List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode textValue
public String textValue()
From source
@Override public Owner deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext deserializationContext) throws IOException { LocatingStrategy strategy = null;// w w w . j ava2 s . c o m ObjectCodec oc = jsonParser.getCodec(); JsonNode node = oc.readTree(jsonParser); // Parse id int id = node.get("id") == null ? 0 : node.get("id").intValue(); // Parse code String code = node.get("code") == null ? "" : node.get("code").textValue(); // Parse name String name = node.get("name") == null ? "" : node.get("name").textValue(); // Parse color String color = node.get("color") == null ? "" : node.get("color").textValue(); // Parse opacity String opacity = node.get("opacity") == null ? "" : node.get("opacity").textValue(); // Parse locating strategy String strategyStr = node.get("locating_strategy") == null ? null : node.get("locating_strategy").textValue(); // If strategyStr not null, convert from string to LocatingStrategy object if (strategyStr != null) { // Get converterService bean from Application Context ConverterService converterService = (ConverterService) ApplicationContextUtils.getApplicationContext() .getBean("converterService"); // Convert strategyStr to LocatingStrategy object strategy = (LocatingStrategy) converterService.convert(strategyStr, LocatingStrategy.class, LocatingStrategy.INDEX); } // String for ip addresses String ips = null; // Does allowed_ips node exist if (node.path("allowed_ips") != null) { // Parse allowed ip addresses Iterator<JsonNode> ite = node.path("allowed_ips").elements(); // Init ips variable ips = ""; // Iterate ips while (ite.hasNext()) { // Get next ip node JsonNode temp =; // Add ip to the ips string ips += temp.textValue(); // Add line break, if there are more ips to read if (ite.hasNext()) { ips += "\n"; } } } // Variables for redirects List<PreprocessingRedirect> preprocessingRedirect = null; List<NotFoundRedirect> notFoundRedirect = null; // Does redirects node exist if (node.path("redirects") != null) { preprocessingRedirect = new ArrayList<PreprocessingRedirect>(); notFoundRedirect = new ArrayList<NotFoundRedirect>(); // Parse redirects Iterator<JsonNode> ite = node.path("redirects").elements(); // Iterate redirects while (ite.hasNext()) { // Get next redirect JsonNode temp =; // Parse id int redirectId = temp.get("id") == null ? 0 : temp.get("id").intValue(); // Parse type String redirectType = temp.get("type") == null ? "" : temp.get("type").textValue(); // Parse operation String condition = temp.get("condition") == null ? "" : temp.get("condition").textValue(); // Parse operation String operation = temp.get("operation") == null ? "" : temp.get("operation").textValue(); // Is active boolean redirectActive = true; if (temp.get("is_active") != null) { // Parse is_active redirectActive = temp.get("is_active").asBoolean(); } CallnoModification redirect = null; if (redirectType.equalsIgnoreCase("PREPROCESS")) { redirect = new PreprocessingRedirect(); } else if (redirectType.equalsIgnoreCase("NOTFOUND")) { redirect = new NotFoundRedirect(); } else { continue; } redirect.setId(redirectId); redirect.setCondition(condition); redirect.setOperation(operation); redirect.setIsActive(redirectActive); if (redirectType.equalsIgnoreCase("PREPROCESS")) { preprocessingRedirect.add((PreprocessingRedirect) redirect); } else if (redirectType.equalsIgnoreCase("NOTFOUND")) { notFoundRedirect.add((NotFoundRedirect) redirect); } } } // Create new Owner object Owner owner = new Owner(code, name); // Set values owner.setPreprocessingRedirects(preprocessingRedirect); owner.setNotFoundRedirects(notFoundRedirect); owner.setColor(color); owner.setOpacity(opacity); owner.setLocatingStrategy(strategy); owner.setAllowedIPs(ips); if (node.get("exporter_visible") != null && node.get("exporter_visible").booleanValue()) { // Parse exporter visible owner.setExporterVisible(node.get("exporter_visible").asBoolean()); } // Return Owner return owner; }
From source
