List of usage examples for android.content ContentUris parseId
public static long parseId(Uri contentUri)
From source
protected static void updateProviderWithContactEntry(String account, Long syncLocalId, ContactEntry entry, ContentProvider provider) throws ParseException { final String name = entry.getTitle(); final String notes = entry.getContent(); final String yomiName = entry.getYomiName(); final String personSyncId = lastItemFromUri(entry.getId()); final String personSyncVersion = lastItemFromUri(entry.getEditUri()); // Store the info about the person ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(People.NAME, name);//from w w w. j a va 2 s . c o m values.put(People.NOTES, notes); values.put(People.PHONETIC_NAME, yomiName); values.put(SyncConstValue._SYNC_ACCOUNT, account); values.put(SyncConstValue._SYNC_ID, personSyncId); values.put(SyncConstValue._SYNC_DIRTY, "0"); values.put(SyncConstValue._SYNC_LOCAL_ID, syncLocalId); values.put(SyncConstValue._SYNC_TIME, personSyncVersion); values.put(SyncConstValue._SYNC_VERSION, personSyncVersion); Uri personUri = provider.insert(People.CONTENT_URI, values); // Store the photo information final boolean photoExistsOnServer = !TextUtils.isEmpty(entry.getLinkPhotoHref()); final String photoVersion = lastItemFromUri(entry.getLinkEditPhotoHref()); values.clear(); values.put(Photos.PERSON_ID, ContentUris.parseId(personUri)); values.put(Photos.EXISTS_ON_SERVER, photoExistsOnServer ? 1 : 0); values.put(SyncConstValue._SYNC_ACCOUNT, account); values.put(SyncConstValue._SYNC_ID, personSyncId); values.put(SyncConstValue._SYNC_DIRTY, 0); values.put(SyncConstValue._SYNC_LOCAL_ID, syncLocalId); values.put(SyncConstValue._SYNC_TIME, photoVersion); values.put(SyncConstValue._SYNC_VERSION, photoVersion); if (provider.insert(Photos.CONTENT_URI, values) == null) { Log.e(TAG, "error inserting photo row, " + values); } // Store each email address for (Object object : entry.getEmailAddresses()) { EmailAddress email = (EmailAddress) object; values.clear(); contactsElementToValues(values, email, ENTRY_TYPE_TO_PROVIDER_EMAIL); values.put(ContactMethods.DATA, email.getAddress()); values.put(ContactMethods.KIND, Contacts.KIND_EMAIL); Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(personUri, People.ContactMethods.CONTENT_DIRECTORY); provider.insert(uri, values); } // Store each postal address for (Object object : entry.getPostalAddresses()) { PostalAddress address = (PostalAddress) object; values.clear(); contactsElementToValues(values, address, ENTRY_TYPE_TO_PROVIDER_POSTAL); values.put(ContactMethods.DATA, address.getValue()); values.put(ContactMethods.KIND, Contacts.KIND_POSTAL); Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(personUri, People.ContactMethods.CONTENT_DIRECTORY); provider.insert(uri, values); } // Store each im address for (Object object : entry.getImAddresses()) { ImAddress address = (ImAddress) object; values.clear(); contactsElementToValues(values, address, ENTRY_TYPE_TO_PROVIDER_IM); values.put(ContactMethods.DATA, address.getAddress()); values.put(ContactMethods.KIND, Contacts.KIND_IM); final byte protocolType = address.getProtocolPredefined(); if (protocolType == ImAddress.PROTOCOL_NONE) { // don't add anything } else if (protocolType == ImAddress.PROTOCOL_CUSTOM) { values.put(ContactMethods.AUX_DATA, ContactMethods.encodeCustomImProtocol(address.getProtocolCustom())); } else { Integer providerProtocolType = ENTRY_IM_PROTOCOL_TO_PROVIDER_PROTOCOL.get(protocolType); if (providerProtocolType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown protocol type, " + protocolType); } values.put(ContactMethods.AUX_DATA, ContactMethods.encodePredefinedImProtocol(providerProtocolType)); } Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(personUri, People.ContactMethods.CONTENT_DIRECTORY); provider.insert(uri, values); } // Store each organization for (Object object : entry.getOrganizations()) { Organization organization = (Organization) object; values.clear(); contactsElementToValues(values, organization, ENTRY_TYPE_TO_PROVIDER_ORGANIZATION); values.put(Organizations.COMPANY, organization.getName()); values.put(Organizations.TITLE, organization.getTitle()); values.put(Organizations.COMPANY, organization.getName()); Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(personUri, Organizations.CONTENT_DIRECTORY); provider.insert(uri, values); } // Store each group for (Object object : entry.getGroups()) { GroupMembershipInfo groupMembershipInfo = (GroupMembershipInfo) object; if (groupMembershipInfo.isDeleted()) { continue; } values.clear(); values.put(GroupMembership.GROUP_SYNC_ACCOUNT, account); values.put(GroupMembership.GROUP_SYNC_ID, lastItemFromUri(groupMembershipInfo.getGroup())); Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(personUri, GroupMembership.CONTENT_DIRECTORY); provider.insert(uri, values); } // Store each phone number for (Object object : entry.getPhoneNumbers()) { PhoneNumber phone = (PhoneNumber) object; values.clear(); contactsElementToValues(values, phone, ENTRY_TYPE_TO_PROVIDER_PHONE); values.put(People.Phones.NUMBER, phone.getPhoneNumber()); values.put(People.Phones.LABEL, phone.getLabel()); Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(personUri, People.Phones.CONTENT_DIRECTORY); provider.insert(uri, values); } // Store the extended properties for (Object object : entry.getExtendedProperties()) { ExtendedProperty extendedProperty = (ExtendedProperty) object; if (!"android".equals(extendedProperty.getName())) { continue; } JSONObject jsonObject = null; try { jsonObject = new JSONObject(extendedProperty.getXmlBlob()); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "error parsing the android extended property, dropping, entry is " + entry.toString()); continue; } Iterator jsonIterator = jsonObject.keys(); while (jsonIterator.hasNext()) { String key = (String); values.clear(); values.put(Extensions.NAME, key); try { values.put(Extensions.VALUE, jsonObject.getString(key)); } catch (JSONException e) { // this should never happen, since we just got the key from the iterator } Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(personUri, People.Extensions.CONTENT_DIRECTORY); if (null == provider.insert(uri, values)) { Log.e(TAG, "Error inserting extension into provider, uri " + uri + ", values " + values); } } break; } }
From source
/** * Uploads the content, displaying a notification in the system tray. The notification will show * a progress bar as the upload goes on and will show a message when finished indicating whether * or not it was successful./*from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c om*/ * * @param context * @param cast * cast item * @param serverPath * the path on which * @param localFile * @param contentType * @param uploadType * @throws NetworkProtocolException * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ public JSONObject uploadContentWithNotification(Context context, Uri cast, String serverPath, Uri localFile, String contentType, UploadType uploadType) throws NetworkProtocolException, IOException, JSONException { String castTitle = Cast.getTitle(context, cast); if (castTitle == null) { castTitle = "untitled (cast #" + cast.getLastPathSegment() + ")"; } JSONObject updatedCastMedia; final ProgressNotification notification = new ProgressNotification(context, context.getString(R.string.sync_uploading_cast, castTitle), ProgressNotification.TYPE_UPLOAD, PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, cast).addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK), 0), true); // assume fail: when successful, all will be reset. notification.successful = false; notification.doneTitle = context.getString(R.string.sync_upload_fail); notification.doneText = context.getString(R.string.sync_upload_fail_message, castTitle); notification.doneIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, cast).addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK), 0); final NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); final NotificationProgressListener tpl = new NotificationProgressListener(nm, notification, 0, (int) ContentUris.parseId(cast)); try { final AssetFileDescriptor