.isObject()) {
            LOGGER.warn("clients is not a JSON object node for a user session");
        if (this.useSessionIdForClients(clients)) {
            return sessionId.textValue();
    return null;