private DateTime deserializeDateTime(final JsonNode node, final String prefix) throws IOException { final JsonNode datetimenode = node.get(prefix + "datetime"); if (datetimenode == null) { LOGGER.warn("Attempt to deserialize malformed interval"); throw new IOException("Invalid interval value"); }//from w ww . j av a2s. com final String datetime = datetimenode.textValue(); // Obtain values final JsonNode tznode = node.get(prefix + "timezone"); String timezone = null; if (tznode != null) { timezone = tznode.textValue(); } DateTime result = null; try { if ((timezone == null) || ("UTC".equals(timezone))) { result = formatter.parseDateTime(datetime).withZone(utczone); } else { result = formatter.parseDateTime(datetime).withZone(DateTimeZone.forID(timezone)); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { LOGGER.warn("Attempt to deserialize invalid interval {},{}", datetime, timezone); throw new IOException("Invalid datetime value", iae); } return result; }
From source
@Override public String deserializeString(JsonReadGenericRecord record, String fieldName) { JsonNode node = record.getNode().isTextual() ? record.getNode() : getJsonNode(record, fieldName); if (node == null) return null; return node.textValue(); }
From source
@Test(dependsOnMethods = "keywordIsSupportedInThisDictionary", dataProvider = "getPointerTests") public final void pointerDelegationWorksCorrectly(final JsonNode schema, final ArrayNode expectedPointers) throws ProcessingException, JsonPointerException { final SchemaTree tree = new CanonicalSchemaTree(SchemaKey.anonymousKey(), schema); checker.checkSyntax(pointers, BUNDLE, report, tree); final List<JsonPointer> expected = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final JsonNode node : expectedPointers) expected.add(new JsonPointer(node.textValue())); assertEquals(pointers, expected);//from w ww . jav a 2s . c om }
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private <T> T returnAsType(JsonNode n, Class<T> type) { if (type == String.class) return type.cast(n.textValue()); else if (type == Integer.class || type == Integer.TYPE) return type.cast(n.asInt()); else if (type == Double.class || type == Double.TYPE) return type.cast(n.asDouble()); else if (type == Boolean.class || type == Boolean.TYPE) return type.cast(n.asBoolean()); else if (type == Long.class || type == Long.TYPE) return type.cast(n.asLong()); throw new RuntimeException("Unknown type cast request"); }
From source
private String extractOutputMetric(GuaranteeTerm guarantee) { String slo = guarantee.getServiceLevelObjetive().getKpitarget().getCustomServiceLevel(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String constraint = null;//from w w w . j ava 2 s. c o m JsonNode rootNode = null; try { rootNode = mapper.readTree(slo); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new MediatorException("Error processing slo json", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MediatorException("Error processing slo json", e); } JsonNode constraintNode = rootNode.path(TemplateGenerator.CONSTRAINT); constraint = constraintNode.textValue(); int pos = constraint.indexOf(' '); String violation = constraint.substring(0, pos == -1 ? slo.length() : pos); return violation; }
From source
public void processMsg(String msg, String mapDirName) throws InvalidMessageException { if (msg == null) { throw new InvalidMessageException("Null message"); }//from w w w .j a v a2 s. com ObjectMapper oMapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode instarRootNode = null; ObjectNode sdncRootNode = null; String instarMsgName = null; try { instarRootNode = oMapper.readTree(msg); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidMessageException("Cannot parse json object", e); } Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> instarFields = instarRootNode.fields(); while (instarFields.