afd = context.getContentResolver().openAssetFileDescriptor(localFile, "r"); final long max = afd.getLength(); tpl.setSize(max); switch (uploadType) { case RAW_PUT: updatedCastMedia = uploadContent(context, tpl, serverPath, localFile, contentType); break; case FORM_POST: updatedCastMedia = uploadContentUsingForm(context, tpl, serverPath, localFile, contentType); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unhandled upload type: " + uploadType); } notification.doneTitle = context.getString(R.string.sync_upload_success); notification.doneText = context.getString(R.string.sync_upload_success_message, castTitle); notification.successful = true; } catch (final NetworkProtocolException e) { notification.setUnsuccessful(e.getLocalizedMessage()); throw e; } catch (final IOException e) { notification.setUnsuccessful(e.getLocalizedMessage()); throw e; } finally { tpl.done(); } return updatedCastMedia; }
From source
protected void loadConversationMetadata(Uri uri) { threadId = ContentUris.parseId(uri); mConversation = Conversation.loadFromId(getActivity(), threadId); if (mConversation == null) { Log.w(TAG, "conversation for thread " + threadId + " not found!"); startActivity(new Intent(getActivity(), ConversationsActivity.class)); getActivity().finish();//ww w . jav a 2 s . com } }
From source
private void startTv(Uri channelUri) { if (DEBUG)/*from w w w . j a va 2s . com*/ Log.d(TAG, "startTv Uri=" + channelUri); if ((channelUri == null || !TvContract.isChannelUriForPassthroughInput(channelUri)) && mChannelTuner.isCurrentChannelPassthrough()) { // For passthrough TV input, channelUri is always given. If TV app is launched // by TV app icon in a launcher, channelUri is null. So if passthrough TV input // is playing, we stop the passthrough TV input. stopTv(); } SoftPreconditions.checkState( TvContract.isChannelUriForPassthroughInput(channelUri) || mChannelTuner.areAllChannelsLoaded(), TAG, "startTV assumes that ChannelDataManager is already loaded."); if (mTvView.isPlaying()) { // TV has already started. if (channelUri == null) { // Simply adjust the volume without tune. setVolumeByAudioFocusStatus(); return; } if (channelUri.equals(mChannelTuner.getCurrentChannelUri())) { // The requested channel is already tuned. setVolumeByAudioFocusStatus(); return; } stopTv(); } if (mChannelTuner.getCurrentChannel() != null) { Log.w(TAG, "The current channel should be reset before"); mChannelTuner.resetCurrentChannel(); } if (channelUri == null) { // If any initial channel id is not given, remember the last channel the user watched. long channelId = Utils.getLastWatchedChannelId(this); if (channelId != Channel.INVALID_ID) { channelUri = TvContract.buildChannelUri(channelId); } } if (channelUri == null) { mChannelTuner.moveToChannel(mChannelTuner.findNearestBrowsableChannel(0)); } else { if (TvContract.isChannelUriForPassthroughInput(channelUri)) { Channel channel = Channel.createPassthroughChannel(channelUri); mChannelTuner.moveToChannel(channel); } else { long channelId = ContentUris.parseId(channelUri); Channel channel = mChannelDataManager.getChannel(channelId); if (channel == null || !mChannelTuner.moveToChannel(channel)) { mChannelTuner.moveToChannel(mChannelTuner.findNearestBrowsableChannel(0)); Log.w(TAG, "The requested channel (id=" + channelId + ") doesn't exist. " + "The first channel will be tuned to."); } } } mTvView.start(mTvInputManagerHelper); setVolumeByAudioFocusStatus(); if (mRecordingUri != null) { playRecording(mRecordingUri); mRecordingUri = null; } else { tune(); } }
From source
