List of usage examples for android.content ContentUris parseId
public static long parseId(Uri contentUri)
From source
public Uri add() throws CalendarStorageException { BatchOperation batch = new BatchOperation(calendar.provider); final int idxEvent = add(batch); batch.commit();// w w w. ja v a2s . co m Uri uri = batch.getResult(idxEvent).uri; id = ContentUris.parseId(uri); return uri; }
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/** * Helper method to handle insertion of a new location in the weather database. * * @param locationSetting The location string used to request updates from the server. * @param cityName A human-readable city name, e.g "Mountain View" * @param lat the latitude of the city/*from w w w . j a v a2 s . c om*/ * @param lon the longitude of the city * @return the row ID of the added location. */ long addLocation(String locationSetting, String cityName, double lat, double lon) { long locationId; // First, check if the location with this city name exists in the db Cursor locationCursor = this.getContentResolver().query(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { WeatherContract.LocationEntry._ID }, WeatherContract.LocationEntry.COLUMN_LOCATION_SETTING + " = ?", new String[] { locationSetting }, null); if (locationCursor.moveToFirst()) { int locationIdIndex = locationCursor.getColumnIndex(WeatherContract.LocationEntry._ID); locationId = locationCursor.getLong(locationIdIndex); } else { // Now that the content provider is set up, inserting rows of data is pretty simple. // First create a ContentValues object to hold the data you want to insert. ContentValues locationValues = new ContentValues(); // Then add the data, along with the corresponding name of the data type, // so the content provider knows what kind of value is being inserted. locationValues.put(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.COLUMN_CITY_NAME, cityName); locationValues.put(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.COLUMN_LOCATION_SETTING, locationSetting); locationValues.put(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.COLUMN_COORD_LAT, lat); locationValues.put(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.COLUMN_COORD_LONG, lon); // Finally, insert location data into the database. Uri insertedUri = this.getContentResolver().insert(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.CONTENT_URI, locationValues); // The resulting URI contains the ID for the row. Extract the locationId from the Uri. locationId = ContentUris.parseId(insertedUri); } locationCursor.close(); // Wait, that worked? Yes! return locationId; }
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private long insertLocationInDatabase(String locationSetting, String cityName, double lat, double lon) { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "inserting " + cityName + ", with coord: " + lat + ", " + lon); // First, check if the location with this city name exists in the db Cursor cursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query(LocationEntry.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { LocationEntry._ID }, LocationEntry.COLUMN_LOCATION_SETTING + " = ?", new String[] { locationSetting }, null); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Found it in the database!"); int locationIdIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(LocationEntry._ID); return cursor.getLong(locationIdIndex); } else {// w w w .j a v m Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Didn't find it in the database, inserting now!"); ContentValues locationValues = new ContentValues(); locationValues.put(LocationEntry.COLUMN_LOCATION_SETTING, locationSetting); locationValues.put(LocationEntry.COLUMN_CITY_NAME, cityName); locationValues.put(LocationEntry.COLUMN_COORD_LAT, lat); locationValues.put(LocationEntry.COLUMN_COORD_LONG, lon); Uri locationInsertUri = mContext.getContentResolver().insert(LocationEntry.CONTENT_URI, locationValues); return ContentUris.parseId(locationInsertUri); } }
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@UiThread private void tryToMoveToNextPage() { Timber.i("FAB clicked on page %d", mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); if (mViewPager.getCurrentItem() == HELP_FRAGMENT_ID) { startMainActivity();// w w w .j a va 2 s . c o m return; } DataForm formFragment = (DataForm) mPagerAdapter.getFragment(mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); if (formFragment == null) { // Skipping move forward when doing onRestoreInstanceState return; } if (formFragment.hasValidData()) { switch (mViewPager.getCurrentItem()) { case WELCOME_FRAGMENT_ID: moveToNextPage(); break; case USER_FRAGMENT_ID: { mUserUri = formFragment.saveData(); moveToNextPage(); break; } case PORTAL_FRAGMENT_ID: { PortalDetailFragment portalDetailFragment = (PortalDetailFragment) formFragment; ((PortalDetailFragment) formFragment).saveAndTestData(); mActiveToast = Toast.makeText(this, R.string.portal_checking_portal_data, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);; mSwipeRefreshLayout.setRefreshing(true); break; } case CREDENTIALS_FRAGMENT_ID: { CredentialDetailFragment credentialDetailFragment = (CredentialDetailFragment) formFragment; Uri credentialUri = credentialDetailFragment.saveData(); mValidatedCredentialId = ContentUris.parseId(credentialUri); // Start plugin SyncHandler.startFullSync(this); mActiveToast = Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), R.string.credential_detail_checking_credential_data, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);; mSwipeRefreshLayout.setRefreshing(true); break; } default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported page " + mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); } } }
