List of usage examples for android.content ContentUris parseId
public static long parseId(Uri contentUri)
From source
@Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); mId = ContentUris.parseId(mContentUri); Analytics.screen(mTitle + "/calendar_preview", null, String.valueOf(ContentItem.getApiId(mId))); }
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private void parseSelectedContactUri() { if (mSelectedContactUri != null) { String directoryParam = mSelectedContactUri.getQueryParameter(ScContactsContract.DIRECTORY_PARAM_KEY); mSelectedContactDirectoryId = TextUtils.isEmpty(directoryParam) ? Directory.DEFAULT : Long.parseLong(directoryParam); if (mSelectedContactUri.toString().startsWith(RawContacts.CONTENT_URI.toString()) && mSelectedContactUri.getPathSegments().size() >= 2) { mSelectedContactLookupKey = null; mSelectedContactId = ContentUris.parseId(mSelectedContactUri); } else {/*from w w w .j av a 2s. c om*/ Log.e(TAG, "Unsupported contact URI: " + mSelectedContactUri); mSelectedContactLookupKey = null; mSelectedContactId = 0; } } else { mSelectedContactDirectoryId = Directory.DEFAULT; mSelectedContactLookupKey = null; mSelectedContactId = 0; } }
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private long addLocation(String locationSetting, String cityName, double lat, double lon) { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "inserting " + cityName + ", with coord: " + lat + ", " + lon); // First, check if the location with this city name exists in the db Cursor cursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query(LocationEntry.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { LocationEntry._ID }, LocationEntry.COLUMN_LOC_SETTING + " = ?", new String[] { locationSetting }, null); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Found it in the database!"); int locationIdIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(LocationEntry._ID); return cursor.getLong(locationIdIndex); } else {/* w w w . jav a m*/ Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Didn't find it in the database, inserting now!"); ContentValues locationValues = new ContentValues(); locationValues.put(LocationEntry.COLUMN_LOC_SETTING, locationSetting); locationValues.put(LocationEntry.COLUMN_CITY_NAME, cityName); locationValues.put(LocationEntry.COLUMN_LAT, lat); locationValues.put(LocationEntry.COLUMN_LONG, lon); Uri locationInsertUri = mContext.getContentResolver().insert(LocationEntry.CONTENT_URI, locationValues); return ContentUris.parseId(locationInsertUri); } }
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@Override public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues initialValues) { int matched = URI_MATCHER.match(uri); String matchedTable = null;/*w ww. j a v a2 s .com*/ Uri baseInsertedUri = null; switch (matched) { case ACCOUNTS: case ACCOUNTS_ID: matchedTable = SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipProfile.ACCOUNT_ID_URI_BASE; break; case CALLLOGS: case CALLLOGS_ID: matchedTable = SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipManager.CALLLOG_ID_URI_BASE; break; case FILTERS: case FILTERS_ID: matchedTable = SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipManager.FILTER_ID_URI_BASE; break; case MESSAGES: case MESSAGES_ID: matchedTable = SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipMessage.MESSAGE_ID_URI_BASE; break; case ACCESSNO: matchedTable = SipProfile.ACCESS_NUMS_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipProfile.ACCESS_URI_BASE; break; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID: long id = ContentUris.parseId(uri); synchronized (profilesStatus) { SipProfileState ps = new SipProfileState(); if (profilesStatus.containsKey(id)) { ContentValues currentValues = profilesStatus.get(id); ps.createFromContentValue(currentValues); } ps.createFromContentValue(initialValues); ContentValues cv = ps.getAsContentValue(); cv.put(SipProfileState.ACCOUNT_ID, id); profilesStatus.put(id, cv); Log.d(THIS_FILE, "Added " + cv); } getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null); return uri; default: break; } if (matchedTable == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNKNOWN_URI_LOG + uri); } ContentValues values; if (initialValues != null) { values = new ContentValues(initialValues); } else { values = new ContentValues(); } SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); long rowId = db.insert(matchedTable, null, values); // If the insert succeeded, the row ID exists. if (rowId >= 0) { // TODO : for inserted account register it here Uri retUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(baseInsertedUri, rowId); getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(retUri, null); if (matched == ACCOUNTS || matched == ACCOUNTS_ID) { broadcastAccountChange(rowId); } if (matched == CALLLOGS || matched == CALLLOGS_ID) { db.delete(SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME, CallLog.Calls._ID + " IN " + "(SELECT " + CallLog.Calls._ID + " FROM " + SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME + " ORDER BY " + CallLog.Calls.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER + " LIMIT -1 OFFSET 500)", null); } if (matched == ACCOUNTS_STATUS || matched == ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID) { broadcastRegistrationChange(rowId); } if (matched == FILTERS || matched == FILTERS_ID) { Filter.resetCache(); } return retUri; } throw new SQLException("Failed to insert row into " + uri); }
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public void onMenuRemoveFromCallLog(MenuItem menuItem) { final StringBuilder callIds = new StringBuilder(); for (Uri callUri : getCallLogEntryUris()) { if (callIds.length() != 0) { callIds.append(","); }// w ww.j av a 2s. co m callIds.append(ContentUris.parseId(callUri)); } getActivity().getContentResolver().delete(SipManager.CALLLOG_URI, Calls._ID + " IN (" + callIds + ")", null); if (quitListener != null) { quitListener.onQuit(); } }