/** * Update headers of a SendReq./*from w w w .j av a 2 s . c om*/ * * @param uri The PDU which need to be updated. * @param pdu New headers. * @throws MmsException Bad URI or updating failed. */ public void updateHeaders(final Uri uri, final SendReq sendReq) { synchronized (PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE) { // If the cache item is getting updated, wait until it's done updating before // purging it. if (PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.isUpdating(uri)) { if (LOCAL_LOGV) { LogUtil.v(TAG, "updateHeaders: " + uri + " blocked by isUpdating()"); } try { PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.wait(); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { Log.e(TAG, "updateHeaders: ", e); } } } PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.purge(uri); final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(10); final byte[] contentType = sendReq.getContentType(); if (contentType != null) { values.put(Mms.CONTENT_TYPE, toIsoString(contentType)); } final long date = sendReq.getDate(); if (date != -1) { values.put(Mms.DATE, date); } final int deliveryReport = sendReq.getDeliveryReport(); if (deliveryReport != 0) { values.put(Mms.DELIVERY_REPORT, deliveryReport); } final long expiry = sendReq.getExpiry(); if (expiry != -1) { values.put(Mms.EXPIRY, expiry); } final byte[] msgClass = sendReq.getMessageClass(); if (msgClass != null) { values.put(Mms.MESSAGE_CLASS, toIsoString(msgClass)); } final int priority = sendReq.getPriority(); if (priority != 0) { values.put(Mms.PRIORITY, priority); } final int readReport = sendReq.getReadReport(); if (readReport != 0) { values.put(Mms.READ_REPORT, readReport); } final byte[] transId = sendReq.getTransactionId(); if (transId != null) { values.put(Mms.TRANSACTION_ID, toIsoString(transId)); } final EncodedStringValue subject = sendReq.getSubject(); if (subject != null) { values.put(Mms.SUBJECT, toIsoString(subject.getTextString())); values.put(Mms.SUBJECT_CHARSET, subject.getCharacterSet()); } else { values.put(Mms.SUBJECT, ""); } final long messageSize = sendReq.getMessageSize(); if (messageSize > 0) { values.put(Mms.MESSAGE_SIZE, messageSize); } final PduHeaders headers = sendReq.getPduHeaders(); final HashSet<String> recipients = new HashSet<String>(); for (final int addrType : ADDRESS_FIELDS) { EncodedStringValue[] array = null; if (addrType == PduHeaders.FROM) { final EncodedStringValue v = headers.getEncodedStringValue(addrType); if (v != null) { array = new EncodedStringValue[1]; array[0] = v; } } else { array = headers.getEncodedStringValues(addrType); } if (array != null) { final long msgId = ContentUris.parseId(uri); updateAddress(msgId, addrType, array); if (addrType == PduHeaders.TO) { for (final EncodedStringValue v : array) { if (v != null) { recipients.add(v.getString()); } } } } } if (!recipients.isEmpty()) { final long threadId = MmsSmsUtils.Threads.getOrCreateThreadId(mContext, recipients); values.put(Mms.THREAD_ID, threadId); } SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, mContentResolver, uri, values, null, null); }
From source
private void processIntent(Intent intent) { if (intent == null) { finish();/*from ww w . j ava 2 s.c o m*/ return; } Uri lookupUri = intent.getData(); // Check to see whether it comes from the old version. if (lookupUri != null && LEGACY_AUTHORITY.equals(lookupUri.getAuthority())) { final long rawContactId = ContentUris.parseId(lookupUri); lookupUri = RawContacts.getContactLookupUri(getContentResolver(), ContentUris.withAppendedId(RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, rawContactId)); } mExtraMode = getIntent().getIntExtra(QuickContact.EXTRA_MODE, QuickContact.MODE_LARGE); mExtraPrioritizedMimeType = getIntent().getStringExtra(QuickContact.EXTRA_PRIORITIZED_MIMETYPE); final Uri oldLookupUri = mLookupUri; if (lookupUri == null) { finish(); return; } mLookupUri = lookupUri; mExcludeMimes = intent.getStringArrayExtra(QuickContact.EXTRA_EXCLUDE_MIMES); if (oldLookupUri == null) { mContactLoader = (ContactLoader) getLoaderManager().initLoader(LOADER_CONTACT_ID, null, mLoaderContactCallbacks); } else if (oldLookupUri != mLookupUri) { // After copying a directory contact, the contact URI changes. Therefore, // we need to reload the new contact. destroyInteractionLoaders(); mContactLoader = (ContactLoader) (Loader<?>) getLoaderManager().getLoader(LOADER_CONTACT_ID); mContactLoader.setLookupUri(mLookupUri); mCachedCp2DataCardModel = null; } mContactLoader.forceLoad(); NfcHandler.register(this, mLookupUri); }
From source