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/** * creates a new androidCalendar/*from ww w. j a v a 2s.c o m*/ * @param serverCalendar * @param index * @param context * @return the new androidCalendar or null if fails */ private DavCalendar createNewAndroidCalendar(DavCalendar serverCalendar, int index, android.content.Context context) { Uri newUri = null; DavCalendar Result = null; final ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(DavCalendar.URI, serverCalendar.getURI().toString()); contentValues.put(DavCalendar.SERVERURL, this.ServerUrl); contentValues.put(Calendars.VISIBLE, 1); contentValues.put(Calendars.CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME, serverCalendar.getCalendarDisplayName()); contentValues.put(Calendars.ACCOUNT_NAME,; contentValues.put(Calendars.ACCOUNT_TYPE, mAccount.type); contentValues.put(Calendars.OWNER_ACCOUNT,; contentValues.put(Calendars.SYNC_EVENTS, 1); contentValues.put(Calendars.CALENDAR_ACCESS_LEVEL, Calendars.CAL_ACCESS_OWNER); if (!serverCalendar.getCalendarColorAsString().equals("")) { contentValues.put(Calendars.CALENDAR_COLOR, serverCalendar.getCalendarColor()); } else { // find a color //int index = mList.size(); index = index % CalendarColors.colors.length; contentValues.put(Calendars.CALENDAR_COLOR, CalendarColors.colors[index]); } try { newUri = mProvider.insert(asSyncAdapter(Calendars.CONTENT_URI,, mAccount.type), contentValues); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // it is possible that this calendar already exists but the provider failed to find it within isCalendarExist() // the adapter would try to create a new calendar but the provider fails again to create a new calendar. if (newUri != null) { long newCalendarId = ContentUris.parseId(newUri); Cursor cur = null; Uri uri = Calendars.CONTENT_URI; String selection = "(" + Calendars._ID + " = ?)"; String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { String.valueOf(newCalendarId) }; // Submit the query and get a Cursor object back. try { cur = mProvider.query(uri, null, selection, selectionArgs, null); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (cur != null) { while (cur.moveToNext()) { Result = new DavCalendar(mAccount, mProvider, cur, this.Source, this.ServerUrl); Result.foundServerSide = true; } cur.close(); //if (Result != null) // this.mList.add(Result); } Log.i(TAG, "New calendar created : URI=" + Result.getAndroidCalendarUri()); NotificationsHelper.signalSyncErrors(context, "CalDAV Sync Adapter", "new calendar found: " + Result.getCalendarDisplayName()); mNotifyList.add(Result.getAndroidCalendarUri()); } return Result; }
From source
private long addLocation(String locationSetting, String cityName, double lat, double lon) { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "inserting " + cityName + ", with coord: " + lat + ", " + lon); // First, check if the location with this city name exists in the db Cursor cursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { WeatherContract.LocationEntry._ID }, WeatherContract.LocationEntry.COLUMN_LOCATION_SETTING + " = ?", new String[] { locationSetting }, null);// ww w .ja va 2 s .c om if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Found it in the database!"); int locationIdIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(WeatherContract.LocationEntry._ID); return cursor.getLong(locationIdIndex); } else { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Didn't find it in the database, inserting now!"); ContentValues locationValues = new ContentValues(); locationValues.put(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.COLUMN_LOCATION_SETTING, locationSetting); locationValues.put(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.COLUMN_CITY_NAME, cityName); locationValues.put(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.COLUMN_COORD_LAT, lat); locationValues.put(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.COLUMN_COORD_LONG, lon); Uri locationInsertUri = mContext.getContentResolver().insert(WeatherContract.LocationEntry.CONTENT_URI, locationValues); return ContentUris.parseId(locationInsertUri); } }