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private void delete() { final long[] ids = { ContentUris.parseId(mRideUri) }; new TaskFragment(new Task<RideDetailActivity>() { @Override//w ww . j av a 2 s . com protected void doInBackground() throws Throwable { RideManager.get().delete(ids); } @Override protected void onPostExecuteOk() { finish(); } }).execute(getSupportFragmentManager()); }
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@Override public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { selection = fixWhereProjection(uri, selection); SqlArguments args = new SqlArguments(uri, selection, selectionArgs); SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); String tables = createTablesFromTableQuery(args.table); qb.setTables(tables);//from w w w .j a v a 2s . c om Map<String, String> projectionMap = getProjectionMapForTable(args.table); if (projectionMap != null) { qb.setProjectionMap(projectionMap); qb.setStrict(true); } SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); if (HomeContract.CELLS_TABLE_NAME.equals(args.table)) { sortOrder = fixSortOrder(sortOrder); } String where = args.where; if (HomeContract.HOTSPOT_PAGES_DETAILS_TABLE_NAME.equals(args.table)) { where = "_ht." + BaseColumns._ID + "=" + ContentUris.parseId(uri); } Cursor result = qb.query(db, projection, where, args.args, null, null, sortOrder); result.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri); return result; }
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@Override public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues initialValues) { int matched = URI_MATCHER.match(uri); String matchedTable = null;/*from w w w . java2s . c o m*/ Uri baseInsertedUri = null; switch (matched) { case ACCOUNTS: case ACCOUNTS_ID: matchedTable = SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipProfile.ACCOUNT_ID_URI_BASE; break; case CALLLOGS: case CALLLOGS_ID: matchedTable = SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipManager.CALLLOG_ID_URI_BASE; break; case FILTERS: case FILTERS_ID: matchedTable = SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipManager.FILTER_ID_URI_BASE; break; case MESSAGES: case MESSAGES_ID: matchedTable = SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipMessage.MESSAGE_ID_URI_BASE; break; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID: long id = ContentUris.parseId(uri); synchronized (profilesStatus) { SipProfileState ps = new SipProfileState(); if (profilesStatus.containsKey(id)) { ContentValues currentValues = profilesStatus.get(id); ps.createFromContentValue(currentValues); } ps.createFromContentValue(initialValues); ContentValues cv = ps.getAsContentValue(); cv.put(SipProfileState.ACCOUNT_ID, id); profilesStatus.put(id, cv); Log.d(THIS_FILE, "Added " + cv); } getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null); return uri; default: break; } if (matchedTable == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNKNOWN_URI_LOG + uri); } ContentValues values; if (initialValues != null) { values = new ContentValues(initialValues); } else { values = new ContentValues(); } SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); long rowId = db.insert(matchedTable, null, values); // If the insert succeeded, the row ID exists. if (rowId >= 0) { // TODO : for inserted account register it here Uri retUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(baseInsertedUri, rowId); getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(retUri, null); if (matched == ACCOUNTS || matched == ACCOUNTS_ID) { broadcastAccountChange(rowId); } if (matched == CALLLOGS || matched == CALLLOGS_ID) { db.delete(SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME, CallLog.Calls._ID + " IN " + "(SELECT " + CallLog.Calls._ID + " FROM " + SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME + " ORDER BY " + CallLog.Calls.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER + " LIMIT -1 OFFSET 500)", null); } if (matched == ACCOUNTS_STATUS || matched == ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID) { broadcastRegistrationChange(rowId); } if (matched == FILTERS || matched == FILTERS_ID) { Filter.resetCache(); } return retUri; } throw new SQLException("Failed to insert row into " + uri); }
From source
private void setFavourites() { if (isFavourite) { showUnFavourites();/*w ww . j av a 2 s. co m*/ int rowDeleted = getContext().getContentResolver().delete(MovieContract.Movie.CONTENT_URI, MovieContract.Movie.COLUMN_MOVIE_ID + "= ?", new String[] { String.valueOf(moviesResponseBean.getId()) }); if (rowDeleted > 0) { showSnackBar("Removed " + moviesResponseBean.getTitle() + " from favourites"); } } else { showFavourites(); Uri rowUri = getContext().getContentResolver().insert(MovieContract.Movie.CONTENT_URI, values); long rowId = ContentUris.parseId(rowUri); if (rowId > 0) { showSnackBar("Added " + moviesResponseBean.getTitle() + " to favourites"); } } }
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private void setShareIntent() { if (mShareActionProvider != null) { long rawContactId = ContentUris.parseId(mLookupUri); Uri shareUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(RawContacts.CONTENT_VCARD_URI, rawContactId); // (RawContacts.CONTENT_VCARD_URI, lookupKey); final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType("text/x-vcard"); // RawContacts.CONTENT_VCARD_TYPE is not supported by standard Bluetooth sender app // intent.setType(RawContacts.CONTENT_VCARD_TYPE); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, shareUri); mShareActionProvider.setShareIntent(intent); }// ww w. jav a 2 s.c om }