List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode textValue
public String textValue()
From source
protected Object decodeValue(SettingType type, JsonNode node) { switch (type) { case INTEGER: if (!node.canConvertToInt()) { numberDecodeError(type, node); }//www . j a v a2 s. c o m return node.intValue(); case NUMERIC: if (!node.isDouble()) { numberDecodeError(type, node); } return node.doubleValue(); case BOOLEAN: return node.booleanValue(); case TIMEINSTANT: return this.settingValueFactory.parseTimeInstant(node.textValue()); case FILE: return this.settingValueFactory.parseFile(node.textValue()); case STRING: return node.textValue(); case URI: return this.settingValueFactory.parseUri(node.textValue()); case MULTILINGUAL_STRING: return decodeMultilingualString(node); case CHOICE: return node.textValue(); default: throw new ConfigurationError(String.format("Unknown Type %s", type)); } }
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protected String getString(JsonNode jsonNode, String key, String defaultValue) { JsonNode childJsonNode = jsonNode.get(key); if (childJsonNode == null) { return defaultValue; }/*ww w .ja v a 2s. c o m*/ FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystems.getDefault(); String value = childJsonNode.textValue(); return value.replace("/", fileSystem.getSeparator()); }
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@Override public ReportDTO deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext deserializationContext) throws IOException { ObjectCodec oc = jsonParser.getCodec(); JsonNode node = oc.readTree(jsonParser); ReportTypeEnum reportTypeEnum = node.get(REPORT_TYPE) != null ? ReportTypeEnum.getReportTypeEnum(node.get(REPORT_TYPE).textValue()) : ReportTypeEnum.STANDARD;//from w ww. ja v a 2s.c om List<FilterDTO> filterDTOList = new ArrayList<>(); JsonNode reportIdNode = node.get(ID); Long reportId = null; if (reportIdNode != null) { reportId = reportIdNode.longValue(); } JsonNode filterNode = node.get(FILTER_EXPRESSION); if (filterNode != null) { addVmsFilters(filterNode.get("vms"), filterDTOList, reportId); addAssets(filterNode.get(ASSETS), filterDTOList, reportId); addArea(filterNode.get("areas"), filterDTOList, reportId); addCommon(filterNode.get("common"), filterDTOList, reportId); addFaFilters(filterNode.get("fa"), filterDTOList, reportId); if (ReportTypeEnum.SUMMARY.equals(reportTypeEnum)) { addGroupCriteria(filterNode.get("criteria"), filterDTOList, reportId, jsonParser); } } boolean withMap = false; JsonNode witMapNode = node.get(WITH_MAP); if (witMapNode != null) { withMap = witMapNode.booleanValue(); } VisibilityEnum visibilityEnum = null; JsonNode visibilityNode = node.get(VISIBILITY); if (visibilityNode != null) { String s = visibilityNode.textValue(); if (s != null) { visibilityEnum = VisibilityEnum.valueOf(s.toUpperCase()); } } String nameValue = null; JsonNode nameNode = node.get(NAME); if (nameNode != null) { nameValue = nameNode.textValue(); } JsonNode createdOnNode = node.get(CREATED_ON); String createdOnValue = null; if (createdOnNode != null) { createdOnValue = createdOnNode.textValue(); } JsonNode editableNode = node.get("editable"); boolean editableValue = false; if (createdOnNode != null) { editableValue = editableNode.booleanValue(); } ReportDTO build = ReportDTO.builder() .description(node.get(DESC) != null ? node.get(DESC).textValue() : null) .id(node.get(ID) != null ? node.get(ID).longValue() : null).name(nameValue).withMap(withMap) .createdBy(node.get(CREATED_BY) != null ? node.get(CREATED_BY).textValue() : null) .filters(filterDTOList).visibility(visibilityEnum) .mapConfiguration(createMapConfigurationDTO(withMap, node.get(MAP_CONFIGURATION))).build(); build.setReportTypeEnum(reportTypeEnum); build.setAudit(new AuditDTO(createdOnValue)); build.setEditable(editableValue); return build; }