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry =; instarMsgName = entry.getKey(); instarRootNode = entry.getValue(); break; } Map<String, String> fieldMap = loadMap(instarMsgName, mapDirName); if (fieldMap == null) { throw new InvalidMessageException("Unable to process message - cannot load field mappings"); } if (!fieldMap.containsKey(SDNC_ENDPOINT)) { throw new InvalidMessageException("No SDNC endpoint known for message " + instarMsgName); } String sdncEndpoint = fieldMap.get(SDNC_ENDPOINT); sdncRootNode = oMapper.createObjectNode(); ObjectNode inputNode = oMapper.createObjectNode(); for (String fromField : fieldMap.keySet()) { if (!SDNC_ENDPOINT.equals(fromField)) { JsonNode curNode = instarRootNode.get(fromField); if (curNode != null) { String fromValue = curNode.textValue(); inputNode.put(fieldMap.get(fromField), fromValue); } } } sdncRootNode.put("input", inputNode); try { String rpcMsgbody = oMapper.writeValueAsString(sdncRootNode); String odlUrlBase = getProperty("sdnc.odl.url-base"); String odlUser = getProperty("sdnc.odl.user"); String odlPassword = getProperty("sdnc.odl.password"); if ((odlUrlBase != null) && (odlUrlBase.length() > 0)) { SdncOdlConnection conn = SdncOdlConnection.newInstance(odlUrlBase + sdncEndpoint, odlUser, odlPassword); conn.send("POST", "application/json", rpcMsgbody); } else {"POST message body would be:\n" + rpcMsgbody); } } catch (Exception e) { } }
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@Test public void stringToJson() { JsonNode converted = converter.fromConnectData(Schema.STRING_SCHEMA, "test-string"); assertEquals("test-string", converted.textValue()); }
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> List<T> deserializeDataList(JsonNode jsonNode, final Class<T> elementType) { try {/*from w ww .j ava2s . c o m*/ CollectionType listType = TypeFactory.defaultInstance().constructCollectionType(List.class, elementType); return (List<T>) objectMapper.readValue(jsonNode.textValue(), listType); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AgoravaException("Error deserializing data from Facebook: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
From source
@Override protected void doHandleResponse(HttpResponse httpResponse) throws Exception { long syncAccountId = getSyncAccountId(); final Session session = SessionManager.getSession(syncAccountId); Header header = httpResponse.getFirstHeader("Sync-JWT"); if (header != null) { session.addHeader("Sync-JWT", header.getValue()); }/*from w w w . j a va2 s . c om*/ Map<String, DownloadFileHandler> handlers = (Map<String, DownloadFileHandler>) getParameterValue( "handlers"); InputStream inputStream = null; try { HttpEntity httpEntity = httpResponse.getEntity(); inputStream = new CountingInputStream(httpEntity.getContent()) { @Override protected synchronized void afterRead(int n) { session.incrementDownloadedBytes(n); super.afterRead(n); } }; inputStream = new RateLimitedInputStream(inputStream, syncAccountId); ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(inputStream); ZipEntry zipEntry = null; while ((zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry()) != null) { String zipEntryName = zipEntry.getName(); if (zipEntryName.equals("errors.json")) { JsonNode rootJsonNode = JSONUtil.readTree(new CloseShieldInputStream(zipInputStream)); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = rootJsonNode.fields(); while (fields.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> field =; Handler<Void> handler = handlers.remove(field.getKey()); JsonNode valueJsonNode = field.getValue(); JsonNode exceptionJsonNode = valueJsonNode.get("exception"); handler.handlePortalException(exceptionJsonNode.textValue()); } break; } DownloadFileHandler downloadFileHandler = handlers.get(zipEntryName); if (downloadFileHandler == null) { continue; } SyncFile syncFile = (SyncFile) downloadFileHandler.getParameterValue("syncFile"); if (downloadFileHandler.isUnsynced(syncFile)) { handlers.remove(zipEntryName); continue; } if (_logger.isTraceEnabled()) { _logger.trace("Handling response {} file path {}", DownloadFileHandler.class.getSimpleName(), syncFile.getFilePathName()); } try { downloadFileHandler.copyFile(syncFile, Paths.get(syncFile.getFilePathName()), new CloseShieldInputStream(zipInputStream), false); } catch (Exception e) { if (!isEventCancelled()) { _logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); downloadFileHandler.removeEvent(); FileEventUtil.downloadFile(getSyncAccountId(), syncFile, false); } } finally { handlers.remove(zipEntryName); downloadFileHandler.removeEvent(); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (!isEventCancelled()) { _logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); retryEvent(); } } finally { StreamUtil.cleanUp(inputStream); } }