private void loadConversationMetadata(Uri uri) { threadId = ContentUris.parseId(uri); mConversation = Conversation.loadFromId(getActivity(), threadId); if (mConversation == null) { Log.w(TAG, "conversation for thread " + threadId + " not found!"); startActivity(new Intent(getActivity(), ConversationsActivity.class)); getActivity().finish();//from w w w .j av a 2s .co m return; } mUserJID = mConversation.getRecipient(); Contact contact = mConversation.getContact(); if (contact != null) { mUserName = contact.getName(); mUserPhone = contact.getNumber(); } else { mUserName = mUserJID; } }
From source
/** * Update all parts of a PDU.//from w w w . ja va 2 s . c o m * * @param uri The PDU which need to be updated. * @param body New message body of the PDU. * @param preOpenedFiles if not null, a map of preopened InputStreams for the parts. * @throws MmsException Bad URI or updating failed. */ public void updateParts(final Uri uri, final PduBody body, final Map<Uri, InputStream> preOpenedFiles) throws MmsException { try { PduCacheEntry cacheEntry; synchronized (PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE) { if (PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.isUpdating(uri)) { if (LOCAL_LOGV) { LogUtil.v(TAG, "updateParts: " + uri + " blocked by isUpdating()"); } try { PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.wait(); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { Log.e(TAG, "updateParts: ", e); } cacheEntry = PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.get(uri); if (cacheEntry != null) { ((MultimediaMessagePdu) cacheEntry.getPdu()).setBody(body); } } // Tell the cache to indicate to other callers that this item // is currently being updated. PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.setUpdating(uri, true); } final ArrayList<PduPart> toBeCreated = new ArrayList<PduPart>(); final ArrayMap<Uri, PduPart> toBeUpdated = new ArrayMap<Uri, PduPart>(); final int partsNum = body.getPartsNum(); final StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder().append('('); for (int i = 0; i < partsNum; i++) { final PduPart part = body.getPart(i); final Uri partUri = part.getDataUri(); if ((partUri == null) || !partUri.getAuthority().startsWith("mms")) { toBeCreated.add(part); } else { toBeUpdated.put(partUri, part); // Don't use 'i > 0' to determine whether we should append // 'AND' since 'i = 0' may be skipped in another branch. if (filter.length() > 1) { filter.append(" AND "); } filter.append(Part._ID); filter.append("!="); DatabaseUtils.appendEscapedSQLString(filter, partUri.getLastPathSegment()); } } filter.append(')'); final long msgId = ContentUris.parseId(uri); // Remove the parts which doesn't exist anymore. SqliteWrapper.delete(mContext, mContentResolver, Uri.parse(Mms.CONTENT_URI + "/" + msgId + "/part"), filter.length() > 2 ? filter.toString() : null, null); // Create new parts which didn't exist before. for (final PduPart part : toBeCreated) { persistPart(part, msgId, preOpenedFiles); } // Update the modified parts. for (final Map.Entry<Uri, PduPart> e : toBeUpdated.entrySet()) { updatePart(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), preOpenedFiles); } } finally { synchronized (PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE) { PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.setUpdating(uri, false); PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.notifyAll(); } } }
From source
/** * Persist a PDU object to specific location in the storage. * * @param pdu The PDU object to be stored. * @param uri Where to store the given PDU object. * @param subId Subscription id associated with this message. * @param subPhoneNumber TODO/*from w w w . java2 s . c o m*/ * @param preOpenedFiles if not null, a map of preopened InputStreams for the parts. * @return A Uri which can be used to access the stored PDU. */ public Uri persist(final GenericPdu pdu, final Uri uri, final int subId, final String subPhoneNumber, final Map<Uri, InputStream> preOpenedFiles) throws MmsException { if (uri == null) { throw new MmsException("Uri may not be null."); } long msgId = -1; try { msgId = ContentUris.parseId(uri); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { // the uri ends with "inbox" or something else like that } final boolean existingUri = msgId != -1; if (!existingUri && MESSAGE_BOX_MAP.get(uri) == null) { throw new MmsException("Bad destination, must be one of " + "content://mms/inbox, content://mms/sent, " + "content://mms/drafts, content://mms/outbox, " + "content://mms/temp."); } synchronized (PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE) { // If the cache item is getting updated, wait until it's done updating before // purging it. if (PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.isUpdating(uri)) { if (LOCAL_LOGV) { LogUtil.v(TAG, "persist: " + uri + " blocked by isUpdating()"); } try { PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.wait(); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { Log.e(TAG, "persist1: ", e); } } } PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.purge(uri); final PduHeaders header = pdu.getPduHeaders(); PduBody body = null; ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); // Mark new messages as seen in the telephony database so that we don't have to // do a global "set all messages as seen" since that occasionally seems to be // problematic (i.e. very slow). See bug 18189471. values.put(Mms.SEEN, 1); //Set<Entry<Integer, String>> set; for (int i = ENCODED_STRING_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.size(); --i >= 0;) { final int field = ENCODED_STRING_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.keyAt(i); final EncodedStringValue encodedString = header.getEncodedStringValue(field); if (encodedString != null) { final String charsetColumn = CHARSET_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.get(field); values.put(ENCODED_STRING_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.valueAt(i), toIsoString(encodedString.getTextString())); values.put(charsetColumn, encodedString.getCharacterSet()); } } for (int i = TEXT_STRING_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.size(); --i >= 0;) { final byte[] text = header.getTextString(TEXT_STRING_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.keyAt(i)); if (text != null) { values.put(TEXT_STRING_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.valueAt(i), toIsoString(text)); } } for (int i = OCTET_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.size(); --i >= 0;) { final int b = header.getOctet(OCTET_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.keyAt(i)); if (b != 0) { values.put(OCTET_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.valueAt(i), b); } } for (int i = LONG_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.size(); --i >= 0;) { final long l = header.getLongInteger(LONG_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.keyAt(i)); if (l != -1L) { values.put(LONG_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.valueAt(i), l); } } final SparseArray<EncodedStringValue[]> addressMap = new SparseArray<EncodedStringValue[]>( ADDRESS_FIELDS.length); // Save address information. for (final int addrType : ADDRESS_FIELDS) { EncodedStringValue[] array = null; if (addrType == PduHeaders.FROM) { final EncodedStringValue v = header.getEncodedStringValue(addrType); if (v != null) { array = new EncodedStringValue[1]; array[0] = v; } } else { array = header.getEncodedStringValues(addrType); } addressMap.put(addrType, array); } final HashSet<String> recipients = new HashSet<String>(); final int msgType = pdu.getMessageType(); // Here we only allocate thread ID for M-Notification.ind, // M-Retrieve.conf and M-Send.req. // Some of other PDU types may be allocated a thread ID outside // this scope. if ((msgType == PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND) || (msgType == PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF) || (msgType == PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ)) { switch (msgType) { case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND: case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF: loadRecipients(PduHeaders.FROM, recipients, addressMap); // For