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/** * Finds either local jar or artifact dependencies' URLs for the given classloader * sharing policy (passed inside configuration bean) and a workflowRunID (used to * retrieve the workflow) that will be added to this activity classloader's list of URLs. *//* w ww. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ private HashSet<URL> findDependencies(String dependencyType, JsonNode json, String workflowRunID) { ClassLoaderSharing classLoaderSharing; if (json.has("classLoaderSharing")) { classLoaderSharing = ClassLoaderSharing.fromString(json.get("classLoaderSharing").textValue()); } else { classLoaderSharing = ClassLoaderSharing.workflow; } // Get the WorkflowInstanceFacade which contains the current workflow WeakReference<WorkflowInstanceFacade> wfFacadeRef = WorkflowInstanceFacade.workflowRunFacades .get(workflowRunID); WorkflowInstanceFacade wfFacade = null; if (wfFacadeRef != null) { wfFacade = wfFacadeRef.get(); } Dataflow wf = null; if (wfFacade != null) { wf = wfFacade.getDataflow(); } // Files of dependencies for all activities in the workflow that share the classloading policy HashSet<File> dependencies = new HashSet<File>(); // Urls of all dependencies HashSet<URL> dependenciesURLs = new HashSet<URL>(); if (wf != null) { // Merge in dependencies from all activities that have the same classloader-sharing // as this activity for (Processor proc : wf.getProcessors()) { // Nested workflow case if (!proc.getActivityList().isEmpty() && proc.getActivityList().get(0) instanceof NestedDataflow) { // Get the nested workflow Dataflow nestedWorkflow = ((NestedDataflow) proc.getActivityList().get(0)).getNestedDataflow(); dependenciesURLs.addAll(findNestedDependencies(dependencyType, json, nestedWorkflow)); } else { // Not nested - go through all of the processor's activities Activity<?> activity = proc.getActivityList().get(0); if (activity instanceof AbstractAsynchronousDependencyActivity) { AbstractAsynchronousDependencyActivity dependencyActivity = (AbstractAsynchronousDependencyActivity) activity; // if (dependencyType.equals(LOCAL_JARS)){ // Collect the files of all found local dependencies if (dependencyActivity.getConfiguration().has("localDependency")) { for (JsonNode jar : dependencyActivity.getConfiguration().get("localDependency")) { try { dependencies.add(new File(libDir, jar.textValue())); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Invalid URL for " + jar, ex); continue; } } } // } else if (dependencyType.equals(ARTIFACTS) && this.getClass().getClassLoader() instanceof LocalArtifactClassLoader){ // LocalArtifactClassLoader cl = (LocalArtifactClassLoader) this.getClass().getClassLoader(); // this class is always loaded with LocalArtifactClassLoader // // Get the LocalReposotpry capable of finding artifact jar files // LocalRepository rep = (LocalRepository) cl.getRepository(); // for (BasicArtifact art : ((DependencyActivityConfigurationBean) activity // .getConfiguration()) // .getArtifactDependencies()){ // dependencies.add(rep.jarFile(art)); // } // } } } } } else { // Just add dependencies for this activity since we can't get hold of the whole workflow // if (dependencyType.equals(LOCAL_JARS)){ if (json.has("localDependency")) { for (JsonNode jar : json.get("localDependency")) { try { dependencies.add(new File(libDir, jar.textValue())); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Invalid URL for " + jar, ex); continue; } } } // } // else if (dependencyType.equals(ARTIFACTS)){ // if (this.getClass().getClassLoader() instanceof LocalArtifactClassLoader){ // This should normally be the case // LocalArtifactClassLoader cl = (LocalArtifactClassLoader)this.getClass().getClassLoader(); // LocalRepository rep = (LocalRepository)cl.getRepository(); // if (rep != null){ // for (BasicArtifact art : configurationBean.getArtifactDependencies()){ // dependencies.add(rep.jarFile(art)); // } // } // } // else{ // // Tests will not be loaded using the LocalArtifactClassLoader as athey are loaded // // outside Raven so there is nothing we can do about this - some tests // // with dependencies will probably fail // } // } } // Collect the URLs of all found dependencies for (File file : dependencies) { try { dependenciesURLs.add(file.toURI().toURL()); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Invalid URL for " + file.getAbsolutePath(), ex); continue; } } return dependenciesURLs; }
From source
@Test public void putString() { ObjectNode parent = new ObjectNode(factory); String name = "foo"; String value = "bar"; parser.putString(parent, name, value); JsonNode x = parent.get(name);//from www. j ava 2 s . c o m Assert.assertNotNull(x); Assert.assertEquals(value, x.textValue()); }
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@Test public void putValueString() { ObjectNode parent = new ObjectNode(factory); String name = "foo"; String value = "bar"; parser.putValue(parent, name, value); JsonNode x = parent.get(name);//ww w . j a v a 2 s . co m Assert.assertNotNull(x); Assert.assertEquals(value, x.textValue()); }
