List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode textValue
public String textValue()
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/** * @param resource// w ww.j a va 2 s . c o m * @param field */ private void addAllLinks(SirenResource resource, Entry<String, JsonNode> field) { LinkBuilder lb = new LinkBuilder(); lb.rel(field.getKey()); Iterator<JsonNode> values = field.getValue().elements(); while (values.hasNext()) { JsonNode value =; Iterator<JsonNode> elements = value.elements(); while (elements.hasNext()) { JsonNode element =; lb.set(element.asText(), element.textValue()); } resource.addLink(; lb.clearAttributes(); } }
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public Attachment(JsonNode jsonNode) throws URISyntaxException, MalformedURLException { JsonNode usageTypeNode = jsonNode.path("usageType"); if (!usageTypeNode.isMissingNode()) { this.setUsageType(new URI(usageTypeNode.textValue())); }//from w w w.ja va 2s . c om JsonNode displayNode = jsonNode.path("display"); if (!displayNode.isMissingNode()) { this.setDisplay(new LanguageMap(displayNode)); } JsonNode descriptionNode = jsonNode.path("description"); if (!descriptionNode.isMissingNode()) { this.setDescription(new LanguageMap(descriptionNode)); } JsonNode contentTypeNode = jsonNode.path("contentType"); if (!contentTypeNode.isMissingNode()) { this.setContentType(contentTypeNode.textValue()); } JsonNode lengthNode = jsonNode.path("length"); if (!lengthNode.isMissingNode()) { this.setLength(lengthNode.intValue()); } JsonNode sha2Node = jsonNode.path("sha2"); if (!sha2Node.isMissingNode()) { this.setSha2(sha2Node.textValue()); } JsonNode fileUrlNode = jsonNode.path("fileUrl"); if (!fileUrlNode.isMissingNode()) { this.setFileUrl(new URL(fileUrlNode.textValue())); } }
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public Result(JsonNode jsonNode) throws URISyntaxException { this();/*from w ww. j a v a2 s. c o m*/ JsonNode scoreNode = jsonNode.path("score"); if (!scoreNode.isMissingNode()) { this.setScore(new Score(scoreNode)); } JsonNode successNode = jsonNode.path("success"); if (!successNode.isMissingNode()) { this.setSuccess(successNode.booleanValue()); } JsonNode completionNode = jsonNode.path("completion"); if (!completionNode.isMissingNode()) { this.setCompletion(completionNode.booleanValue()); } JsonNode durationNode = jsonNode.path("duration"); if (!durationNode.isMissingNode()) { this.setDuration(new Period(durationNode.textValue())); } JsonNode responseNode = jsonNode.path("response"); if (!responseNode.isMissingNode()) { this.setResponse(responseNode.textValue()); } JsonNode extensionsNode = jsonNode.path("extensions"); if (!extensionsNode.isMissingNode()) { this.setExtensions(new Extensions(extensionsNode)); } }
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/** * @param resource//from w w w . jav a 2s .c o m * @param field */ private void addAllLinks(HalResource resource, Entry<String, JsonNode> field) { LinkBuilder lb = new LinkBuilder(); lb.rel(field.getKey()); Iterator<JsonNode> values = field.getValue().elements(); while (values.hasNext()) { JsonNode value =; Iterator<JsonNode> elements = value.elements(); while (elements.hasNext()) { JsonNode element =; lb.set(element.asText(), element.textValue()); } resource.addLink(; lb.clearAttributes(); } }
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@Override public boolean matches(CommandResult commandResult) { if (!getCommandKind().equals(commandResult.getCommandKind())) { return false; }/* ww w . j ava 2s . c o m*/ JsonNode key = commandResult.getJsonNode().get(getCommandTypeKey()); if (key != null) { return getCommandTypeValue().equals(key.textValue()); } key = commandResult.getNativeData(); if (key != null) { key = key.findValue(getCommandTypeKey()); if (key != null) { return getCommandTypeValue().equals(key.textValue()); } } return false; }
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public String readValue(final String name) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(name), "Uninitialized or invalid name"); final JsonNode node = rootNode.path(name); checkState(!node.isMissingNode(), "Could not find: " + name); final String value = trimToNull(node.textValue()); checkState(isNotBlank(value), "Empty string is not a valid value"); return value; }
From source
private int diffSize(ArrayNode diff) { int acc = 0;/*from w w w .j a v a2 s.c om*/ for (JsonNode child : diff) { String operation = child.findValue("op").textValue(); JsonNode pathString = getFromPathString(operation, child); List<String> path = getPath(pathString.textValue()); if (!arrayOrderIgnoredAndIsArrayMove(operation, path) && !extraElementsIgnoredAndIsAddition(operation)) { JsonNode valueNode = child.findValue("value"); JsonNode referencedExpectedNode = getNodeAtPath(expected, pathString); if (valueNode == null) { acc += deepSize(referencedExpectedNode); } else { acc += maxDeepSize(referencedExpectedNode, valueNode); } } } return acc; }