received messages (whether group MMS is enabled or not) we want to // associate this message with the thread composed of all the recipients // EXCLUDING our own number. This includes the person who sent the // message (the FROM field above) in addition to the other people the message // was addressed TO (or CC fields to address group messaging compatibility // issues with devices that place numbers in this field). Typically our own // number is in the TO/CC field so we have to remove it in loadRecipients. checkAndLoadToCcRecipients(recipients, addressMap, subPhoneNumber); break; case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ: loadRecipients(PduHeaders.TO, recipients, addressMap); break; } long threadId = -1L; if (!recipients.isEmpty()) { // Given all the recipients associated with this message, find (or create) the // correct thread. threadId = MmsSmsUtils.Threads.getOrCreateThreadId(mContext, recipients); } else { LogUtil.w(TAG, "PduPersister.persist No recipients; persisting PDU to thread: " + threadId); } values.put(Mms.THREAD_ID, threadId); } // Save parts first to avoid inconsistent message is loaded // while saving the parts. final long dummyId = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Dummy ID of the msg. // Figure out if this PDU is a text-only message boolean textOnly = true; // Get body if the PDU is a RetrieveConf or SendReq. if (pdu instanceof MultimediaMessagePdu) { body = ((MultimediaMessagePdu) pdu).getBody(); // Start saving parts if necessary. if (body != null) { final int partsNum = body.getPartsNum(); if (LOCAL_LOGV) { LogUtil.v(TAG, "PduPersister.persist partsNum: " + partsNum); } if (partsNum > 2) { // For a text-only message there will be two parts: 1-the SMIL, 2-the text. // Down a few lines below we're checking to make sure we've only got SMIL or // text. We also have to check then we don't have more than two parts. // Otherwise, a slideshow with two text slides would be marked as textOnly. textOnly = false; } for (int i = 0; i < partsNum; i++) { final PduPart part = body.getPart(i); persistPart(part, dummyId, preOpenedFiles); // If we've got anything besides text/plain or SMIL part, then we've got // an mms message with some other type of attachment. final String contentType = getPartContentType(part); if (LOCAL_LOGV) { LogUtil.v(TAG, "PduPersister.persist part: " + i + " contentType: " + contentType); } if (contentType != null && !ContentType.APP_SMIL.equals(contentType) && !ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.equals(contentType)) { textOnly = false; } } } } // Record whether this mms message is a simple plain text or not. This is a hint for the // UI. if (OsUtil.isAtLeastJB_MR1()) { values.put(Mms.TEXT_ONLY, textOnly ? 1 : 0); } if (OsUtil.isAtLeastL_MR1()) { values.put(Mms.SUBSCRIPTION_ID, subId); } else { Assert.equals(ParticipantData.DEFAULT_SELF_SUB_ID, subId); } Uri res = null; if (existingUri) { res = uri; SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, mContentResolver, res, values, null, null); } else { res = SqliteWrapper.insert(mContext, mContentResolver, uri, values); if (res == null) { throw new MmsException("persist() failed: return null."); } // Get the real ID of the PDU and update all parts which were // saved with the dummy ID. msgId = ContentUris.parseId(res); } values = new ContentValues(1); values.put(Part.MSG_ID, msgId); SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, mContentResolver, Uri.parse("content://mms/" + dummyId + "/part"), values, null, null); // We should return the longest URI of the persisted PDU, for // example, if input URI is "content://mms/inbox" and the _ID of // persisted PDU is '8', we should return "content://mms/inbox/8" // instead of "content://mms/8". // TODO: Should the MmsProvider be responsible for this??? if (!existingUri) { res = Uri.parse(uri + "/" + msgId); } // Save address information. for (final int addrType : ADDRESS_FIELDS) { final EncodedStringValue[] array = addressMap.get(addrType); if (array != null) { persistAddress(msgId, addrType, array); } } return res; }