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@Override public JsonNode digest(final JsonNode schema) { final ObjectNode ret = FACTORY.objectNode(); final ObjectNode propertyDeps = FACTORY.objectNode(); ret.put("propertyDeps", propertyDeps); final ArrayNode schemaDeps = FACTORY.arrayNode(); ret.put("schemaDeps", schemaDeps); final List<String> list = Lists.newArrayList(); final Map<String, JsonNode> map = JacksonUtils.asMap(schema.get(keyword)); String key;/*from w w w . ja v a 2s .co m*/ JsonNode value; NodeType type; for (final Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry : map.entrySet()) { key = entry.getKey(); value = entry.getValue(); type = NodeType.getNodeType(value); switch (type) { case OBJECT: list.add(key); break; case ARRAY: final JsonNode node = sortedSet(value); if (node.size() != 0) propertyDeps.put(key, node); break; case STRING: propertyDeps.put(key, FACTORY.arrayNode().add(value.textValue())); } } for (final String s : Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(list)) schemaDeps.add(s); return ret; }
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private Object unwrapJsonNode(Object value) { if (!(value instanceof JsonNode)) { return value; }// w w w .j a va2 s . c o m JsonNode read = ((JsonNode) value); switch (read.getNodeType()) { case ARRAY: return ImmutableList.copyOf(read.elements()); case BINARY: try { return read.binaryValue(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } case BOOLEAN: return read.booleanValue(); case MISSING: case NULL: return null; case NUMBER: return read.numberValue(); case OBJECT: return read; case POJO: return read; case STRING: return read.textValue(); } return read; }
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@Test public void getObjectProperty() { String name = "name"; String value = "value"; ObjectNode parent = new ObjectNode(factory); parent.put(name, value);/*from w ww . ja va2s.c o m*/ parent.put(name + "1", value + "1"); JsonNode object = parser.getObjectProperty(parent, name); Assert.assertNotNull("couldn't find node by name", object); Assert.assertEquals(value, object.textValue()); }
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@Bean @ServiceActivator(autoStartup = "false", inputChannel = Sink.INPUT) public JdbcMessageHandler jdbcMessageHandler(DataSource dataSource) { final MultiValueMap<String, Expression> columnExpressionVariations = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.getColumns().entrySet()) { String value = entry.getValue(); columnExpressionVariations.add(entry.getKey(), spelExpressionParser.parseExpression(value)); if (!value.startsWith("payload")) { columnExpressionVariations.add(entry.getKey(), spelExpressionParser.parseExpression("payload." + value)); }/*from w w w. ja v a2 s .c o m*/ } JdbcMessageHandler jdbcMessageHandler = new JdbcMessageHandler(dataSource, generateSql(properties.getTableName(), columnExpressionVariations.keySet())); jdbcMessageHandler.setSqlParameterSourceFactory(new SqlParameterSourceFactory() { @Override public SqlParameterSource createParameterSource(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Message)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to handle type " + o.getClass().getName()); } Message<?> message = (Message<?>) o; MapSqlParameterSource parameterSource = new MapSqlParameterSource(); for (String key : columnExpressionVariations.keySet()) { List<Expression> spels = columnExpressionVariations.get(key); Object value = NOT_SET; EvaluationException lastException = null; for (Expression spel : spels) { try { value = spel.getValue(evaluationContext, message); break; } catch (EvaluationException e) { lastException = e; } } if (value == NOT_SET) { if (lastException != null) { "Could not find value for column '" + key + "': " + lastException.getMessage()); } parameterSource.addValue(key, null); } else { if (value instanceof JsonPropertyAccessor.ToStringFriendlyJsonNode) { // Need to do some reflection until we have a getter for the Node DirectFieldAccessor dfa = new DirectFieldAccessor(value); JsonNode node = (JsonNode) dfa.getPropertyValue("node"); Object valueToUse; if (node == null || node.isNull()) { valueToUse = null; } else if (node.isNumber()) { valueToUse = node.numberValue(); } else if (node.isBoolean()) { valueToUse = node.booleanValue(); } else { valueToUse = node.textValue(); } parameterSource.addValue(key, valueToUse); } else { parameterSource.addValue(key, value); } } } return parameterSource; } }); return jdbcMessageHandler; }