From source
@Post public StartProcessInstanceResponse startProcessInstance(Representation entity) { try {/*from w ww.j a va 2s .c o m*/ if (authenticate() == false) return null; String startParams = entity.getText(); JsonNode startJSON = new ObjectMapper().readTree(startParams); String processDefinitionKey = startJSON.path("processDefinitionKey").textValue(); String processDefinitionId = null; if (processDefinitionKey == null) { processDefinitionId = startJSON.path("processDefinitionId").textValue(); } JsonNode businessKeyJson = startJSON.path("businessKey"); String businessKey = null; if (businessKeyJson != null) { businessKey = businessKeyJson.textValue(); } Map<String, Object> variables = retrieveVariables(startJSON); variables.remove("processDefinitionId"); variables.remove("processDefinitionKey"); variables.remove("businessKey"); ProcessInstance processInstance = null; if (processDefinitionKey != null) { processInstance = ActivitiUtil.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceByKey(processDefinitionKey, businessKey, variables); } else { processInstance = ActivitiUtil.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceById(processDefinitionId, businessKey, variables); } StartProcessInstanceResponse response = new StartProcessInstanceResponse(processInstance); return response; } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof ActivitiException) { throw (ActivitiException) e; } throw new ActivitiException("Failed to retrieve the process definition parameters", e); } }
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public VisitReport visit(BeanshellActivity activity, List<Object> ancestors) { Object subject = (Processor) VisitReport.findAncestor(ancestors, Processor.class); if (subject == null) { // Fall back to using the activity itself as the subject of the reports subject = activity;// w w w . j a v a2s.c o m } List<VisitReport> reports = new ArrayList<VisitReport>(); String script = activity.getConfiguration().get("script").textValue(); if (!script.trim().endsWith(";")) { /** Missing ; on last line is not allowed by Parser, * but is allowed by Interpreter.eval() used at runtime */ script = script + ";"; } Parser parser = new Parser(new StringReader(script)); try { while (!parser.Line()) ; reports.add(new VisitReport(HealthCheck.getInstance(), subject, "Script OK", HealthCheck.NO_PROBLEM, Status.OK)); } catch (ParseException e) { VisitReport report = new VisitReport(HealthCheck.getInstance(), subject, e.getMessage(), HealthCheck.INVALID_SCRIPT, Status.SEVERE); report.setProperty("exception", e); reports.add(report); } // Check if we can find all the Beanshell's dependencies if (activity.getConfiguration().has("localDependency")) { LinkedHashSet<String> localDependencies = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (JsonNode localDependency : activity.getConfiguration().get("localDependency")) { localDependencies.add(localDependency.textValue()); } String[] jarArray = activity.libDir.list(new FileExtFilter(".jar")); if (jarArray != null) { List<String> jarFiles = Arrays.asList(jarArray); // URLs of all jars found in the lib directory for (String jar : localDependencies) { if (jarFiles.contains(jar)) { localDependencies.remove(jar); } } } if (localDependencies.isEmpty()) { // all dependencies found reports.add(new VisitReport(HealthCheck.getInstance(), subject, "Beanshell dependencies found", HealthCheck.NO_PROBLEM, Status.OK)); } else { VisitReport vr = new VisitReport(HealthCheck.getInstance(), subject, "Beanshell dependencies missing", HealthCheck.MISSING_DEPENDENCY, Status.SEVERE); vr.setProperty("dependencies", localDependencies); vr.setProperty("directory", activity.libDir); reports.add(vr); } } Status status = VisitReport.getWorstStatus(reports); VisitReport report = new VisitReport(HealthCheck.getInstance(), subject, "Beanshell report", HealthCheck.NO_PROBLEM, status, reports); return report; }
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@Override public ValidatorList process(final ProcessingReport report, final ValidatorList input) throws ProcessingException { final SchemaContext context = input.getContext(); final JsonNode node = context.getSchema().getNode().get("format"); if (node == null) return input; final String fmt = node.textValue(); final FormatAttribute attr = attributes.get(fmt); if (attr == null) { report.warn(input.newMessage().put("domain", "validation").put("keyword", "format") .setMessage(bundle.getMessage("warn.format.notSupported")).putArgument("attribute", fmt)); return input; }//from w ww .j a v a2 s . c o m final NodeType type = context.getInstanceType(); if (!attr.supportedTypes().contains(type)) return input; final List<KeywordValidator> validators = Lists.newArrayList(input); validators.add(formatValidator(attr)); return new ValidatorList(context, validators); }