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/** * Returns all DbIdentities owned by the current user *//*from w w w. jav a 2s.c om*/ public List<DbIdentity> users(Uri feedUri) { Uri uri; if (feedUri == null) { uri = uriForDir(DbThing.IDENTITY); } else { long feedId = ContentUris.parseId(feedUri); uri = uriForItem(DbThing.MEMBER, feedId); } String selection = DbIdentity.COL_OWNED + " = 1"; String[] selectionArgs = null; String sortOrder = null; Cursor c = mContext.getContentResolver().query(uri, DbIdentity.COLUMNS, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); try { List<DbIdentity> identities = new LinkedList<DbIdentity>(); if (c == null || c.getCount() == 0) { Log.w(TAG, "no local user for feed " + feedUri, new Throwable()); return identities; } while (c.moveToNext()) { DbIdentity id = DbIdentity.fromStandardCursor(mContext, c); identities.add(id); } return identities; } finally { if (c != null) { c.close(); } } }
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/** * Insert new system contacts, delete orphaned app contacts, and synchronise any changes to * existing./* w w w. ja v a2s . co m*/ */ private void refreshContacts(Context context, ContentProviderClient cp) throws RemoteException { /* get system contacts */ String[] proj = { Email.ADDRESS, ContactsContract.Contacts.LOOKUP_KEY, RawContacts.CONTACT_ID, ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME }; String sel = Email.IN_VISIBLE_GROUP + " = 1 AND " + Email.ADDRESS + " <> ?"; String[] args = { Accounts.selected().name }; EasyCursor sys = new EasyCursor(cr().query(Email.CONTENT_URI, proj, sel, args, Email.ADDRESS)); /* get app contacts */ proj = new String[] { Contacts.EMAIL, Contacts.ANDROID_LOOKUP_KEY, Contacts.ANDROID_ID, Contacts.NAME, _ID, Contacts.FOLLOWING, Contacts.STATUS_ID }; sel = Contacts.EMAIL + " IS NOT NULL"; EasyCursor app = new EasyCursor(cp.query(CONTACTS_URI, proj, sel, null, Contacts.EMAIL)); /* compare and sync */ ContentValues vals = new ContentValues(); for (CursorJoiner.Result result : new CursorJoiner(sys, new String[] { Email.ADDRESS }, app, new String[] { Contacts.EMAIL })) { switch (result) { case LEFT: // new system contact, insert into app contacts String email = sys.getString(Email.ADDRESS); String hash = BaseEncoding.base64() .encode(Hashing.sha512().hashString(email.toLowerCase(ENGLISH), UTF_8).asBytes()); long id = Contacts.idForHash(hash); // do we have this contact and not know it? /* insert or update values */ vals.put(Contacts.ANDROID_LOOKUP_KEY, sys.getString(ContactsContract.Contacts.LOOKUP_KEY)); vals.put(Contacts.ANDROID_ID, sys.getLong(RawContacts.CONTACT_ID)); String name = sys.getString(ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME); vals.put(Contacts.NAME, name); vals.put(Contacts.NORMALISED_NAME, SQLite.normalise(name)); vals.put(Contacts.EMAIL, email); if (id <= 0) { vals.put(Contacts.EMAIL_HASH, hash); vals.put(Contacts.COLOR, Contacts.defaultColor()); id = ContentUris.parseId(cp.insert(CONTACTS_URI, vals)); } else { cp.update(ContentUris.withAppendedId(CONTACTS_URI, id), vals, null, null); } if (id > 0) { context.startService(new Intent(context, FriendColorService.class) .putExtra(FriendColorService.EXTRA_ID, id)); } break; case RIGHT: // orphaned app contact, delete unless user is following if (app.getInt(Contacts.FOLLOWING) == 0 && app.getInt(Contacts.STATUS_ID) == { vals.put(Contacts.STATUS_ID,; vals.put(Contacts.DIRTY, 1); cp.update(Uris.appendId(CONTACTS_URI, app), vals, null, null); } break; case BOTH: // matching contacts, update details in app if needed String s = sys.getString(ContactsContract.Contacts.LOOKUP_KEY); if (!s.equals(app.getString(Contacts.ANDROID_LOOKUP_KEY))) { vals.put(Contacts.ANDROID_LOOKUP_KEY, s); } long l = sys.getLong(RawContacts.CONTACT_ID); if (l != app.getLong(Contacts.ANDROID_ID)) { vals.put(Contacts.ANDROID_ID, l); } s = sys.getString(ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME); if (!s.equals(app.getString(Contacts.NAME))) { vals.put(Contacts.NAME, s); vals.put(Contacts.NORMALISED_NAME, SQLite.normalise(s)); } if (app.getInt(Contacts.STATUS_ID) == { vals.put(Contacts.STATUS_ID,; vals.put(Contacts.DIRTY, 1); } if (vals.size() > 0) { cp.update(Uris.appendId(CONTACTS_URI, app), vals, null, null); context.startService(new Intent(context, FriendColorService.class) .putExtra(FriendColorService.EXTRA_ID, app.getLong(_ID))); } break; } vals.clear(); } sys.close(); app.close(); }
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private ContentValues ReadAttendeeProperties(Property property, String Type) { ContentValues Attendee = null;/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ ParameterList Parameters = property.getParameters(); Parameter CN = Parameters.getParameter(Cn.CN); Parameter ROLE = Parameters.getParameter(Role.ROLE); Parameter CUTYPE = Parameters.getParameter(CuType.CUTYPE); //Parameter RSVP = Parameters.getParameter("RSVP"); Parameter PARTSTAT = Parameters.getParameter(PartStat.PARTSTAT); String strCN = ""; String strROLE = ""; String strCUTYPE = ""; String strValue = property.getValue().replace("mailto:", ""); String strPARTSTAT = ""; if (strValue.startsWith(mstrcIcalPropertyError)) { strValue = strValue.replace(mstrcIcalPropertyError, ""); try { strValue = URLDecoder.decode(strValue, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (CN != null) strCN = CN.getValue(); if (ROLE != null) strROLE = ROLE.getValue(); if (CUTYPE != null) strCUTYPE = CUTYPE.getValue(); if (PARTSTAT != null) strPARTSTAT = PARTSTAT.getValue(); if (strCN.equals("")) { if (!strValue.equals("")) { strCN = strValue; } } if (!strCN.equals("")) { if (strCUTYPE.equals("") || strCUTYPE.equals("INDIVIDUAL")) { Attendee = new ContentValues(); Attendee.put(Attendees.EVENT_ID, ContentUris.parseId(mAndroidEventUri)); Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_NAME, strCN); Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_EMAIL, strValue); if (strROLE.equals("OPT-PARTICIPANT")) Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_TYPE, Attendees.TYPE_OPTIONAL); else if (strROLE.equals("NON-PARTICIPANT")) Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_TYPE, Attendees.TYPE_NONE); else if (strROLE.equals("REQ-PARTICIPANT")) Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_TYPE, Attendees.TYPE_REQUIRED); else if (strROLE.equals("CHAIR")) Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_TYPE, Attendees.TYPE_REQUIRED); else Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_TYPE, Attendees.TYPE_NONE); if (Type.equals(Property.ATTENDEE)) Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_RELATIONSHIP, Attendees.RELATIONSHIP_ATTENDEE); else if (Type.equals(Property.ORGANIZER)) Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_RELATIONSHIP, Attendees.RELATIONSHIP_ORGANIZER); else Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_RELATIONSHIP, Attendees.RELATIONSHIP_NONE); if (strPARTSTAT.equals(PartStat.NEEDS_ACTION.getValue())) Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS, Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_INVITED); else if (strPARTSTAT.equals(PartStat.ACCEPTED.getValue())) Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS, Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_ACCEPTED); else if (strPARTSTAT.equals(PartStat.DECLINED.getValue())) Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS, Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_DECLINED); else if (strPARTSTAT.equals(PartStat.COMPLETED.getValue())) Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS, Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_NONE); else if (strPARTSTAT.equals(PartStat.TENTATIVE.getValue())) Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS, Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_TENTATIVE); else Attendee.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS, Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_INVITED); } } return Attendee; }
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@Override public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues initialValues) { int matched = URI_MATCHER.match(uri); String matchedTable = null;//from w ww.j av a 2 s. c om Uri baseInsertedUri = null; switch (matched) { case ACCOUNTS: case ACCOUNTS_ID: matchedTable = SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipProfile.ACCOUNT_ID_URI_BASE; break; case CALLLOGS: case CALLLOGS_ID: matchedTable = SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipManager.CALLLOG_ID_URI_BASE; break; case FILTERS: case FILTERS_ID: matchedTable = SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipManager.FILTER_ID_URI_BASE; break; case MESSAGES: case MESSAGES_ID: matchedTable = SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipMessage.MESSAGE_ID_URI_BASE; break; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID: long id = ContentUris.parseId(uri); synchronized (profilesStatus) { SipProfileState ps = new SipProfileState(); if (profilesStatus.containsKey(id)) { ContentValues currentValues = profilesStatus.get(id); ps.createFromContentValue(currentValues); } ps.createFromContentValue(initialValues); ContentValues cv = ps.getAsContentValue(); cv.put(SipProfileState.ACCOUNT_ID, id); profilesStatus.put(id, cv); Log.d(THIS_FILE, "Added " + cv); } getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null); return uri; default: break; } if (matchedTable == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNKNOWN_URI_LOG + uri); } ContentValues values; if (initialValues != null) { values = new ContentValues(initialValues); } else { values = new ContentValues(); } SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); long rowId = db.insert(matchedTable, null, values); // If the insert succeeded, the row ID exists. if (rowId >= 0) { // TODO : for inserted account register it here Uri retUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(baseInsertedUri, rowId); getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(retUri, null); if (matched == ACCOUNTS || matched == ACCOUNTS_ID) { broadcastAccountChange(rowId); } if (matched == CALLLOGS || matched == CALLLOGS_ID) { db.delete(SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME, CallLog.Calls._ID + " IN " + "(SELECT " + CallLog.Calls._ID + " FROM " + SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME + " ORDER BY " + CallLog.Calls.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER + " LIMIT -1 OFFSET 500)", null); } if (matched == ACCOUNTS_STATUS || matched == ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID) { broadcastRegistrationChange(rowId); } if (matched == FILTERS || matched == FILTERS_ID) { Filter.resetCache(); } return retUri; } throw new SQLException("Failed to insert row into " + uri); }